Reboot System Using Scheduled Task

Aug 17, 2007

Can someone tell me how to reboot a Win 2000 computer using a scheduled task? I have found posts that suggest using shutdown.exe in the System32 folder, but no such file exists on these computers. I have used shutdown.exe -r -t 00 successfully on our XP computers. There is no Windows folder, instead a WinNt folder.

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Set Scheduled Task Run

Jan 10, 2006

Task just did not run. Sometimes it reports that it did but it didn't. Each time we can run it manually but it doesn't run as scheuduled. I've deleted the task and set it all up again, but it still won't run.

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Def-rag As Scheduled Task

Jun 24, 2005

I'd like to run defrag as a scheduled task while I am asleep. Basic setup is easy. Found the command in Windows/System folder. But that just opens the defrag console. At that stage it is necessary to chose analyze or defrag. I want to set it up to automatically defrag. How do I do that?

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Run Executable Via Scheduled Task

Feb 24, 2008

Is it possible to run a executable via scheduled task?

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Scheduled Task To Run Bat File

Jul 14, 2005

I have a .bat file that backs up a few files from my local drive to the network . I want to have a scheduled task to run this bat file but when it is scheduled to run it says it runs but nothing happens nothing gets backed up onto the network? Can i have a scheduled task run a bat file?

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Unlock Pc With Scheduled Task

Jul 16, 2010

I want to set a Scheduled Task to unlock my PC every morning.

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Scheduled Task Get Activated

Aug 17, 2005

I have several items in my Scheduled Task. When I look on the window of Schedule Task, it shows 4 of the programs as Running. Nothing is happening, they just keep running and the task do not get activated.

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Scheduled Task Only Running

Aug 16, 2005

I have several items in my Scheduled Task. When I look on the window of Schedule Task, it shows 4 of the programs as Running. Nothing is happening, they just keep running.

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Deploy Scheduled Task To Many Clients

Jul 3, 2008

i have a scheduled task that have to be deployed to many clients? how can i do it? as i know we should provide password for it to run. can we scheduled task in win2000 without providing password, as i have to deploy to many clients?

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Scheduled Task Set To Open Access Database

Sep 19, 2005

Access 97 and Access 2003 installed on his machine. If a scheduled task is set to open an access database at a certain time, it will do so using whatever version of access was last opened. Is there a way to force it to always use one or the other?

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Computer Connected To Internet Run Scheduled Task

Jun 22, 2005

Run a scheduled task only when my computer is connected to the internet. I'm running eDNS, and it gives me a hostname lookup error when it's run and not connected. Is there a good way, other than just pinging a host, to determine if i'm connected in a batch file perhaps?

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Task Bar - Reboot Get Different Programs Automatically Started

Apr 3, 2006

Every time I re-boot I get different programs automatically started and placed on the task bar (Lower right on the screen). Certain programs always start, others start at different times - very confusing. Changing the start up table doesn't seem to affect the situation.

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System Reboot Even After Formated And Reinstall Operating System

Aug 15, 2006

My machine keeps rebooting, I formatted the hard disk and reinstalled xp pro and still the problem persists. what could cause a problem like this?

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Cannot Log In After Performing Scheduled Chkdsk

Jul 30, 2009

ASUS F5VL laptop running XP Pro
I used "my computer", tools to schedule a chkdsk. It asked if that should be done when the system next booted, and I then proceeded to reboot.
The chkdsk ran clean, and reported same just before Windows started. I'm now at the login screen and when I click on my user it does not open the login form. I can move the mouse pointer around but when I click the login form does not appear.Any ideas?

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Scheduled Backups Don't Occur?

Jul 24, 2005

I recently used the XP backup utility and I found that it worked fine for an immediate backup to my external USB drive but when I attempt to schedule the backup, it fails to occur.I am performing a 'normal' backup to the USB Drive and I scheduled it daily using the wizard. It appears in the calendar and looks normal and consistent with my setup but nothing happens at the appointed time. I confirmed my PC date and time were correct (no AM/PM or date error).I see no indication that it is/has attempting to perform a backup.

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Scheduled Checkdisk Freezes At 83%

Oct 29, 2007

I setup a full scan of my hard drive. Upon restart the checkdisk program starts and that is where my problem begins. It checks ok through steps 1,2,3,4 but freezes at 83% on step 5. PC is locked cannot do anything. Power off and on again, checkdisk starts again, try hitting any key to cancel but it does not recognize the keys and starts the scan over again and with same results. How can I cancel the scan and restart my windows os?

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VB Program Run From Scheduled Tasks

Sep 7, 2005

Running a VB program from Sheduled Tasks, the VB program is supposed to bring up a form with information. The program works fine when started the "normal" way but when i start it from Sheduled Tasks it does start but it does not bring up the form. You can see the program running among the processes but thats all.

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Can't Creat New Scheduled Tasks

Oct 13, 2005

I've tried in different accounts and even in the addmin account in safe mode and I always get the same error.I also get this error at home (this is my girlfriends computer) the error reads:New Task has been created, but may not run because the account info could not be sent.The specific is: 0x80041315 The task scheduler service is not running.What am I doing wrong? I've never had this problem before, is there some sort of option I need to select to get it to work?

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System Halts - Need To Reboot

Jan 10, 2005

A friend of mine is having a really hard time figuring out why her computer keeps freezing so I said I would ask you knowledgable people here. She hardly ever uses it and has almost no programs on it but just surfing the net or even poking around the desktop will freeze the computer. Nothing to do but reboot Ctrl-alt-del won't even work. She's tried spybot, adaware, hijack this, housecall etc and I checked it out myself. I'm sure there is nothing like that on her computer. So we can rule that out. She's installed a couple of RAM and HD testers all came back fine. She does have a firewire card installed and if she attempts to use it (for transferring movies) it will freeze for sure. This could be lack of RAM even though you only need 64MB (she has 256MB) as per the box requirements. Could the firewire be affecting everything else even when not in use? Could a windows file be missing? A setting somewhere perhaps? Hardware or software conflict?

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System Spontaneously Reboot

Feb 4, 2007

It has happened about 8 times. My computer will just . Is there anything I can do to try and figure out why it's doing this? All of my fans are spinning inside of my computer. I am running Windows XP Pro

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HDD Format - Reboot System

Jul 5, 2005

I had some problems with my C: drive, and a friend who knew a lot about CPU's helped me a bit, here's what he did. He came over with a restore disk from his CPU, (even though we have different cpus) and it had Norton Ghost on it....when it booted up, it acted like a normal boot disk, and asked if I wanted to restore Windows XP, right along with Formatting my disk, we clicked yes and the Ghost program started. Only, it got done with about 16% of the format, the CD itself looked like crap, with a bunch of scratches on it...nothing really serious, but serious enough to stop the format. I tried cleaning it off the best I could, but to no avail. So thinking that the format failed, we could try something else, but the drive C: was already formatted, and when I tried to start it, this is what it said, "NTLDR is missing, press control+alt+delete to reboot.

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5 Reboot On Power On Then System Is Ok

Oct 12, 2007

Daughters PC hangs ever time you boot it up , but if after approx 3 - 5 restarts it is rock solidI suspect it is a motherboard failuer on the memory but not 100% su All so the fact that it is a 1GB ram but Windows only reports 512 seems odd
OS = Windows XP with all updates I have treid memtest86 V3.3 as a boot CD and it did not report any error's at all.Tried various other diag's tools but all so no error's OS has been re-installed but again no joy.

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Win Pro Login - Reboot System

Oct 6, 2007

Would like the forum's advice on how to fix this annoyance.Win XP Pro, SP2, fully patched, firewalled, protected, runs great and boots very quickly. Once booted up, should the user leave the machine and log off, that is when the problem shows up. Using the mouse or the spacebar, the logon screen appears, the PW is entered, and then 'blank desktop'. No taskbar, no recycle bin, no keyboard or mouse function. To escape this situation, a reboot, then everything is normal.

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Recovery - Reboot System

Jul 14, 2010

I had to perform an XP recovery because of various problems. My computer is now running fairly good except for a couple of things.1. Whenever I boot the computer I get a Windows Installer box pop up trying to load SFR. It tries to gather data, gets halfway and then disappears. It does this twice before it stops trying. Sometimes it will re-appear while I try to open files. Does the same as above then stops. How can I get rid of this?

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Nothing Detected After Reboot System

Feb 16, 2005

OK I don't know where to start. When my system is rebooted I get a BSOD it goes through BIOS nothing is detected and it BSOD's. Now here is the strange part if I unplug it from power and try to boot again it comes up fine but if I try to shut it down BSOD WTF I have tried everything. BIOS has been re-flashed to latest version for my GA-7VAX MOBO and I have reloaded winXP.. I am at a complete loss as to why this is happening. Could it be my MOBO is going bad?

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System Reboot Itself Every 20 Minutes

Sep 8, 2006

Hello All, this is my first time here and I have a big problem. Last weekend, my computer began acting very slow, etc. Not too long after, the computer began to reboot itself about every 20 minutes without warning. It would just suddenly reboot, as if I'd hit the reset button. This obviously made me suspect it was a virus infection, so I restarted in Safe Mode and ran AVG. It gave me results and I hit the "Heal" button, deleting the entries.I assumed this was the end of it, but as soon as I restarted, the 20 minute reboots began to occur again. For the past few days, I've been trying to find out exactly what is wrong, but have been unable to do so. When I restart in normal mode, a message appears that says "System Has Recovered from a Serious Error". I'm hoping that you'll be able to help me out because I REALLY need that computer right now.

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Scheduled Tasks - How Can Change Default From Properties To Run?

Sep 15, 2005

Is there NO ONE who knows how to fix this: I'd like to be able to just click on a scheduled task and have it run. However the default is set to show the properties of the task. (If I just click on the task in Control Panel, the Properties of the task show) How can I change the default from Properties to Run?

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Purple Screen - Reboot The System

Feb 22, 2006

I was working on my laptop and suddenly the whole screen turn purple. there is no other color dots or anything. The whole monitor screen turns Purple color. I treid hitting Ctrl+Shift+Esc but nothing works. At last I had to reboot my computer.

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Reboot System Get Black Screen

Sep 30, 2005

When I reboot I get a black screen and it asks to to select which operating system etc, when I select windows xp and hit enter it loads ok, how can i get it to boot normally.

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System Reboot After Splash Screen

Mar 13, 2010

I have windows xp sp2 and after the splash screen the system hangs for about 1-2 minuets then reboots, i don't know the problem, i can not log in so i can't fix the problem either, so i need to know if i have to reload xp or if i just have to do something else.

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Virus Able Bug Off Pc - System.32 / Egsvr32.exe Not Reboot

Jan 26, 2008

This site is great. I was hit by a trojan last night which made its way through my avg anti virus. it was one of those virus busters trojans. i was able to get that bug off my pc but now when i boot up I get the windowssystem.32 egsvr32.exe in the box. i'm illiterate with dos. below is my log file.....

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