Programs Opening Up After Starting System

Oct 17, 2007

Toshiba Satellite M45-S355 has started opening up programs without me. All of a sudden, while working in one program, another just pops up as if I'd clicked it but I didn't. I've run Norton's AV; SpySweepter; XOftSpySe; and Ad-Aware and it's still happening.

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Program Files Folder Opening On Starting Operating System?

Aug 25, 2005

I have a problem that is more irritating than serious. Every time Windows XP starts a window opens displaying the contents of the folder Program Files. It doesn't take more than a second or two to close the window but I find it frustrating that I am unable to prevent it from happening. I suspect that the answer lies somewhere in the Register but I have no idea where.

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Stop TSR Programs Starting On System Boot

Dec 14, 2009

Has anyone got an idea of how i can permanently stop TSR's (systems started processes) from starting on system boot? System is XP

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System Stucks While Opening Enough Programs

May 21, 2007

My problem is that sometimes, when i have enough programs or firefox windows opened, i cannot open any more programs, right click on the desktop, or ctrl+alt+del. I do it and nothing happens. Its like i run out of ram. I have to close down one program to open up another. I have 1gb of ram. I dont think its a ram problem because most of the time i can open way more stuff and not expereince this weird effect. The only way to fix it is to restart my computer sometimes.

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On Starting Computer - Too Many Running Programs.

Feb 15, 2007

My problem is when I start up the computer, I have too many running programs. When I log on and all I want to do is load my desk top and click on AOL, I have all these programs I need to click thru til I can actually get to the process of getting on the internet. I thought I could go to start menu - control panel - start menu and select what I wanted to start running when I logged on to the computer, I don't see anything there that will allow me to not have spybot, spysweeper, aim, yahoo start running when I log on. I know I researched this before but cannot for the life of me remember how to start up my computer and stop all these processes from running and holding me up

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Stop Unneeded Programs From Starting Up

Jan 19, 2007

I have Windows XP and there are apparently a lot of programs starting up that don't need to be. (I remember when I had another version of Windows that allowed me to see what the heck was running in the background easier than the XP does--make sense?). Anyway, I think that I'm having too many programs starting up and running in the background that don't need to be. I am sure that this has been asked on this forum a bazillion times, and I've searched but I can't seem to find the answer to my question. How do I stop all of these programs from running in the background?

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None Of Programs Are Opening

Jun 6, 2007

When I came on the computer today, the first thing that came up was a warning from Lavasoft Ad-Aware telling me something about a regkey being modified and then it said Allow or Block. I figured it was a bad thing, so I clicked block and went on. My Firefox was working fine. However, when I went to open my iTunes, nothing happened. The only program working for me was Firefox. So, I restarted my computer and all of my icons to different programs showed up as errors (I don't know if that's the right word, but none of them would open). So, since I couldn't run any of my anti-virus programs to do a scan, I went online and ran the Trend Micro House Call scan. But, each time I do it, it gets to a certain point and then my taskbar disappears and I can't get it back.I've tried searching everywhere for a solution but they all require me downloading something which doesn't work since I can't open any windows.

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Getting High Usage At Startup And Starting Programs?

Oct 28, 2007

Whenever I startup, the computer usage runs way up to 80-100% and it takes forever to start a program. It immidiately starts this whenever I just turn the computer on, and I hear it because the sound that Windows makes at startup gets scratchy and stutters. Once it has started up, if I click on iTunes (for example), once the program pops up and I click on Play, every song stutters. It stutters only at the beginning and then it smooths out, but it does it for every single song played.

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Jan 8, 2008

I need to access the ALL PROGRAMS menu, but the funny thing is that I can NOT open the start menu. a shortcut to opening that

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Add/Remove Programs Program Not Opening

Jul 6, 2005

I just click on it and the hour glass goes a moment and stops

XP Home on a Dell Inspiron laptop

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Programs Opening And Closing Simultaneously

Jun 12, 2006

After I am on the computer for a few hours usually, my computer flickers with different task. computer closes all programs, then opens up Start Menu, then opens up like 2 or 3 programs, then closes, it does all this within like 5 secs, i mean it does it very keeps on opening and closing different programs simultaneously. Then only way i can stop the programs from opening and closing and my computer from flickering is to press CTRL+ATL+DEL.

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Computer Opening And Closing Programs On It's Own

Dec 9, 2005

My computer started acting like it was possessed! The numlock and scroll lock keys beep and light up on and off continuosly; if I try to open any Windows programs, ALL of the Windows programs start to pop open all over the desktop; it won't even dial the internet connection, so I can't get online. It won't go on standby by itself, and if I choose standby on the shutdown menu, it goes into standby for about 5 minutes and then goes back to the desktop, even after I've logged off!

I am able to open any games or programs that aren't Microsoft without other programs popping open, but the numlock and scroll lock keys still flash and beep all the time.
I have Earthlink ISP and use their anti-virus, pop-up blocker, spyblocker, spam filter, and firewall, along with Ad-aware and Xoftspy. No viruses or spyware are found when I run them.

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Constant Delay Opening Programs

Nov 13, 2006

My computer has a constant delay opening programs for the first time. For example, I'll open Internet Explorer (or any program) and my computer will take 30 minutes to open it. While it's doing that, I can hear my computer "working" which sounds like a grinding noise. Programs on either my C or D drive do this, so it doesn't seem like a problem with my hard drive. I can't do anything (or very little) while it's opening something. Task Manager won't open, for example. I've done a spyware/virus check and there is nothing. It's not a slow computer. It has 1gig of RAM and more than 2.6Ghz. This didn't use to happen.

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Slow Computer When Opening Programs

Jul 10, 2005

computer runs slow when i open programs, usually when i go to something in my 2nd hard dirve (d:) ran all the recommended spy and adware, but here the hijack log, i defragmented both of my drives and about to do a scan disk.

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Flash DOS Window Comes Upon Opening Programs

Oct 6, 2007

When I try to do several things (such as click Settings/Control Panel/System or Settings/Control Panel/Add Remove Programs) I get the DOS shell window flash for 1/8 sec or so and nothing else. If I read correctly this is flashing an error message too quickly to read or something along those lines.. I'm guessing this was caused by a program I used to overclock my system a while back or one I used to customize some setting or other and I don't remember exactly which one.

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PC Is Slow In Opening Loading Programs

Nov 15, 2006

I was wondering why or if anyone knew why a PC is slow in opening/loading programs. For instance it takes awhile before my Norton loads on my screen and my IncrediMail takes a while before it starts/loads too.

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Opening Programs Takes Lots Of Time?

Mar 22, 2008

it enters a kind of loading spasm which can go on for several minutes, making this repeating, rhythmic pattern of loading noises, before everything goes back to normal. Foxit Reader and McAfee Security Center are the worst, but right after booting most programs cause it, as does merely logging on which now takes about ten minutes. It doesn't exactly make the computer unusable but it's incredibly frustrating. Outside of the spasms it's perfectly normal.

I haven't installed anything recently, except for a demo of Penumbra: Black Plague which I've since uninstalled . I have very little free hard disk space (1.5 GB of a 60 GB disk) but that's been the case for some time, while this only began a few days ago. I've done full scans with Ad-Aware, Spybot and McAfee which turned up nothing more than a few tracking cookies. I'll paste a HijackThis log if someone reckons it'd be of use, but I'm uncertain whether this is a malware problem (hence my not posting this in the malware section). It's occurred to me to just format and reinstall windows, but perhaps there's a likely simpler solution?

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PC Freezes After Opening START MENU / ALL Programs

Aug 23, 2005

After launching Start Menu and then All Programs button my PC will freeze up if I move my mouse off of the Program columns to desktop on the right.I did not have this problem when the PC was new. I believe it happen after a automatic download

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Add Or Remove Programs Give Error On Opening

Feb 17, 2009

I have Windows XP on a Sony Vaio, model VGN-FS640. When I click on Add or Remove Programs, I get this message: Windows cannot find 'C:WINDOWSsystem 32undll32.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try again. Then it discusses searching for a file. Until recently I have been able to use Add or Remove. The only thing I have done recently that I can think of is use Spyware Detector and Reg. Cure. At the same time, another problem developed, which I'm including, as maybe they are related: I have Belarc Advisor on my computer. I was going to open it, but I got this message under Sharing Session title, "The destination address is not valid. Check the address and try again." Error

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Computer Response Is Slow While Opening Programs

Aug 9, 2008

I'm not sure what's wrong but it takes like 1 min to open a document, or to start up a program. I'm not quite sure how to fix it, because I'm not quite sure what's wrong.It started happening like a week ago... So my computer didn't start out like this

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Picture & Fax Viewer Preventing Programs From Opening.

Aug 18, 2005

I am running Windows XP Home with all the latest updates. The computer started normal today. Then within a couple of minutes it rebooted itself. When I went to open certain programs the picture and fax viewer screen comes up saying "No Preview Available." I am unable to get into my Nortons Anti-Virus, System Restore, certain parts of my control panel, etc. I keep getting the same screen as if all programs are now being viewed by the "Viewer" before they can be opened. Some of the programs will open.

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Dual Monitor / Programs Opening In Wrong One

Jul 18, 2008

I recently set up dual monitors which has been such a help in my work, but a somewhat annoying feature is that my firefox and a few other programs insist in opening in the wrong monitor.I've tried closing them from the correct one, maximizing & closing, saving session (in FF), and other things but I'm out of ideas.

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Weird Mouse Jumping All Over - Random Opening Programs

Aug 11, 2008

there my computer has developed this problem of the mouse leaping around and randomly opening and closing programs. It has only been a problem in the last couple of months or so.Someone suggested I had a virus but virus checker has not revealed anything. I have just changed to macafee virus in case the free one was missing something and the problem appears worse now. This is the third time I've started this message.

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Unable To Cleanup The Computer: Opening Programs Shutting Down Itself?

Apr 19, 2005

I've recently started worrying about spyware and viruses now my connection is being leeched by some outside source.I started downloading programs to remove spyware, viruses, and trojans.I open certain programs, they are shut down immediately. I experience the same problem with msconfig. I have a feeling that it's a virus trying to keep me from running programs which could find and delete it.I cannot run msconfig, TDS-03, The Cleaner, Norton Anti-virus, or HiJack This unless I am in safe mode. AdAwareSE and Spybot:S&D do work and I have used them to fix all problems that they found.

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Opening Add/Remove Programs Taking Long To Load?

Nov 23, 2007

I always wondered if there is something wrong with my add/remove programs. When I open Add/Remove programs, it takes like 2-3 minutes until it loads. Should It take this long? How can I fix this?

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Computer Is Running So Slow: Opening Programs Take Long Time?

Feb 2, 2006

when i load windows its slow and when i click on a icon or program it takes ages to open

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Programs Opening On Single Mouse Clisk Instead Of Double Click

Dec 5, 2005

Today I turned my computer on and everything was ok but my mouse. It double clicks on a single click. Like to open IE on my desktop i only clik it once and it opens

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Add Remove Programs Program Not Opening - Hour Glass Quickly Dies

Jul 10, 2005

hour glass just quickly dies on it

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Computer Running Slow: Taking Long Time For Startup & Opening Programs?

Aug 15, 2006

Our family computer is running like a slug. It takes forever to startup and open programs and the hard drive activity light is always on. It also uses up a lot of RAM for some reason but the CPU usage is normal. I have another hard drive that is in a removable tray that I use, and that has all the same settings and everything, but that one is using a fraction of the RAM and runs pretty good!

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System Restore Without Starting Xp?

Nov 13, 2008

How do I do a system restore if I can't get xp to start. It only gets as far as the window that shows when "Windows is starting" except that those words do not come up. It just sits there. I installed a program last night and this has now happened. I do have a "Spotmau" recovery disk. But don't know how to get to restore.

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No Disk - On Starting The System

Nov 25, 2006

I get this error, Windows - No Disk There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive .
every time I start my computer. If I disable the devices under storage volume, generic volume, which I believe is my 8-1 card reader it doesn't give me this error. It hasn't always done this. It started recently.

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