Power Schemes Change Themselves

Sep 4, 2007

I have reset my power settings, many times, to never turn off. I have tried setting a special scheme. I have reset rcgfrestore.reg, and savesettings.reg per KellysKorner items # 204 right, and #30. After going online for a while, "turn off monitor" changes from "never" to "15 minutes", and "turn off hard drive" changes from "never" to "1 hour". So far, I am unable to determine what triggers this change.I am using XP MCE, fully updated with Athlon 64 3500.

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Power Schemes Are Missing From Power Options

Nov 19, 2004

I'm running WinXP pro and have lost all the reguler power schemes from the power options propreties window. Also I'm unable to Save a new scheme.I beleive the schemes where deleted from the power properties window by right clicking and selecting delete. They used to be there anyway Unknown is listed above Turn off monitor-Turn off hard disks-System standby-System hibernates and everything is greyed out. They are still listed in the registry but with no value set.How do I go about getting the schemes back?

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Lost Power Schemes

Jan 8, 2008

Normally I would go to the control panel, then hit display, then screen saver. At the bottom there is a butten to control power. I used to have several options as to when to go stand by etc. It is all gone. Can someone tell me how to get that back. It is running one of the schemes now but there is nothing shown. This is on XP.

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Power Schemes Missing?

Aug 8, 2005

I am not sure how this happened, but it did anyway. During my problem with system restore, I created my own power scheme called test. I have noticed that I am missing some power schemes now when I try to access them using the power options choice on control panel. I am missing "always on" "presentation" "minimal power management" and "max battery".I don't know why they don't appear in the drop down menu under power schemes as "home/office" and "portable/laptop" and my "test" schemes are there.I have found these schemes exist in my registry in several locations by typing "powercfg" in the registry editor.Hopefully someone will know how to restore them. Is there an *.inf file to right click to reinstall? I found a bunch, just not sure which one it might be.

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Power Schemes Not Working?

Jul 28, 2006

When I go into control panel power options power schemes, it shows blank inside the box, I couldn't set my time to turn off, standby etc.

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Can't Activate Power Schemes

Dec 18, 2006

i can't adjust my power schemes in my power options--i've got my monitor shutting itself off after 10 minutes, always have , just recently got a new 3d screen saver and tried to adjust the shut off time & i can't change any of the setting in power schemes. where it usually has the option home / office / laptop, etc its black and won't let me adjust anything seems strange.

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Have No Option With Power Schemes

Sep 1, 2010

i need to restore power schemes/configurations" my compuer goes to sleep i have no control to change options at power schemes.

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Loss Of Power Schemes Options

Sep 5, 2005

I have lost the selections of different power schemes. How can I retrieve these?

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Power Schemes Across User Profiles

Apr 5, 2005

How do you copy power schemes for one profile (the Admin or Setup profile) across all profiles that log on to that machine. Users are created in the standard folders under documents and settings, however their windows settings seem to be setup via some sort of profile creation script that windows uses. I have tried copying profile information from the setup profile to default and all users profiles... but it seems to make no difference. What I am looking to do is to keep all users profiles constantly ON, instead of standby after 20 min without changing each profile each time a new one is created.

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Power Schemes Stopped Working

Sep 28, 2006

Power Schemes stopped working - no longer turn off screen or system..I recently reinstalled XP and got the latest update.I've noticed that my Power Schemes no longer work, no matter which settings I use. Also, there are timers for "Turn off Monitor" and "Turn off Hard Disks", but the "Turn off Computer" is no longer there.

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Power Schemes In Drop Down Menu Were Deleted

Apr 11, 2005

I am running windows XP Professional Edition,My Power Schemes In the drop down menu were deleted such as Always On, Max Battery, Home/Office Desk;etc and nothing that I have done can get them back they are totally blank. Even where you would set the minutes to turn off monitor, Hard disks, and System hibernate are completely blank and greyed out Therefore My Computer Will not go down when I leave it. Does anyone have any input on how I can rectify this problem? It also will not allow me to Type in a scheme and use the" Save As" Option.

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Monitor Stay Off In Power Schemes Options

Jan 16, 2008

I searched around the forums and didnt find any thread relating to my problem. I searched around the internet as well and found similiar issues but none with a solid solution. I was hoping to find one here. My problem deals with the Power Scheme in Windows XP Pro SP2. When I try to set the amount of time before my monitor turns off, it doesnt work properly. After the specified time has elapsed, the monitor would go dark and it would say "Monitor is going into sleep mode" which is normal for my monitor (HP f2105 wide flat screen lcd). But then just as it sleeps, about 1 second later, my windows desktop appears like it never went to sleep at all. When I move my mouse I notice my desktop flickers for a split second.Similiar threads on the net suggested there were some third party programs that is keeping my system active or things like my mouse sensitivity moving etc. I tried removing all my perperphials but it still doesnt seem to work.

I recently reformatted my machine and installed the essentional programs/windows updates/etc. I run on a ATI X1950 PRO 512MB video card and installed the new Catalyst 7.12 software package for my drivers. Everything was working perfectly. The Monitor turn off option even worked then.... until I noticed this new driver package seems to be a bit buggy. My monitor would turn black as I would be viewing videos off the internet with my WMP or whatever Im using and all I am left to do is reset by pressing my power button or switching the PSU button (Although strangely, 3D applications ran flawlessly).So I got an earlier version Catalyst 7.10 and installed that and everything is working awesome again... execpt the Power Scheme mode to turn off my monitor. I am unclear on why it would be doing this by just installing another set of drivers for my video card. I am assuming there is some mix up in some file somewhere thats still being used, but thats just pure guessing now.

I recall even before I reformatted I had the *SAME* issue. I was using video drivers 7.8 or so without any problems and decided to update to the latest 7.12 and thats when I *FIRST* noticed that power scheme monitor turn off didnt work any longer. So I decided it was time to do a fresh clean install and I used the Catalyst 7.12 and it worked with the power scheme option. Its this transition between drivers or something... or perhaps ATIs drivers are faultly at the moment and it'll fix itself with future updates... but then again other people around the net with similiar problems didnt have ATI video cards, they had Nvidia.I am assuming it has to do with my video drivers somehow since thats the last thing I installed/changed before the problem appeared. I went into MSCONFIG and diagnostic startup and checked to see if my power scheme monitor turn off worked there and it did..I was hoping to find an easier solution rather then narrowing down each and every startup application/services in MSCONFIG and then figuring out why its doing this all just to turn off my monitor.

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Change Power Supply Unit

Nov 2, 2006

I last night I turned off my computer for the night and this morning it wouldn't turn on. I checked the power cord and the power strip and everything looks fine. It looks like I have to replace the power supply unless someone has other suggestions. My question is, since I may have to replace my power supply, is it safe to replace it with one that is more than twice the wattage of the one that's in there now.

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Desktop Manager For Power Users Must Have Power Toys

Aug 12, 2002

Desktop Manager allows you to switch between multiple desktops creating more elbow room for those who like to stay organized while pushing the max thread limit.1. First grab XP PowerToys from microsoft.com Once installed right click then check: task bar > toolbars > Desktop ManagerYou may now view up to four new desktops. I prefer not to have "Shared Desktops" on as it reminds me more of linux (and is cleaner).Now you may hide the buttons etc. and use Windows key + 1-4 to switch between desktops and Windows key + v to preview.

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Download New Sound Schemes?

Jul 15, 2005

how do you download new sound schemes?

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Adding Color Schemes

Sep 15, 2005

Windows XP has only three color schemes to choose from. I wondered if there was a way to add new color schemes (and for that matter, a place to specifically find new color schemes) without installing software like Style XP or WindowBlinds. I just want to configure the color scheme, not everything else. Can this be done?

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WIndows Color Schemes

Apr 15, 2007

Is their any way to change the windows color schemes. Im sick of the three colors blue, silver, and green. Can someone tell me how to get more colors. (I just want new colors not a whole new theme).

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Is There Site - Can Download More Color Schemes Theme

Dec 1, 2006

Is there a site or something that i can go to and download more color schemes for the windows XP style theme, where i dont have to download extra software.... such as windowsblinds?

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Home SP2 Sound Schemes Stopped Working

Sep 10, 2005

My sound scemes have all the sudden died. I keep going back to the control panel and re-saving the default and schemes, but it doesn't ever seem to work. i am at a loss,

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Hold Power Button To Power Off

Apr 7, 2005

I have an IBM NetVista running XP that at shutdown will close windows but will not power off machine, user has to hold power button to power off.

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Power Supply Consume Power

Mar 1, 2006

My PC has old configuration, the Max Power Supply can be only up to 350W. You know that every parts of the PC, either external or internal hardware will consume power. What I would like to know is that, what would happen to my PC if the total power consumption exceeds the MAXIMUM VALUE of the power supply unit.

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Downloading New Colour Schemes / Changing The Appearence Settings?

Sep 6, 2005

Is it possible to download new Windows Colour Schemes. do they have them anywhere online?I mean the colour scheme of the taskbars and windows that you change in the appearence settings. (Windows classic, Teal, Brick, maple etc.) I don't really like any of the schemes, but I don't want to bother with Style XP, or Windows Blinds or any of those programs again.

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Clean Profile Change / Name Change

Sep 18, 2005

I have one user with a laptop (windows xp pro). he initially signed on to the laptop as jsmith. This was fine except the username he has at work and the email address he has is pjsmith.now he would like to have his laptop signon as pjsmith rather than jsmith.I would like to simply create the user new (pjsmith), copy the old (jsmith) profile to the new (pjsmith) profile and then delete the old (jsmith). I have tested this on another machine and it doesn't work so well.

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Serious Crashing / Having To Power Off

Sep 9, 2005

Hey I'm getting serious hangs on my PC - Having to power off, Explorer error report reads.

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USB Port Power On When Pc Off

Feb 3, 2010

On my Windows XP tablet, if I put an MP3 player into a USB port, does it charge the battery even when the pc is completely shut off? I don't like to leave it plugged in to charge when I am using the pc since it keeps bonging (making a darn noise) every few seconds.

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Pro SP3 - Delay Power Up

Oct 7, 2009

Running Window XP pro SP3 DFI lanparty motherboard (Ultra D)Has OZC power supply GSX700. The problem I am seeing is it takes 20-30 seconds for the power to come on after you push the power button. I have never see one do this.

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Start Up After Power Cut

May 11, 2005

I can't boot my computer after a power cut happened. It just goes in circles asking me to start up normally, or use the last configuration that worked. Neither of which work.I'm using Windows Xp with Sp2 and had installed a new version of ZoneAlarm but hadn't restarted the computer when the power cut happened.I had also changed the boot screen using Logon UI Boot Randomizer, and it's the changed version of windows that doesn't start. If i select the original windows, it starts fine. Is there a way to delete the chaged version (with the modified boot screen) or make it work again? At the moment, everytime i start i have to select the original version, which seems to work fine.

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Sudden Power Cut During Reinstallation

Aug 15, 2009

last time i was to format the hard drive of my hp laptop while files were copied through os cd all of sudden due to power cut the installation had to cancelled,when next time I tried to install the os my laptop screen showed a message "NTLDR IS MISSING..TO RESTART PRESS CTRL+ALT+DELETE" BUT EVEN TRYING TO RESTART IT COULD NOT

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Asks For A Power On Password ?

Nov 18, 2007

when I turn it on it asks for a power on password and I have no idea what it is-How do I get around it? I have pushed every button I can think of. It has windows xp home.

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Cant Boot Since Power Failure

Mar 22, 2010

Ever since a power failure yesterday, my computer is not booting 100% of the way - it seems to stall at the end after loading desktop etc, can't see anything missing but I am unable to do anything. Nothing opens when clicked on. It works perfectly in Safe Mode with Networking.

I checked Device Manager and found 3 things highlighted:

HID Non-user input Data Filter

HID Non-user input Data Filter in HID section, and

WAN Miniport (IP) in Network Adaptors.

I do not have a wireless network, only a hard-wired one, so not sure what that is about.

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Lost Power Policies

Jan 29, 2005

My Toshiba Tecra came with 7 preset power policies, as normally accessed from Control Panel. I've added 2 of my own. When editing one of these to change "close the lid" from hibernate to standby, I got a dialog box with a message that said, approximately "change levels incompatible". After that, only two power policies show, "home office/desk" and "portable/laptop". I searched the registry for "Toshiba power" to find references to the custom profiles Toshiba loads. One of these, number 10, appears to be empty or blank. Number 11 is one I defined and deleted after the problem.I'd like to recover the use of these profiles. I have a registry backup from about a week ago if that helps.

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