Serious Crashing / Having To Power Off

Sep 9, 2005

Hey I'm getting serious hangs on my PC - Having to power off, Explorer error report reads.

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Desktop Manager For Power Users Must Have Power Toys

Aug 12, 2002

Desktop Manager allows you to switch between multiple desktops creating more elbow room for those who like to stay organized while pushing the max thread limit.1. First grab XP PowerToys from Once installed right click then check: task bar > toolbars > Desktop ManagerYou may now view up to four new desktops. I prefer not to have "Shared Desktops" on as it reminds me more of linux (and is cleaner).Now you may hide the buttons etc. and use Windows key + 1-4 to switch between desktops and Windows key + v to preview.

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Power Schemes Are Missing From Power Options

Nov 19, 2004

I'm running WinXP pro and have lost all the reguler power schemes from the power options propreties window. Also I'm unable to Save a new scheme.I beleive the schemes where deleted from the power properties window by right clicking and selecting delete. They used to be there anyway Unknown is listed above Turn off monitor-Turn off hard disks-System standby-System hibernates and everything is greyed out. They are still listed in the registry but with no value set.How do I go about getting the schemes back?

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Hold Power Button To Power Off

Apr 7, 2005

I have an IBM NetVista running XP that at shutdown will close windows but will not power off machine, user has to hold power button to power off.

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Power Supply Consume Power

Mar 1, 2006

My PC has old configuration, the Max Power Supply can be only up to 350W. You know that every parts of the PC, either external or internal hardware will consume power. What I would like to know is that, what would happen to my PC if the total power consumption exceeds the MAXIMUM VALUE of the power supply unit.

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HJT / PC Keeps Crashing And Stuff

Aug 12, 2005

PC Keeps crashing and stuff when it is left alone even for 5 minutes.Sometimes does it when I have several applications running and also during gameplay. It never used to do this. I also have recently installed 2 adventure games, Nokia, Sony Ericsson and Samsung Software.

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Crashing After Log In - HiJack This Log

Feb 26, 2008

Curious if anyone here can see any problems in here I can't.

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.20733)
Boot mode: Normal

Running processes:

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Why Does Keeps Crashing And Re-Booting?

Feb 5, 2007

For about two weeks now my computer keeps crashing every time I turn it on. At first it wouldn't turn off when I go to shut down, then afterwards, it won't boot up normally. I turn it on and it freezes, every time, I have to hold down the power button, wait for a few seconds then try again. It will then boot up or ask to boot up from the Last Known Good. Either way, it will boot, get to the WIndows menu and sometimes crashes again and reboots automatically. I've reported this to Microsoft each time, and I've already re-formatted and re-installed Windows and the problem still persists.

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CPU Always 100% - System Crashing

Sep 15, 2008

My CPU is constantly 100%. My computer is terribly slow and may applications suddenly crash without warning. Firefox and print shop are the main crashers. I did a clean boot and after that the speed was absolutely fantastic,no crashes and very little CPU Usage. However, as soon as I added any of my essential applications(logmein,trend micro,Google desktop,linksys) the same problem was immediately back. I disabled these programs one by one and it still happens.

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Ntdll.dll Errors, Crashing

Apr 17, 2005

I've been experiencing random crashes of Explorer.exe, and when looking at the Application window of the Event Viewer it details this:

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2800.1106, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 5.1.2600.1106, fault address 0x00001d24.

I searched around the internet and found no real answer, there's some solutions which require using the Data Execution Prevention tab with SP2, and adding explorer.exe to the list. I plan to try this, but I was wondering, would replacing ntdll.dll with another computer's possibly fix the problem? It's been an annoyance now for a month, and I've ran every virus scan, every spyware/malware/ware-ness program known to man, to no avail.

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Explorer Keeps Crashing When I Do Right Click

Jan 29, 2008

My Windows Explorer keeps on crashing when ever I do right click in windows explorer.The error shown in the Event Viewer(Application Log) is as follows

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.3156, faulting module , version, fault address 0x00000000.

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CPU Usage 100%, PC Keeps Crashing, Svchost.exe?

Apr 14, 2007

Soon as i turn it on the antivirus starts up and my broadband connects then it freezes, a few times i've managed to open the task manager and i notice that on the CPU Usage History it it constantly at 100% and when i go onto the Processes tab instead of System Idle it is SVCHOST.EXE that is using all the CPU.

I thought it was a virus so i started my PC in safe mode and run the virus scanner, it found 3 Trojan Horse Downloaders, one even named itself CMD.exe which i thought would of cured the problem but ive turned it on this morning and it is still the same, it seems a little better and lasts longer before crashing but it still crashes eventually.

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Laptop Constantly Crashing

Oct 5, 2007

My laptop keeps on crashing, whilst playing on world of warcraft, my laptop just completely switches itself off without warning. As of yet, has only crashed whilst playing wow. This is also not due to overheating, as im using a separate fan unit, after heat issues arose Using an acer laptop - aspire 5610 - with Xp proffesional, media center. Also sometimes, after restarting the laptop, and selecting the screen name, it comes up with my background wallpaper, but no icons, start bar, etc - only way to get rid of this is turning the power button off. Included a hijackthis log (hope i've done it right.

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Computer Crashing And Switching Itself Off

Mar 22, 2008

I have been having problems with my computer crashing and switching itself off when I am running my Nortan Internet Security full system scan. It gets to about 8000 files scanned then it crashes and switches off. It has happened at other times today when Norton Scan has not been running as well. I sent the error report and it came back with what is written below.

You received this message because a device driver installed on your computer caused the Windows operating system to stop unexpectedly. This type of error is referred to as a "stop error." A stop error requires you to restart your computer. More information ...

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PC Keeps Crashing - Hijack Log Included

Feb 12, 2008

Not sure what the problem is, PC just keeps freezing up on me.

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2

Scan saved at 10:08:26, on 12/02/2008

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)

MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

Boot mode: Normal

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Computer Crashing And Freezing

Mar 25, 2007

My computer keeps crashing and restarting itself all the time. it also keeps freezing when i am using programs. it doesnt happen with just one program, it happens when i am on the internet too. i have run AVG, spybot search and destroy and spyware blaster but there is nothing coming up as abnormal.

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New PC Freezing And Crashing With Games

Jun 1, 2007

I had bought a Compaq Presario 5013wm a few weeks ago. The system came with Vista. I was having a lot of hardware issues with network and gfx card, so I opted to install XP. Well, XP wouldn't install because I had no floppy disks to load the raid drivers with, so I went under the BIOs and changed it from RAID to IDE. So now XP is on and everythings working... kind of. The problem I seem to be running into is some seemingly random crashes. From what I've noticed, they only happen while playing a game and, very rarely, when playing music. Sometimes I can play for hours and other times, just a few minutes. The graphics card is a Geforce 7300GS and it has the latest drivers along with the audio. Checked the temp and it seems to stay between 64-67C while playing a game, which I hear is normal for my card. The BIOs is still in IDE mode.. not sure if thats an issue.. can't turn it to RAID without a floppy drive -__-;. Upon thinking of it, I doubt that's the issue as the few times I was able to play before uninstalling vista, I recall the same freeze.

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Constant Crashing And Freezing

Nov 14, 2007

This started since I started overclocking my graphics card. I thought might be it but a new symptom occured.First, it started freezing and crashing randomly and I thought it would pass if I stopped overclocking. I took out my graphics card and hoped it would stop.It got worse. What happened was I tried to turn on my computer and it crashed while starting up everytime. I had a bunch of recovery discs so I used them because they worked everytime in the past. Bad idea. I started the recovery process and as soon as it started, my computer crashed. I turned my comp back on but it said there was no OS installed. I tried reformatting and my computer crashed in the middle of that too.At this point I'm really pissed at my computer. I can't reformat. I can't recover. I can't even start up my computer up to the desktop.

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Computer Freezing And Crashing

Mar 29, 2006

My computer is freezing and crashing can someone help me I'm bout to download hijackthis so I will return with a log in a few mints.

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Crashing And Shuts Down With A Message

May 9, 2005

Gateway which runs xp also she keep getting a message about la LSA Shell Export Version and it shuts down her computer It's gives a message that reads C:winsystem32lsass.exe statues code 1073741819. your system will shut down in 45 sec.

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System Crashing After Login

Jan 11, 2009

guys help ma out plz i was using 256mb of ram nd nw wen i wanted to increse it........... its creating a system crash imeditly aftr login wat shud i do?

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Media Centre Crashing

Oct 10, 2009

Everytime I try and schedule a TV recording in Media Centre (freeview) on my PC, this message appears. If I click on OK to terminate it, it generates a crash error report. I always submit the reports but its not helping the situation. If I click cancel to debug it, this message appears. Can anyone shed some light into why I maybe experiencing this issues? I havent had any problems before like this but I recently changed my broadband provider to Talk Talk but I am very unhappy with the preformance and strength on my wireless network so Im going back to BT

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Due To It Crashing All Files Are Deleted

Oct 20, 2007

I had to reset the PC at the power button, due to it crashing on me during i was playing a game. When i turned the PC back on again i had lost all the files, pictures, internet history and word documents off my user side of the PC, i checked the other user area and the the files and folders are still intact. The thing that is puzzling me is the fact whenever i save a file/picture/document to my desktop and subsequently turn off the pc after use. It seems to automatically delete the file/picture/document off my desktop and is no were to be found on countless searches i've done on all my harddrives.

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Explorer Crashing Constantly

Sep 13, 2009

Well as the title reads my windows explorer for my sony vaio (running xp) is crashing within 10 seconds after i start using it.I force quit, it reloads then crashes again.I'm sure its not a virus and just today i reinstalled the OS core files (recovery install).I don't get whats up.It crashes in safe mode and normal mode as well.

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Explorer Crashing When Do Right Click

Aug 7, 2007

I had a problem crop up yesterday in which a folder in my documents (my documents few folder to be exact) has consistently started crashing explorer whenever I even go near the folder.If I go in to it, right click on it or even put my mouse on it explorer will crash, it has clips and pictures in it, mostly game or movie trailers, or little movie clips. If the problem cant get sorted out I would prefer the folder to be deleted.Ive asked at other places, and have seen someone else ask the same question (albeit without a resolutions) here so I'm not walking in blind.I've tried various programs including unlocker, killbox, moveonboot which all crash when attempting to delete.Spyware and virus programs crash when scanning the folder.

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OS Crashing And BSoD Upon Restart

Mar 13, 2010

randomly XP crashes and I get the BSOD it restarts and reports mindump created or something. Have attached the file but I have no idea what it all means.

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Computer Keeps On Crashing After Getting Some Scripts?

Mar 22, 2005

bought a computer 2 months ago from a homebased "tech".worked great at first,then became plagued by increasingly frequent crashes finally crashed so totally it could not power back on. motherboard turned out to be literally fried.i kind of shamed him into selling me another (faster, more powerful) unit for half what he'd been asking for it, and to switch my 50 gigs of harddrive for the its 80 gig HD.within a day it began crashing first thing i noticed was that the script (sometimes in text documents,sometimes in various program windows,sometimes on the desktop)would begin to get all smeary and saggy,almost looking like an alien alphabet.a crash always followed soon after.

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Constant Explorer.exe Crashing

Aug 26, 2008

Yes, that's right, whenever i start up the computer, five seconds later all my desktop icons and the taskbar disappears. Every time when i enable explorer.exe (via the run command in the Task Manager), the same thing occurs, five seconds working, after that it disappears. By the way, i am running Windows XP.Now, i am afraid a virus is on this computer, but sadly i cannot open BitDefender, since it is "expired" and i don't know what else to do.

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Repeated Crashing On Laptop

Sep 13, 2008

Recently my computer has started crashing for no apparent reason. Several different things can happen but often it flashes to a blue screen with an error message before shutting off. Sometimes when I turn it on it tries to search for forgot what. I'll pay better attention next time it happens.Usually all the problems go away after I restart the computer but inevitably things start going wrong again. Java programs crash inexplicably leaving the following error report saved on my desktop.

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ALL Non-responsive / Crashing At 50% CPU Usage?

Sep 24, 2006

I have this strange problem. Randomly some program or another would stop responding while using around 50% of processor usage. If I kill that unresponsive processes then the next used processes (say I switch to thunderbird window thereafter, or back to opera) then that next program would stop responding at 50% CPU usage. The solution is just to restart windows xp. However, if instead of killing the unresponsive program, suspending it (I use process explorer) would free up the CPU usgae, and everything woud continue running smoothly!

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Unable To Find Crashing?

Sep 4, 2007

Hi windows just keeps crashing on me not all the time but for example it crashed about 7 times starting up today. Each one at a different point but all sort of just as my pc had stared up, i have concerns that im not getting as much out of my pc as i shud be able too, its a little slow at times as well is there any program or way of seeing if everything is in order??

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