OLD LAPTOP - Installation Error

Mar 17, 2007

have been given a old laptop with no hard drive to play with. to start with i charged up the battery.. We have power and the bios screen starts up with no worries
i purchased a new 40gb harddrive and loaded it inserted the winxp disc.it runs thought the set upo as per normally the when you go to load windows it only see's 8gb of the 40gb harddrive???? (why is this).the so i figure it is because its old so it format it and start the installation only to get a ERROR msg saying the harddrive is faulty.. (it is not as i loaded vista on it with my other laptop)

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Installation On Acer Laptop

Jan 20, 2009

I have Acer Aspire 4270 laptop (pre-installed with Linux), bought a year back. I got Windows Xp (SP 2) installed onto that by the shopkeeper. Now that I am installing Windows XP (SP 2) by myself, I am getting a lot of issue. These are summed as below:

1. Problem finding the LAN, Audio, Graphics/chipset drivers on internet.
2. I installed Audio driver (Z01-Audio_XP Vista-v5423whql <-- for Vista) and its working fine. Also I downloaded a LAN driver (working fine). But could not find any graphics driver.

Main Issue
3. After performing above stuff, when I create a new folder, I cannot rename it. When I try to delete it, it does NOT gets deleted but in turn creates a new folder with the name "New Folder(1)" or (2) like that.
I have tried formatting the entire hard disk and installed XP 2-3 times, still no luck.

5. Internet is working fine but cannot take backup of my stuff as same kind of problem occurs in anything I connect to my laptop.

I am really getting frustrated with the issue.
Is this issue because of a wrong driver?

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Reinstall On Laptop - Wipe An Installation

Oct 14, 2006

reinstalling win 2000 on a laptop. In the past when I have needed to wipe an installation, I have just pulled the drive and put it into another of my machines to clean the hard drive to start all over and proceed that way. That being said, I have never done one with a laptop. I have a laptop that an aunt asked me to wipe. She does not remember the login password.

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Installation CD Does Not Work On Vista Laptop

Jan 20, 2009

In 2005, I bought a desktop PC, which included an installation CD for Windows XP. That computer broke down a few months ago, so I bought a laptop with Vista pre-installed. I have grown really tired of Vista and I would like to use XP for my laptop. So I used my old XP installation CD, but after I clicked "Install", a message appeared. It told me that the installation could not be done because the Windows system on the laptop (Vista) was newer than the XP on the CD. Can this be fixed in any way?

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Laptop With Installation Internet Connection Issue

Jan 14, 2009

I have a PC and recently purchased a used laptop. The laptop was already running windows xp. I reinstalled xp in the hopes it would fix some glitches. Once I reinstalled it, I ran into an internet connection issue. I only have dialup access at my current location. The laptop has wireless capability as well as a dialup modem.

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Sp3 Installation On Dell Laptop Results In Boot Loop

Aug 27, 2009

I recently Installed windows sp sp3 on my dell laptop and after i restarted the computer i found that i am stuck in a boot loop! i cannot boot to anything not safe mode or last known good config. Everytime it boots to normal windows, it gets to the boot screen scrolls across once and then stops and shows a blue screen for about a second, not enough time for me to see, and then it reboots and repeats the process. I have been able to see the bsod because of disabling the auto restart and it showed this stop : c0000221 unknown hard error systemrootsystem32 tdll.dll. When i boot into safe mode it gets to the agp440.sys or whatever it is then restarts.Now im pretty sure this is a common problem with sp3 installs, but isnt that normally on amd machines where you have to disable intelppm. Im running a dell with a pentium 4 m processor so it cant be that.

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Error In Installation

Apr 10, 2010

Standard CD install
Setup process does not get past the initial window and I notice the CD drive running constantly ??

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SP2, NIC/LAN Error After Installation

Sep 17, 2008

I just finished doing a fresh install of XP SP2, and i can not get connected to my internet connection.

I have tried using the command line to view my settings using IPCONFIG, but it returns nothing. Under device manager>Network Adapters all i have is the 1394 Net Adapter.

I am using the on board LAN connection from my ASUS A8N SLI mobo, which worked just 3 days ago. I have pinged, and i receive 4 out of 4 packets so i am sure its not the nic. If i connect directly to the cabel modem (instead of the hub like it is now), it does not change anything. Even if i remove the cat 6 cable from the back of the computer it still says i am connected?

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Installation Of Pro With SP2 - Error Ftsata2.sys.

Oct 4, 2006

I got hold of an XP Pro with SP2 disc....and because im running good old SP1 (I don't have the internet) I thought I would install that to upgrade me to SP2. I put the CD in the drive, it loaded up and I was given the option to 'upgrade'. I did so...and my system was rebooted.

When it booted back up again I was taken to the windows install thing, It got most of the way through installing and then a blue screen of death, reporting a problem with ftsata2.sys

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Getting 0x8007F0F4 Error During SP3 Installation?

Jul 22, 2008

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-SZ340P running on XP Professional SP2 and 1GB of RAM. I am trying to install SP 3 but keep getting error 0x8007F0F4, which appears to indicate it is not meeting prerequisites. However, having found the knowledge base article on this error I don't appear to fall into any of the causes or solutions.

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Error Occured During Installation

Aug 1, 2008

I m trying to install a belkin ethernet pci card. now the card went in no problem and windows has picked it up. but when i go to install the driver from the cd it brings a message up an error occured during installation'' invalid data. iv tried installing it from windows system 32 but no joy.

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BSOD Error And Installation

Dec 29, 2007

Recently my computer crashed due to some driver faults. I tried updating some drivers from Genius Driver Professional 2007 and ran a few setups for the chipset, NVidia driver, and monitor. Well all was well until I rebooted. When I did so the resolution was at 800x600 and 8-bit color. Went around looking for a way to change back to the plug-and-play monitor, but it just faulted with a BSOD.Well I booted up to only read "Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM." It directed me to use the Repair CD and use the recovery option, but when I use that I get a BSOD* after I enter "1" for the recovery process so I can't use any commands. I tryed to repair it, but get the same result.I've googled this similar problem and couldn't find a solution. I saw possibilities of taking out my SATA HDD and putting it into a 2nd computer to fix the problem, but my second computer has Vista. Is it possible to fix it this way?

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Installation Error For Service Pack 2?

Aug 10, 2005

I can't seem to get the servioce pack to install itself onto my computer.The installer loads and gets 1/4 of it done, then the rest of it fails.

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I Tunes Error / Installation Source Is Not Available

Aug 1, 2010

It says verify that you have access to this location and try again or try to find the installation package "itunes.msi in a folder from which you can install the product itunes. Another The installation source is not available verify that the source exists and that you can access it.Another...this action is only valid for products that are currently installed.

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Error During Installation Of Home Edition

Jul 23, 2005

I did "F6" to install the Intel RAID driver using a floppy disk created from the motherboard support CD. The STOP message/blue screen appeared after XP loaded all the drivers. It is a clean installation on 2 new HDDs, so I assume the error is not caused by viruses. Yes, I did upgraded my BIOS to the latest version beforehand. The SATA data cables are new that came with the motherboard. Yes, I have also read and printed out MS KB324103, but I am still not sure what the problem(s) is/are Does XP Home Edition support RAID1 configuration? I read from Western Digital knowledge base answer ID 282 that "Windows XP Home Edition does not support dynamic disks." Is it true? Does it mean that I will have to buy XP Professional for RAID1 (mirrored)? Should I take out the video card and modem card before installing XP?

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Xp Pro Sp2 Installation Error "manifest Parse Error"?

Sep 2, 2008

I had recently tried to do a clean boot from a copy of a win xp pro sp2 installation cd (I don't have the original). The downloading was fine until it got to the "installing windows" part of the process. An error message was displayed saying - One of the components that windows needs to continue could not be installed. Manifest Parse Error: Invalid at the top level of the document

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Installation Of Printer Hang Ups - Fatal Error

Jan 15, 2007

I'm trying to fix my parents computer. They attempted to install a new printer and accompanying photo manager. After installing printer, it does not work. They decided to unistall photomanger and it starts uninstall them says fatal error. I got a win 16 subsystem error when trying to reinst printer software. I downloaded the printer driver. When istalling it prepares the install wizard and copies the needed files, then it stops installation and closes, no error message.

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Failure Of Installation - Blue Screen Error

Mar 30, 2010

I tried to load windows xp in my pc but during installation (of course many times i tried to install) blue screen saying your computer is having problem like that. I checked the memory with diagnostic tool it said no error and also motherboard no error setupdd.sys at one time and another time stop: 0x000008e blue screen errors came during setup end Moreover i pressed skip for some files beining with letter w during setup in dos mode, but successfully installed. will it give any error after installation finishes?

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Installation Failure - Updating Error 0x80242006

May 20, 2008

XP Pro Service pack 2. Version 2002. Have not been able to update for over a year. Continually says updates are ready to install (little yellow shield with exclamation point on bottom right toolbar). It goes through the install process then finally pulls up a screen saying:

Installation Failure
Error Code: 0x80242006 then says: Try to install the update again, or request help from one of the following resources. I've opened up a support request but none of their suggestions were working (install 1 at the time, etc). I went out of town, returned and they'd closed the request.

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Update Installation Failure - Error 0x643

Apr 6, 2006

I get the error message "Installation failure. Error code 0x643" when trying to install updates for the Malware removal tool. I have automatic updates on my computer also Windows genuine advantage validation.

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Asms Error: Installation Failed : DI386asms

May 28, 2007

I posted this on another thread but I noticed that no one has posted a reply since January 2005. I thought I would start a new topic about that the problem that I keep having.I am trying to upgrade from Windows Xp Home Edition to Windows Xp Professional. When I try to install Windows Xp Professional on my computer. I continue to receive this error message at 39 minutes during setup. Fatal Error: One of the components that windows needs to continue setup could not be installed. Error: installation failed : DI386asms. Error message: Incorrect function. I have tried reformatting my hard drive, cleaning my cds and cd drive numerous times. I have reburning the copy to three other cds (all brand new). I also tried unplugging my sound and internet connection only leaving the mouse, keyboard, and monitor connected to the computer while reformatting.

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Installation Error When Installing Home And Pro Edition

Jul 18, 2005

I keep trying to install Windows XP (tried both professional & home edition) and when it starts checking my system, it gives me the following error (the error comes when it is checking (which is the 4rth messsage on bottom of window), "Setup is loading files (Kernel DLL)".I then get the error message "File setupdd.sys could not be loaded. The error code is 4. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit"I have searched high and low to find Error Code 4 in microsoft's web page and have found nothing.

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SP2 Shows Error In Installation - Access Denied

Aug 1, 2005

Windows XP SP2 will begin installation, but about midway through the install,
installation stops with the same error message. The error message is (access
denied). I have tried countless times to install this update using automatic updates as well as using the CD, all with negative results I'm about ready to update my operating system to XP Professional, I have XP Home Edition. Before installation I followed all the preperation instructionsfound on the Windows website.

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Installing WinHome - Error Installation Failed

Oct 24, 2006

I am installing Windows XP Home on a computer. I just reformatted the hard drive using the Win XP CD.Now, when it goes to install, I get an error message that says Error:
SXS.DLL: Syntax error in manifest or policy file "D:I386asms6000MSFTVCRTLVCRTL.MAN on line 16.Error: Installation Failed: D:I386asms. Error Message: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).Fatal Error:One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed.If you are installing from a CD, there might be a problem with the disc; try cleaning the disc or using another disc.

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Blue Screen Error - Installation Stops

Jan 6, 2009

I have a new bare bones Tower. When I try to install Windows XP Pro 1 - 2CPU OEM version 2002 everything goes fine until the "Install devices" sequence when the progress bar gets just over half way across it stops and the BLU screen appears. Cpu fan and two case fans. The other related verbage is... possible HD problem or recently installed devices should be disconnected. I tried a Dell reinstall windows XP Home edition SP1 also with no luck either. The Software is Authentic and has Halogram product key sticker purchase new by me. My thought is there are driver problems between the older software and the newer equipt but am hesitent to buy new version SP3.

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Disk Read Error Occurred - During Installation

Jul 30, 2009

I've spent about half the day building my new PC - a Windows XP Pro 64-bit box. I've installed the hardware and it is recognized by the BIOS on my Gigabyte PE45 UD3L motherboard.. The next step was to install the OS, a 64-bit version of Windows XP Pro. All went well until the installation program prompted me to reboot. I received the message: "A disk read error occurred. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart." I've done this four or five times now, with and without the installation CD loaded. If the CD is loaded, the installation program tries to copy the files to the hard drive all over again. I went along with this once, thinking maybe the first time some driver had been corrupted. I have also changed the boot order in the BIOS, with first boot to the HD. I have reset the Fail-Safe Defaults in the BIOS. There are two hard drives in the PC, 320GB SATA Western Digitals. One of them has not been partitioned; the other was partitioned by the Win XP installation program.

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Installing Webcam With Mini Cdr / Getting Error During Installation?

Aug 24, 2006

i got this very old and cheap brandless webcam, it came with a mini-cdr which holds the drivers, when i place the mini-cdr into my dvd drive, it made a load noise, then the installer runs and i got the error shown in the top of the pic, as i continue the installation i got another error, shown at the botton of the pic, now i know maybe the disc is corroupt or something, so i decided to use device manager to install the drivers manually.

when windows did found the driver on the disc, it turns out to be a notepad file, which was strange, but i continue to install anyway, but windows pops up a message saying the driver isn't signed or could be harmful or something like that, i cancel the installation and uplugs the camera. i thought it made sense since the mini-cdr could actually be a coaster or a badly burnt disc, as the installer states there's an error, but should i try anyways?

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Norton Ghost 10.0 Fatal Error During Installation

Nov 17, 2006

Norton ghost was on this personal computer when bought and now expired.When I go into add remove program to remove it ,it won't remove and say fatal error during installation.This program is 85.75 mb and want to remove it.

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Installshield Error 1628 - Failed To Complete Installation

Mar 20, 2010

I get intallshield error "1628: Failed to complete installation" when I am trying to uninstall some software I don't want.

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Installation Process Struck With Error: Sbp2port.sys Are Corrupt?

Jan 27, 2009

when I try to install win xp it goes to settup and it checks my sys and at in the middle of the settup prossess it says sbp2port.sys.

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Getting Device Installation Error While Attempting To Connect To USB Cable ?

Sep 5, 2005

I am getting an error message when attempting to connect my USB cable to my scanner. The error message is Windows could not load the installer for Image. I believe the problem might be with a corrupt file setupapi.log or Windows Image Aquisition. I have two such files and I do not know whether I am supposed to have two or not. Also, I am not sure if I can delete these files and where to get one to replace the two I have deleted.

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