Installing WinHome - Error Installation Failed

Oct 24, 2006

I am installing Windows XP Home on a computer. I just reformatted the hard drive using the Win XP CD.Now, when it goes to install, I get an error message that says Error:
SXS.DLL: Syntax error in manifest or policy file "D:I386asms6000MSFTVCRTLVCRTL.MAN on line 16.Error: Installation Failed: D:I386asms. Error Message: Data error (cyclic redundancy check).Fatal Error:One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed.If you are installing from a CD, there might be a problem with the disc; try cleaning the disc or using another disc.

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Asms Error: Installation Failed : DI386asms

May 28, 2007

I posted this on another thread but I noticed that no one has posted a reply since January 2005. I thought I would start a new topic about that the problem that I keep having.I am trying to upgrade from Windows Xp Home Edition to Windows Xp Professional. When I try to install Windows Xp Professional on my computer. I continue to receive this error message at 39 minutes during setup. Fatal Error: One of the components that windows needs to continue setup could not be installed. Error: installation failed : DI386asms. Error message: Incorrect function. I have tried reformatting my hard drive, cleaning my cds and cd drive numerous times. I have reburning the copy to three other cds (all brand new). I also tried unplugging my sound and internet connection only leaving the mouse, keyboard, and monitor connected to the computer while reformatting.

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Installshield Error 1628 - Failed To Complete Installation

Mar 20, 2010

I get intallshield error "1628: Failed to complete installation" when I am trying to uninstall some software I don't want.

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Installation Failed Component Microsoft . Net Framework 3.0a - Error Code 1603

May 19, 2010

I am running version 2002 xp SP2. I need to install 3.5 framework for a software program. I first had to install windows installer 3.1 and did so without any problems. then I started downloading 3.5 framework and got this error message.

[05/18/10,22:30:15] VS Scenario: [2] Failed to pass the Warnings/Blocks checks in CVSScenario::Start()
[05/18/10,23:10:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a. MSI returned error code 1603
[05/18/10,23:11:23] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a is not installed.
[05/19/10,11:55:39] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a. MSI returned error code 1603
[05/19/10,11:56:21] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a is not installed.

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Installation Error When Installing Home And Pro Edition

Jul 18, 2005

I keep trying to install Windows XP (tried both professional & home edition) and when it starts checking my system, it gives me the following error (the error comes when it is checking (which is the 4rth messsage on bottom of window), "Setup is loading files (Kernel DLL)".I then get the error message "File setupdd.sys could not be loaded. The error code is 4. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit"I have searched high and low to find Error Code 4 in microsoft's web page and have found nothing.

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Installing Webcam With Mini Cdr / Getting Error During Installation?

Aug 24, 2006

i got this very old and cheap brandless webcam, it came with a mini-cdr which holds the drivers, when i place the mini-cdr into my dvd drive, it made a load noise, then the installer runs and i got the error shown in the top of the pic, as i continue the installation i got another error, shown at the botton of the pic, now i know maybe the disc is corroupt or something, so i decided to use device manager to install the drivers manually.

when windows did found the driver on the disc, it turns out to be a notepad file, which was strange, but i continue to install anyway, but windows pops up a message saying the driver isn't signed or could be harmful or something like that, i cancel the installation and uplugs the camera. i thought it made sense since the mini-cdr could actually be a coaster or a badly burnt disc, as the installer states there's an error, but should i try anyways?

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SP2 CD Installation Failed

Apr 13, 2007

I had to do a Windows Repair on my uncle's computer and now I am trying to install SP2 again on a CD I got awhile ago. Well about halfway through it stopped. Says it failed. Anyone know why that is and how do I fix this so SP2 installs fully? I also tried to do it off of Windows Update. Failed that way also. I also tried doing it in Safe Mode. No luck. Same thing happens. What may be causing this? I got rid of 205 spy and adaware that he never scanned for. I also ran an antivirus scan. No viruses.

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OEM Xp Pro Installation Failed

Nov 9, 2009

Have Toshiba A135-S2276 laptop. Vista installed. Have vista recovery disk. My cyberphobic aunt wanted xp installed so it would be like her old computer.I've done the following on the laptop: Fdisk, partitioned and formatted hd in FAT32. Started the win xp pro OEM (legal license) install. It recognized the cd and everything was going well until there was a power failure when I was putting in the product code. I tried to simply restart the install and the cd was invalid media. Disk booted up to install menu in my legal win xp desktop. So it isn't totally corrupt.Laptop hd, fdisk, repartitioned, format and no startup with OEM Used set of win xp pro floppy disks to start install. OEM still invalid media. Did install with old xp pro, illegal copy. That worked. Unable to read oem. Downloaded and installed all of the win xp toshiba drivers. Had to search for the drivers as toshiba doesn't post them.

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SP3 Installation Failed

Sep 1, 2008

SP3 downloaded automatically but when I try to install it I get an "Access Denied" error message about half way through the installation. When I click OK on the error message it starts backing out the changes and after that Windows runs o.k. I have tried it twice with the same results. I disabled the Firewall temporarily on the second try but that didn't help. I don't know what it is trying to do when it fails because all I get is the error message.I am currently out of town so it will be next week before I can try anything but I would like to know where to start when I get home.

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Failed Repair Installation

Apr 23, 2010

Everything was running fine with my desktop PC till I turned it on this morning. It booted fine, Windows XP started and I entered my password. My desktop background appeared as standard but i had no taskbar, no start button and i was geting no response from either my right or left mouse buttons from clicking on the screen. I tried to get into task manager by using CTRL+ALT+DEL hoping I could get my explorer processes running again, but nothing happened other than a brief appearance of an egg timer. I powered down and started again hoping it was just a glitch. I was too optimistic. So I tried again, again and again achieving the same results. I had no luck getting into task manager or accessing any functions at all. I assumed that if explorer wasnt providing me with rudimentary functionality and if task manager was refusing to work either my only option was to attempt a repair installation of XP using my Windows setup disk to fix the problems.

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Installation Failed D:I386asms

Oct 27, 2007

System info:Compaq Presario 5000, Intel celeron,600mhz,40ghd,256mb and operating system was WinME. I first upgrade to WIN XP-PRO and all was fine for a week I then decided to wipe the HD and remove the partition and then reinstall winXP-PRO. This is when my problem began. During this new installation, it gets to the "windows" installation the error message then pops up which read "Installation failed: D:I386ASMS,error message :Incorrect function."Fatal error, one of the components that windows needs to continue setup could not be installed.I am unable to pass this point.

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Failed Hardware Installation Pop Up

Dec 18, 2004

I was wondering if you could help me. A few months ago, I was trying to install my old printer on my new XP laptop. I inserted the disk and ran into trouble because (I think) I didn't have the correct print drivers on this new computer. Instead of messing with all that, I wound up buying a new, networking printer. I have the new one installed and it works beautifully.The problem of this pop-up remains, though. I guess it's not really a problem -- just really annoying. Whenever I turn the computer on, it wants me to go through a wizard to help me complete the installation of the new device. Well, I don't want to install that old printer anymore. I've searched and searched, but can't figure out how to make that pop-up quit.

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Installation And Format Failed

Apr 12, 2006

My 20 GB HD is the master. everything was installed properly and I had no problems.
Yesterday I decided to change computer cases so I decided to transfer everything to the new case. I checked and tripple checked the hardware hook up. Every button and light works properly. When I turned on the comp, it would try to load and then it would turn off and restart on me. Thats fine, I figured I could use a format. So i put in the Original XP CD to format. Took me to the usual blue screen where it loads its drivers at the bottom, however after it loaded the Press F6 to load Raid drivers and Press F2 to do whatever, it froze on me. I can't understand why. BIOS loads everything, and it recognizes everything. I tried the whole put in the windows 98 or ME boot disk, but it would not load the drivers and then it would load from the XP cd. And yes it was set to boot from A: drive first.

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Failed Re-installation And Formatting

May 6, 2008

I have just attempted to reinstall + format Windows XP on my laptop as I've had some serious spyware issues, however whenever I do so it fails and presents the error message of:*** STOP: 0x0000007E (0XC0000005, 0XF76120BF, 0XF7A5E208, 0XF7A5DF08).Can anyone please explain why this occurs?

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Strong Name Validation Failed During Installation

Mar 15, 2008

Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB928366)

Strong name validation failed


ProcessID=0xee8 (3816) , Thread id = 0xacac (3244)

I am running XP

Keeps popping up, then downloads and wont install.

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Installation Failed, Access Denied

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to install USB serial bus controllers so as to run Tata Photon+ modem, but it shows "Access Denied and Installation failed" message. I have Administrtor permissions.

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Tape Controller Installation Failed

Sep 9, 2005

Whenever I repair/update WindowsXp setup stops during the process and reports taht Tape Controller installation failed. I then have to skip the « Tape controller installation. Otherwise setup proceeds without any other request for input. That appeared some months ago, probably after I installed some software that required it, but most likely is no longer present on my computer. I cannot find « Tape Controller » in the registry, not in any of the *.inf files in the folder Windows Inf.

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Computer Restarts And Xp Re Installation Failed

Aug 6, 2009

I have a P3 with 256mb ram.I encountered a prob,i e the system restarted very fequently and i re installed win xp and it worked till the screen where it reads "installing devices".from there it again re starts and setup is re started.i did clean my CPU and dint work. IS it a prob of boot?

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Lost Space After A Failed Installation Attempt?

Aug 29, 2007

I went to install nero 7 ultra. then i realized I didnt have enough space for the whole install. I hit cancel at some point in the install and lost about a gig. My laptop has like no free room

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Installation Failed / The File Setupdd.sys Could Not Be Loaded

Apr 24, 2006

I recently tried to reinstall my operating system (Xp Home) on my Dell Latitude CPt I am able to boot from CD and it initializes the installer but when the Kernal Debugger starts i get an error messages that says "The File Setupdd.sys could not be loaded The error is 4 press any key to exit" is there a way to wipe the Hard Drive and start new and if so how could i do so.

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Reformatting Hard Drive After Failed Installation

Jun 26, 2005

While installing Windows XP, the power went out after about 40% of it had been installed. Now, when I turn on the computer, I get a message that says, "NTLDR is missing. press CTRL+ALT+DEL to reboot." Well, this becomes a never-ending cycle. So, I inserted the Windows XP cd in the cd-rom drive and booted the computer up. I tried re-installing XP and repairing XP. Neither works. So, what I would like to do is completely wipe out my hard drive (nothing I want to save) and start all over.

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BSOD In 2000 After Failed Printer Installation

Dec 15, 2005

Trying to install a Dell laser printer onto someones laptop with Windows 2000. Towards the end of the installation, the computer rebooted due to a bad battery and the AC was accidently unplugged. Now right when I get into Windows before the login screen, the computer just reboots and I can barely see a flash of a STOP BSOD error but don't have any time to read it. I can get into safe mode and do stuff. I tried reinstalling the software and drivers but it gives me an error. I can't uninstall anything because it doesn't see anything installed. What can I do? Its a USB printer BTW.

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Updates Failed After Installing Firefox 1

Feb 8, 2005

Just installed Firefox a week ago and today cannot install Windows Updates for security fixes. Assume there is a conflict having IE and Firefox.

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Failed Installation Of Service Pack 2 - Access Denied?

Apr 15, 2005

I just tried installing Service Pack 2 on my XP, and I downloaded it and during installation it stops and simply says "Access Denied" in a little prompt, then says that installation has failed.

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Reinstalled: No Audio Device Found / Driver Installation Failed?

Mar 20, 2008

I recently just re-installed windows xp on my hp pavilion laptop. When I attempted to install the sound driver off of hp site I receive an error message stating."Driver Installation Failed: Could not find the Media device for this driver."I have a basic understanding of operating systems. If you can please explain in detail. I don't know what other information to list. So if more is necessary I do my best to provide.

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Getting System32 Message / Virtual Device Driver Failed DLL Installation?

Jan 6, 2009

My son went to sign onto his computer and this is the message that came up Windows/system32/ C:/program~1/symantec/s32evnt1.dll. An installable Virtual Device Driver failed DLL installation. Choose close to terminate application

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FATAL: Error: 0x80070005. Wuauclt Handler: Failed To Spawn COM Server Error?

Jan 3, 2007

When I try to install updates from Microsoft's site I get an error saying "Updates were not successfully installed." This happens during both manual and automatic updating. I search high and low and cannot find a fix that works. This is the specific error from the WindowsUpdate.log
FATAL: Error: 0x80070005. wuauclt handler: failed to spawn COM server
FATAL: 0x80070005: ERROR: Remote update handler container process created (PID: 1656), but exited before signaling event

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Video Card Post Error, USB Overcurrent Error, Possible Failed Mobo

Aug 3, 2007

i had was my motherboard cpu fan not working in its cpu fan pin, so instead i have it hooked up to a case fan pin. I am not sure if this means i have a faulty mobo or not.

I installed my brand new Creative sound card, I installed its software and drivers all fine and the PC restarted fine. Next creative wanted to update the drivers and I let it. After it was done installling the new drivers it needed a restart. On restart I could not even get to the post screen and was displayed with an error saying USB over current, PC shutdown in 20 seconds. At first i could not get past this error at all, so i tried taking out the sound card and putting inserting it again. I did not get the USB error now and was happy.

I played Battlefield 2142 for a few hours then shut it down. Now today when i get home from work and turn it on i saw that USB over current error again and got frusterated. After taking the sound card out and putting it back in I had some new problems. I only saw my Asus Splash screen saying "press delete to enter setup" although pressing delete did nothing, it just hung on that screen.

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WinHome SP3 - Win. Firewall Enable

Apr 21, 2008

I cannot enable the (Windows) firewall. (I am behind a router.)See attachments reflecting my trying to do so.

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Unable To Repair WinHome

May 22, 2008

With installation disk in CD drive, asks choose between
1. c:windows
2. f:winnt (which is CD drive)
for either, asked to "type the administrator password"
Not sure which I should have chosen, 1 or 2
For 1, hitting Enter does nothing
For 2, hitting Enter, get error message, "the password is not valid"
I have administrator rights; there is no password. When I had logon box, I left password blank and hit Enter to logon.

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Renaming Profile Folder Name WinHome?

Aug 5, 2005

I would like to change the name of my profile folder under the Docs/settings folder to match my laptop. The Desktop has the generic "owner" that shows
up after hard drive restoration with my restore disk. I should have created a new profile when I did this, but I forgot and reinstalled everything into the Owner folder.I realize that I cannot just rename the folder due to reg settings. How can I achieve this.

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