I recently installed a demo of Namo WebEditor 2006. I customised its position in the start menu . ie. moved it. I did not like the program and uninstalled it. The problem is that the entry still appears in the start menu (It is located in the All users directory/start menu. I cannot dlete/move or change it in any way. I have tried the following.1. Dos mode - cannot see it.2. Safe mode (all types) cannot see it.3. Trying from another OS. cannot operate on it.4. Regedit - the entry is not there on a search
my laptop keeps turning itself off. I run Panda AV Software. On restarting I get these messages :program files/panda software/panda titanium antivirus 2005/ firewarll/travlog log entry is not valid local settings/temp/Dfd70e.tmp log entry is not valid. entry truncated local settings/temp/Dfd71D.tmp log entry is not valid. entry truncated
Running XP with 'CLASSIC' style menus. When I display PROGRAMS in the START menu, it only displays 3 or 4 items and then it has two Down Arrorws at the bottom of the menu, which I have to click to get the full menu. Is there some setting causing this to happen?
I am using Windows XP/SP2 a newish computer and some things changed from how it used to be.From the *Start* Button, there is the further button *Programs*. This then has the fly-out menu which used to open only the most recently accessed programs. Typically, after a boot it would show the items which opened in *Start-Up*, the rest were accessible only by hovering the mouse cursor over a button showing downward pointing arrows (more chevron like). This would then open the entire sub menu of programs to choose from. However, in the past week it now opens in that expanded view all the time. There is no sign of the little arrows anymore, and I always end up with a screen full of program lists whenever I go to Start/Programs.
can i create folders to put specific types of progs inside them as my all programs from the start menu is too long and needs tidying up i.e put photographic applications all together in one folder.
Is there a way to have the "favorites" menu in the start menu? Not just a shortcut to the "favorites" folder, but an actual menu that pops up and closes by itself, like in windows 98?
I have experienced a sudden problem starting programs. The computer boots correctly, and all desktop icons appear correctly. But when I double click a desktop icon, or start a program from the start menu, I get a popup window displaying a list of programs and asking me which program I want to use to start the application. I select the correct program (or browse to the appropriate .exe file), but still the application doesn't start. This includes IE and Windows Messenger. My virus scanner was about the only thing that I could start up, and I did a system scan with Panda Anti-Virus, but it didn't show anything substantial (just some cookies).Using my WinXP set up disk,I've tried to do a repair (I guess reinstallation without reformatting the hard disk), but after I entered the License Key, the computer did a reboot and then stopped. It is stuck on the XP splash screen and won't go any further (I once let it run over night, but it was still frozen on the splash screen). I even tried to repeat the repair process, but that didn't work.Automatic updates did download an update just before this problem started (I think it was the day before the problems began). I don't know what this update was and I'm not sure it was SP3 (system does have SP2 installed).Considering that the computer freezes now when booting up, is there anything that I can do short of reformatting the Hard Drive? I also have another hard drive that I can use to install XP onto. Is there any way that I can rescue the data from the old Hard Drive and transfer to new drive?
A non-existent CD drive appears in windows explorer This is in addition to the existing cddvd drive.I've never had a second cddvd connected.This is a laptop running XP Home edition.
Fresh install of XP, I deleted the main user just so I could use another name. Well I restart and now everytime I get an error message saying that the password is incorrect, I press accept, then it shows me the blue logn screen where I can choose the other account.Where can I make Windows not try to automatically load the previous user, and automatically load the new one?
I have a PC with Win XP SP2. There are 2 users on the PC, each admin users, each with no password. When you start the PC, it displays the Welcome screen, and you can click on either user's icon and Windows logs you in without asking for a password. So far so good. However, if you a)try and switch users, or b)logout and try to log in as either user, Windows now asks for a user password. But there is no password configured! You have to restart the PC every time you want to switch users.
This is a new problem to me. I'm familiar with XP's search not finding files that actually exist (particularly when searching for files containing the specification) but this time it's finding files that, as far as I can see, don't exist. And it's doing it when searching for a file specification. Yes, I have view hidden files turned on.The only clue I have is that the files that do exist show the full path, e.g. C:LnDevetc while the files that don't exist show the path as etc. Search In is set to LnDev. Since I'm sending the results to a third party simply ignoring the bogus files isn't an option. So far the only 'solution' I've found is to set up a Win2K machine & conduct the search on it. Win2K shows the correct results, WinXP doesn't (verified on 2 machines)
It seems to be performing fine in most respects, but when you I go to save a file (any file through any program) and click on "My computer", there are a number of "Ghost Drives" that appear lettering from F to M. If I click on the "My computer" icon on the desktop, there are only the basic drives listed ( C: D: E in addition to M: which is the drive letter that was arbitrarily assigned by the computer for my Flash Drive where I run a great deal of portable programs from. Some days there are only a few ghost drives, and I ignore it and move one, but today I'm alarmed by the number of drives that are popping up
My girlfriend's computer displays Removable Drives G:, H:, I:, J:, K:. There are no removable drives on this system except when we download pictures from the digital camera. Then we get an additional Removable Drive L:. Any idea what is causing this
The Problem: I'm encoding videos in Adobe Media Encoder, and the video looks great, but the audio sounds horrible, even though on the source file, the audio is perfect. What do I do?? I acquired the source footage with Fraps. In the uncompressed Fraps version, the sound is perfect. Every time I try to encode it, I get the horrid noise you hear in the video, and then silence. My hypothesis: I'm guessing it has something to do with the source file, as I've encoded other videos with the same audio settings as this, and the audio turned out ok. But what could the difference by?
I installed Windows Vista on a slave drive of a computer which has Windows XP as its master drive. I have now taken out the har ddrive with Windows Vista on it, but it still gives me the choice of booting from either Windows XP or Windows Vista.I edited the Boot.ini file, but it didn't have Windows Vista listed as a bootable option, so I left the Boot.ini file alone. It currently looks like this:; ;Warning: Boot.ini is used on Windows XP and earlier operating systems.;Warning: Use BCDEDIT.exe to modify Windows Vista boot options.
I have a new Toshiba satellite A105-S4084, with an Intel centrino duo. I want to remove a "Buy toshiba.com" icon from the start menu. How can I do this? It's easier to remove windows icons.
I can't get to "search" or "run." I changed the icon size to "small" in the properties>start menu>customize, but that isn't helping at all. In my other accounts the start menu text is fine.
I would like to add several folders under the Run command on the right of the START menu. I used this tweak (below) of Kelly's to add one folder there. But If I run this tweak again it replaces the first folder with the new one.I thought I might be able to make the changes by hand so I tried to understand the code of the tweak.
I only have a backround nothing else, the only way i was able to get online was by following the link in the error report, the error report was about my computer crashing, which it happens alot and i have to reinstall the computer many times a week. I updated my computer just now with the windows updates, and i dont know what to do now.
Windows XP- I get a message I have to many things in my start up menu and all can't be show. I need to take some out or choose a smaller icon. I don't know what to remove.
Everything in the start menu all programs is gone. I can't find things like Paint anywhere. The recycle bin has disappered off my desktop. All I did was uninstall yahoo! mail, yahoo! toolbar, dell media experience, yahoo! extras, and mtv optimizer off my computer. And I tried to uninstall the sims 2, but it didn't uninstall and i can't figure out how to do that. Then i noticed that the recycle bin had disappered off my desktop. And so had everything in "all programs" on the start menu.
how to reduce the programmes that automatically open up on my start-up menu?Because they are slowing me down, but I need to know how to ensure I don't end up deinstalling programmes that I need to keep on the start-up.I don't just want to go into add/remove until I know how to ensure I don't actuall lose any of the programmes.
Is it possible to remove the "Documents" link from the start menu. I'm sure that Bill Gates thinks it's a good idea, but I really cannot think of a good reason for it being there.
I just installed windows xp professional on a compaq desktop. The programs part of the start menu however refuses to come up. I know it is not empty because I can right click on it and view the contents. What might be the problem here?
I tried cleaning a family computer that has been giving us problems for a long time.I finally got rid of the virus that kept causing problems.At least I thought I did.Now whenever I boot up the start menu does not show up.