New Folder Appears Under Local Disk Drive

Oct 20, 2007

About a week ago. I noticed that I new folder appears under my Local Disk Drive. I do not have a clue what this folder is for. I have attached a couple of pictures of the folder (see below). The folder is titled "RD4B335D2AF9F44185AFC417F8D8D4B473DR".

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Two Local Disk - 7.82mb On Local DiskC -74.5gm On Local DiskD

Jul 18, 2005

i have two local disks: local disk ( c ) and local disk ( D )...
i can't reformatt my compputer because local disk ( C ) don't have enough
space, how do i ease local disk ( D )??? i have 7.82mb on local disk ( C )
and 74.5gm on local disk ( D ).

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Insert Disk - CD-Rom E Drive Appears

Oct 24, 2008

Compaq desktop, AMD 3200, DVD drive (D) and Asus CD Rom (E) I'm sure I've read about this before but for the life of me, I can't find anything now that fits. My CD-Rom (E) drive appears in "MY Computer" but when I try to use it I get the message to "insert a disk". I've tried data disks, picture disks, and music disks but the drive still thinks it's empty

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Virus - Cannot Open Local Disk Drive?

Jan 18, 2009

I'm not very technology-savvy. I believe I have/had a virus that doesn't/didn't allow me to open my Local Disk by double-clicking. An error would appear saying "Windows cannot find 'resycled/". Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search."I looked up my error online and followed the instruction of someone (probably shouldn't have), where I deleted the "" in my Registry Editor.However, now, whenever I attempt to open my Local Disk by double-clicking, instead of getting the "Window cannot find...." error, I now get: "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association Folder Options control panel."

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Change Drive Letter For Local Disk

Jul 5, 2008

Just installed windows xp and I have an atapi zip drive that was assigned as c: and my hard drive was assigned as e:. Is there a way to change the drive letter of my hard drive to C: without reinstalling XP or damaging anything or is having the hard drive as E: harmless:

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CDRW Drive Does'nt Appear In Local Disk Management

Dec 20, 2004

I want to rearrange my disk letters. I have a cdrw and a DVDRW plus 4HDDS the first of which is partitioned. i am running xp pro. The dvdrw is set as master on secondary and its slave is the cdrw. when i go to rearrage the drive letters, the cdrw doesnt show up though it shows up when i click on "my computer"

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Local Disk E - Maxtor 1TB External Hard Drive

Oct 21, 2008

I have a Computer which operates on XP Service Pack 2 and has a Maxtor 1TB external Hard Drive hooked up. We do a lot of Video Editing (programs such as DV Storm, Vegas etc.) and up until yesterday the external came up as Local Disk E, but it became unplugged whilst the Editing programs were running.It now it comes up as Local Disk (I) but the problem is the Edit programs doesn't recognise any of the files (avi., mpg etc.) that are on the drive (comes up as 'invalid path'), and nor does it show them in their previous format.

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Drive Is Not Labeled Local Disk - Attached Screen Shot

Dec 19, 2006

I have recently noticed that my c: drive is not labeled Local disk as it usually is. It is now labeled SQ004126P01. I have attached a screen shot. Why would this have changed? Should I be concerned? Is this a problem?

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Local Disk C Drive Icon Missing: Unable To Get It Normal?

Jan 14, 2006

As of a few days ago I'm having a problem with my local disk (C) icon in my computer. It's gone! All I see right now is a generic icon. Is there a way to get back to normal.

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Search Function - Difference Between Local Hard Drives C And Local Disk C

Sep 29, 2005

When you click Start>Search>All files and folders, there is a drop-down list of places to look in. Two of the items on that list are:

Local Hard Drives (C and

Local Disk (C

What is the difference between these two items?

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How To Make Hard Disk Drive As My My Music Folder?

Sep 22, 2007

I have this idea however I don't know if you can do it. What i want to do is to make my Hard Disk Drive as my My Music folder: Whenever you click or go into My Music, it will act as a shortcut and head straight to the Hard Disk Drive. The reason for this is so I have a Hard Disk Drive full of music while my original HDD has all the other stuff. Also My Music is a special windows folder so I would like to keep that if possible when doing this.

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Hard Disk Drive Icons - My Computer Folder Changed

Jun 14, 2005

The Hard Disk Drive Icons in the "My computer" folder changed from an XP look and feel to a Win 98 look and feel. I right clicked on the Icon but I cannot change from there. Does anyone know how to change back the icons?

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Folder Appears At Startup

Jan 7, 2008

I get a folder appear each time I start my win XP laptop. It appears on the desktop and has the name of a folder I have deleted a few months ago that was full of mp3 files.

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Folder Appears On Startup

Jul 31, 2005

For some reason the SYSTEM32 folder keeps appearing on the desktop at startup. Any ideas what I can do about this?

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My Documents Folder Appears To Be Missing

Jul 19, 2005

One of the users on my PC does not have the My Documennst folder appearing the list "Files stored on the this computer".it is just a registry tweak

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System 32 Folder Appears On Boot Up

Jul 7, 2007

When I boot up my computer the system 32 folder appears. I would like to get rid of this unscheduled appearance. There is no mention of System 32 in msconfig so I cannot simply uncheck a box and have it not start up. I did find a MS article on this problem;, but it calls for editing the registry and as the directions are not too clear, I am afraid to do this on my own for fear of fouling something critical. I am fine with the instructions till the last step where they call for editing Value data. If someone knowledgable with the registry could give me some detailed directions I would like to try to eliminate System 32 from appearing. Computer info (if needed) is in my profile.

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Check Disk Local Disk

May 26, 2006

so what i did was scan for and attempt of bad sectors, when it was done i restarted the computer, then a blue screen pop up reading and checking for errors the last time i check it was on 33% so i was just sitting watching tv and all of the sudden my power for the whole house went out for about couple of min then when i turn on the computer, i tells me if i want to reboot in safe mode or normal, so i pick normal(tried safe mode also same thing happened) when it start loading a blue screen pop up saying A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer if this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen apperas again follow these steps Disable or uninstall ant anti-virus, disck defragmentation or back up utilities. Check your hard drive fongiuration, and check for any updated drives. Run CHKDSK /F to check for hard drive corruption, and then restart your computer.

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Folders In This Disk - Local Disk (c:)

Aug 22, 2005

I have folders in this disk and I don't know if some should be deleted or
moved, I could use some help before I do something wrong. These folders are
on called c and it is empty, one with Documents & Settings with a folder with
my name and other users I put on the computer. A folder called hegames which
is empty. A folder called My Downloads 9.99 MB Real Player 10-5 Gold , A
Windows folder 1.60 GB with addins, apppatch, assembly, config files and said
should not open could cause problems, which I won't open. A Dell folder 1.99
MB contracts doc.drivers high speed int. A folder I386 which has a lot in it
, said don't open. And the last a folder that said My Music which is empty. A
folder called tmp with 1.44 MB Files;Appudater.exe.CI.log sownload
manager.dll and the last System INFO configuration settings 1KB which I won't
open. Can I delete some of these? Safely?

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Explorer Appears Showing Folder - Msconfig And Seeing

Jan 11, 2006

Everytime i login to Windows, windows explorer appears showing the folder "C:Program FilesCommon"I've tried going into msconfig and seeing if the folder start up through that but it doesn't seem to.I've recently reformatted and didn't have this problem beforehand.I have Windows XP Pro SP1.

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Folder Titled 'common' Appears - ''

Jun 20, 2005

Everytime I start the computer i cannot do anything until a folder titled
'common' appears, inside the folder is another folder titled 'bin', inside
'bin' are four files titled '', '', '' and
''. This folder didn't used to come up so i guess i have done
something, how can i repair it to stop it appearing?

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Start Up - Folder System32 Appears On Desktop

Mar 27, 2008

For some reason when ever I start up the folder "system32" appears on my desktop. It's not a big deal it's more annoying than anything but I'm sure when I go to START UP what uncheck to stop this from popping up everytime.

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Can't Find Local Settings Folder

Nov 15, 2009

Using XP home edition, I'm trying to tweak my Chrome browser so I went looking for the installation folder. The properties dialogue in the shortcut tells me it's in "C:Documents and SettingsOwnerLocal SettingsApplication DataGoogleChromeApplicationchrome.exe". The problem is that I cannot find this folder. When I go to my D&S folder and open my "Owner" folder, there is no "Local Settings" folder. I have my system set up to show all folders, including hidden and system folders, so I know that isn't the problem.

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Local Disk Is Not C

Jun 3, 2008

i've tried to install drivers for the computer and noticed an error "could not access C:Windows" so i checked and the local disc is actually labeled H!I've changed C (which is a removeable drive) to X so C is avaliable, but i am unable to rename the Local Disc to C, i think because it's in use, how can i get round this?
I cannot install a driver as it by default goes to C:.

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Can't Get Rid Of Local Disk

Mar 21, 2007

when I open My Computer, it has a list a couple things;Hard Disk Drives
Drive C: (with a hard drive icon)Devices with Removable Storage.DVD/CD+RW Drive D:(with a CD player icon)Other.Local Disk L: (icon with a drive that has a red circle over it with a white question mark in the red circle)I attached an image of My Computer window. I can format it but it is pointless because it has 0 free used space. I thought if I did that maybe I would be able to erase it, but that didn't work either. It doesn't show up in Disk Manager either. I have tried using Partition Magic to delete it, but on reboot it gives me an error 626. I am using Windows XP Home Edition.

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How To Turn Off Folder Synchronization On Local Network

Oct 18, 2008

My computer and MY Wife's computer are networked and we can share 'MY Documents' from both computers. All was fine until yesterday when she asked "what all all these files here in My Documents" I recognized them as files/folder from MY PC. Apparently our PC's now have duplicates of each others MY Documents' on the others PC. I do not want my wife's documents on my PC and I don't want mine on hers. How do I turn off MS Folder Synchronization ? I recently ungraded to Microsoft Office 2007 and I see this MS Office Groove. Is this the program that is doing this?

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Local Disk Will Not Open Normally

Oct 14, 2007

When i double click on any local disk (Local Disk(C) ,(DVD-RW Drive (D) ,(CD-RW Drive (E) or any Removable Disk it will not open directly, it opens a search window. I have to open the the drop down box and select open. I know this was caused by a virus that no longer exist on my PC.

How do i edit the registry so that my drives open by double clicking?

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Can't Open Local Disk C

Nov 10, 2007

I am using Windows XP Home Edition, Service Pack 2. About a week ago, I had a Trojan-PSW.OnLine Games virus.I think I got rid of the Trojan-PSW.OnLine Games virus. But, I am having the same problem as "thebest100" and "srinivassalle" here: I tried:1. Enter command prompt on WIN XP. HOW?Click Start > Run > CMD 2. Navigate to drive C: HOW?
type cd 3. Type Dir /a To show all files in root drive. Then identify the autorun.inf file (you may find other autorun-named files there. You this same method to get them out)4. Type attrib autorun.inf This will help you get the file attributes on the autorun.inf. Depending on the outcome which can be ash, i.e. Archived, System file, Hidden), do the following:5. Type attrib -a -s -h autorun.inf (assuming above result).This will make the file a normal file
6. Type del autorun.

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Local Disk H Is Not Opening

Feb 23, 2008

my local disk drive h is not opening wheneveri click on it my computer hangs
dis also leads to checking of this rive whenever i start my computer
morever i think dis is leading my computer to not shut down what do i do
i dont hav anything imp in it

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Local Disk Needs To Be Formatted

Jul 24, 2009

bought a new portable HDD -Western Digital Passport 320GB, and I formatted it to NTFS on my laptop on XP. My main gaming PC has Windows 7 x64 on it and when I got home from my holiday I transferred my files to it and put BitLocker on it.Once I had done this I plugged it back into my laptop with XP on it, and it picks it up as Local Disk (F: ) and says it needs to be formatted. Why would this be? I thought okay, so I took off BitLocker off of it on Windows 7, and plugged it back in, and it was still saying it. What is the problem here? I right clicked it and it said the FileSystem is RAW, which didn't make sense as I formatted it to NTFS on the same computer.

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Local C Drive Freezes - Did Chkdsk Found No Errors On My C Drive

Jan 9, 2009

Whenever I open up My Computer and browse Local C drive, it takes at least 10 seconds to open up a single folder. I did chkdsk /f /r thing and found no errors on my C drive. I am also possitive that my PC is malware free.

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Can't Make Local Settings Folder Stay Hidden

Nov 21, 2007

I'm trying to unhide this folder and KEEP it unhidden because the backup software we are using cannot see hidden files. I go to properties, uncheck hide. It asks me if I want to unhide just the folder or all files and subfolders, I do all files and sub folders. No problem.Then, when I reboot, I go to check it, and it's hidden again.Is there any way to stop Windows from automatically hiding it on restart?

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