Multi Files Being Highlighted

Jun 29, 2005

All of a sudden my WinXP Pro is highlighting multi files to be opened. If if click lower on the screen all files above are highlighted. How do I stop this from happening?

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Multi Files Highlighted When Click On Lower Programs

Jun 29, 2005

When I click on a program it highlights several prrograms at once. If I click on a lower program on the screen all programs above are highlighted. same thing happens in email.

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Word Highlighted Desktop Icon - Un-highlighted Them?

Mar 6, 2010

Words of my desktop icon is highlighted, how can i un-highlighted them?

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Logical Drives And Contained Files Highlighted In Blue?

Aug 13, 2005

I have setup a second hard drive for data storage only (no OS) and have allocated all availables space under a single extended partition to make future expansion as painless as possible. I have divided the extended
partition into three logical partitons, whose volume labels are now highlighted in blue in My Computer. The same happens to all files and folders that are now stored in these logical partitions.

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Multi Partition Boot / Multi OS Install

Jan 11, 2006

Recently I reinstalled the OS on my computer. It was shipped with Windows XP HE SP2, but I formatted and put Win98 onto the system. Needless to say, it froze up at the Windows splash screen. So, I uninstalled it and put XP back on. My question here is, is there any possible way to put Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows XP all on one hard drive, and it work? I know how to partition the hard drive accordingly for the deed, it's getting the computer to actually run 95, 98, and 3.1. I'm cheating fate here, since I know 3.1 probably won't run on my 32-bit structure system, but it's worth a try. My system is a Dell Dimension 4700 with 3.0 gHz CPU, 256 mb of RAM, and an nVidia 64 mb video card.

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Multi User Logon Access To Certain Files Programs

Feb 9, 2006

setting up more than one user logon for windows xp home edition w/ sp2 installed (using fat32). What I would like to acheive (if possible) is to limit my teenagers (2) access to certain files and programs. More specifically programs such as windows explorer (including right-click on START button), access to the "RUN" command, control panel, and other system controlling programs. I have searched on C-Net and microsoft, finding bits and peices but not all together in 1 post and not a step by step. I am not afraid to edit the registry.Also I do not want to convert this comp to ntfs (unless there is a way to back up a massive amount of data without a cd/dvd burner, as I am under the impression that a re-install of XP and reformatting of hard drive is required to switch to ntfs). What would be ideal (and maybe easier to do?) would be to have teenage-user1 and teenage-user2 logon bring up only a desktop with no taskbar and/or START button, thus allowing only access to the programs that I shortcut to the desktop (this thought just occurred to me while typing this).

These children are 15 and 16 and are smart enough to type a google search for password/registry/command prompt hacks and crackers and such. I haven't seen anything in regaurds to what I am looking for all on 1 system or complete in 1 post/step-by-step. Possibly I am not typing the correct search words, but seems alot of text for a search ( am not typing "the" "and" etc. and am using/trying as many buzzwords as I can think of...) and I get no way too much irrelavent and sometimes confusing info or no matches at all. I may be making a mountain out of a mole hill with how I want to do this, as it probably has been done before, if so a link(s) would be much appreciated as would any advice from "seasoned/in-the-know" users/programmers.

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Icons Always Highlighted

Dec 6, 2006

I was playing with services but this seems to be affecting both of my hardware profiles... It wasn't happening last night, it was only today. I have restarted several times, tried different profiles and different user accounts and all icons are still like this

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Icons On My Desktop Look Like They Are Highlighted

Sep 18, 2005

When i was on the net i clicked save web page as to see what would happen. Now all my icons on my desktop look like they are highlighted when they are not.

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All Icons Are Highlighted Upon Startup

Feb 19, 2006

Yesterday I cleaned a computer using (cleanup.exe)I also uninstalled McAfee and installed Avast! Now all of the sudden when I boot up all of the icons are highlighted and my desktop wallpaper is cut in half, also the icons don't work when you click them

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Fonts Have Been Highlighted For So Long

Dec 4, 2007

I am getting annoyed. My fonts have been highlighted for so long. And its not because I changed the theme, its always like this, even on the regular XP theme.. Is there anyway I can fix this?

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Highlighted Destination Folder In IE

Jun 28, 2005

In Explorer, when right clicking and dragging to a destination folder, is there a way to keep the destination folder highlighted when you release the button and then make your selection from the menu?

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Do Not Show Hiden File Is Highlighted

May 5, 2005

the program is saying that hide the file or show the hidden file which do I want?
Show hidden or dont show hidden. The do not show is highlighted.Which is the right way?

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Desktop Icon Highlighted - Restore?

Feb 26, 2008

My desktop looks like this (sorry for the large image) and I don't want the text on my icons to be highlighted. I can't seem to get rid of them, though. The color corresponds to the color of the desktop behind the wallpaper

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Highlighted Desktop Icons - Tried Backtracking

Jul 13, 2005

I was trying to move a jpeg to the desktop and after closing open IE I noticed all my desktop icons were highlighted, I have tried backtracking without any success.

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Desktop Stay Permanently Highlighted

Jun 3, 2006

My icons on my desktop stay permanantly highlighted for some reason. I ran spybot, NAV, Adware, and Pest Patrol and cleaned up a few spyware and adware programs, but nothing seems to help out the icon situation. Here is a picture if you want to see what it looks like-

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Desktop Icon Words Highlighted

Jun 10, 2010

The Words/description of the desktop icons are highlighted in blue with white text. I have a dell computer running SP3 and Windows XP.

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Highlights Text - Donot Want Highlighted

Jun 16, 2005

Sometimes when cutting and pasting text from a web page, the "smart" highlighting grabs stuff I don't want it to grab. For Example:start here 'and select this text'but not this Using your mouse, start at the "a" in "and" on the previous line. Click and hold to start text highlighting, then move the mouse to the end
of the word text.

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Desktop Icons And Text Is Highlighted

Apr 23, 2006

Can anyone explain why my icons look like this, the way the text is highlighted.I did a system restore and was fine but soon came back within minutes. Not a big problem more annoying.<A HREF="">Screenshot here</A>

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Titles Under Desktop Icons Are Highlighted In Blue

Sep 22, 2006

the titles under my desk top icons are highlighted in blue. what would be the cause of that?

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Desktop Icon Text Suddenly Highlighted

Sep 7, 2008

I am not sure what I did but the text on my desktop icons is suddenly highlighted and despite trying several things I can't make it go away! All I have managed to do is change the color a few times. I googled this problem and tried the several 'solutions' that I found but none of them worked. Can anyone help me solve this annoying problem?

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Desktop Icons Remain Highlighted After Program Closed

May 26, 2005

When I close a program the desktop icon remains highlighted, until I mouse click elsewhere on the desktop. This only presents a real problem when I log off of my dial up server and the icon remains highlighted. If I forget to un-highlight it, my phone won't ring, although my answering machine will pick up the call.

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New Program Installs Stays Highlighted On Start Lists

Jun 16, 2005

freshly installed xp back onto my computer and after using the newly installed programs they still remain highlighted under the start list. not really a problem just annoying to see it all the time. anybody have a quick fix to this one

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Use Multi Languages On PC?

Nov 29, 2006

How many of you here use multi languages on the PC? I am having a BIG PROBLEM with the Language Tool Bar. I've been using English an Japanese on my PC and this never happened.I used the Microsoft Office 2003 Language Setting to "add" Japanese and it's been running fine. But today, all the sudden, the Language Tool Bar disappeared. Language Tool Bar = The bar appears automatically on the screen when you are using multi languages on the PC.If the Language Tool Bar is in inactive, it's restored on the Left-Bottom of the screen. Eng for English, Jp for Japanese. So I tried removing the settings and re-added, re-started, nothing happened. Also I tried Control Panel, Regions and Language Setting, added Japanese (it was already added), nothing happens.In fact, if I see the current settings, there are English and Japanese there! I tried Spybot and Ad-aware to see if any problem. Then re-started, result, same. Updated IE to 7.0, result, same.I didn't change any settings today, no new downloads or installations before this problem occurred.

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Email Click Highlighted Inserts / Address - No Transporting Desired Area

Oct 19, 2005

In receiving emails & wish to click on highlited inserts or address, both included in the body of messeage, no longer do they work by transporting me to the desired area. Always worked before.

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Multi-Core Processing

Nov 3, 2008

One question about Multi-Core and Mulit-Processor machines. It is the duty of the operating system to make use of all the cores and CPUs? or it is the duty of the running application? And which one should optimize this task?

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How To Performance With Multi Users?

Aug 17, 2005

I have to do a complete wipe and reinstallation of XP. It runs slow,reasons unknown. Anyway, on the old system, we had 2 users, both with administrative privileges. I need to know whether multiple users will cause the performance to drop in a major way. I understand the answer is yes IF both users remain active with programs running. But, we close our programs and log off completely when we switch users. Will multiple users on a system bog it down if only one user has programs running and the other user is logged off?

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Multi Boot Home

Aug 20, 2005

I have had some XP problems, which have involved me installing several versions of XP.(all of them are gone now except the one Im using.)The problem is, When I start my computer, It gives me the option to start in all 3. (only 1 of which works)I thought the file to edit to get rid of this was boot.ini, but I cant find it anywhere. I have searched my whole computer

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Videos Are Multi Colored Like A Rainbow?

Apr 14, 2007

Its strange my videos are multicolored like a rainbow some of them are and some of them aren't could it be a codec problem? can anybody help i haven't been on the computer scene for a long time

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Complicated Multi-operating System

Apr 4, 2006

I have a compact laptop bought second hand but has problems.

1) Firstly when it is switched on it asks to choose between either windows 98 or windows 2000 pro (the one i want to use)

2) On loading up windows 2000 it works fine however when i try to use many options such as; volume control, disk cleanup, msconfig, majority of .exe files etc it says "access to file denied" or "cannot find the file "xxx". make sure the path and filename are correct and that all required libraries are available" - this is despite the file it is looking for being the one I want to use.

3) On searching futher I noticed that in my computer along with the usual WINDOWS directory. I have 2 other operating system folders in their entirity. WindowsNT and Windows 98 - I think that having all systems on my computer must be reason for it not working

4) I have tried to uninstall windows 98 using its own uninstall program however get the message "cannont find "xxx" etc

5) I have a feeling the windowsNT is just cd contents and ahs not been setup properly and could therefore simply deleted but I ahve not done so just in case

6) If i begin the laptop ion windows 98 much more works, including sound etc, however the uninstall still does not.

7) Misc problem - I cannot install any more programs when running windows 2000.

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Booting Multi Operating Systems

Jan 19, 2005

Everything was lovely with my boot.ini file,I have XP Home, XP Pro, Longhorn and Windows 98SE. All on one hard drive, different partitions, of course.I installed Windows ME ( not sure what gave me that brilliant idea)and now my boot menu is messed up. It initially eliminated 98 and put Windows ME there, so I added 98 back, but if I choose 98 it still goes to ME, which is on an external hard drive. I installed ME by booting with a 98 bootdisk with cdrom support, and installed ME to the external drive.Is there any way of getting my 98 boot option back? 98 is still on my main drive, I can see it, I just can't boot to it

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System Restore In Multi-boot Environment?

Aug 7, 2007

how System Restore works in a multi-boot environment? (I am not concerned with Vista, but with WinXP only).If I have O/S A and B, and I perform a System Restore in O/S A, is there any possibility that O/S B will also get rolled back to the same date? In O/S A, should I allow System Restore to monitor the O/S B partition, or should I switch off System Restore on that drive?

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