Make Things Not Startup At Startup

Jan 8, 2005

The problem is it takes an incredibly long time to startup because of these, once we close them it gets back to running fast, but until then we have to wait for them to open. I think it's causing the problem because we didn't have this problem until we installed this.How do I make it stop starting up on Windows XP? I sped up my startup on my computer by stopping useless things from running.

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Things Running On Startup

Sep 16, 2007

Frequently on shut down I see a message that says hpqimzone.exe is not responding and I have to click on "End Now" to continue with shutown. I did some researching and found out that this process belongs to HP Photosmart Premier. This seemed confusing to me at first because the shutdown isssue occurs even when I don't run the program. After some more examinations I found out that I have two items that seem to run on startup, one is called Adobe Reader Speed Launch and the other is HP Photosmart Premier Fast Start. They are in a Startup folder - file path: C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersStart Menu Programs Startup. Are these critical components of startup and, if not, how do I stop them from running at startup? Would deleting the shortcuts do the trick?

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Loops On Startup Tried Various Things Now Stuck

Jan 31, 2007

A friends computer went down last week - on loading it'd say 'file missing explorer.exe' it restarted and just wouldn't do anything else. It wouldn't go into safe mode, XP wouldn't repair etc, so I reformated the PC and put XP back on a fresh. She said she'd done nothing to it which was a bit puzzling.Now today I've gone around there and the PC is looping, it'll go to the XP load screen and then go back to the menu options - safe mode etc. The PC won't load in safe mode, last known config, nuffink! Again, she said she'd done nothing to it, apparently the mouse was freezing, now it won't do anything, I put in the XP disc and tried to do a repair this is the message:Setup cannot set the required Windows XP configuration information. This indicates an internal setup error. Contact your system administrator.

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Slow Shutdown And Startup, Tried Many Things

Jan 6, 2008

Recently developed a problem with very slow shutdown and startup both. With no programs running, it takes about a minute and a half to shut down, about two to boot up, and about five to load programs after I select user. During the program load, the hard drive is running like crazy, with Task Manager showing a lot of use by explorer.exe, ctfmon, and one svchost entry. At times, one of the two latter ones will jump as high as 98% usage. I tried disabling every startup program with Task Manager while disconnected from the net, deleted restore points, defragged, and the delay improved only slightly. In addition to AVG a/v, Spybot, and Adaware I have run CCleaner and the full version of Registry Mechanic with no improvement. I have gone down the HijackThis list using the cheat sheet in this forum and deleted a couple of suspicious items, that didn't help either. On the attached startup list, I have no clue what the fourth item with no command listed might be. I have recently added an external hard drive for storage and backup and a new monitor, fwiw, but the problem seems to have started at some point after that. The web sites in the HJT log are all legitimate.

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Make A Startup Disk

Aug 12, 2002

Put a floopy disk in your floopy drive. One you have done this, Go to My computer, and right click on A:/. Click on format, and then at the bottom, clikc Make Boot Disk. Click Format.

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Cannot Make Good Ms-dos Startup Disk

Sep 13, 2005

I can't make a good MS-DOS startup disk (for BIOS flashing) from XP SP2.I select the "Make an MS-DOS startup disk" from the Format dialog.Sometimes it gives up without a warning (i.e. the progress bar resets itself and the "Start" button goes active again). Sometimes it completes with a success message. However the disks never boot. I get the following messages from the BIOS (abbreviated a bit!): Looking for boot record on floppy... OK I've tried with a least 7 different floppy disks, all with the same result. Does anyone have any idea what I can do to get it to work? I've also tried to make a MS-DOS boot disk on a Windows 2000 machine by downloading some freeware, but this does not work. I think the floppy drive is OK because I can boot from a Linux floppy disk (memtest86).

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Unable To Make Faster Startup?

Sep 10, 2005

the wife was listening to music (on the hard drive through winamp not the cd player) last night - two songs into list the music stops - she checks the computer , monitor is off, cue light is flashing orange and the computer appears to be running.puzzled, she tries a restart. upon restart,the computer appears to be on- power supply on, fans are running, lights are on, but there is no image on the monitor, monitor cue light flashing orange. i check the system this morning and get the same basic results. aditionally, the cd drive and the floppy drive are unresponsive, apparently off- no "drive" lights. thinking, but running out of ideas and looking for some suggestions.

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Mouse Freeze At Startup:keep Moving Make It Free?

Oct 10, 2010

my mouse freeze at startup. then restart,only if you keep moving the mouse , can the mouse be free.

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Disabling Msconfig: To Stop Others To Make Changes In Startup Applications?

May 8, 2007

My bro often uses my laptop, and changes startup applications by using msconfig key in start>run. I need a way to stop him from doing that.

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Msconfig Normal Startup, Stop Running At Startup, And Change Back

May 16, 2007

I want a program to run at startup and I want to be able to change what I have done at any time.

There are a number of unchecked entries in msconfig and I have to use Selective Startup all the time.

If I want to revert to Normal Startup under the General tab instead of Selective Startup, the program's box automatically rechecks itself in Startup.

The Startup tab gives me a handy record of what I did and allows for an easy change of mind so long as I continue to use Selective Startup.

If I edit the Registry to stop programs running at startup, they won't show in msconfig and I lose the handy record of how it was and I may have to reinstall the program to go back to it running at startup.

I would like to accomplish this:

1. Use Normal Startup instead of Selective Startup.

2. Have some programs not run at startup, but be able to easily change back to having them run at startup.

3. Have a readily accessible list of those programs and the details as shown under the Startup tab as a reminder of how it was without having to manually enter it all into a text file or keep a notebook or reinstall.

Is there some way to use Normal Startup, stop programs running at startup, but retain or find a list of those programs (including the details under the headings Startup Item, Command, Location) that is shown when using Selective Startup with unchecked boxes under the Startup tab?

To put it another way, use Normal Startup but somehow retain the convenient flexibility of Selective Startup.

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Startup Problem, Already Disabled All Unnecessary Startup Items...

May 8, 2010

My startup time went up drastically.
I have disabled all but two of the automatic startup items using msconfig. My system used to start in less than two minutes, easily. Now it takes a more than a minute or two longer than that.
I know what the problem is; the only three items that show in the system tray after startup are:
1) The AVG Antivirus icon .
2) The Spybot SD Resident icon.
3) Local Area Connection (This is the icon which shows two computer monitors with screens that light up and go dark periodically)

Now, after the problem started, the last item, the Local Area Connection icon is the one that doesn't load, for VERY long. So it may be something to do with that. Also, just before the icon finally shows up(after which point the computer is fine to use) I've notice that a Windows security notification icon flashes, for just a second, and then is replaced by the Local Area Connection icon. For the record, these are the two icons I'm talking about:

I have had my automatic updates disabled for a while now, so you might think that that's the reason the notification is showing up but I've already disabled that notification using Windows Security Center.

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Msconfig Keeps Opening After Startup, Having Disabled Startup Items

Jun 10, 2010

Try making my laptop less slow and not freeze all the time when doing the simplest of tasks.

However, my problem happens after trying to disable the Startup Items from the MSconfig dialogue.

-After I have unchecked the boxes I don't want, I click OK or Apply;

-It then tells me I have to restart for the changes to take place, so I do this;

-Then after completing its restart a message says that "The System Configuration Utility is in Diagnostic or Selective Startup mode, causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time Windows starts up."

-it then opens the MSconfig dialogue box again.

If I just close the utility or click ok, sure enough it keeps on opening every time I startup. Or else, what it's trying to convince me to do is to start up in Normal Mode. But I won't do this because then all the Startup Items I'd disabled become enabled again and the whole lengthy task was a waist of time!

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Run Option Missing From Startup Menu: Restoring It To My Startup?

Sep 3, 2005

The run link is missing from my startup menu...can anyone help me find it? I know this sounds dumb, but I really need to restore it to my startup so I
can take care of some other problems I'm having.

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Remove Common Startup Items From Startup List

Dec 25, 2005

How do you remove the "Common Startup" items from the startup list in msconfig for Windows XP? I did locate and remove the "Run" items that are located in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionRun.

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Disable Startup Programs - Startup Programms Running

Jun 21, 2006

Win XP Home edition. I'm in the Speed Up Windows Startup class. I currently have a very long list of startup programs running. Is it safe for me to disable all except security programs (Symantec Norton,AdAware,Spyguard)?Charles

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Cleaning Up Startup: Msconfig Showing Startup Normal?

Feb 10, 2010

I think I might need to do this.It's now impossible to click or d/click on a programme or even an email and have it open I have to click 6-10 times before the little hourglass appears.I think I need to change my startup : what do you think? Msconfig shows my startup options to be -Normal Diagnostic Selective
Ought to to choose diag?Or Selective?because I can't decide which programmes I ought to remove and which to leave in, but I'm sure I have too many.

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Computer Slow On Startup - Particularly At Startup

Apr 27, 2006

My sister's computer is running very slowly, particularly at startup (which seems to take forever). I've got Panda antivirus software running and do reasonably regular spyware scans with AdAware, but am not sure if the problem is just that the computer is old with too little memory / overheating because it's on almost all the time / something else I haven't thought of. To help me determine what's going on, could someone much smarter than myself take a look at this HJT log and see if you see anything of concern?

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Xp Does Not Startup

Mar 1, 2006

my pc is windows xp professional and I have computer was infected with different types of jeefo trojan. I had removed many of them(Welchia and manu other i dont remember) but there was another trojans still in my computer which had infected all the .EXE files(Hidrag). so i installed karsperky antivirus. I ran a full system scan and got some virus but Hidrag trojan was still there. I had many .EXE files and I had to remove all of them by karsperky one by one. I decided to download a hidrag remover. during the scan time Microsoft antispyware showed me a message whether i want to allow a file to run at startup by that software and i clicked yes.after a while the software asked to restart my pc to scan network also, so i did. but after restart my pc didnt start, because after I enter my user password, it automatically log off and again user password window displays.

after this problem I tried safe mode and "using last windows setting'' but did not work.then I tried to repair it using my windows xp repair tool which only copy the windows file and other data remain there, and that also did not work.Please give me advice and solution to repair it.I have some data which are important for me and dont want to lose them. Even if there is a way to recover data, i will be formatting C drive.

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Options At Startup

Jan 21, 2006

I was going to do a clean install of 2000 over 2000,it won't let me do the install.

I thought I'd clean it up, so that is working out great, the seller didn't leave too much on there...but everytime it restarts I have the option to run windows 2000 or run windows 2000 to make it start up normally?

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Xp Options At Startup

Jul 12, 2008

After a reinstall i now get the option of "xp pro or xp pro" bit daft really anyone got a clue
also having two harddrives i choose this time to put windows on the smaller one 37gb
i cannot get windows to call it "c drive"

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Getting Rid Of Startup Icons

Sep 2, 2005

I've just reloaded my computer, running really well now!But another stick of RAM in it, which made it a lot more usable!
I want to try and get rid of my startup icons on the start bar.It really slows it down on startup.I've got System Mechanic, which can manage startup icons, but it's hard to identify,

How to identify the different icons, when using a program which shuts them down on startup?

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Getting Rid Of Startup Message

Mar 10, 2007

I somehow customized my startup to display a screen that reads, "This computer is set to explode in 12 seconds. Run away as fast as you can." The whole startup process stops until I click "accept."

I think it was some program that I was fooling around with and I thought it would be cute. But I've been sick of it for a long time now and don't know how to get rid of it.

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Xp Startup Options

Sep 11, 2005

every time i boot up or restart my comp i get a screen saying this:

Please select the Operating System to start:

Microsoft Xp Home Edition
Restore Microsoft Home Edition

for troubleshooting and advanced startup options for windows, press F8.

Ive tried selecting both options and it boots up normally into Xp, but then when i boot up again or restart the comp the same screen appears every time

P4 2.8
512mb ram
100gb hard drive
Windows Xp Home sp2

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Getting OS Choices At Startup

Mar 28, 2006

I tried to install XP in my computer, but wanted to check if disc would run first as my machine is pretty old, so done it from startup with the disc and it stalled and wouldnt install XP
But now at startup i have to choose windows2000 or XP setup at startup and it automatically chooses XP install,I have to watch startup to change the choice every time

How can i get rid of the XP install choice please

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Too Many Startup Items ...

Aug 13, 2005

When I log in to my computer It takes long time load up......the problem is that after everything is said and don I have aprox. 56 processes running. I do not have any programs in my startup folder. I know there is a way to stop all of these programs from starting up. So my questions are 1. How do i stop all these programs from loading? 2. What are the programs that have to run for windows to work?

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Slow Startup

Apr 24, 2007

Recently reinstalled windows on computer. Would like to not have as much on startup as it has. Is it safe to shut off KBD.exe related to the multimedia keys? also Hotkeys command, and Igfxtray? only use F keys incase computer screws up.

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Resetting Upon Startup - Big Red X

Feb 12, 2008

it gave the c drive a big red X and dropped tons of pos.tmp files in places. I downloaded an antivirus (the program was fine, it worked for my friends who had the same virus) and ran it. Randomly in the middle of the running my computer just died. It reset itself. So I went back into the account, and it reset itself again. I've done some work and am able to realize that the system will LOAD to the point where the account becomes active. Before any program can be used the computer restarts itself.

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Startup, Now Getting Errors

Apr 22, 2010

speed up my pc because it takes forever for my computer to startup. So first I went to add/remove programs and uninstalled things I didn't think I needed. Then I found some software online that is supposed to help clean your windows registry. So here's what I installed just this morning: RegCure and Pareto Logic Privacy Controls. I ran scans in both and ran the auto fixes for both. but now i am geting start up error

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Keeps Loading At Startup

Sep 19, 2005

Hi, i'm having an issue where even when i close it then reboot normally,a window opens up on my desktop pointing to a certain folder i had open a while back ie. c est everytime i boot up and log into my account.

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Svchost.exe Using 100% CPU At Startup?

Jan 20, 2008

I have a P4 512MB computer running Win XP SP2. Latley svchost.exe is using 100% CPU at startup. I have to open the task manager and kill the procces.Although I'vr found several posts on it, I can't find a good solution for this problem.

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Does AVG Free Need To Be In Startup?

Jun 22, 2007

I've been using this utility for about 6 months now and its been sitting in my startup menu all this time. I'm currently trying to clean it out and leave only the important stuff. I'm wondering if i take AVG out will i take advantage of its features like the resident shield and email scanning, anyone know?

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