Looking For Files On Badly Damaged Installation?

Dec 1, 2006

my dying WinXP system sometimes can be coaxed into booting as far as the recovery console or even into Windows (5 or 6 successive reboots, couple of CHDSKs and so on).Will not boot into Safe Mode(hangs after dumping a page of file names)Will not go back to Last Known Good Config Will not go back to any Restore Points I Have given up on it ....and will go for a complete re-install next ... but I would love to be able to grab some files before I kill it off.

Is there some way I can (forgive the terminology) 'stop the system' the second it passes the Windows Log In screen, it sometimes makes it this far but will not complete installation of all apps etc before dying. I just need basic functionality for 15 minutes to copy some files or maybe there is a way to find the files once in Recovery Console?

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HDD MBR Damaged During Copying Files

Feb 13, 2007

I have a little problem maybe someone has a answer for me. I have a WD 250 GB HDD labeled as the D Drive. Well this morning I cannot get to it from windows at all a error message pops up saying MBR is corrupted or unreadable and that is it, the drive has worked flawlessly until the past week. Whenever I copied a file to it then tried to view or play it it wouldn't let me into the folder where i placed it saying a similiar message the folder has become corrupted and locked me out as to say. Today the system doesn't even recognize the drive at all.

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Damaged Downloaded Program Files

Jul 29, 2005

I have found 2 damaged files-C:WINDOWSsystem32luctl.dll and
C:WINDOWSCPBRKPIE.OCX .I tried to change this screen saver my daughter
installed but i keep getting program not responding.I could not find screen
saver in add or remove programs and am afraid i messed something up trying to
change the screen saver.

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Replacing Files Damaged By Virus With Clean One?

May 15, 2006

One of my system files - taskdir.dll concretly- is infected by Trojan.Proxy.lagr. Although Bit Defender 8 blocked the virus, it returns every time I'm booting. How to kill entirely the virus?

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Internet Options General Tab Having Damaged Files?

Jan 15, 2007

Internet Options General Tab - Click settings and click View Objects ( Down Loaded Program Files Page ) The programs i have listed there all have files that are damaged , can these damaged files be DELETED. I have only 4 listed there . Schock Wave Flash , ICS Sanner light, QdIAGH Update.

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Damaged Pro CD / Damaged OEM CD And The Expired CDKEY

Jul 27, 2005

I have a damaged Windows XP CD and do not think its fair I pay just to request the info in getting it replaced. I saw this option and wanted to see if I could get something done about it.

I have a damaged OEM CD and the expired CDKEY that came with it from maximum activations as I was having BSOD problems which then was discovered to be bad RAM. The company I bought it from is now bankrupt and non-existant. Now I am left with a CD that makes a great coaster and a CDKEY that has expired from activation. When I first installed it 1 support request was already used? I had made one request and registered it with Microsoft so it has to be on archive even if it hasn't been used.Since I can't copy and paste.

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Icons Respond Badly On Clicking

Dec 8, 2006

Every time, when I click on an icon (For programs) on the desktop, it does not respond at any way- not even right clicking and press open. To just open the icons - I have to press as much as possible until it opens.

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Computer Lagging Badly At Explorer Especially

Feb 16, 2005


Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.2
Scan saved at 8:38:49 πμ, on 16/2/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) ...

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Installation/ Un-installation Of Daemon Tools That Corrupted Some Registry Files?

May 4, 2007

I've lately had some problems with my win-xp (home) following installation/ un-installation of daemon tools that corrupted some registry files. After an unsuccesfull repair-instalation of xp, i re-installed xp onto the secondary partition of my hard drive (d:, the original instalation being on c. I was intending to format the c: drive, then instal a copy of xp-pro i have onto it

finally moving the files i want to keep back from the d: drive onto the c: drive.The problem i'm now having is on formatting i recieve the error message 'system partition is not allowed to be formatted', as it is the primary partition. Can i go about formatting this drive in partitions and proceed with the re-install without having to remove the files i have on the d: drive? How might i go about this?

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Files Cannot Be Copied During Installation

Jul 21, 2006

Dell optiplex gx240, 20 gb, 256 mb p4, I try installing xp pro with the dell reinstallation disk and it will go thru format,creates a list of files to be copied, starts copying files, then stops after about 3-4% and says file cannot be copied. I hit escape to skip file but continues with file after file until windows stops installation. It starts not copying .tff and .dll files. I have changed hds, cdrom,different disk, tried xp pro and 2000 with the same results.

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Deleting Me Files Damaging The Installation

Jan 17, 2005

I recently purchased and installed xp home version update package. can I delete the windows me files without damaging the installation

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Installation Fails When Copying Files Over

Oct 10, 2007

I am trying to install Windows XP Prof. and it keeps failing to copy over files right after a format. It never is the same files, it has been about 15-20 different files on about 5-6 tries of installation.It asks you if you want to retry and sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes you have to skip. It says it could be the windows disk, but the windows disk works fine in my test machine and I can install windows perfectly over there.

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Installation Not Recognized - Transferred Files

Apr 18, 2008

I recently bought a new hard drive because my old one was playing up. I installed xp on my new one, and after a few teething problems i got it up and running and transferred all my files and installed the programs i wanted. Whenever i started the computer, i got a message saying that two operating systems had been found, and i could choose to load either my old or new one. I wanted to format my old drive so that i could use it for storage (it wasnt dead, just slow). It didnt let me do that on windows for whatever reason, so i looked it up on the net and someone said to load up from the xp boot cd and delete the partition from there. I did this, but after that it didnt recognise the windows installation on my new hard drive.

So all i could think of doing was to reinstall windows on my old one, which i have done. I know the data on my new hard drive is all there, as i can access it via my computer. my new hard drive is a SATA, and i read about problems with this, indeed i had to load some drivers from a floppy to get it to work in the first place. also i heard about having a master disk drive or something, but in BIOS i couldnt figure out how to change it to make my new hard drive the master. So basically, i was wondering what can i do to be able to load windows from my new hard drive, and once i suceed at that, how can i safely format my old one so i can use it for storage?

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Unable To Copy Files During Installation

Apr 5, 2005

I initially had a problem with java after installing a SP2 update for IE. And eventually reinstalled XP, that didn't correct the issue and then I had to get a new product code because I was in the "you have 30 days to activate" loop even though my copy of XP was already activated.So called Microsoft, got new product key and started to install again. This is when I first got the "Unable to copy files" error. I tried 2 different copies of XP but got the same issue, with the same files, with each disk.I've talked to Microsoft for hours, and finally had a guy tell me it was my motherboard (now this is after having swapped out my memory with the manufacturer). I just received my replacement board (M7NCD by Biostar) and I am still getting the same error. The gist is that at the dsound3d.dll, I start to get "unable to copy file" errors. I attempt to retry the copy, which works occasionally, but eventually I get an error (normally a memory error) Microsoft had said that even with those errors, it wasn't my memory but my motherboard that was the issue

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Discarding Old Files After A Parallel Installation?

Jun 24, 2005

To solve a Windows problem, I installed Windows XP to a new folder. This is also known as a parallel installation. I now have XP installed in two locations, in the WINXP folder as well as the Windows folder. I want to keep the new WINXP installation and discard the old, problem-laden Windows installation.

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Unable To Find Installation Files?

Apr 8, 2006

Where are the installation files located on the XP CD? So I can copy the files to the hard drive, and then install XP off the Hard Drive.

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Installation New Build / Freeze During Copyings Files

May 14, 2008

I reformat the drives and during the XP Home Discs process of copying files for the installation, the process freezes the system anywhere from 11% at driver.cab to 54% at some random file (i didnt take note). I have tried 2 different XP home Discs (both legal etc.) and two different disk drives, though both are new. and still it is yielding the same result. I have also tried loosening the ram timings to 5-5-5-15 (they are rated at 4-4-4-12). No luck and this is beggining to wear me down.

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Repair Installation : Files Needed .'asms'

Mar 28, 2010

First time poster; having an issue with a Windows XP repair installation. More specifically, during the repair installation process I am presented with this error message:"Files Needed The file 'asms' on Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 CD is needed. Type the path where the file is located, and then click OK. Copy files from: D: . . . " Note that the Windows XP DVD includes Service Pack 2. Also note that when the error message presents, the CD-ROM essentially goes dead.

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Files Not Copying Properly Or Being Corrupted While Installation

Jun 10, 2005

First I attempted to install Win XP Home from a cdrom to my C partition (20 gigs, partitioned from either my 120 or 160 gig (forget which) hard drive). However it kept botching up and giving me messages about files not copying properly or being corrupted etc. I cycled through a variety of XP install cds (son's, wife's, etc) without any luck. I tried using either the CDRW or DVD drive, in case one might have been faulty...no luck, however.I figured all of this business probably gunked up the works on my C partition, so I thought I'd better format it and wipe it clean, which I did using a Win98 SE boot CD and loading FDISK. I wanted to partition the 20 gig into 2 x 10 gig so that I could limit the C partition to pretty much only Win XP. Silly me...! Turned out I made a 2 MB partition with the remainder of the partition seemingly unavailable to me...couldn't see it when attempting to view partition information.

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Repair Windows Installation Without Losing ANY Files

Apr 28, 2005

I want to know how to repair windows installation without losing ANY files.

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Unable To Delete Files From A Previous Xp Installation?

Oct 10, 2010

I recently reinstalled XP but I didn't format the hard drive during the process. My hard drive is now almost full because the files and folders were not deleted...and they are nowhere to be found. I vaguely remember an option somewhere to delete files from a previous installation in xp but I can't seem to find it anywhere.I even tried Googling it but can't find it. Does anyone know how I can get rid of these old files.

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When I Copy/paste Files A Program Installation Starts?

Jan 5, 2006

I have been having the following problem off and on for some time:

When I try to copy/paste files and folders in windows XP explorer (or in the desktop or a program's dialog box), windows wants to re-install one of the programs I have already installed on my computer or that I installed once upon a time.

Currently this is happening with Roxio Easy media Creator 7, but in the past it has happened with many other programs, such as MS Office, Roxio and some other shareware programs.

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Winservice Pack 2 Installation Failure - Copying Files

Sep 2, 2005

I have a Dell 2350 Pentium4 1.8 gig Running WinXP Servicepack 1. When trying to install service pack2 thru automatic updates, the installation seems to be going fine. Then, while copying new files to the computer (after backing up and setting a restore point) I get a message that says "Generic host proces for Win32 Services encountered a problem and needs to close". The file copying continues in the backround. The standard message asks if I want to send the error to Microsoft. I send it and the file copying continues. After five more minutes copying files an error message pops up:"Access is denied". The system requires a click on "OK" and the old system is restored. I have tried to install several times with the same results.

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Installation Home After Vista - Access Same Files And Printers

Sep 10, 2008

I purchased the following system from Costco and was glad I was able to purchase the system complete without having to add components after the sale. I have tried and tried to get used to Vista (6 months) but as I am disabled and my brain doesn't always compute efficiently, I've had difficulties. Mostly with getting things recognized on the small network in my home. My other computers run XP and I wonder if there is not some conflict with the different operating systems trying to access the same files and printers? Finally I just decided to go back to XP..

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MFT Has Become Damaged

Mar 8, 2008

Some how my MFT has become damaged .is there any way to fix this ? the windows defrag program always shows a red block near the start of the disc, i have tried the windows chkdsk program but that did not help as far as i know ,when i run the O and O chdk program it always gives an error .

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XP Cd Got Damaged

Jul 30, 2005

my XP cd got damaged, does any one know if and how i can get a replacement or do i have to buy a new one with differents product key etc.

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Damaged Cd / Key Will Work?

Apr 5, 2007

I have a Genuine Windows XP Home Edition CD. Unfortunately, It was damaged due to the presence of scratches. Now I'm thinking of using my CD Key on none Genuine Windows XP Home Editions to replace the damaged CD. Will the installation convert it to genuine provided the use of original key?

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Data Becoming Damaged Or Corrupted?

Dec 13, 2007

I was having a problem with a lot of my Data becoming damaged or corrupted. At first i expected a virus (I run Nod32), but now i'm not sure. I reformatted, and repaired the MBR. When I run Nod32, it usually tells me one or more files have been damaged.

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All Downloads Are Damaged/Corrupted

Oct 9, 2005

I have used this website several times in the past to find solutions to some of my problems. I have normally been able for find what I need, without asking for help. Not for this problem, though. So, I am one of your newest members to this really cool site. I donated $20 to support this valuable resource. All files that are downloaded are corrupted

I noticed that my AntiVirus was not up-to-date (I got the MS security warning that virus prot was not running). I tried the "Live Update" feature and it didn't work (Live update could not uncompress the list of available updates. The update list somehow got corrupted. You need to run LiveUpdate again to get a new update list. I just shrugged it off and figured I would fix it later. Then I realized that I could not download other stuff, like updates to SpyBot S&D,iTunes, Typhoon Rising, MS Office

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Computer/harddrive Damaged?

Mar 24, 2005

Set a sub woofer with no magnetic shielding right next to my computer tower for about 10 hours or so. I mean you can see the sub woofer effect the monitor when your holding it from about 8 inches away, so should I be worried about my hard drive? The computer appears to be functioning normally, but still, it would almost seem crazy for it not to be damaged. I don't know what difference it makes but here are the specs

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Damaged Program File

Mar 26, 2005

Back at Christmas of 2002 I transfered all my files with a intellimover program. I found these files while clicking the Tools button on my browser window, Internet Options from there and then View Objects. The first thing in this downloaded list is a filed listed as and it says that it is damaged. It also has a date on it that is before my transfere. This file came from a HP Windows98 computer to my now Dell XP WIndows. It's only 4kb. It also says it was accessed today for some reason. Is my computer really using this file? Is this a file I need. I think its a windows update thing but now sure.

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