Looking For Books Or Websites For User Codes

Jul 10, 2005

I am reading programming windows 5th edition by charles petzold. This is a great book which has plenty of good examples but no exercises or assignments for the user to code and looking for other books web sites
class notes whatever for Windows exercises.

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Uninstall Quick Books From Computer?

Aug 1, 2007

I have quick books installed that we aren't even using. Dave wants me to remove it because it taking up 840.00 MB. When I go to remove programs it says "this action is only valid for products that are currently installed" and it won't let me do anything else.

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Trying To Use Quick Books Internal Backup Function

Sep 26, 2006

I am a Quick Books Pro Advisor I have a client that is trying to use the Quick Books internal backup function.finally after 1.5 hours on the phone with ProAdvisor Tech Support we were able to get the local backup to work. Unbeknownst to me, this backup function within QB actually uses a comman from windows to accomplish this backup and QB has to be shut down in addition he scheduled periodic backup to a server as well this is a good idea...but our tech support told us that windows will not support this.I need a good (financially sound) option for scheduled backups within quickbooks for him - and a good overall backup system for myself.

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Bsod - Codes Of Programming

Oct 6, 2006

Over the last few months or so my computer has been giving me the bsod. It is very random and very frustrating I got the code for which it gives and I hope anyone can help The codes are sometimes different, but here goes.*** Stop: 0x000000D1 (0xF77DBEC6, 0X0000000A, 0X00000008, 0XF77DBEC6 ***usbohci.sys - ADDRESS F77DBEC6 BASE AT F77D7000, DATESTAMP 41107D62AMD Athlon? 64 X2 dual-core processor 4200+ 2.2 GHz 2000 MHz front side bus L2 cache: 512 KB x2 1024 MB 400 MHz (PC3200) DDR memory (two 512 MB modules)

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Missed A Few Zeros In The Codes

Nov 29, 2008

stop: 0x00000050 Does this mean anything to anyone?I tried installing Windows Xp SP3 on a new hard drive and then this happened when it said windows is booting or something like that.I may have missed a few zeros in the codes, as its a bit hard to distinguish how many there are when they are all bunched together.

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Error Codes - System Recovery

Jan 8, 2007

My parents have a new computer It's an hp pavilion running Windows XP and my dad plays games on it. Well his games have been freezing up and when I went over there to help I couldn't even get it to boot up so I had to do a diagnostic test with PC Doctor today and when I did I got an error code of HD 521-2W and then after it was finishing the system recovery, I got a " File D:WindowsCreator. Inp.Tool CD has been lost and can not be recovered."

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Error Codes 87 - Install Shazara - Parameter Is Incorrect

Sep 7, 2005

i am trying to install shazara on my computer but when i click install i get error message which says error 87: the parameter is incorrect

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Error Codes - Computer Repeatedly Restarting - BLUE Screen

Mar 16, 2007

So after having an extremely long battle with my computer repeatedly restarting and restarting and restarting I got the BLUE error screen. I copied down the errors on a piece of paper and they are: STOP: 0x0000008E (0x00000005, 0x0004210B, 0xB004EC8C, 0x00000000).

I tried google'ing these codes but wasn't able to figure out what they were trying to say. I'm not sure what to do at this point Some background information. For a while now everytime I turn on my computer it will continually restart at different intervals until all of a sudden it just sticks and stays on and at that point it will work for hours on hours. However the restarting issue occurs EVERY time I start the computer. It usually stops restarting itself and works fine after about 10 minutes.

I ran MemTest86+ and found no errors. I switched out my PSU with a more powerful one (though my cousin thinks that one may be bad as well) but I don't have any extras and don't have a power supply tester laying around... I'm not sure how to check if it is my OS or possibly my board... I also don't have any extra parts

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Error Codes - Physical Memory Dump Technical Info 0.0000008e

Sep 18, 2006

My computer keeps crashing and the blue screen comes up, saying pyhsical memory dump technical info 0.0000008e (0.c0000005, 0.aa66dc02 0.aaza8az8,0.00000000)

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Error Codes 7 - Registry File Failure - Blue Screen Of Death?

Mar 19, 2009

Error message(blue screen of death): "STOP: c0000218{registry file failure} the registry cannot load the hive(file): systemrootsystem32configsoftware or its log or alternate it is corrupt, absent, or not writable

beginning dump of physical memory physical memory dump complete. contact your system administator or technical support group for further assistance." I was told that windows needed to be rebooted. So I moved my hard drive to another comp and transfered all my memory onto an external hard drive so I could reboot windows. I found an xp cd and tried to reboot from ide cd-rom and it wouldnt work. i ran a diagnostics on my ide and this error came up "primary ide: 0 st380011a- fail code 7"

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Repeated Machine Check Exception Errors - Number Codes Change

Aug 2, 2009

In the past few months I've added a 512 stick of RAM and replaced the hard drive in my five year old laptop with a brand new Seagate Momentus. The laptop itself is a Pentium M 1.8 running Windows XP Home (Service Pack 3). Also in the past few months I've started receiving BSOD's for Machine Check Exception errors. The numbers tend to vary, though I can never catch one long enough to write them down, as the system flashes the error screen and then shuts off or reboots.

I've run MemTest as recently as this afternoon and the results came back with no errors found in the memory. I ran a SMART test from SpeedFan on the new HD and it was deemed perfectly fit. Still, I can't shake the feeling there's something going on with the new hardware in this laptop, as I had never even heard of a Machine Check Exception since I never got one until some time after installing the parts.

I notice I get this specific error when playing a computer game (Diablo 2, for Christ's sake, so the game isn't particularly taxing!) or watching video, ie intensive activities. It never happens while just browsing the net. I am not overclocking the processor. In fact, I'm undervolting it to keep heat down, though I've turned off Notebook Hardware Control to go back to normal voltage setting and I still get the Machine Check Exception errors with the same frequency.

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Time Synchronization Error W/microsoft Error Codes

May 4, 2007

when i go to the time settings and click on "Update Now" on the "Internet Time" tab, i get an error message saying that Windows can not synchronize the time. I checked the even viewer and found the following related error messages.

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Error Codes - Where To Find Error Code Definitions

Dec 18, 2005

Can anyone tell me where to find Error code definitions?

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Websites Cant Be Displayed

Feb 16, 2005

My up to date anti virus told me the other day that it detected a trojan virus but that it was treated or whatever. well, today i go to get on my computer and all the websites say they cant be displayed or that the web browser is not working or my cookies are disabled. I have done all sorts of things that i read on here, i updated my Microsoft updates, i went to privacy and lowered that, i restored defaults on internet options and stuff. After all this I was able to see websites and check my email. But there is still stuff i cant do. I cant pay for my ebay, i cant play my games at yahoo. It directs me to a page with a little white box and some red and blue shapes in it. I am glad that i was able to at least get on the internet but i also need to do a few things.

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Cannot Open Links On Websites

Jul 29, 2006

This apparently just started when i go on some site and click a link nothing happens

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Viewing Images On Some Websites

Nov 20, 2005

I have a problem with viewing images on some websites.I have a Dell Dimension 4600 Series computer, I use Windows XP, IE browser, and I have Norton Systemworks premier 2005 Antivirus program on my computer. I also have spywareblaster from javacool site and a popup blocker.The main type of websites I have trouble viewing are websites with e-cards. I can view the e-cards but when I click on them to view to send..I get the tiny box with the red x in it.One in particular is the Hallmark.com site..I only get a blank background with the box & red x on the main page. If I go down to the e-cards and click on it.I can see the e-cards but again, when I click on one to send, nothing but the blank with the box & red x.Also I have tried to download the Macromedia Flash Player. I click on the download box, the next page that comes up, there is nothing to click on, only a box with the red x. That is as far as I can get.

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Auto Run IE And Loginto Various Websites

May 28, 2006

is it possible or worth creating some script to do this - will it loginto the accounts? I'm the only one using the PC - and do not have a login screen
WindowsXP SP2 on a HP laptop
Turion64 processor
1gb memory
100GB harddrive
I use the wireless connectivity to connect to internet - so may need a slight delay for IP to be aquired

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Smart Filter - While Going To Certain Websites

Mar 24, 2005

For some reason when I try to go to certain websites, i get a smart filter 403 forbidden error. I never installed any smart filter software on my computer? What could tbe problem be? My parents never installed anything on my computer. I'm confused. I cant find anything on add/remove programs

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IE - WMP - Sound Links Websites

Dec 2, 2004

I run Windows XP Prof ? Service Pack 2. Lately, clicking video or sound links on websites, or often simply just going to sites that contain such links, I?m getting the following message:?Internet Explorer (or sometimes ?Windows Media Player") has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience, blah, blah.?AppName: iexplore.exeAppVer: 6.0.2900.2180 ModName: wininet.dll
ModVer:6.0.2900.2518 Offset: 00078de3I have deleted all temporary internet files and also deleted all files from the Windows Temp. folder;

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IE Redirects Searches To Other Websites

May 10, 2007

I have XP, when I search on google and click on a provided link I am redirected to another web site, usually eBay. I ran Hijackthis, from the instructions off of another thread, and got the below results.

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IE6 Not Accessing Secured Websites

Dec 27, 2005

My laptop i can access regular websites but I am not able to access secured websites or my aim account. First off I checked the computer for viruses and spyware and it seems to be fine and also i tried to repair IE and even reset all the defaults. We did all these little configurations that i found on google but it seems not to be working.I also tried to download firefox and wont load up at all.

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Way To Reading Websites In All Browsers

Mar 23, 2008

I woke up this morning to find something with my internet or windows is really messed up, but only on my computer, none of the others on my network have problems. When I go to a site like msn.com it shows nothing but a bunch of weird code, and on most other sites theres at the top of every page, and sometimes in the middle of pages there will be snippets of this weird code.

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Adobe And Macromedia Websites

Jun 24, 2006

I have been having problems actually opening the adobe website for the past 4 weeks.I realise that macromedia redirects to adobe and so therefore I also have problems there.Fortunately I managed to reinstall my adobe reader and flash installers from a cd.When I type in the address, after it seems to have searched for a while I get the seasearch from MSN that says the site does not exist and asks if i meant to go to adobe.com! On clicking any links to adobe I just get the page cannot be displayed message!The odd thing is that after I reinstalled the adobe reader from the cd, it came up with 3 updates from the website and I installed them.I am running Windows XP, and have run AVG and adaware scans with no problems. I also run zone alarm (adobe is allowed, must be else it wouldn't have updated itself?)

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Trouble Trying To Access Websites

Sep 15, 2006

I have been having trouble trying to access some websites such as ebay.com, myspace.com, yahoo.com etc.When I try and access them I am redirected to a Barcelona Hotels and city guide website.I am using Internet Explorer but I also have mozilla firefox which is giving me the same problem. Perhaps a Firewall problem? I am using Norton Internet security.

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Unable To Open Some Websites

Mar 10, 2006

I am using xp and have a laptop with xp. I use a linksys router for the laptop. I recently switched from DSL to Cable, since the switch there are a few web sites I cannot get to open up. Aafes.com, hotmail.com, support.microsoft.com.....and a few others. Most sites open fine but....I have checked my router, it's fine. I have bypassed it and gone straight from the modem still doesn't work. I have hooked someone elses laptop up to modem and guess what??? They opened them just fine. So I'm back to me. I'm so frustrated and confused. Please any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated.

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Boot Up Gets User Screen For User Selection Both Keyboard And Mouse Stop Working

Apr 13, 2005

I am trying to fix a friends computer my usual story. Once it gets to the user screen for user selection both keyboard and mouse stop working, its either they stop working or the computer freezes, i am not sure. Life still goes to the mouse as it still lights. The keyboad works fine in the bios but not at freezing point.

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Find Or Bypass Limited User Password W/out Reset Or Adjust User Screensaver?

Dec 27, 2005

For security reasons, Microsoft does not allow parents (computer administrators) to check on, maintain, adjust or otherwise enter their kids' (limited users) XP profiles without either resetting their passwords or waiting for them to come home and being confrontational about it.Ideally I would like to be able to log on to a limited user account from my administrator account without tampering with anyone's passwords-resetting them or otherwise. Actually, I have little interest in the (step) kids' personal life and stuff. Alternately, perhaps you may help me with my ultimate goal: limiting screensaver activity:

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Cant Get To Any Microsoft Websites - Wont Update?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a windows 98 running XP and i cant get it to go to any Microsoft websites. It also wont update.

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Cannot Access Windowsupdate.com Or Any Microsoft Websites

Apr 22, 2010

On some of my pc`s I can not access Windowsupdate.com or any Microsoft websites. I thought it was a virus or spyware issue so I did a clean install of windows xp pro.

Once installed I setup up all my settings installed drivers, got onto the internet and i can go to any websites without a problem. But even with a clean install i cannot access any Microsoft websites.

So then i thought maybe it was a problem with my firewall blocking theses websites. I called my internet provider (Time Warner) who manage my firewall, and they claim the firewall is not blocking any of these websites. Which makes sense because i have serveral pc on the same network that can access these websites.

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Unable To Access Some Websites - Get Timed Out

Sep 21, 2006

I have cleared cookies, cache, check settings reset modem, remove router nothin is helping. On a ping I get timed out.On a trace route it doesnt complete.
Any help to resolve this issue is appreciated for i have many sites i can access but some I cant.Sites I cant access are as follows www.no2allmails.com www.a-n-a-cash.com
and some others all give the same errors

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Cannot Open Most Websites Now - System Slowed Down

Feb 19, 2007

I have always had Norton but accidentally deleted a file so that it no longer worked. I downloaded EZ Armor which is the freebie from Road Runner (My new ISP). I haven't been able to move around very much since that time.

My PC shuts down all by itself from time to time and I can no longer connect to OE to get my email. The computer seems so slow all of a sudden. I primarily use Firefox 1.5. On occasion I use IE. All of this started after I deleted the remainder of the

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