Local Profiles Unavailable Loading Temp Profile

Aug 21, 2005

I am runing XP Pro in a standalone mode.I logged on this morning and received a message I didnt have permissions to my profile so a temp profile was being created.All local profiles has lost their individual users permissions (only built-in admin acct had permissions).I reapplied the permissions for the appropriate users to their profiles and it work properly again.Is this the result of a viral or errorant Patch.My mother-in-law called me a few days ago with the same issue I am dont think this is localized.

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Delete Administer Log On Profile , Now Can't Get Into Other User Profiles?

Dec 31, 2006

Just reformated xp pro and on start up I was logged on as administrater every time I booted up , I have other users on computer and it kept defaulting to the administrater, so I made the fatal error of deleting the administrater profile and now I can't get into any user profile, anyone know of a fix for this problem?

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Sets Up Temp Profiles On Startup

Feb 15, 2010

When starting laptop, message appears saying cannot open user profile - Windows then insists on setting up a temp profile and (coincidentally ?) machine runs painfully slowly for about an hour. All original profile files and documents are visible using "explore" but each time machine is started a new temp profile is created. Have run C Cleaner, Disk Cleanup etc to try and sort out slow running (which seems to fix itself after some time) but the profile glitch is a pain

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Temp Folder At C:Documents And Settings Admin Local Settings Temp

Jul 28, 2005

What is the "Temp" folder for which is at C:Documents and Settings Admin Local Settings Temp? Nothing seems to appear there while I use IE to browse.

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Temp Profile - Computer Boots Up

Feb 2, 2007

for some unknown reason my PC boots up into a new temp profile instead of the current admin profile that I have always been using. I can see all my old settings in my other profile but its a pain because It wont let me boot to my previous existing profile.

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Aug 7, 2009

Over the last few days, i am facing problem of user profile corrupt message coming by using Windows XP on my Laptop. It's seem that local user profile got corrupted as showing messaging in beginning. "Windows cannot load the locally stored profile. Possible causes of this error include insufficient security rights or a corrupt local profile. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator. DETAIL - An I/O operation initiated by the registry failed unrecoverably. The registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files that contain the system's image of the registry."

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Default User Profile For New Users On The Local Machine

Nov 26, 2002

Follow the steps outlined below. Go to start/run type in regedit and click ok. Click on the HKEY_USERS branch (to highlight it). Select File on the menu/Load Hive. Navigate to x:Documents and SettingsDefault User folder (where x houses the Documents and Settings folder). The Default User folder is hidden by default. Open the ntuser.dat file. For the Key name: type in the word tweakxp (actually you can type in anything) and click ok. A new subkey named tweakxp will appear under the HKEY_USERS branch. Navigate to HKEY_USERS weakxp[remaining path to the restrictions/tweaks you want to set] Add in the applicable values and value data. Go back to the subkey tweakxp and click on it to highlight it.

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Delete Everything On LOCAL SETTINGS / TEMP?

Aug 19, 2005

i keep getting messages saying i have low amount of disk space. is it ok for me to delete the TEMP files on local settings?

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Delete All User / Local Setting / Temp Files

Oct 12, 2007

I notice that in the c:documents and settingsusernamelocal settings that there is a TEMP and a TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES directory.When I delete the temporary internet files in explorer let's say, the files are gone in the pathname above mporary interent files. My question is can I just go and delete the files in the TEMP folder manually as well? without damaging some other program applicaiton operations?

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Local Settings Temp Folder And Transform Issue With Build And Package Install

May 7, 2010

When attempting to install certain packaged software it will fail or in some cases bring up the Windows Installer information window.We have noticed that it appears to happen when an installer, EXE or MSI relies upon transforming a further extracted MSI with an MST file.This only occurs if the files are attempted to be extracted to the root of the temp folder. The files are not created hence cannot be run. The Windows Installer information window will appear if you attempt to run msiexec pointing to a file that does not exist.

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No Access To User Profiles / Hardware Profiles / Search

Sep 6, 2007

I have no idea what is up! I have no access to user profiles, search doe not work. Cannot access hardware settings. I have no viruses or infections. I don't know where to start! I get crackling from my speakers. What is going on? My desktop is possessed!

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Systray Icons Stop Loading - Local Area Connection

Feb 12, 2005

I have a few icons in my systray that I'd like to stop loading

1. A double monitor icon with a big red cross, that when hovered over displays '' Local area connection, a network cable is unplugged ''

2. Volume button.

3. Safely remove hardware button.

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Two Local Disk - 7.82mb On Local DiskC -74.5gm On Local DiskD

Jul 18, 2005

i have two local disks: local disk ( c ) and local disk ( D )...
i can't reformatt my compputer because local disk ( C ) don't have enough
space, how do i ease local disk ( D )??? i have 7.82mb on local disk ( C )
and 74.5gm on local disk ( D ).

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Removing Default User Profile And Keeping All Users Profile?

Oct 13, 2010

At my job we have about 500 networked users on WinXP 32 bit. Each user has an individual log in - there are no roaming profiles. We're in the process of creating a new image andI'm having a disagreement with a new tech here. He says we should get rid of the Default User Profile and only use the All Users Profile. Every time I've created an image I've set up the image the way I want and then copied that over to the default profile - so that when new users log in - they see exactly what i've set up in terms of the standard desktop shortcuts we use. This new tech thinks the default user's profile redundant and not really needed. I'm having a hard time finding information the default users profile and if it's needed or not.

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Cannot Load The User's Profile But Has Logged On With The Default Profile?

Mar 7, 2008

i shut down my Pc normally at my work and when i started today morning and put my user name and login , a windows apears with the following message. WINDOWS CANNOT LOAD THE USER'S PROFILE BUT HAS LOGGED ON WITH THE DEFAULT PROFILE FOR THE SYSTEM DETAIL- THE SYSTEN CANNOT FINE THE PATH SPECIFIED how can i get my profile back to work normally as before.

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Temp Folder / C:WINDOWS Temp File

Nov 26, 2007

can i delete C:WINDOWS temp file

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Search Function - Difference Between Local Hard Drives C And Local Disk C

Sep 29, 2005

When you click Start>Search>All files and folders, there is a drop-down list of places to look in. Two of the items on that list are:

Local Hard Drives (C and

Local Disk (C

What is the difference between these two items?

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Corrupt User Profile: Uncorrupt My Regular User Profile?

Jul 9, 2008

I have a corrupt user profile. A program would not work (Avery DesignPro 3.5) and their support told me to create a new user profile.I did, and the program works under the new profile. The problem is that nothing that I use all the time is under the new profile. How can I uncorrupt my regular user profile, or do I need to switch back and forth when I want to use that program?

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Restore User Account Profile/copy User Profile?

Sep 19, 2005

I had a user account, However, for some reason, I have done something wrong and reboot the machine, that user account had gone, only Administrator is left. Then I created an account with the same name: John Smith. I noted under the Documents and Settings, there are 2 John Smith, they are: 1)John Smith and 2)John Smith.JS I think the first one is the original one because the date modified was a couple of months ago. The second one is the one that I just created.Can I recover my original one ?

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Temp Files Not In Temp Directory

Oct 6, 2006

Have Windows XP Home Ed (Serv Pack 2)

Have a number of "Temp" directories on the C root directory (Directory names such as: "Adobe Acrobat.temp" - "Console.temp" - "Display.temp" - "DLA Writing.temp" - "McAfee.temp" - "Intel chipset.temp").

Near as I can tell these directories were created when I installed these programs, but not completely sure.

I have learned the hard way that, "Not all temp directories can or should be deleted."

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Temp Files Not In Temp Directory

Aug 9, 2007

Have Windows XP Home Ed (Serv Pack 2)Have a number of "Temp" directories on the C root directory (Directory names such as: "Adobe Acrobat.temp" - "Console.temp" - "Display.temp" - "DLA Writing.temp" - "McAfee.temp" - "Intel chipset.temp").Near as I can tell these directories were created when I installed these programs, but not completely sure.I have learned the hard way that, "Not all temp directories can or should be deleted."Have no problem keeping these directories in the C root directory IF THEY ARE NEEDED. Otherwise want to keep HD clean, lean, mean

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Temp Folder / Appearing Over Time In The TEMP Folder

Feb 22, 2006

I have a program, or shoulfd that be a group of files, that are appearing over time in the TEMP folder and they are very annoying. The files are all 0KB in size, and though I can get rid of them with a reset of the system, I'd like to know how and why they are there.

All the filenames are just numbers, i.e. 5807.exe
One morning I had 14 of these files. They seem to have appeared over night. I have tried deleting them, but I am told they are being used and cannot be deleted, but I am unable to find out what program is using them.

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RPC Unavailable After Reformat

May 28, 2008

I just recently reformatted my computer, using Windows XP Professional, and have been having a couple problems. As I try to install the drivers, InstallSheild Pops up and then goes to an error stating: RPC Server Unavailable I've tried researching how to fix this and I've found a thread with the exact same problematic tried going into services and starting the DCOM services. It is set to automatic, but will not start automatically. As I try to manually start, it comes up with another error saying "It was not possible to start the DCOM Server Process Launcher service in Local Computer. Error 1053: The service didn't respond to the requisition to start or control in time". After this, for some reason, I'm able to install whatever I was trying to before.

However, after I reboot my computer, I have to do this process again because the DCOM service is not started. I want to figure out how to get the DCOM service to always be on. I feel like it might be a problem with the win32 folder because when I click the properties of the DCOM service and go to the last tab, an error message comes up and says Win32: RPC Server Unavailable.

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RPC Server Is Unavailable

Jan 16, 2005

"The RPC Server is unavailable".Know a fix?

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Rpc Service Unavailable

Oct 9, 2007

Rpc Service is UnavailableI Dont know what to do!

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User Profiles In XP

May 28, 2006

I'm having a problem on my parents' computer. They each have a separate user profile, but for some reason flash player only works on Internet Explorer on one of them. What could cause this and are there any possible solutions?

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Language Bar Unavailable Or Erratic

Aug 31, 2005

I've lost usage of the language bar and, when I can make it appear, it behaves erratically.For example, the bar doesn't currently appear in the list of toolbars displayed when I right-click on the taskbar and choose Toolbars. If I go to Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Languages tab > Details. I do see both languages currently installed: "English (United States) - US" and "French (Canada) - United States-International" -- but the Language Bar button at the bottom is greyed out.Other times, I have gotten the Language Bar to reappear in the taskbar, but with added options that I can't turn off, even if I right-click and uncheckable "Show additional Language Bar icons".I just want to get my old single "EN" / "FR" icon. Help!

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Cannot Install The RPC Server Is Unavailable

Sep 4, 2005

When i attempt to install program I get thismessage "the installshield engine ( iKernel.exe) could not be launched the RPC server is unavailable"

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Network Resource Unavailable

Aug 9, 2009

This pop up came up saying that I had little or no disc space and that I should delete programs that I rarely use. So I went in and deleted stuff that showed I hadn't used for a long time. Now I cant open up microsoft office. In fact everytime I try to do anything I get a new pop up that's titled Windows Installer, and reads "the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource thats unavailable" I tried to restore my computer to a previous date and time but I get the same thing?

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OpenVPN Unavailable On Using XP As A Client?

Nov 11, 2007

I have a Windows network using SBS Server 2003 all the clients are only using drive mapping not actually logging in to the domain.
I setup openVPN on one Windows PC and opened the ports on the router.
When I log in to openVPN I get an error when using a Windows PC as the client.
status=55 The specified network device or resource is no longer available.
I have seen this error on other forums by searching but no fixes for it.
My son can log in and see the network using linux, so it must be an XP problem.

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Get Rid Of Multiple Profiles Per User

Jul 9, 2005

on my home pc I have 3 profiles for each user under documents and settings. the first is user name the second is username.compter name and the third is user name.computer name.000 I was told by someone this could be a virus. I ran macafee and no virus found also use spybot ad-aware and reg mech.

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