I've lost usage of the language bar and, when I can make it appear, it behaves erratically.For example, the bar doesn't currently appear in the list of toolbars displayed when I right-click on the taskbar and choose Toolbars. If I go to Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Languages tab > Details. I do see both languages currently installed: "English (United States) - US" and "French (Canada) - United States-International" -- but the Language Bar button at the bottom is greyed out.Other times, I have gotten the Language Bar to reappear in the taskbar, but with added options that I can't turn off, even if I right-click and uncheckable "Show additional Language Bar icons".I just want to get my old single "EN" / "FR" icon. Help!
I started this thread many weeks ago and was being helped but had hardware problems and commitments and I have to start again.I have up to date XP2 in a clean system. The problem - unimportant but annoying, is that my screensaver, whichever I use, unpredictably resets to one minute no matter what delay time I set. When it does this the screensaver does not run. I admit to sloppy attention to detail - I can't remember when this started but it was probably more than a year ago. A quick fix would be nice but now I have a bit of time to experiment.
Intermittently, mouse pointer disappears, but drops to quick launch toolbar and opens every program that invisible pointer sits on. Invisible pointer moves left to right as mouse is moved opening all programs it passes over. Programs are opened more than once. Alt/ctrl/del to open task manager stops error most times. Rundll32.exe has been running on the times it didn't stop. Rundll32.exe checked ok for errors & viruses etc.
I have been using my Wacom tablet mouse for quite sometime & beginning to feel agitated. I can be typing & then suddenly the cursor will move to another are that I've typed. Which breaks up my sentence & I have to always proof read & undo what has been typed. I'd sure appreciate some feedback on this. Could my computer be hacked as I'm also using wifi {not my router like I normally do} & I've noticed that lately I have alot of users connected to my connection? I'm confused?
I just recently reformatted my computer, using Windows XP Professional, and have been having a couple problems. As I try to install the drivers, InstallSheild Pops up and then goes to an error stating: RPC Server Unavailable I've tried researching how to fix this and I've found a thread with the exact same problematic tried going into services and starting the DCOM services. It is set to automatic, but will not start automatically. As I try to manually start, it comes up with another error saying "It was not possible to start the DCOM Server Process Launcher service in Local Computer. Error 1053: The service didn't respond to the requisition to start or control in time". After this, for some reason, I'm able to install whatever I was trying to before.
However, after I reboot my computer, I have to do this process again because the DCOM service is not started. I want to figure out how to get the DCOM service to always be on. I feel like it might be a problem with the win32 folder because when I click the properties of the DCOM service and go to the last tab, an error message comes up and says Win32: RPC Server Unavailable.
This pop up came up saying that I had little or no disc space and that I should delete programs that I rarely use. So I went in and deleted stuff that showed I hadn't used for a long time. Now I cant open up microsoft office. In fact everytime I try to do anything I get a new pop up that's titled Windows Installer, and reads "the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource thats unavailable" I tried to restore my computer to a previous date and time but I get the same thing?
I have a Windows network using SBS Server 2003 all the clients are only using drive mapping not actually logging in to the domain. I setup openVPN on one Windows PC and opened the ports on the router. When I log in to openVPN I get an error when using a Windows PC as the client. status=55 The specified network device or resource is no longer available. I have seen this error on other forums by searching but no fixes for it. My son can log in and see the network using linux, so it must be an XP problem.
after signing on the internet.It doesn't matter what site I go to I keep getting this. And I'm still connected to the internet service too. The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.........
I am desperatly trying to access windows live messenger. I am a real beginner with computers so please, if possible make it so I can understand, thank you. I have installed windows live messenger from the free download (the one with the picture of the two women chatting) 8.0..8.1? I also installed sweetim extra 'winks'etc. My problem is when i go to open 'messenger' i get an error message that reads'live messenger temporarily unavailable , try again later error code 810003od'.
I just purchased a new computer with XP Professional SP2. When I go to the Windows Security Center (start/control panel/Window Security Center) I get the following message under Security Essentials: "The Security Center is currently unavailable because the 'Security Center' service has not been started or was stopped. Please close this window, restart the computer (or start the Security Center service) and the open the Security Center again." I have my Windows Firewall is ON along with Norton anti-virus and the Norton firewall.
I was trying to install the latest ATI Drivers when the Installer gave me an RPC Server Unavailable error. Both RPC Services ARE running. I dont know what else I can do.
When I open an Excel file I get the response "Unable to read file." I can open excel itself, but just no files. old or new.When I open Word it says "The file filename is unavailable" Then when I close it, it is telling me that "The file normal already exists. do you want to replace it?" if i click yes it goes away but still wont open my file next time. If i click no it tries to save in to the TEMPLATES FILE under NORMAL. My Norton Antivirus has also taken away my privileges so I can edit the updates and Norton Internet Security says that the file cannot be found when I click on the desktop icon. The Norton Internet Security icon has disappeared off my task bar. I've been trying to download updates for windows, but it wont alow me too
After installing Norton AntiVirus 2007 I received the following message when I opened the security center in the control panel; The Security Center is currently unavailable because the "Security Center" service has not started or was stopped. Please close this window, restart the computer (or start the "Security Center" service), and then open the Security Center again. I have naturally restarted the computer but that didn't fix the problem. I don't know that the problem is connected to the installation of Norton 2007, (upgraded from 2005), but the Security Center was available before the installation.
im having trouble with media player. i have vs. 9 atm. ive tried to install upgrades and i get an error. when i insert a DVD i get this message *windows media player is currently unavailable to play dvd video.Try decreasing the number of colors displayed on your monitor or decreasing your screen resolution. For additional solutions click more info.* tried all that and i get same message..
I have a Dell Inspiron 8500 with XP Pro that I am trying to connect to an HP Laserjet 4P. The 4P tests OK on a W-98 machine, so I know it and the cable are not the problem. When I try to print, I get no output, and a message that the document failed to print. I've tried Word, Notepad, and DOS, and no results. When I interrogate the printer from the print dialog box, it tells me that the Services Directory is unavailable. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the printer, and re-booting. The computer prints normally to an HP 3100 laserjet and a newer HP injet printer as well. I can't seem to find anything in the Help and Knowledgebase to tell me where to go. I did try following instructions to investigate the "printer permissions", but stalled out when I right-clicked on the printer and there was no "Security" tab anywhere in the dialog box as described.
when I open my Display Properties and move to the Desktop tab and choose Browse to choose a picture to set as my background, after I have selected Open and the box closes, the Apply button is unavailable and the image I chose does not appear in my list or in the preview. I've also taken notice that certain images that were once in the list of available backgrounds images, such as Ascent, Autumn and Azul no longer appear to be available. Right clicking on an image and choosing Set as desktop background does not work, and neither does choosing the same option from the Picture Tasks. Does anybody have any idea what has happened and how I can restore whatever settings I may have changed without applying a system restore?
I am running Windows XP Pro SP2. Microsoft Update shows I am completely up to date (0 updates of any kind recommended).I used to have Automatic Updates set to "Automatic" but now it is set to "Download updates for me but let me choose when to install them." All fourradio buttons are unavailable (grayed out).I am logged in with Administrator rights, and have even tried logging in as the domain administrator, to no avail. Startup type under Services/Automatic Updates is set to Automatic. I have tried Stopping and reStarting the service, also to no avail.
I am runing XP Pro in a standalone mode.I logged on this morning and received a message I didnt have permissions to my profile so a temp profile was being created.All local profiles has lost their individual users permissions (only built-in admin acct had permissions).I reapplied the permissions for the appropriate users to their profiles and it work properly again.Is this the result of a viral or errorant Patch.My mother-in-law called me a few days ago with the same issue I am dont think this is localized.
A friend of mine did who knows what to his computer using some data cleaning software, called secure clean. He set it to run and automatically shut down the PC when finished. Upon reboot, his taskbar was a different color, he was shown a message requesting that he log in with a user that has administrative privileges, his internet connection was gone (ipconfig showed on everything, and ipconfig /renew said "RPC server unavailable"....even though the Administrative Tools>Services applet shows it to be "started").System Restore is not an option, as it was disabled a month ago in hopes of solving another unrelated problem.
i right click on taskbar toolbar language bar. I uncheck it and disappers on the taskbar. And the trillion dollar software puts it back in few minutes.
I have looked through several threads about this problem and have tried the solutions suggested but so far no success. I hope someone maybe able to come up with something.I have XP Professional installed. On Control Panel/Regional & Language Options/Languages/Details/Advanced the "turn off advanced text services" always seems to get rechecked. Even if you uncheck it the language bar on the task bar does not appear (even though it is ticked on Taskbar/right-click/Toolbars). If the Language bar option becomes available on Control Panel/Regional & Language Options/Languages/Details/Settings, when you open it all the Language Bar Settings are greyed out.
Windows XP-P. Suddenly the language task bar disappeared. I tried all options in regional language setting, not succesful. I have unchecked the "Turn off advanced text services", and clicked "apply", and then goto Preferences>Language Bar, but all Options are greyed out, I can't click any one of the 4 options. And when go back to the Advanced setting, the "Turn off advanced text services" went back to checked position.
Not a serious problem, just an annoyance. One day, I started my computer, and the Language Bar was activated on my tool-bar. I turned it off, but then next time I restarted my computer, it was there again. Basically, any time that I restart my computer, I have to close the language bar.
Anyone know how to get rid of the "Language Bar"? I thought it might have been a group policy at work that was causing it to reappear after I manually unchecked it in the toolbars option, but I am getting the same problem on my home computer as well.Both PC's (home and work) are running XP SP2. The only difference (if it means anything) is that the work PC is running Office 2003, and my home PC has Office 2007 Beta2TR.
I just installed the East Asian language package from Control Panel > Language Options. However, I can't get my language bar to appear anywhere. I clicked on Details and Language Bar preferences, and I have "Show Language Bar on Desktop" checked.
My friend just bought a new Dell desktop computer with XP home edition, and I tried to add Chinses language for him. But when I open the available languages list, I found, to my surprice, Chinese is not on it. I think Dell must have customized XP and somehow deleted Chinese. Is there a way to add it? Or there is nothing I can do?
This thing apperently happens randomly and it happens when I turn my laptop on. There is suppose to be the language bar between (3) and (4) but I tried pushing it into place (apperently I push too much) that it disappeared. From experience I know that all I need to do is restart my computer and all will be well. But I want to solve this problem once and for all, so if anyone can help I will appreciate it alot.here is an image of my problem:http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i1...untitled-1.jpg Oh and I would like to add that the language bar is not suppose to be between (3) and (4). It's suppose to have only one divider, so in other words, it should be between (4) and the arrow at the end of the system tray thingy. cheers!