Listen Sound Through System And Online

Dec 16, 2005

i cannot tell if i have a sound card installed on my p.c i can play c.ds but cannot here sound online.

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Sound Cannot Listen Clear - Settings

Dec 23, 2004

I recently reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled Windows xp. Now my sound is messed up. I can turn the volume up as loud as it will go and it's very quiet coming out of the speakers. I checked all of the settings and even went so far as to buy a new soundcard, but the problem persists.

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System Needs Online Scanner?

Dec 5, 2004

I was wondering if i really needed these online scanners i have did

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Can't Change Home Page - Can't Listen Audio On Internet

Jun 13, 2006

I can't change my homepage anymore it's stuck at this stupid video renting site and also i can't listen to any audio in web pages or any other program except windows media player and i've noticed when i'm on warcraft 3 i can't only hear background music and clicking sounds but no battling or speech audio that's really weird and i've set the proper volumes in the game already so i don't know what's going on also, i'm using symantec antivirus corporate edition and spyware doctor but they were both recently been unable to protect my computer in real time when b4 it was always ON and protecting my computer, now i can only scan computer with those programs (i have not changed the settings on these programs and it still says real time protection is enabled).

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Cannot View Video Or Listen Music Without Stopping To Rebuffer

May 5, 2010

I have XP Pro 2002 SP3 Pent4 2.66GHz 1.00GB of RAM Recently I cannot view a video or listen to music without it stopping the music to rebuffer & videos stop.System idle is at 65-70 & iexplore is at 25-30.I do not see anything else running.I do not play games.I did recently download the lastest version of itunes & have read that a number of people are having a buffering problem when listening to radio stations.And I am not able to watch a movie at hulu without it needing to stop I was able to last week.

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Online System Freeze And Connection Tray Not Responding

Apr 6, 2006

Desktop pc freezes while online and only a hard reboot will fix the problem error says connection tray not responding.

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New Virus - Can't Get Online / Start Menu / Turn Off System

Sep 5, 2005

Running Windows XP Home on Dell4300. Had full Macafee Security Center in place and running. Initially couldn't open e-mail. Macafee antivirus indicated clear. E-mail returned for one day, then everything went South. Can't get on-line, start menu doesn't open, can't open Macafee, can't turn off system restore. Programs seem to run OK. Downloaded various virus removers on another computer. Stinger indicated clear as did Microsoft Malicious Sotware Removal Package (August version). Macafee's bremove and kremove both stalled out. Now what can I do?

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Sound Stopped Working: System Sound Freezes?

Jul 16, 2008

After a while my sound will cut out and when I try to play things in Winamp or anything it will stay stuck @ 0:00The sounds will sputter for a second and then freeze. Also when the sound dies, sometimes programs will start to freeze up to the point I can't even kill them in tskmgr. System sounds don't play either.I've tried updating to the latest drivers. I tried an older version of the drivers too.

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No System Sound

Apr 15, 2005

All my sounds work fine but when I set a sound to play for my system like recycle or minimize, the sound doesn't play.
I'm using XP and my computer Sony viao is not even 2 years old yet.

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Best Sound Card For System

Sep 9, 2005

I have XP Home with an Avance AC 97 sound card, probably the cheapest one made. The sound is horribly screechy and distorted on the high end of the spectrum. So I am thinking I might buy a better sound card. I have seen a lot on the Internet that are XP compatible at different prices. Is anyone able to advise on a good, resonably priced card that produces great sound? Also, am I correct in assuming that my present card is a free-standing unit and not part of the motherboard, so that I would be able to remove it and install a new one.

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Recording Sound In System Is Very Low

Sep 20, 2006

hey guys i got this new mic and i put in in my pc and the record sound is really low, i have to bascially yell into the mic, but when i had the mic on my sister's computer it's recording was perfect. i checked the volume settings and everything is up high and i still have to yell into it.

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Cant Get Online

Nov 28, 2005

I have recently just moved to another city. I had Comcast broadband service before which worked great and now Im hooking up with Comcast again on the same computer but in a different city. But somehow my computer (home pc) cant get back online anymore. Do I have to do some kind of reset on ip address? please advise. I'm using XP Pro service pack 2.

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Can't Get Online

Nov 28, 2006

after upgrade my OS to windows xp sp2. i did a clean installation my ip address has change for what reason i don't know? i can get online if is anybody who can help me to fix this problems

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System's Sound Cuts Out After About 1 Minute?

Jan 1, 2009

I have a p4p800-e mobo with realtek ac'97 sound card onboard. A few weeks ago the sound stopped working. I checked the device manager everything looks normal. I tried restoring my computer without success. I reinstalled drivers which did bring my sound back when I restarted but only for a short time (1 min). What can I do to fix this problem?

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No Sound / Reinstalled XP Operating System

Feb 12, 2006

I recently formated my hard drive and reinstalled XP operating system. I no longer have sound on my computer. When I go to control panel- sounds it says no driver found. I have a Unimodem Half Duplex Audio Device. I tried reinstalling the driver from the cd and the control panel still shows no driver installed. One time I tried using the resource cd and the sounds worked in both speakers.

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Changing Log In & Log Out Sound Of Operating System?

Feb 22, 2005

I am running windows XP- home edition, I would liketo change my audio log in and log out music, I have some good wav files to put in there, also inquicken Deluxe 2005. I was able to change my audio in Windows ME and Quicken Deluxe 2004 but I do not see a way here

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Sound Driver For 98 Operating System

Jan 21, 2005

i have this laptop FMV4NU1XAO OR FMV-6333NU4/X..can't seem to find a correct driver for the sound card.i have windows 98 OS.

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System Sound Quit Working

Aug 2, 2005

Sound quit working. Have checked msconfig and sound properties to no avail. Last thing I can remember doing before problem was using CClearner.

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System Not Find Sound Driver

Mar 5, 2006

Right i had a fried hard drive so i took it to a local store and got them to put a new one on and load windows, great. Problem is i have no sound, for whatever reason windowns xp hasn't found it. Is there a universal driver or something i can install?

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Issue With Sound After Re-Install System

Oct 23, 2006

An error unmountable_boot_drive or something so i reinstalled xp and everything was fine except that i have no sound its like i never had a sound card. My speakers are all installed correctly i just don't know what to do i really need sound i am already mad that i lost 1000+ songs.

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Play Sound When Booting System

May 24, 2005

can a system plays a sound when booting?

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Sound Disable After Wiped System

Aug 9, 2010

Recently i had my computer wiped and now i have no sound i go to my drivers and i have ATI Function Driver for high definition Audio but it doesn't work at all because i have no sound i never had this until after the wipe i was using realtek AC'97. I have tried to get it back but when i downloaded it i got the error 10.I have a Windows XP Media Center Edition.Version 2002 Service pack 3.

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Sound Not Work After Starup System

Feb 6, 2009

I've had a few problems with my eisystem 5032 (advent), XP home edition, SP3, Intel 4.It, I think has started to overheat, I don't think the fan is working properly - sounds ok on start up but then when it crashes the fan doesn't seem to be making much noise.Also I've had a few microsoft popups saying virtual memory nearly full, What is the virtual memory? In performance options it says 756mb? How do I sort it out?

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Pop Up - Gets Trojans Not Online

Jan 23, 2006

I reformated a mans pc the other day here at home but i took it to his house to get port #'s to get online for updates.We got 3 updates restarted and went back to updates and got pop ups galore.reformatted again OFF-LINE and still got pop ups. I have the pc at home again. What am i dealing with here?I am now in the process of installing ONLY the XP CD and not the other 3.

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Freezing While Online

Jan 27, 2005

It has been 5 days since this problem started. The computer freezes, sort of lags for about 2-3 seconds only while I'm online. It happens about every 15 seconds, but sometimes gets random. Offline there is no problem. I'm on a wireless network (Netgear), none of the other computers have this problem. While it freezes I can still move the mouse and click things but nothing loads for the 2-3 seconds. I'm getting normal temperatures on the PC so I don't believe it's overheating.I did a system restore and it didn't fix the problem. I have also ran several antivirus scans with AVG Pro 7 and PC-Cillin 2005. I've also done scans for worms such as bagle. I've ran Spybot/AdAware/MS Antispyware several times, no pick ups.

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Freezing Only When Online

May 17, 2005

My computer has been freezing randomly for the past couple of days. I have run spybot, microsoft anti-spyware, ad-aware, and norton. Found a bunch of spyware that was successfully removed. No viruses detected at all. Had a friend who does tech support remove a bunch of startup items on my computer too. I usually have my computer connected to the Internet (cable modem), however, just to see what would happen i disconnected it during the day yesterday and it hadn't frozen by the time i got home. It appears that if i'm disconnected from the Internet my computer has no problems, however when connected sometimes it'll freeze after 5 min, sometimes after a few hours. When it freezes i loose control of everything: no mouse movement, caps lock key light won't turn on etc. have to press the reset button each time. Then it starts up and works fine. The computer i'm using is a Toshiba Satellite A-70 notebook. OS is Windows XP. Up until a couple days ago i had no problems with it at all.

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Online For Dummies?

Apr 1, 2007

Apologies for not scrolling through reams of searches but I'm struggling to get to grips with my 'new' XP computer. Sadly, my much loved '98 computer bit the dust on 14th March (as the result of something I allowed a security program to do), and I was unable to revive it.Now I am back online and having to d/l and reinstall all the programs I had on the old computer I find I have things spread over three User Accounts!! I have been looking through the Help files but I thought someone might know of a useful online 'idiots guide' which could get me off to a less confusing start?

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Online Help Not Working

May 21, 2007

I run XP with a broadband connection that works perfectly for browsing etc. However, when I click the "help" button in any program that uses a web based help system I get an error screen saying that my PC cannot connect to the internet.

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Computer Can't Get Online

Dec 14, 2006

I recently tried to use my webshots program to install their calendar to my desktop, and it wound up sending my computer into 'safe mode'. So a friend installed Windows XP Pro for me, and it worked beautifully, got the computer up and running again just fine....but now I can't get online. No internet what-so-ever. I called my internet service Tech guys, they sent me a new modem, and everything there works fine this friend also lent me her old computer, which is what I am using right now, which is how I know the stuff works.

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Online But Won't Browse

Jul 26, 2009

my computer is definitely connected to the internet, but I can't browse.

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Unable To Get Online

Mar 20, 2006

I hope this is the correct forum for my problem. I'm unable to get online on my notebook computer although I can log on using my desktop computer! This is driving me crazy, I've tried everything I know, rebooting, system restore, virus check, ran spysweeper, checked the settings in internet options/connections, did renewal of ipconfig/all, etc, but all to no avail. I have a pentium M with Windows XP Home Edition SP2 and have a dlink router connecting both computers via ethernet cables. The internet connection icon in the taskbar area shows that I'm connected, But when I try to open a web browser (IE) I'm getting a "Cannot find cannot be displayed".

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