Cannot View Video Or Listen Music Without Stopping To Rebuffer

May 5, 2010

I have XP Pro 2002 SP3 Pent4 2.66GHz 1.00GB of RAM Recently I cannot view a video or listen to music without it stopping the music to rebuffer & videos stop.System idle is at 65-70 & iexplore is at 25-30.I do not see anything else running.I do not play games.I did recently download the lastest version of itunes & have read that a number of people are having a buffering problem when listening to radio stations.And I am not able to watch a movie at hulu without it needing to stop I was able to last week.

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DVD Playback Slow - Video Or Music

Feb 3, 2007

> I have Windows XP Media Center Ed with all recommended updates. Recently I have noticed an issue when playing DVDs, the video and audio plays really slowly. This happens in Media Center, Windows Media Player and WinDVD. I have tried different DVDs and have the same problem with all, however playing video or music files from the hard drive is not a problem. just the DVDs!

> Changed video settings from 32 bit to 16 bit
> Made sure hardware acceleration is on
> Made sure write combining is on
> Reinstalled dvd drive
> Can't think of anything else...

I'm experiencing the exact same problem as this person above... anyone know what's causing this problem and how to fix it? I know for a fact that it's strictly a software/driver issue and not related in any way
to hardware. I happened to purchase 2 identical HP PCs and intially both were fine and then after about a week one of them began to exhibit this DVD playback problem. I swapped the hard drives and the problem followed with the hard drive over to the "good" PC and the problem was gone from the "bad" PC. My fear is that eventually this same problem will surface on the "good" hard drive... BTW, neither PC is connected to the Internet (by design, since I'm using them as stand alone workstations).

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100% CPU Usage When Trying To View Video

Mar 10, 2007

I've this weird problem. When I tried to view any videos via WMP, Real Player, Quicktime, my cpu usage will jump right to 100% and everything seems to happen in slow-mo. Even with websites playing videos using any of these. They will get my cpu usage to 100%.I've tried to d/l the latest drivers from asus for my graphic card (N7600GS) but still says that i have old version of my driver.. What can be done? I've d/led k-lite codec already.

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Lost: My Music, My Video, My Pictures Icons

Aug 27, 2005

This is a bit weird and I have a feeling it's something that will have to be adjusted in the registry...

I have my My Documents on my physical second D: drive while all my programs and the OS are on the C: drive. In the My Documents folder is the My Music, My Video, My Pictures folders that XP automatically assigns icons for and doesn't allow you to change the look of them.

I had been backing up this internal 60GB D:My Documents to an external 120GB USB drive. I decided to put the external one into the computer because I bought another external 160GB drive for backup.

OK, everything is fine, but the icons for My Music, My Video, My Pictures folders that XP automatically assigns are no more, they are just plain looking folders, but I can't customize them because these are the special folders that XP assigns for their specific use.

Does any one know what might have happened? Is it possible that the different serial number of the drive, or something else may have messed things up?

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Can't Show View Video Clips

May 10, 2006

I cannot view video clips, they come up and I hear the sound ok, but the clip itself is all just a heap of colours, bright colours. What is lacking please?? I am on xp home, I have media player and most other pics come up ok. I have zone alarm suite 6 ..

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Explorer.exe [3216] - When View Video Files

Sep 29, 2006

Now in the last few weeks i noticed that when i open a folder which contains video files then sometimes when i click on a particular file or so i get an error

An unhandled win32 exception occurred in explorer.exe [3216]

Do you want to debug using the selected the debugger ?

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Unable To View Video Clips Slow Buffering

Feb 11, 2009

My computer is very slow.. When changing pages it takes for ever to load a page and some times it says it is done but nothing is in the screen and I have to reload it. I have to load small instructional video clips and it will run for a second or two and says buffering.I am not sure what it is I tried to look at my Vertiual memory but I do not understand what it should be set for.

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Media Player Does Not Recognize Music And Video As Media Files

Sep 18, 2007

Having recently had someone else using my computer for a while, installing various software (like winamp and SubEdit player) it seems windows media player (that's what I use) no longer recognises the usual files as media files like .mp3 .wmv .m3u .avi etc etc so when I click open file and select "media files (all types)" in the file type box it shows nothing, so I have to change it to all files which is irritating. Media player still plays everything fine but this is pretty annoying.

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Listen Sound Through System And Online

Dec 16, 2005

i cannot tell if i have a sound card installed on my p.c i can play c.ds but cannot here sound online.

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Sound Cannot Listen Clear - Settings

Dec 23, 2004

I recently reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled Windows xp. Now my sound is messed up. I can turn the volume up as loud as it will go and it's very quiet coming out of the speakers. I checked all of the settings and even went so far as to buy a new soundcard, but the problem persists.

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Can't Change Home Page - Can't Listen Audio On Internet

Jun 13, 2006

I can't change my homepage anymore it's stuck at this stupid video renting site and also i can't listen to any audio in web pages or any other program except windows media player and i've noticed when i'm on warcraft 3 i can't only hear background music and clicking sounds but no battling or speech audio that's really weird and i've set the proper volumes in the game already so i don't know what's going on also, i'm using symantec antivirus corporate edition and spyware doctor but they were both recently been unable to protect my computer in real time when b4 it was always ON and protecting my computer, now i can only scan computer with those programs (i have not changed the settings on these programs and it still says real time protection is enabled).

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Video No Sound, Music Cd Sound OK

Nov 16, 2007

I can play an DVD movie and the video works fine but I have no audio. I can play an music cd and the sound works fine. I tries it in media player and nero. Media player is a pain half the time it won't play an movie because of some rights problem. The movies are legal out of the store. I use to run a audio cable from the cd and dvd's to the motherboard in the old days, but haven't in a while because the audio would work either way. This is new MSI board with on board audio and works fine with music cd's but no audio on video's. I did get sound to work with movies but only after installing WinDVD7. I noticed that it installed a DVD Audio driver. Why don't the other programs have that like Media player, nero, realplayer. I thought that a fresh install and update of XP would have all the drivers for DVD as long as we have been using them

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Put Windows Media Player Music To My Music Folder

Apr 24, 2007

Im mad that my My Music folder is empty, how do i put my windows media player music in it? whenever i download music i just go to "Add to windows media player", how do i bring that to "My music"

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Window Explorer Keeps Reverting Back To ICON View Instead Of DETAIL View?

Apr 3, 2008

Ever since I did a factory reinstall 3 months ago, every time I close my machine down and restart, my Windows Explorer settings keep getting reverted back to ICON view instead of my saved DETAIL view.I'm using the button under tools and folder options, View Tab, and Apply to all Folders.Is there something else I'm missing?

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Having Folders View Be Default View In Explorer?

Aug 15, 2005

When I click on the Windows Explorer icon, it opens up with the left side being the blue bar with File and Folder Tasks, Other Places and Details showing. I have to manually click on the Folders button at the top to get the view I want. Is there a way to make this Folders view be the default view when I open Windows Explorer?

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Changing From Thumbnail View To List View?

Jan 14, 2006

Whenever I save a picture from IE 6.0, the "Save Piccture" window always opens in a thumbnail view of "My Pictures". Is there any way I can make it open in the list view instead?

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Can Play Music / Can't Play Music Videos / Windows Media Player Cannot Play File / Specified Protocol Not Supported

Mar 6, 2006

I can play music, but can't play music videos.I get this error message:Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. In the Open URL dialog, try opening the file using a different transport protocol (for example, "http:" or "rtsp:").I am also having problems with UPDATING Windows Media- I get a message saying I am missing some components. I cant go into the Microsoft updates webpage either- I get a message saying ''page cannot be displayed''

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View Changed To Classic View?

Jul 5, 2005

I run all of my anti-spyware/malware programs, disc defrag, chkdsk every week. I then create a restore point.Today, for the first time ever, I needed to restore my computer to a previous date because my XP view changed to Classic view and the option to change it back to XP view wasn't available. But the restore points that I saved were not available. I was given a choice of July 1,2,3,4 and 5. The last time I created a restore point was last Monday, June 27th,but when I clicked on the << arrow to go back to the month of June, it wouldn't go back.What happened to the restore points that I created and why couldn't I access them?I know that they were saved because I received a message that they were created.And I have no idea why my XP view changed to Classic View when I turned my computer on yesterday.

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View PSD Files As Thumbnail View

Sep 23, 2004

A folder full of PSD files. I have the folder on thumbnail view so I can easily find a look I wan't and choose it instead of opening up each one. The problem is that the folder is not generating a preview of the file anymore but instead shows the PSD icon. I just got a new computer and it is since then that this has stared, as on my old computer the previews showed up fine. Is this a setting I need to change somewhere?

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Stopping The Welcome Screen

Jan 22, 2006

I'm trying to find a way to make my computer start up without going to the welcome/classic login screen. It used to start up w/o the welcome screen, but I put a password on my account. After I removed the password the screen still comes up even though I only have one user account w/o a password.

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Se-rices Keep Stopping

Aug 25, 2009

I've noticed on my computer that several windows services seems to be stopping. First I noticed the "Themes", then Windows Audio, then Firewall, and I think it was called DNS Internet service.Anyways, I keep restarting them after they crash, however, I can't usually restart the firewall. I may fixed that one, which is critical. But whatever bug it is I'm experiencing, it's still influencing my computer. Does this sound like a known virus.

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Stopping Messenger Every Time

Jul 14, 2005

i have checked msconfig for windows messenger and it is NOT there, I can I get this to STOP askng for permission to access the internet ? It is NOT MSN messenger, Zone Alarm says its "Windows Messenger"

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Downloads Keep Stopping On Computer

Mar 16, 2007

Everytime i download someone that isnt minute the download stops completely at a random point, sometimes 45%, 67%, 89% etc.It was working fine a week ago but since then i've tried everyday and it's been the same.I'm connected using a wireless aerial to a belkin router. but as i said everything was fine until a week ago.

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Stopping Updates Once It Starts

Apr 3, 2005

I recently worked on a computer that has not been updated since probably 1998. When I went to IE, it immediately went to WINDOWS UPDATES. Since they have dial-up only, it was 3 hours and only at 21%, I decided to just shut it down.So do I stop the updates altogether? They rarely are on the net, they use it for work only, and since their computer runs fine, I can't see allocating that much down-time from their workday to upload the updates.

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Stopping Virus From Coming Through

May 6, 2005

I wrote befroe but did not get an answer. Please help me to understand. I have windows xp with verizon/msn. my son has to 2 emails and I have 1. I have symantec virus protection and it is working properly. The problem I do not understand is everytime my son signs on to either email address the box from symantec comes up saying 32sasser has been successfully blocked. When I look at my log from symantec it shows it is blocking it constantly.I ran the sasser tool and shows no virus and did sybot and adaware, it showed 265 critical and i removed them. I understand this is being blocked but isn't there a way to stop them or it from trying to do this ?He gets emails showing from postman and RE-- emails and when we look there is nothing on the page.

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Stopping Shutdown Of Computer

Sep 18, 2005

my son has been shutting down the computer recently from his account while i have been logged on. I have been downloading programs and such that i want to finish as quickly as possible, thus the comp needs to stay on. Is there a way to lock the computer from shutting down or something?

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Security Settings In IE Sp2 Stopping Download

Dec 17, 2005

I need to download Macrommedia flash. However something is stopping the download. The security bar does not even appear to ask confirmation in fact nothing happens it just will not download. I have tried disabling spywareblaster and spybot in case there is a conflict there. I have disable the pop up blocker can anyone advise. I am running XP with SP2 and windows firewall. I have attached an image of the download section which has a red x in a box which I assume is disabling an image or something.

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IE Stopping From Showing Active Content

Jul 29, 2005

I have a phone directory from our local phone company installed on my LAN at home. When I try to access the directory from the client pc's, I keep the message: "IE has restricted....from showing active content". How can this be changed so each client can access the directory without this warning coming up?

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Stopping Programs Running On Startup

Apr 8, 2008

I've got windows XP and want to stop some things running when I boot windows. I've tried running MSCONFIG and un-ticking programs in the startup tab. Next time I boot the same programs still load. When I looked in MSCONFIG again the programs were un-ticked, but if I scroll down they have all appeared again ticked. Can anyone help me cause I've got some pretty pointless things starting that slow my PC down?

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Home Edition Sp2 Installer Stopping

Jan 18, 2009

About an hour ago, I put the Windows XP Home Edition disc for a DELL computer into my CD-RW drive, to install windows xp on to my computer, as it reached 22-23%, the installer just stopped. So I restarted it multiple times and it stops at 22 or 23% each time.

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Internet Explorer Stopping Computer

Feb 17, 2006

when i try to update msn messenger my internet explorer just stops workin, something to do with the active x? it also does it when i try and download the macromedia player8 as i explained in my klast thread.

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