Inserting DVD Causes BSOD

Apr 23, 2007

Whenever i insert a dvd into my dvd drive my pc freezes, and then bsod happens. It has only started happening yesterday and its the same result with all dvd's i have tried so far. If i cause the bsod to appear too many times my computer becomes totally unable to start up(it reboots at the welcome screen when windows is loading) and even safemode doesn't work. So basically i need help in fixing my dvd drive(i know it is the dvd drives fault because i ended up having to reformat and same error appears so i disconnected dvd drive for now.

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Blue Screen When Inserting Media Into DVD-Rom

Jun 17, 2005

I've having serious problems every time I put media into the DVD-Rom drive on my PC running XP SP2, Have tried turning off auto play, but no effect, only way around it that seams to work is by pressing shift whem I put the disc in & crossing my fingers.Have no problems when I put the disc in the DVD RW

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On Inserting A Disk - Is Not A Valid 32 Application

Apr 3, 2006

Just reformatted my HD and reinstalled windows.when i insert some dvd disks the following message appears:d:is not a valid win 32 application on the other hand, the title of the dvd is displayed and i can open it too. When i click on setup within the dvd i get the following message: setup.exe is not a valid win 32 application. This problem applies to both my DVD drives. I have tried them with GTA san andreas and with Oblivion. Same results...on the other hand, half-life 2 dvd works.

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Unable To Play Need For Speed Game: Asking For Inserting Right CD?

Jul 29, 2010

dont play nfs game my computer.jest see i mass....please insert correct cd-rom, select ok and restart application

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Inserting USB Device Causes Blue Screen Of Death

Sep 21, 2008

I've had this computer (ThinkPad R60e, WinXP Home SP3, 1.83 GHz 1 GB RAM) for years and its never had this kind of problem before: whenever I insert anything (thumb drive, camera, iPod) into the a USB port the computer goes into a blue screen of death saying "PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA" and "STOP: 0x00000050". I've noticed that with certain things like my external harddrive, it works fine if its plugged in while the computer boots, but not if inserted while its already active. I'm really not sure at all what could be causing this, I haven't changed anything drastically about the computer in quite a while. The only thing I can think of is my antivirus program (McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.5i) just recently found a trojan and I then did a full scan to get rid of it completely.

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Blue Screen Error When Inserting USB Device

Jul 15, 2005

When I insert any USB device into my notebook's USB ports, it produces a BSOD with description "No_More_IP_Stack_Allocations". I have updated my bios (also loaded defaults) installed latest chip set drivers. I even tried to increase the "IPStackSize" in my registry.I can't seem to find a fix for this problem.

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Blue Screen Of Death After Inserting Game CD Or DVD Into Drive

Jan 27, 2006

I insert either a game CD or DVD into my DVD-RW drive, I get a Blue Screen of Death. I have turned off Auto Insert Notification on my DVD drive, but this did not fix the problem.However, if I insert a music CD into the DVD drive, everything goes along just fine without any Blue Screen. If I start up my computer with a game CD or DVD already in the drive, I do not get a blue screen when I open up the game or DVD from the drive within My Computer. I only get the Blue Screen of Death after I open the DVD drive,insert the game CD or DVD, and the drive closes. The STOP error code in the Blue Screen of Death only gives me the line error.

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Handy Method Inserting Quick Date Time?

Aug 12, 2002

This is a very handy method of inserting the date and time (according to the Windows calendar) into a text document. As far as I know, this only works in Notepad, not in MS Word or Wordpad.Steps to insert date and time into a Notepad .txt file:1) Click Start > Run2) Type "notepad" without the quotes3) Push F5 on your keyboardThis simple shortcut can be very useful, especially when making logs or recording any kind of time-sensetive observations.

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Keep Getting BSOD - 1gb RAM

Sep 14, 2005

I keep getting this blue screen of death. I don't know what is causing it and I don't know how to fix it. I happens randomly while surfing the web.I just did a clean install of windows. The only thing installed is my firewall (outpost) and my antivirus (fprot).I don't know what to do. I am using Windows XP Pro on a 3Ghz P4 with 1GB ram.Please, if anyone knows what this BSOD means or how to fix it, let me know.

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BSOD No Information

Jan 14, 2009

I have a friend who's computer keeps giving him a bluescreen, and it doesnt show any information other than the stop code, and it says A thread crucial to windows has unexpectedly been terminated. I've researched the code and not many people have much information regarding it...Heres the code
0x000000F4, (0x00000003, 0x89134020, 0x89134194, 0x8060566e)
we've checked the ram, its fine. i cant really get over to his house and replace the cable, live in two different cities, and hes kind of illiterate when it comes to this stuff. any help or info will be greatly appreciated,

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BSOD Flashes And Go Away

Sep 10, 2010

I am facing a typical problem with my XP professional 2002 SP 3.While surfing internet the BSOD suddenly appears suddenly (no particular time, may appear may not appear)and go away putting my pc to restart automatically.So I can not give you the Error code also.

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Dec 18, 2006

Im getting the following error messages on a very frequent BSOD IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL If this is the first timeyou've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps: Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation, ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.If problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use Safe Mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advanced Setup Options, and then select Safe Mode.

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Getting BSOD's With Different Messages

Jan 14, 2006

I'm getting BSOD's with different messages;

1st BSOD:

STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000008, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0xB2E4E5E3) - afd.sys address is B2E4E5E3 base at B2E4E000 datestamp 41107eb5

2nd BSOD:

STOP: 0x0000001A (0x00000780, 0xC038339C, 0x814BAA78, 0xCD7404CE)

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BSOD On Startup

Dec 16, 2005

I think I have a driver causing trouble on startup. Every 4th or 5th time I boot, I bet a BSOD and the machine restarts. Sometimes it does it even after PC has been on for a while. I can not find anything in common with any of these crashes and have NOT installed any new drivers or hardware.What would be the best way to determine what's causing the trouble?

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Get BSOD Playing Wow

May 8, 2006

I get a BSOD when playing WOW.

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Bsod - Ati3duag.dll

Feb 14, 2008

I am getting the BSOD again and here is the info PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA STOP:0x00000050 (0xE62D1010 0x00000000 0xBF228370 0x00000001) ati3duag.dll address BF228370 base at BF0D0000 Datestamp 4458dbcc Beginning dump of phyical memory Dump complete.

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Xp Keeps Rebooting Bsod

Jan 28, 2008

last week, my computer froze and my dad unplugged the power cord since he was the one using and now the xp keeps rebooting. it does not matter if i choose, safe mode, last known config, it keeps rebooting. it goes as far as letting you see the xp welcome screen, then for a second, you can see the bsod and it reboots. i have dual boot fedora/xp, both os in one hard drive. i replaced the original mobo about 3 months ago and now fedora does not work either. last night i downloaded pclinuxos live cd and booted off that cd and i can see all my files in the xp partition. so i thought it would be a simple, boot off the xp cd, select install xp, then select repair existing partition, but now after i select "install xp", the c partition shows up empty, as if there were no files in it. this is odd because when i restart, and select to boot windows normally it goes as far as the xp welcome screen, so obviously, xp is there. i also think there is something wrong with the mbr since i cant no longer see the grub dual boot selection screen. any help that you can provide is appreciated. this box is used in a small business and i would like to avoid having to reinstall. my specs, intel p4 2.8 lga 775, 1gb dual ram pc2 4300, intel mobo,

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Getting BSOD Left - Right

Mar 28, 2008

This has been going on for almost 3 months. I've never had this many issues with a box before. I'm getting BSOD left and right, I average about 7 a day:

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BSOD Just Before Login

Jun 9, 2008

Today I started up my PC and It said that one of the System files were missing. so i repaired Windows XP using the Windows XP installation disc. Now, when I turn on my PC everything works fine until, straight after i get the cursor on the Black Screen i get the BSOD, my PC Restarts too quickly for me to get any Error Codes. Before this happened (for like a week) my PC was stalling alot. heres my Specs.Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66Ghz Overclocked to 3.731Ghz (FSB: 533, Multiplyer: 7) 26C idle, 40C under load -Asus P5K Premium WiFi/AP Black Pearl Edition Motherboard-Jeantech Storm 700W PSU-Jeantech Phong II ATX Case-Windows XP Proffesional SP3-Thermaltake V1 All Copper CPU Cooler-2x1GB Corsair Dominator 1066Mhz DDR2-PC8500 RAM in Dual Channel-HP DVD940i Lightscribe DVD Drive
-Palit nVidia 9600GT 512MB GDDR3-Hitatchi Deskstar 250GB HDD. The Maximum CPU Speed my motherboard says it can take is 3.8Ghz, but i know my CPU can do more.

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Not Booting No BSOD

Apr 17, 2008

On bootup, after selecting XP in the OS Selection Menu, it refuses to boot. There is not BSOD which i can see even after "Disabling Automatic System Restart on Failure".I cant boot into any of the Safe Modes and the "Use last known good configuration that worked" does not work.Some of the things i did before this started to happen are as follows:

1) Ran an online virus scanner, namely OneCare

2) Used gpedit.msc..Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System

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BSOD Error Over And Over Again

Jul 5, 2009

My computer was getting old, freezing a lot, and just being annoying so I thought I would just give it a clean sweep. I don't have a CD so I did it by using winnt32.exe. I reinstalled and everything was complete and then when my computer rebooted I get the same BSOD error over and over again. This error happens at the Windows XP loading screen.

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Bsod Not Boot

Jul 11, 2009

Got a computer, better specs than what I previously had. Transferred all the drives and components. There's only a new motherboard, processor, RAM, BIOS, onboard video/audio cards. It no longer boots fully. Booting into safemode the list goes down, hits the one component that it allows you to skip, then after cancelling, or loading that, it blue screens.I tried all of the available commands, Safe mode, VGA mode, debugging mode, service mode, normal, and last known config. All result in BSOD.Okay, I think I know what's wrong, so first I'm going to ask a simple question.If I install Windows XP on one computer, then later transfer the bootable harddrive to another computer, would it cause this problem?

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Often Experiencing BSOD

Apr 20, 2008

I have huge problem with my computer. It is fairly new and I am very often receiving BSODs (My computer is formated 4 times since I bought it, and still experiencing BSOD, it is also checked by the technical stuff for hardware and software problem, and there is no problem, at least my technical stuff say it).Oftenly ACPI.sys and random executable files... Also it often happens when I install new software or some random applications. Today I installed the newest version of nod32 and it happend. It often gives me error IRQL_LESS_OR_EQUAL.

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BSOD Help Plleeeasseee

Feb 25, 2007

Welll i think i got tha BSOD because i installed a camera but anyways. yea ive tried to boot using my windows XP disc but my comp. wont let me boot from a cd. it just says 'stike F1 to retry boot; F2 for setup utility' and i press F1 and it gives me the same message. Im using windows XP office on a dell dimension 2400.

if i cant fix this does this mean i loose all my information? please don't say i will...

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BSOD On All Startup Options

Feb 27, 2008

How would I go about restoring windows when all five startup options go to bsod? I get different stop messages when I choose different options. I thought about an OS re-install but can't find my disk, all I can find is the disk for my fiancee's Laptop. Hers was XP pro and mine was Xp home so I didn't think it would work, and besides I can't find any product codes or serial numbers for either. Am I going to have to format and buy a new OS or what?

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Error Pops Up On BSOD

Oct 13, 2007

Okay, here is my story. Around early august, I built a new gaming rig pretty much all by myself. All the parts cost nearly $800. But another guy did a few things for me, and set up the BIOS.Anyway,I installed a bunch of drivers on some cd's I had, and it looked like I was good to go. Anyway, from then to now, I have been through BSoD heck, among other problems.

The USB's killed 2 of my flash drives,and an ipod.I don't know how, but it defidenntly isn't a coincidence all of those things died.Anyway,I get BSoD's in the most random times,it happens a while I start my pc up. I can barely play games like Bioshock because of this problem.the error message that usually pops up on the BSoD is DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL.

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Mar 26, 2010

i have similar problem mentioned here URL... but the only difference is that i can use the PC normally without any problem. it gets BSOD only when i try to goto safemode by pressing f8 it says STOP 0x0000007B 0xF789E524 0xC000034 0x00000000 0x00000000

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BSOD Saying Can't Continue Installing

Apr 29, 2009

I've been trying to reinstall XP Pro sp2 for the past several days. I have:

1. Used the XP Pro CD, but after it loads the XP tools, I get a BSOD saying can't continue, check for viruses & rund Scandisk.
2. Went to My Computer/disk management, left click on drive I want formatted, but "format" is grayed out.
3. Ran Kaspersky internet security 2009 and eliminated any malware detected plus ran scandisk with no consequences.
4. Tried 1 & 2 again with the same results.

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Random BSOD Errors

Mar 16, 2008

I've given up.. This problem has been occuring for quite awhile now and I'm really clueless as to what is causing it. I've conducted a destructive system recovery via the copy of windows on my HDD twice, and also from a windows CD. I've ran memtest for both my RAM and HD and both tests always come back OK... The errors occur randomly.. sometimes my computer can stay on for 4+ hours without one, sometimes they appear within 30mins of turning on my PC.I'm a computer newbie, but I wrote down some info from the last blue screen errors:
Quote: STOP: 0x000000D1
SYMTDI.sys - Address BADC3DB7
STOP: 0x0000008E
Win32k.sys - Address BF8011A3 The most common errors I remember included something about either one of the following:
I've attatched the minidump files I have since last re-booting my system. I hope I've provided enough info.

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BSOD Upon Reinstall Of On HP Laptop

Nov 11, 2008

I recently purchased a HP Laptop, model DV7-1020US. Here are a few specifications.

# Processor Intel Core 2 Duo P7350 / 2 GHz
# Multi-Core processor technology Dual-Core
# 64-bit processor Yes
# Data bus speed 1066 MHz
Cache Memory
# Type L2 cache
# Cache size 3 MB.........

So, unhappy with the amount of processes from HP and also vista taking up the laptop's performance, I decided to re-install Windows Xp 64 Bit OS. The first thing I do is pop in the install CD, which takes me to the "WIndows setup starting.. etc, and says loading drivers, etc, and as soon as it gets to "Windows setup is starting up.. (the one after it loads the neccessary files) I immediately bluescreen with this message : A problem has been detected.......

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Motherboard Without Reinstall - BSOD

Dec 10, 2008

I recently got a new motherboard (GIGABYTE GA-81915P-MF). I was on an AGP board and I upgraded so I could get a newer graphics card. I installed the new motherboard (without uninstalling Windows XP Pro) and I get BSOD. I have tried reinstalling XP PRO, booted from disc. It would work for a while until it froze, and then BSOD again. I have put in new hard drives and it still won't work. I get various BSOD's everytime. I'm not overclocking, my cpu chip is perfectly compatible and I have 2GB RAM so it can't be memory.

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