Get BSOD Playing Wow

May 8, 2006

I get a BSOD when playing WOW.

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'BSOD' Crashes While Playing Games

Jan 30, 2004

Since purchasing my computer a couple of years ago, I have been afflicted with random 'BSOD' crashes. At the outset, they would occur whenever I ran anything intensive (a three-dimensional game, for example). I was told the problem was likely a lack of/bad RAM, so I purchased more. For a while, all was well, until the crashes began occuring again (a myriad, really: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, etc.) some months later. Not possessing any vast knowledge of computers, I again purchased new RAM. The problems seemed to subside, though occured still occassionally (no rhyme nor reason).

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Freezing While Playing Games And Playing AVI Files

Jun 24, 2006

my computer freezes when I play some video games and also when I play AVI files (if I play mpeg files they work just fine, no freezing at all) But the thing is when I play games or AVI files my computer will freeze randomly (5 minutes, 30 minutes, just randomly sometimes it won't freeze at all) I don't know if it's the memory or not.

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No Sound When Playing DVD On WMP

Dec 29, 2005

I've upgraded to WMP10, I've downloaded the decoder checkup thingy, I also have ULEAD DVD player and get no sound. I've run and completed suggestions from XP's troubleshooter. Video plays fine-looks sound.

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PC Freezing When Playing WMP?

Aug 28, 2006

My computer freezes, too.
W2K, 1,19GB AMD, 128MgB SDRAM.
Only mine freezes and I have to turn it off and back on manually.
I uninstalled WMP9, which caused it to revert to WMP 6.4.
I got that "Media Player Classic" that looks like WMP, and it worked for a little while, but now it just freezes any time I try to play a WMV.

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AVI Files Not Playing On WMP11

May 4, 2008

I have Windows Vista, WMP 11. I'm trying to play AVI files and all I'm getting is a black screen. I can hear audio, but no video.

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Clicking Noise On Playing A Cd Or Mp3

Jan 27, 2005

Okay, everytime i play a C.D. or mp3's there's a glitch or a clicking noise every 10 secs or so and its a new soundcard. I tried reistalling the soundcard and the clicks is still there.

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Capturing The Video And Playing

Sep 1, 2008

I have a spare computer that I use for editing my home videos. TV and VCR hooked up to a capture card, then I burn to a dvd. However, I recently replaced the mobo and cpu, using the same harddrive that was in the other setup without formatting the drive. Hardware all works correctly, but my video programs kept giving me error messages. I uninstalled all the programs and codecs, reinstalled after clean reboot, and the programs are functioning correctly again EXCEPT. After capturing the video and playing the movie back in Media Player, all movies, even ones that were on the harddrive previously, are UPSIDE DOWN.

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100% CPU Usage - While Playing Games

Apr 30, 2005

well for the past couple months I've been getting this really annoying problem with the "System" process randomly using the CPU A LOT on WinXP Pro. This is only noticeable while playing games that use high amounts of CPU usage as well (two of which are Continuum which is an online multiplayer game and Sims 2).

I've been through many forums trying everything that could possibly be a problem. Removed the registry entry related to avis, set the settings to best performance but no change. Now I would assume that it has to do with something running, but just this morning I shut down all my server process, and basically anything I could.

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Hangs Very Often When Playing Game

Jan 8, 2006

My computer often hangs whenever I play games.After it hangs for 3 times, my monitor will go black and the yellow light will bleep and it will restart by itself.This annoys me very much as I play games a lot.I've checked for viruses,trojan,ad-aware,spyware etc.
I used Ad-aware,SpyBot,PC Doctor and all of it says I'm clean.

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Software For Playing DVDs

Feb 5, 2005

what do i need 2 download so i can play dvds on my pc im running windows xp pro and windows media player and is there a site that ya can download everything for free?

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Need Playing Software For DVDs

Sep 20, 2006

I recently had to perform a complete re-installation of Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition due to a software error on my computer. Prior to the re installation, my computer came with WinDVD preinstalled on the system so I could watch DVD movies using my computers DVD-ROM drive. However, after the re-installation, I no longer have this software, nor would it seem, the appropriate DVD codecs for Windows Media Player. Since I no longer have the system discs that came bundled with my computer, I was wondering whether free codecs were available for download to allow Windows Media Player play DVD's.

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Unable To Get Sound When Playing A DVD?

Jan 3, 2008

Running Windows XP Media Center Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2. Computer is a Dell Dimension 4600. The computer has a Samsung CDRW/DVD SM352F drive with SoundMax Integrated Digital Audio. I believe all this is a stock setup. When I put a DVD in the drive, it plays the video but there is no sound. I checked in Windows and it said the CD/DVD device is working correctly and the SoundMax is working correctly, too. The device works OK with data CDs and plays audio CDs OK as well. In Settings in Media Center for the DVD it says 2 speaker stereo is enabled with Vocal Options set to Both. I tried the DVD on another similarly configured computer and it didn't work there, either.

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No Audio When Playing DVD - Perfecy Vedio

Jun 16, 2005

When I try to play a DVD, I get perfect Video, but NO Audio.

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Erm A Movie Of My Disk Is Playing Upside Down

Dec 16, 2005

erm a movie of my disk is playing upside down on my pc. in win media player

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Faster Windows: Make It Better For Playing

Oct 30, 2008

how can i make my unit run faster if im using WinXP pro? to make it better for playing?

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Playing M4a Files On Media Player 11?

Sep 4, 2007

I cannot seem to find any codec other than 3vix to play these m4a files. That was fine until the demo ran out. Is there a free codec or am I forced to buy a codec (just seems principly wrong). Or maybe some kind of converter?

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Error Message Wile Playing Cds

Sep 20, 2005

We are getting a error message when trying to play some of my daughters cds. c:windowssystem32autoexec.nt.

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System Crash While Playing Game

Jun 25, 2006

A few months ago I built a system for a friend of mine. I had the system running stable @ 2.4 GHz (memory on a 5/4 divider, if I remeber correctly) for a week before I delivered it to him. By stable I mean dual prime overnight, memtest, and hours of COD2 without crashing. Now he has had it for a few months and he is reporting that randomly it will completely shutdown. He primarily uses it to play WoW and so far that is the only time it has crashed. It has not crashed during any other activity but he really doesn't use it for much else. It will usually crash 5 minutes into game play and after a restart it will be stable for the rest of the day. Ocassionally it will crash a few hours into game play. When the behavior first started it would BSOD. Now it just turns off with no warning. After restart it works fine. When it shuts down the standby LED on the MB remains lit but the DRAM power LED does not. I have updated the Graphics drivers to the latest 90 series beta drivers. That did not affect the problem.

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While Playing Web Game The Blue Screen Comes

Feb 18, 2009

My son was playing a game on the web and his computer crashed. He now get a blue screen but can get to the MS-DOS prompt. He had updated his antivirus just before playing.

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Insufficient Resources - After Playing Games

Sep 19, 2007

I get a error box that comes up that says "Insufficient Resources", now I only get this after playing a game for about 15 minutes every time I play. Before (about 5 formats ago (which has been awile) I would never get this, now it's happening every time and it frustrates me because i'm trying to play and then I get this error then after about 2 minutes my computer reboots.I have 1GB RAM, so i'm sure that's enough to play the games (I play on lowish-medium quality).

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Getting Blue Screen While Playing Videos?

Jun 28, 2008

I recently upgraded my 2x 512mb RAM for a brand new 2x 1GB sticks. After that I'm having random crashes when playing video sometimes even mp3 on winamp but mostly on Video playback. I'm having no problem playing games I can play for hours and it wont crash. Watching embedded video on firefox no problem as well. I've done some testing it happens sometimes when I try to play a video doesn't matter if its .avi, .wmv, .mkv, a lot of times when I try to pause or stop the video and most of the time when the video is playing and I close the player.Now I've tried different players VLC, WMP classic, WMP 10,11 also tried different Nvidia Drivers ranging from 80.xx to the latest 175.16 with no luck. I've attached minidumps and a bugcheck on the latest minidump.

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Computer Freezes When Playing Games

Aug 28, 2005

My computer freezes when playing games. I updated to last update for the
driver but it has been discontinued. Do I need to upgrade and if so what is
recommended ?I have no problem with the computer unless I play games.Model: Intel(R) 82810 Graphics Controller Driver: i81xnt5.sys Intel Celeron processor 1.10 GHz
Version: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 10Speed: 1096 MHz256 MB RAM Windows XP SP2
Dell ComputerSystem Model: DIM2100Total Capacity: 37.26 GB Free: 23.66 GB

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Internet Explorer Closes When Playing.mwv

Sep 28, 2006

Every time I try to play a .mwv file on the internet. internet explorer tells me that it has encountered an error & must close.Windows Media player works off the internet.I have run sfc.I have downloaded ,reinstalled ie 6.1.I have reset all ie defaults.My firewall isnt blocking them.I have scanned my pc with Norton av, Ewido, @ spybot - no probs.There is nothing showing in Hijack this that could cause this.Ive now run out of ideas. (apart from a reload of windows)If anyone has any other ideas, I would be grateful if you could post them.

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Computer Turns Off While Playing 3D Game

Jul 12, 2009

Few days back when I tried to play the game" Texas Holdem Poker 3D deluxe edition" my suddenly turned off (Not Restart). This happened after 10 min or so. Whenever I tried to play the game my PC turned off. I thought there was a problem with the game. But yesterday when I tried an old game Brian Lara Cricket 99 SE (a 3D game) after playing for 8-10 min my pc turned off again. This happens every time I try to play. When I turn my PC on I get scan disk during start up. What could be the problem?? I can't play.My PC config(quite old): P4 2.66 Ghz, 1GB DDR.

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Cpu Fluctuates HIgher When Playing Games

Aug 11, 2005

Computer has 38 right now CPU usage fluctuates between 0 and 5%, and when I move the mouse, it moves up a little higher now, when I play any type of game, the CPU goes up and I understand that.

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Getting Stop Errors While Playing Games?

Aug 4, 2008

I began getting intermittent STOP errors while gaming. Never when surfing the net. After 2 weeks of driver switching and virus scans and too many safe mode boots to count I was convinced it was my RAM going bad, Ran memtest86 and after 29 passes all looks good, So continued playing and dealing with the crashes Sometimes programs would just crash, other times I would get a BSOD and be forced to re-boot. All these BSOD's gave a different file listed. I thought it was just a bad windows instillation

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Playing A Music CD And Then First 5-6 Seconds Are Very Static?

Mar 28, 2005

I have an HP a305w Pavilion. It's a refurbished system from a very reputable source and has caused me no problems over 2 years. I do have problems with the CD ROM tho. 1) When playing a music CD, the first 5-6 seconds is very static-y and muffled sounding. It doesn't matter if it's a bought CD or one I burned myself. 2) There is good 15 second delay between songs, and I can hear the CD ROM 'starting up' again. How can I fix both of these issues?

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Can't Hear Guitar Playing On Some Of My Songs

Feb 18, 2008

I have Windows XP Pro. Realtek HD Audio sound card. For some really odd reason all of the sudden I can't hear the guitar playing on some of my songs. I can hear everything else playing but the guitar is drowned out and sounds very very low compared to the other songs and I really don't know what the problem could be. I have tried different drivers for my sound card all with the same results. Anyone know the problem or a possible solution?

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Better Operating System For Playing Games

Jan 26, 2005

What are the differences between the two? I need to buy an operating system for my new computer and the cost difference is quite drastic. Can I do the same things with each version? Also, XP Home or XP Pro? I plan to play games so would Home be a better choice?

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System Shutting Down By Itself While Playing Games?

Mar 8, 2007

Im the one who posted a problem about a week ago about a laptop that is inexplicably shuting down as soon as I try to run a game when i have the recommended sys req for runnig that game, and also shuts down when i try to run DVD shrink.well I got your reply saying it could be a PSU or overheating problem.

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