IE Options Restricted And The See An Administrator?

Jun 28, 2005

i have XP pro I have one limited account and my account is Administrator. Now when I use Ineternet Explorer and select internet options on the tools menu, it says that it is restricted and the see an administrator. I am not sure how to set this back to default settings.

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Internet Options Having Restricted Sites By Itself?

Jul 17, 2005

I just looked at internet options - security - restricted sites and found a bunch in there. I had none about a month ago and never had any before. Some sound bad but that's irrelevant, my question is how did they get there? Is this some connection to MS's new security downloads?

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Couldn't Log-in By Administrator: Message Saying "account Restricted"?

Jul 11, 2005

I couldn't log-in by administrator.It displays "account restricted".And when i am installing a software, it displays "Couldn't access All UserDocuments, please connect administrator", but the account which I am using having administrator power.How could I do for this problem?

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Automatic Updates Options Unavailable - Domain Administrator

Sep 7, 2005

I am running Windows XP Pro SP2. Microsoft Update shows I am completely up to
date (0 updates of any kind recommended).I used to have Automatic Updates set to "Automatic" but now it is set to "Download updates for me but let me choose when to install them." All fourradio buttons are unavailable (grayed out).I am logged in with Administrator rights, and have even tried logging in as the domain administrator, to no avail. Startup type under Services/Automatic
Updates is set to Automatic. I have tried Stopping and reStarting the
service, also to no avail.

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Timed Restricted Use

Aug 23, 2007

I'm considering purchasing a laptop but I want to know if it's possible to disable almost everything on the laptop (including internet access and such, almost EVERYTHING) from a start time to a finish time certain days of the week. For example, I want to only be able to access Microsoft Office utilities from 9-5 on Monday Wednesday and Friday. But on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday I don't want any restricted access. It would be great if there was a password that could access these features during the time periods too. I'd prefer to do this on XP but if say it's only available on Vista or something that's ok too. I just want some input on the subject.

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Using Winin Restricted Hours Only?

Apr 3, 2006

I want to make Windows XP Pro SP2 accessible only at specific hours, for example only between 10:00h - 12:00h every day, and the rest of the day the workstation to be inaccesible (unable to login, or unable to boot, or whatever, no matter). I checked out Local Security Policy, but as far as I've understand, the related settings there are about networking only. Anyone here knows such a restrictive software, or the specific settings in Windows' own security policy, if any, or a registry tweak, or whatever?

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Only Has Guest Account With Restricted Permissions?

Oct 21, 2005

Got an XP machine that's using the guest account with restricted permissions. I can't log in in safemode as it restarts all the time before the loggon screen. I can't set it to not automatically restart because the guest account doesn't have permission. Putting the HDD in another machine we can see the Admin and another account, but they don't show up on the logon screen in normal mode. I know there is a way to logon the administrator account from the normal mode logon screen as i've done it before.

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Blocks Searches / Restricted Content

Jan 1, 2007

i have a problem with windows whenever i try to search a folder. i type in what i'm looking for but when i hit enter the page shows the standard "page cannot be found". at the top it says that interent explorer has restricted content that could access my computer. this is obviously a load of crap because all i'm trying to do is use the search function. it's not just when i try to search that it happens, it also happens when i try to get to "my network places" using the locations found at the side of the screen when i'm in my computer.

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EMachines PC - Restricted To Standard User

May 20, 2006

eMachines PC, less than one year old, running XP Home (ugh)While in the "Owner" administrator account, I attempted to change the user rights for my daughter from "Restricted" to "Standard user". I used the "control userpasswords2" screen rather than the standard User Accounts control panel provided with XP Home.I immediately received an error message, stating something like "this account type cannot be found" or "this account type is not supported".No big deal that, but what occurred after that stymies me. My daughter's account is no longer visible in either of the account management control panels, and is also no longer visible in the Welcome Screen. All of her folders still exist.I attempted to re-add the account, but the system (perhaps wisely) prevents me from doing that, stating that the account still exists. Using the XP Home User Accounts control panel, I turned off the Welcome Screen; user login now uses the oldskool screen within which you have to enter the user account name in one field and the password in the other. My daughter is able to login that way.

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To Help Protect Your Security Internet Explorer Has Restricted The File?

Oct 22, 2007

I am trying to install HP Image Zone Plus but I keep getting a yellow bar with the writing "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click for options..." When I click there is the statement "Allow blocked content" - when I click on this, nothing happens - the message just reappears. How can I correct this problem so I can load my program? I don't know where to start.

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Block One Web Site: Use Restricted Sites On IE When I Start To Type ?

Mar 27, 2006

Father wants ( blocked for anyone that uses computer. They use IE and AOL. I can use parent controls for AOL but not sure how to use Restricted Sites on IE When I start to type (my site) several URL will show up. Do I use all URL or do I just type ( This is a 12yr. old girl and she forgot all her password (LOL) so when I try it using Fathers side on IE it says restricted in bottom right corner but it will go to log in screen for the site. She is restricted from computer till she turns 18 if I don't get it resolved.

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Active Desktop Wallpaper - Fewer Restricted Accounts

Jul 8, 2005

I'm trying to set a mandatory wallpaper for a user account with many group
policy restrictions. Although I have enabled both "active desktop wallpaper"
and "enable active desktop" the wallpaper doesn't appear. I have successfully set the wallpaper for another user with fewer restrictions. The restricted account does have file rights to the wallpaper file. One of the
group policy settings must be causing a conflict but which one?

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Error - Internet Explorer Has Restricted This File From Showing Active Content

Sep 25, 2005

On both my desktop and my laptop running WindowsXP SP2 I use a simple, homemade start page with links to sites I visit almost daily. Frequently, when I open this page, I will get this message on my desktop but not my laptop:"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer."Clicking for options, I get:"Are you sure you want to let this file run active content?"This is ridiculous, as there is no such "active content" on the page. Obviously, it has something to do with IE security settings.

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Control Panel Has Vanished From Start Menu And System Access Restricted

Sep 10, 2007

I've seen similar recent threads opened detailing similar problems you've looked into. My control panel icon has vanished from my start menu, the link to it in My Computer has gone too and when I try to access it via the Run function using control.exe I am greeted with the message of "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer, please contact your administrator".I'm sure this is a malware problem I've picked up off the web but I've got no idea of how to fix the problem. Your help would be very gratefully received.

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Boot Menu Options: Black Screen With Options?

Jul 12, 2005

I have a computer that I formatted the hard drive on. Then installed Windows XP Pro. When it boots up, it goes to a black screen and has Windows XP Pro and Windows XP listed with the Win XP Pro selected and boots to it in 15 seconds or so if nothing is selected. I have read somewhere about this before and have NO clue where I read it, but does anyone know how to get rid of the option (Win XP) that really doesn't even exist on the hard drive?

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4 Start Up Options - Unable To Delete 3 Unwanted Options?

Dec 24, 2008

I have ended up with 4 different options for XP Pro when my computer starts. This is, basically, as a result of me re-installing Widows a couple of times to try and solve a very slow running system (more help needed there but I will start a new thread for that).How do I remove the 3 unwanted start options?

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Administrator Has Denied Access - No Administrator - CD / DVD DRIVES

Nov 22, 2008

Everytime I boot I get an "Administrator has prohibited access to CD/DVD DRIVES and removable storage devices" All of my USB ports and my CD are greyed out with a red circle and bar symbol. I am running XP Pro with SP3. I am the only user of this computer and I did not restrict them. I have gone in with the secret administrator account and it is also locked.

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Administrator Doesn't Have Administrator Rights

Oct 17, 2008

Normally I reinstall windows when I run in to this problem, 9 times out of 10 caused by a virus. This time I decided to try and restore policies and get rid of the virus by hand... but I couldn't find a guide telling how to get these policies back! Has anyone created a guide or done this before? I figure if the rights can be taken away, they surely can be given back.

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More Boot Options Than I'd Like: Three Different Options?

Jan 15, 2006

I recently reformatted and repartitioned hard drive and reinstalled XP. I messed something up because now when I boot comp, I'm given three different Windows XP options to boot even though I have only one instance of XP installed. What do I have to do to get rid of the two unwanted boot options?

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Mar 9, 2007

what exactly should be checked in the 'tools/options/advanced box.

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Mar 16, 2010

I cant open internet options in control panel or any where can someone help its a xp

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Computer Says I Am Not Administrator On Xp

Mar 4, 2010

I am trying to edit my start up with regedit on xp pro this worked about 2 weeks ago and now it says i am not the administrator has anyone any idea about this maybe virus tryin to stop me stopping its start up

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How Do Log Onto My Computer As Administrator?

Jul 13, 2010

How Do Log onto My Computer as Administrator when i start computer?

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Get Administrator Rights

Sep 10, 2010

How do i get administrator rights to watch free down laods.

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Can't Run Cmd.exe - Administrator Privileges

Dec 24, 2008

I am trying to run cmd.exe with admin privileges, but I get "The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it." I get this error on two of my three XP PCs. I was able to run this last week on at least one of the PCs where it is now not working. I can't find any obvious reason why it no longer works. Any suggestions what to check?
ADDITIONAL INFO1. All three computers are running the same firewall/virus software.
2. All three are XP SP3 and at the same MS patch level.

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How To Remove The Administrator From The Gpo

Feb 7, 2008

How do I remove the administrator from the gpo. I listed a number of programs for the users that is allowed. But now i limited the administrator account also. Everything I specified for the user is now applicable to the administrator. I use windows 2003 server.

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Administrator That AINT

May 12, 2006

I have a machine running XP pro on a LAN acting as a peer to peer server for a real time accounting is the kicker, recently I noticed that I could not do "windows updates"... the error that i receive is:"To install updates from this website, you must be logged in as an administrator or a member of the administrator group on your computer". Well I have only two users on the actual machine. Administrator and ADMIN, both of which are members of the Administrators group.It does not matter which one I am logged in as.I cannot open it, and when in explorer and I wave the cursor over it, it says "directory empty"... Do I have a "bug" infecting my machine?

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Can't Run Gpedit Even As Administrator

Jan 30, 2008

I have set a group policy in place with locks down a users ability to make any changes & the last thing I removed was the run start button so now I can't run the gpedit even as the administrator. Is there another way to do it when I have no way of running a command prompt?

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Administrator Log In Issue

Apr 20, 2005

Major problem with my computer. Whenever I start it, a windows log in screen appears with username administrator and asks for a password. I have no idea why I am getting this now and how do I know what the password is. This is our home computer and we cannot use the computer because we can't get past this log in. We don't use passwords to get on our computer.

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Log On With Administrator And No Password

Jul 8, 2005

I log on with Administrator and no password. Is there a way to change the username. I know I can add a password, which I will do when I get a better name.I created a different username/password combination but they don't have any of the settings carefully created for "Administrator."

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New Administrator Account?

Dec 22, 2007

I recently went into safe mode for something but I accidentally clicked on the Administrator account instead of my usual one (my username). I didn't do anything while logged in that account and quickly rebooted. Today, I noticed that there is a new entry in C:/Documents and Settings named Administrator, created the same day I went into safe mode. It has things such as Owner's Documents, Desktop, Start Menu, Application Data, Local Settings, etc. (much of the same things All Users and my user name folder has).My question is, is there any way to get rid of this - I'm assuming it's a new account - safely without harming anything in my computer? Is this something I should even be worrying over? The entire folder size is only around 16mb, but like I said, I can be obsessive about things like that.

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