I cannot open i-tunes on my pc as I have the following error : The procedure entry point QTCF_CF UnicharGetUnicodePropertyDatafor Plane could not be located in the dynamic link library QTCF.dll - does any body have any suggestions how to resolve this.
It says verify that you have access to this location and try again or try to find the installation package "itunes.msi in a folder from which you can install the product itunes. Another The installation source is not available verify that the source exists and that you can access it.Another...this action is only valid for products that are currently installed.
i'm using window's xp. whenever i start my i-tunes program, i get an error message telling me "i-tunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration. audio/video lpayback may not work properly." at this point, i no songs will play, and the sound doesn't come through the speakers when i'm watching any videos on the web either. Every once and a while, my monitor will flicker, then power down, leaving me with no choice but to manually shut the pc down. in addition, the desktop and browser graphics have begun to deteriorate. they almost look like somethign from windows 95. i have no idea where to start,
Hi - I'm new here and hope someone can help! I have a Compaq PC and an Advent Laptop - on network. I have a very old version of iTunes on the PC - and it will NOT uninstall!! I have the latest version on the laptop - and all is in good working order. Bur it would often be nuch more convenient to load from CDDs to iPod while working at the PC. I have tried just downloading the latest iTunes from the web - but just get told"unsuccessful"! So I tried to uninstall from Control Panel Add/Remove first.
I'm trying to update my I-Tunes on my PC running Windows XP Home SP3. Installation cannot complete and I get the following message: Could not open key: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMedia. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. I have no idea what that means, this is my home computer so there are no administrators or support personnel why don't I have access to this key? How can I complete the installation?
I have had problems with I tunes and have erased all the files, however when trying to re install I now have a new error messgae which reads, This file needs to be re named or erased I have tried to find this file but to no avail. Your help is most welcome.
I'm unsbale to either reinstall or uninstall I-Tunes. An error says "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. I run Windows XP.
I do a newsletter for a group I belong to. I use MS Word. I have one member who cannot open the attachment. He says he gets the Dialog Box Open error.Can someone help me.I have researched as best I could, but all I can find is associtions. He needs to associate the Word attachment to MS Word or his word processor to open it. I think he has another program trying to open it at the same time.
My Laptop keeps coming up with the above error when trying to open some applications. example is windows media player, messenger, moviemaker etc. Also some things I download then try to install come up with this error.I really want to fix this problem as formatting would not be my preferred option, as nero and sonic come up with the error too i can't backup stuff to cd.
I have been having this problem in excel lately when i open muliple sheets in excel it gives me this error message "EXCEL cannot open with available resourses ,choose to close data and other applicaions".
My Windows XP (Home Edition) Internet explorer (ver 6.x) does not launch. In addition any process that requires explorer will not launch. This includes "My Documents", "Control Panel", and of course Internet Explorer. When I click My Documents, it thinks about it, then all the icons on the desktop disappear for a moment and all that I have is the background image. Then the icons return and Explorer does not open. The error message I get indicates that there is a problem with the ole32.dll file. I’ve run a virus scan and spyware scan with no luck.
When I try to access some folders in my directory I get the following error.Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.I feel like the old blue screen of death would have been easier to fix.Anyone have any suggestions? I read somewhere that this can have something to do with windows explorer 6 but I can't find this in my control panel to remove.I do have service pack 2 installed if that makes any difference.
There seems to be a problem with the My Pictures folder located in My Documents. whenever i open it,a windows explorer popup screen says there's an error with explorer..."Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." My Pictures cannot also be used with any other application,eg.setting up Avatars or when creating a DVD title menu(as in using a background display picture). Since I use ZoneAlarm whenever i open the my pictures folder a program alert appears saying windows explorer is trying to communicate with vsmon.exe...on clicking deny the explorer error pops up. I tried copying the pictures in the folder to an empty hard drive partition but instead the hard drive partition stopped working...i.e. the same explorer error popped up,making the partition inaccessible. I then had to format the partition.
Am running windows XP. Tried to run chdisk-auto fix system errors and said it cant open the volumn of C. When I ran scan for and attempt to fix bad sectors, worked fine. Defragged after that, and had at least 20 immovable files all from a time I had to restore my puter to an earilier date because of problems I was having. Now when I turn on the puter, still get tht same error message that chdisk cant open volume.
I am working on my mother in laws computer so I am not sure what happened when the errors first started happening. She has a Dell and is running XP home edition. When I got the computer and booted it up, I got the following errors:
driver_irql_not_less_or_equal and iastor.sys address F861A25F base at F860B000 date stamp 42b2df42. At this point I could not boot up at all, not even in safe mode.
When trying to install SP3 I get the error "The file c:windowssystem32driversusbstor.sys is open or in use by another application." I know that usbstor.sys is something like the service that prevents USB drives from auto-installing or auto-running, but isn't that completely irrevelent if I'm just trying to install SP3?Anyway, I've pretty much tried closing all other apps, and even tried to install in safe mode;
i recently installed the lastet mcafee antivirus on my laptop.my system became slow and it said virtual memory too low.so i immediately Uninstalled Mac fee.now after this i am unable to use the internet.any site i try to open msg displays as internet explorer cannot open this page..what do i do?
I have a normal windows XP computer, The problem is whenever i try to open the recycle bin, there is an error message saying: Windows has encountered a problem and needs to close. It than freezes on that page. I than have to press Alt, Control and Delete to close it and carry on.
Since 10 days ago, every time I log on to Windows XP (Pro, SP3), I get an error message: "Windows cannot open file 6beff9.rbf. Find suitable program." I would like to delete it to remove this message. Google says it is a type of temporary backup file saved in Config.Sys folder. But I can find neither the file nor such folder using search on my computer (including system, hidden files/folders). How do I get rid of it?
When I left-click on a file and select "Open with..." I get the error: "File does not have program associated with it for performing this function. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel." I can not select what program to open a file with because of this error.
Whenever i click on my internet explorer (i believe its IE 6) i get a box stating: Runtime error!-it's fopllowed by the message: This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. I've added the latest updates and service packs from MSN but i can't get the browser to open
I restarted my computer and now i cant open any of my programs.It appears the links are missing.for example, in the program files menu (start > all programs) there are no icon pictures anymore just blank icons.when i double click to open .exe files nothing occurs.(the problems occured after i restarted my computer and messages popped up asking if i wanted to change registry settings for a variety of different things so i said no to all messages)
This problem started happening randomly and now I cannot run checkdisk at all on reboot. Basically I cannot run Checkdisk at all on my OS drive because it always says in Windows that it is in use and needs to run the scan on next reboot. After I reboot, the above error message displays (see thread title).I've ran a virus scan and spyware/adware scans and I'm now pretty sure that it isn't the issue. I've tried disabling all non-essential services in services.msc and disabling all startup items under msconfig.exe, neither of which made any difference.I'm really beating my head against the wall on this one, I have no idea what the cause is?
Whenever I try to open a folder on my desktop, I get the below error message. I have a feeling it has to do with windows explorer not working. I have Norton Antivirus, Spy sweeper (could this be the problem?), and SP2.
I'm using Windows XP on Toshiba Satellite 1415 S173. The problem that I'm having is that every time I attempt to open any file on my desktop or anything such as 'my computer' 'my documents' or 'control panel' etc. the screen freezes and eventually i get an error that says "Drwatson postmortem debugger has encountered a problem and needs to close".
I have ms bundled on windows XP my hp pavilion 1335w. I have saved a lot of word processing documents for my new (3 mos.) job. Now when I try to re-open them for revisal, or even just to look at them, I get a msg in a small window that says "Works task launcher cannot open the file you selected. It may have been either moved or deleted." If I can't get to some of these, I will lose my job! And I don't even know where to go for help, this is the first place i've tried. Can someone either sove the problem, or tell me when I can go for the answer?