Uninstall I Tunes For Free

Sep 9, 2010

I can't uninstall i tunes from my computer windows xp.

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I Tunes Can Not Be Uninstall

Nov 23, 2008

Hi - I'm new here and hope someone can help! I have a Compaq PC and an Advent Laptop - on network. I have a very old version of iTunes on the PC - and it will NOT uninstall!! I have the latest version on the laptop - and all is in good working order. Bur it would often be nuch more convenient to load from CDDs to iPod while working at the PC. I have tried just downloading the latest iTunes from the web - but just get told"unsuccessful"! So I tried to uninstall from Control Panel Add/Remove first.

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Unsbale To Either Reinstall Or Uninstall I-Tunes

Oct 15, 2010

I'm unsbale to either reinstall or uninstall I-Tunes. An error says "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. I run Windows XP.

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I Tunes Exe Error / Cannot Open I-tunes

Mar 29, 2010

I cannot open i-tunes on my pc as I have the following error : The procedure entry point QTCF_CF UnicharGetUnicodePropertyDatafor Plane could not be located in the dynamic link library QTCF.dll - does any body have any suggestions how to resolve this.

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Uninstalling I-Tunes

Mar 24, 2010

When I try to uninstall ITunes I get the massage that it is the wrong path. Browse and look for Itunes.msi. How do I find this path?

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Opening Audo CDs In I Tunes

Jun 25, 2005

When I insert an audio cd it gives me the option to open in itunes but then nothing happens.

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Installing I-Tunes On Home

Jun 24, 2009

I'm trying to update my I-Tunes on my PC running Windows XP Home SP3. Installation cannot complete and I get the following message: Could not open key: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMedia. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel. I have no idea what that means, this is my home computer so there are no administrators or support personnel why don't I have access to this key? How can I complete the installation?

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Missing File When Uploading I-Tunes

Nov 30, 2008

I have had problems with I tunes and have erased all the files, however when trying to re install I now have a new error messgae which reads, This file needs to be re named or erased I have tried to find this file but to no avail. Your help is most welcome.

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I Tunes Error / Installation Source Is Not Available

Aug 1, 2010

It says verify that you have access to this location and try again or try to find the installation package "itunes.msi in a folder from which you can install the product itunes. Another The installation source is not available verify that the source exists and that you can access it.Another...this action is only valid for products that are currently installed.

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Computer Running Slow After Installing I-tunes?

Jul 29, 2007

I saw people were posting this and asking for advice on why their computers were running slowly... i think I-tunes might be the culprit.

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Start I Tunes Error Message - Audio Configuration Doesn't Work Properly

May 15, 2007

i'm using window's xp. whenever i start my i-tunes program, i get an error message telling me "i-tunes has detected a problem with your audio configuration. audio/video lpayback may not work properly." at this point, i no songs will play, and the sound doesn't come through the speakers when i'm watching any videos on the web either. Every once and a while, my monitor will flicker, then power down, leaving me with no choice but to manually shut the pc down. in addition, the desktop and browser graphics have begun to deteriorate. they almost look like somethign from windows 95. i have no idea where to start,

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Good Free Antivirus Except AVG Free

Mar 13, 2005

I have a client that for some reason AVG will not update except manually going to the grisoft site and downloading the update. I have tried every thing including installing from a CD, Installing from the Grisoft website, updating manually, and for some reason the AVG update manager will not work. Can someone recommend another Free Antivirus that is as easy to use and as automatic as AVG is, that I can install on her computer. This is an elderly woman that needs things as simple as possible. She can be taught to follow prompts but I would like to keep things as easy as possible. for example I send her emails regularly to remind her to run Adaware and Spybot,

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1.10 GB Free Space In Safe Mode, In Normal 804 MB Free Space?

Jan 30, 2006

does anybody know why i have 1.10 GB free space in Safe Mode and 804 MB free space in Normal? thanks. and i know that 804 MB free space isnt alot, this is a pretty small harddrive from what the computer says it is .

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How To Free Up RAM In Win XP? Free Resources?

Apr 15, 2006

Other than the 3 computers in my signature, (If you count the PPC), I have another, older, Desktop. A Dell Dimesnion. P II 387 Mhz, 97 MB RAM, 8 MB Video It is running Windows XP. I have all the visual displays turned doen and it is adjusted for best performance

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Free Up Memory Space - Not Getting Accurate Free Space

Jun 29, 2006

I currently have 13.0 GB of used space and 5.58 GB of free space. I would like to get more free space.
My computer is about 2 years old. In those two years, I had to re-install Windows XP and everything else on my computer...for reasons unknown...I recently performed a New Installation of Windows XP on my computer. I don't have alot of things installed on my computer. The total space all the programs in my Add and Remove programs file takes up is only 1GB. Since I had to start over and re-install everything and my programs only add up to 1GB, Shouldn't I have more free space ?

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Free Disk Space Message To Free Up Disk Space?

Aug 20, 2006

At least once a week I get this message: "To free up disk space, OE can compact messages". I just click "OK". I have 132 GB available so why do I get a message like this?

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Pro - SP3 How To Uninstall

May 9, 2008

I installed the SP3 today and have been kicking myself since then. I didn't even follow advice I was giving others to wait. I set a restore point before I installed it and went into Safe Mode to restore to that setting. When I checked on my Add/Remove Programs file it states the SP3 Cannot be Removed. I have read here in a few threads that some people have uninstalled it. I don't know of anyother way other than AddRemove programs. I hope I don't have to reformat. What happened was that my computer would start to boot up and hang, then I got it to boot up as far as desktopand then it will just hang.

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ICQ Won't Uninstall

Jul 1, 2005

Since I decided not to have ICQ (I didn't register) I get an error messege saying Error Opening File:icqPro2003b.log this file is necessary to perform Uninstall. Press Ok to quit uninstall. Since I don't want ICQ in my system (I wanted to try it but stupid me) now it's stuck my system. Is there still a way to remove it?

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Trying To Uninstall Sp3

Oct 16, 2009

Hello Folks. I have been trying to uninstall sp3 and reinstall sp2. I found out how from microsoft but it has been running all day long without seemingly going any were can someone help.

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Try To Uninstall XP SP3

Jul 28, 2009

I'm facing a problem when i try to uninstall XP SP3. I get the following error "Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) is selected as the language for standards and formats, or for non-Unicode programs. This language is not supported prior to Windows Service Pack SP3. Please see readmesp.htm to select a different language". I have tried all steps mentioned in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/950249 but it could not be solved.I also tried logging onto administrator's log in which was used to install SP3 but even that did not work out. I get the same error

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Is It Possible To Uninstall An OS?

Jan 27, 2005

A friend installed 2000 over 98, is it all possible to unistall the 2000 and restore the 98. The HD wasn't reformatted when the 2000 was installed and they can still get to the 98, but only in safe mode.

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Want To Uninstall IE6

Feb 4, 2005

I want to uninstall IE6. I'm using FireFox and completely satisfied with it.I tried looking at MS's website and it tells me that I need to go into Add/Remove in teh control panel to do it.However a few weeks back I had posted saying that my Add/Remove shows nothing at all and I have to remove programs using the registry to find the uninstall string.Now, I'm no expert, or even that comfortable working with the registry but how would I go about removing IE6? I cannot find it under the section where I uninstall other programs from.

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Cannot Uninstall IE 7

Sep 13, 2007

Ok son decided 7 would be nice I hate it, I want to uninstall however it is not under Add/Remove programs, I have also went to Microsoft's support sight and did the start/run and a bunch of options for comands that start with % none of those worked either, any ideas on how I can remedy this? I just want it back the way it was.

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How To Uninstall OS?

Oct 28, 2007

ths s vetri. i m new user.i m having two xp os in my home pc.How to uninstall unwanted one,which s in D drive.

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Uninstall The Pro

Aug 3, 2006

I have WinXP Pro(english) and WinXP home(danish)installed on my computer in two different directorys. How can I uninstall, ONLY WinXP Pro?

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Uninstall NET - NET In Both OSs

Oct 11, 2006

I see in Add/Remove .NET can be uninstalled in Windows XP and 2000 and have a couple of questions. Will deleting throug Add/Remove entirely get rid of .NET in both OSs? Will there be any loss in functinality? As far as I know, I'm not using .NET Is there anything to be aware of deleting .NET?

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How To Uninstall Pro?

Aug 16, 2005

I had a virus and decided to install windows xp pro. I thought it would replace the existing window xp home edition but it didn't. How can i unistall one of them?

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Can't Uninstall Anything

Oct 30, 2005

When I access add or remove programs in my control panel, and attempt to uninstall anything, The specified module could not be found.There's some crap I'd really like to get rid of, but I can't until I can't get this wee little problem fixed.

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How Do I Uninstall XP?

Jun 18, 2005

We've had some BAD experiences.It may be that Dell just sent us a lemon of a computer, but we've had nothing but trouble since we got this "new toy" for Christmas. Even *after* they replaced the hard drive.We want out.We don't want to "fix" it.Please just tell me how in heck to get XP off the computer and start over with a *stable* system like Win2K.Don't tell me how good XP is or how bad 2K is. Just tell me how to get rid of XP.I want to know the most efficient, effective way of reformatting a hard drive with the XP OS factory installed on it.Everything is backed up and ready to go. I have the information I need to get the hardware drivers for 2K. All I need at this point are instructions for wiping the slate clean to start over with a different OS.

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Uninstall IE8?

Sep 4, 2008

i decidided to download ie8 beta and now i cannot get into my bank accounts to ck or make payments, i presume that the banks are not yet supporting the beta updates. is there a fix or can you tell me how to delete ie 8 and reload ie7?

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Where To Look To Free Up Some Space?

Sep 18, 2008

hard drive is 30Gigabytes. He only has 1.5 Gb free. Can you tell me where to look to free up some space? I mean, which folders would have the bulk of space? He doesn't download music or movies so I don't know where all his space went.

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