I may not be asking this right but here goes for win xp. Let's say you are going to log in and you type the letter " D " for example and any name that you use in the pass shows up in a drop down below, then you can pick a previous typed name. OK My question is can you clear this list? It's annoying because I left out
a letter from a e-mail address,
Typing the letter "c" into I.E.'s location box produces a list of previously typed sites that begin with that letter, as an example. Clearing HISTORY or TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES does not affect this list.The names therein do not appear in the registry or MRU lists. What's the secret to remove them.
can any one please tell me how do you get rid of all the www address you collect in your drop down address browser at the top of the page in internet explorer someone once told me how to get rid of them in windows 98 but i have forgot what they said think it was something like go to run type in re something then follow the on screen info but cant remember it.
when i click "search" (i'm going to my posts) the drop down menu is "clear" words are black but menu drops down over the other words on the page and it's difficult to see what is on the menu. is there someway i could have the menu background a color
how can i clear the drop-down lists in Internet explorer,like when i chick to put a user name in somewhere, but so many have been added in i have to scroll down to find my user names.
I can't get my cut and paste to work, the words are clear and when I click on it it won't do anything. what do I do, it's annoying while trying to send resumes out.
hi people iwant to clear the history in the address bar.I did went in internet explorer properties-->pushed clear history button,delete files button, delete cookies button , + i also went in contents-->Auto Complete-->unchecked all three options which are web addresses,forms,user names and passwords on the form ,also i pushed buttons clear forms and clear pass words.also i wnet in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerTyped Urls but the web sites coming in the address bar cant be deleted from their either. So please help me clearing the address bar
Temp to clear the temporary internet files. I have installed Dual OS - Win 98 in C: and Win XP in D:. I am using Win XP mainly. For the past few months when i try to use this command it throws an error at me saying Windows cannot find D:Documents. But i know that usually there will no folder called Documents rather than Documents and Settings.
I recently reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled Windows xp. Now my sound is messed up. I can turn the volume up as loud as it will go and it's very quiet coming out of the speakers. I checked all of the settings and even went so far as to buy a new soundcard, but the problem persists.
When you use any Windows plaform (XP, 2000, NT4, 98...) to logon to domain,the logon dialog box always shows the username and domain (last successfulattempt).
Is it possible to clear the username (so username and password field are empty when next logon)?
It is because we have some computers that shared by many different users. I don't want to let them know who was the last successful logon
I have a Toshiba Tecra A8 ez8313 laptop and need to clear my system registry in dos screen.. I get to the point where i start PC with command prompts and hit enter but all that does is run a list og the loading drivers and then starts the PC in safe mode ...I cant get it to go to the C: comman prompt ...I am running XP and it will no longer accept my password ... I have been told a few differnt things to try during the start up such as pressing the page break key ..... or holding the windows key and R at the same time none of them pull up the command prompt.
I tried to establish clear Icons on the desktop via this path: Ctrl Panel > System Advance Tab > Check "Use drop shadows for Icon labelson the desktop" > ReBoot. This does not work. Can this be changed in the Registry and if so, how ? OS XP HOME SP 2
How do I clean out the list of sites that build up in this tool bar? I've tried unchecking and rechecking the address option in the toolbar selection popup menu from the taskbar. I've also cleared all the sections under tools --> options --> privacy from the Firefox dropdown menu. Maybe I need to do something from within IE rather than Firefox? Maybe this post belongs under browsers/internet rather than XP, but the toolbar in question is unique to XP, or XP and ME, is it not?
I have a personal picture on my desktop as the background and the desktop icons all had clear background instead of a background color...then my daughter punched a whole bunch of keys and now the icon backgrounds are grey like my background color!! i forget how to set them back to clear, can anyone tell me how
I downloaded part of this file and then stopped it halfway through. Now I want to re-download it but it still is only downloading part of it (I think from the cache). Can someone please tell me how to clear the cache so that I can re-download the whole file. I cleared the Temp. Internet Files, Cookies, ran disc clean-up, shut-down and re-started the computer, removed and re-inserted the RAM but it still only gives my part of the file.
I recently switched servers, with the new server having a different name than the old. I deleted all my old offline files and re-synched with the new server, but the old server name keeps reappearing in the Synchronization pane during Offline Files synchronization. How can I delete all references to the old server?
Run the Registry Editor (REGEDIT). 1)Open HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Explorer RunMRU. 2)Delete all of the values that you dont want in this key (everything in the right pane, except for (Default)). 3)Close the Registry Editor when finished. You'll probably have to refresh the Desktop or restart Windows for this change to take effect.
I was just browsing through my C drive trying to clear some space andcame across two rather large files whose function I do not know. Theyare Pagefile.sys & hiberfil.sys, both located in C and togethertake up over a gig. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me whatthey do, and if they are suppose to be that large? Also, is it safe to delete them to clear some space?
My IE and MSN messenger freezes when I open it. But if I unplug the internet connection it works. I think there is a problem with wininet.dll but I can't replace it. I upgraded to SP2 (XP) but it doesnt help. I scanned and cleaned it with Spybot. I also ran Adaware but it freezes at a point SoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShareDLLs. I can't clear my temporary internet files either even if I do it manually.
Run the Registry Editor (REGEDIT)Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall,and remove any unwanted subkeys under Uninstall
Internet Explorer includes some great security features. For this tweak I will talk about the feature that clear the temporary internet files each time you close internet explorer. This is a very useful feature since it saves disk space and also keeps the websites that you downloaded private.
I have a user that has printed several pictures.. and they always come up. Does anyone know how to clear the photo wizard and fax viewer cache? I have deleted contents of temp folder, turned off thumbnail cache and nothing works. Even deleted the thumbs.db