Home Networking - Few Of Ipconfig Commands

Apr 6, 2007

connecting to a specific website and contacted my ISP as i was being blocked by someone and still am. I then installed a IP blocker and since have been able to connect. When i contacted the ISP they were getting me to do a heap of things with ipconfig netish ip reset and a few of ipconfig commands. Since ive done all these my home network hasnt been able to work. I have gone back into My Network and done the network wizard again and again I have also reinstalled another network card and still wont work. I have assigned IP address to all computers on the network. On all other computers you can see everyones computer with the exception of the host. The host computer cant been seen on the network and cant access any other computer as well. The internet wont work on any other computer either but the host internet works. i have another bootable HDD and booted from it and everything works fine.

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Ipconfig,ping Commands Does Not Work

Dec 17, 2005

I changed my path setting recently .When I type in these commands I get 'not recognized as internal or external command

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DSL Software From My ISP - Home Networking

Sep 29, 2005

I plan to use my notebook (roaming from room-to-room) on a WinXP Home Network with a desktop (the ICS host) in my bedroom.. I also will be using it with public hot spots when I travel. Given my planned usage do you recommend a Wi-Fi router Presumably my first step is to use the Network Setup Wizard to configure my desktop as the ICS host. Is this correct Also, if I use the Windows XP ICS software on my ICS host to share its DSL connection with my notebook, do I need the DSL software from my ISP installed on my notebook as well

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Home Networking Two Machines

Mar 31, 2006

Two XP Pro machines on a hard-wire network with SP2. The host computer (A) can see the shared files of the other machine (B), and the B machine can see the files for A. However, when I try to access A shared files from B, I get a message that I "might not have permissions." I'm the admin on both machines.

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Need To Networking At Home Two Computers

Jul 31, 2008

I have a gateway desktop running win 2000 pro spk 4 and a Dell laptop running win xp pro spk2, i have a wireless router that allow my desktop thru a wired to conect to the internet and the laptop also connect wireless, but i want to be able to access the files and folders from each other, what do i need to do in order to browse each other i tried to share both hds and also created in both of them same workgroup name but when i browse from one each i don't see the other one and viceversa.

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Home Networking NIGHTMARE

May 17, 2009

First off I am a power user and there is rarely a problem I cannot fix, so you can probably reserve any Tier type fixes. Desktops all running Windows XP SP3
of them are HP Pavilions, mine is custom built with ASUS mobo I've been through 6 different routers of 3 different brands and styles, because it SEEMS like a router issue but it simply cannot be after that many replacements.

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Xp Home And Xp Professional Networking Compatibility

Apr 28, 2006

I have two desktops and one wireless notebook running on win xp home OS on a home network using router. I recently bought a new notebook running xp-pro and I am unable to get it in the network to function with the other three. My main issue is that I have one printer which I use for all the pc's running on home they all print and are recognized on the network. I want to be able to use the new notebook that has xp pro installed so I can use the printer on the network.

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Networking Problems On Home Network

Sep 17, 2005

I just got a new XP computer which I put on my home network. For some reason, I can't see it from another XP machine on the net nor can I see the other machine from the new one. I'm logged on under the same user name on both machines and both machines have sharing set up on their hard drives.

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Networking Work Laptop To Home System?

Jul 14, 2005

I have a work laptop I'm trying to share files to a home desktop. The laptop connects to the work network using a PD and domain name. Both systems run XP plus both systems can ping by IP addr and hostname. However, when I attempt to map a network drive via the laptop, I receive a login screen, but the laptop's domain name's prepended to the login id. How do I set up a workgroup on the laptop without loosing the domain info ?

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Home Networking - Computer Connects Directly To The Internet

Apr 10, 2008

I used to use the XP home netwroking to provide internet connection to my xbox 360 i used the "home or small office network" wizard and chosed the first option which says "This computer connects directly to the internet..." so it takes the internet connection from the wireless network , and provide it the xbox through the LAN connection and it was working without any problem for a long time but lately i couldn't connect to the internet in the xbox and i found that the error was in the IP address the laptop is not giving the xbox an IP address at all

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Find Out If Certain Files / Commands Are Legitimate Commands

Feb 13, 2005

Is there some place that I can search to see if windows files/commands are legitimate? I have Zone Alarm and it has programs on it trying to access the Internet that I do not recognize. Another one was: Microsoft Out of Bounds. I have Windows XP Home Edition with all updates.I have ZoneAlarm free and McAffee AntiVirus.Nothing has been detected.

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Ipconfig Flashes Off

Apr 25, 2010

I am running windows xp. When i run ipconfig it flashes off the screen before I get a chance to read it.I clicked run - then typed cmd and got to the dos screen - then I typed ipconfig and the screen flashes off so fast I do not get a chance to read it - how do I get the dos screen to stay on?? Remember I first went to run then typed cmd then at the dos screen I typed ipconfig.I researching this problem all I get is that I should click run then type cmd then type ipconfig. I did all that but screen still flashes off.

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Ipconfig Not Recognized

Mar 27, 2010

When I try to go to the ipconfig command line in xp, I get this message: is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. I was trying to clean my DNS cache.

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Ipconfig Not Recognized

May 22, 2006

on another thread, i'm looking for an answer to a problem with my daughter's computer and her dsl connection i was asked to run ipconfig/all on both my computer, that works well with dsl modem, and her's, which doesn't. the command prompt brings this error message "'IPCONFIG' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

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Ipconfig Unrecognizeable Command

Dec 11, 2007

I have an issue with MS-DOS prompt on my XP SP 2 machine. It doesnt understand what "ipconfig" is. Other commands work like dir, but ipconfig does not work. Basically says its an unrecognizeable command or something like that.

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Ipconfig An Internal Error Occurred

Sep 19, 2007

Before I reinstall the OS,,, does anyone have the fix for DHCP issues. When I run ipconfig I get the internal error occured error. I have tried to retstart TCP/IP, I changed the name of the PC and ther group name then rebooted but notta.

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Run Ipconfig / DOS Window Shut Back Down Again

Mar 10, 2010

When I run ipconfig, DOS window shut back down again quickly. Is this normal? Thought I could use it to monitor IP's connected to me?

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Mistake With Netzero Program In Called Ipconfig.exe

Feb 6, 2006

I made a mistake when I moved into a house that doesn’t have high speed Internet. I signed up for netzero to get me through the months that I will not have high speed. I installed their software then their software downloaded some more software that is still locking my computer up on occasion, even after I have uninstalled their software. It doesn't lock it up totally it just doesn't let me run any other programs and it doesn't let me log off (even through CTRL ALT DEL). It also runs a program in called ipconfig.exe that never seems to finish running

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'ipconfig' Is Not Recognized As An Internal Or External Command?

Aug 8, 2005

when trying to type a command in MS-DOS, I get the below error message. This is the same for an IPCONFIG or a PING command. Does anyone know how to correct this? I have win XP SP1 'ipconfig' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.

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Unable To Get Ride This Ip Address - Flushed Dns Ipconfig

Jan 22, 2008

I am using toad for oracle development. Whenever i perform any operation in toad, it goes to an ip address to resolve the database server name. That IP address was previously used as our dns server but no more exists in our network. I flushed by dns using ipconfig /flushdns commad but unable to get ride of this IP address. Also I have reinstalled my oracle client and toad but that IP address is alwayes there.
Can any body suggest me some way to find out where this entry exist in windows DNS setting.

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Ipconfig Isn't External Command - Cmd Run Wouldn't Work

Aug 22, 2009

You see my cmd is working fine. Then one day I open run and type in cmd and then enter. I type in ipconfig and it says ipconfig isn't an external command or something like that. Anyways I fixed the problem by typing in run C:WINDOWSsystem32cmd.exe and enter. Weird enough it worked when i typed in ipconfig, and other commands. If I typed in cmd that was open from the run any commands wouldn't work. I tried creating an shortcut from the actual cmd file and trying commands but it still doesn't work. Well sometimes I code stuff or download .bat files because I need of em. And I try to open the file but it always usually runs fine but after that incident I try to open any .bat file and it just opens it and the window closes so fast. I don't know how to fix this problem uahghhh it's a pain in the butt lol. It's getting me so mad! I just want to use my normal cmd .

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Cable Modem Ipconfig - Running Operating System

Jun 8, 2006

I have an old computer that is hooked up directly to the cable modem. The pc runs Windows 2000. When I start up the pc, I can't get on the internet, I have to goto the command prompt and type in "ipconfig /renew" and it renews the ip address, which lets me get on to the net. I have to do this everytime I start the pc and it's a big pain. It sometimes takes up to 2 minutes to get an ip address. The ip address is set to before I do the renew. My question is how do I get the computer to get an ip when the pc is started. I have a Motorola surboard sb4100 cable modem if that helps. The pc is running windows 2000 and I have Zonealarm, and Spysweeper running (and no Av programs). If I hook up my laptop (running XP Pro SP2), it works fine, I can get on the net without renewing.

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Control Panel Is Completely Empty And Ipconfig /renew Gives RPC Server Unavailable

Aug 2, 2008

A friend of mine did who knows what to his computer using some data cleaning software, called secure clean. He set it to run and automatically shut down the PC when finished. Upon reboot, his taskbar was a different color, he was shown a message requesting that he log in with a user that has administrative privileges, his internet connection was gone (ipconfig showed on everything, and ipconfig /renew said "RPC server unavailable"....even though the Administrative Tools>Services applet shows it to be "started").System Restore is not an option, as it was disabled a month ago in hopes of solving another unrelated problem.

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Networking Printers

Sep 19, 2005

Trying to get printers networked for our computers. We have about 8 computers and 4 printers. I have a "cheat book" called XP for Dummies that I got the computers networked but tried to get the printers to work on 2 computers and kept getting this message that I had either put in the wrong printer name or the printer wasn't hooked up to the network.

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Networking Two Laptops

Mar 24, 2008

I am trying to network two laptops together via Ethernet cable rather than through the wireless router, as I am trying to transfer large files quickly.I am using a Dell Inspirion 8100 and a Sony Vaio PCG-Z1A.I was able to connect the Vaio PCG-Z1A to a MacBook Pro via Ethernet cable just a couple of days ago, so I don't think that the problem is with the Vaio.When I plug the Dell into the router with the Ethernet cable, it automatically detects the connection and DHCP assigns an address. Thus, I can only assume that the Ethernet adapter is working fine. But when I plug the Dell directly into my Vaio with the Ethernet cable, the tray icon on the Dell says "Local Area Connection - A network cable is unplugged."

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Networking About D-Link

Jan 29, 2006

I just recently bought a D-Link DI-604 Wired Router and I hooked it up to one computer running Windows XP and one running Windows 98 I got the connection working and now I am trying to share files between the two computers.

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Networking Difficulties Between & Vista

Jan 4, 2009

trying to "Home Network" between Windows XP Media Center Edition service pack 3 & Windows Vista Home Premium. The Internet connection originates thru a DSL connection from "Westell" Modem to "D-Link" Ethernet Switch and is functioning on BOTH computers. The file sharing is ANOTHER story--The Vista OS "sees" & shares ALL the files/drives shared FROM XP--HOWEVER, the XP computer ONLY "sees" & shares "Public" & "User" Folders--when I try to access the C-Drive Folder (which I have set up to share like the others, I get the following message: "C is not accessible. You might not have permission to us e this network resource. Contact the administrator of the server to find out if you have access permissions."
I have turned off my Windows Firewall on Vista & have tried repeatedly to allow access to "everyone" regarding the C Drive on the Vista computer--and after a restart the same issue exists.

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Problem In Networking Systems

Aug 30, 2008

We have a network of computers running at work.
5 comps in total.
All running XP Pro.
They all connect to the network and internet through a net gear router. My net gear router has only 4 ports so i connected a netgear switch to one of the ports to extend it and allow another 2 connections.
One of the computers would run a server application software, and the other computers would run the client application which would connect to the server thru the LAN.
All was working fine, with no issues at all.

The problem:
Recently we upgraded all of our computers to DELL. Optiplex 740's.
Specs are nothing special:

OptiPlex 740MLK SF AMD X2 4800 (2.5Ghz 1MB 65W)
E-Star : Energy E-Smart enable
Memory : 1024MB (2x512MB) 667Mhz DDR2 Dual Channel NON-ECC
Hard Drive : 160GB (7200Rpm) Serial ATAII 3Gb/s
All running Windows XP PRO – Some have been updated fully, others no updates at all.

one of my client application stopped responding and was hanging.

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Printer Not Working Via Networking

Oct 28, 2005

This is what I have going on. My office PC is hooked up to a Linksys wired router, which is powered to the internet by a cable modem. I also have a belkin wireless access point plugged into the 2nd input to power my laptop (both run on winXP home). I want to be able to print to my printer from my laptop. I have tried to do the ADD PRINTER and when it searches all I get is the INTUIT INTERNAL PRINTER. I have turned sharing on for both the laptop and office PC. I should also add that I added the PC printer driver on my laptop, and still nothing.I was told to go to my computer then tools then to folder options then view and scroll to the bottom and click on file sharing, however this is not there.

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Put Chart On Networking Enviroment

Jan 12, 2010

I am a company supervisor I have created a "Staff Chart 2010" by using Microsoft Excel. The purpose is to facilitate all staff when applying theirs leave/Time off/course.My company computers all networked with every staff aloted with one PC to work.Now, I do not know how to put Chart 2010 on network so that everyone could make full use of it

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Dial Up Networking Connection Disappears

Dec 17, 2006

XP Pro SP2. In Network Connections folder I had an icon for a dial-up connection (which I use), a LAN connection (for wired NIC), A Wireless connection (for built in wireless card), and a 1394 connection (firewire port that XP likes to list as a connection). The NIC, wireless, and 1394 I keep set to disabled when I'm not using them. I enabled the wireless card and set up ad-hoc connection to another laptop with built-in wireless, so I could transfer some files between the two.

After I was finished, I disabled the wireless connection again. My dial-up networking connection disappeared from the Network Connections folder, and it's shortcut icon on desktop disappeared. It still showed in IE Intenet Options, and I could dial-up from there, but when I did, no computer icons appear in the taskbar, leaving me no way to disconnect except by pulling the phone cord............

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