Giant Aggravating Xp Installation

Jun 9, 2008

Well i got this computer from a friend. But i wanted to install it into a different case so we moved everything over to my custom case. Then when trying to boot windows it just crashes/or reboots the computer. I'm trying to boot windows xp sp1 new install... I have an abit an7 motherboard with 2 gigs of ram. a geforce 6200 LE graphics card. and a liteon cdr dvd reader. I'm not sure of the hard drive all i know is when i hook my hard drive up into another computer it boots just fine. Also to mention when i try to reinstall windows it crashes at the exact same spot (many different cds) ive got as far as booting into windows to the setup part and bam BSOD.. i've tried many other forums and no one seems to want to help me some one PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!

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Giant Type On Webpages

Sep 19, 2006

I've been trying to make print easier to read since I got WinsXP SP2, but now I've messed around where I shouldn't be and have ended up w/GIGANTIC print on websites such as this one. (Much bigger than the type you're probably seeing here.)I was fooling around in Ctrl Panel and reset some size options. I thought I was in device mgr, but can't retrace my steps...but I was DEFINETLY somewhere in the Ctrl Panel.

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Giant Letter On Internet

Jul 22, 2005

All of a sudden I have very large writting on the internet using exporer, I did not change any thing but I would like to get them back to normal size. Bruce Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

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Having Giant File Wont Delete

Jun 18, 2006

Alright there is a .jpg file on my desktop that is seriously bugging me. When i try to delete it, my cursor quickly turns into the standard hour glass thing, and then goes back to normal cursor. It wont delete!

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Giant Internet Cookie A Security Issue

Dec 1, 2007

Out of no where,came,Brower Tracking Code, I tried 2 of Pc Pitstops suggestions,they didnt work. This is a security issue.

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Installation/ Un-installation Of Daemon Tools That Corrupted Some Registry Files?

May 4, 2007

I've lately had some problems with my win-xp (home) following installation/ un-installation of daemon tools that corrupted some registry files. After an unsuccesfull repair-instalation of xp, i re-installed xp onto the secondary partition of my hard drive (d:, the original instalation being on c. I was intending to format the c: drive, then instal a copy of xp-pro i have onto it

finally moving the files i want to keep back from the d: drive onto the c: drive.The problem i'm now having is on formatting i recieve the error message 'system partition is not allowed to be formatted', as it is the primary partition. Can i go about formatting this drive in partitions and proceed with the re-install without having to remove the files i have on the d: drive? How might i go about this?

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Corrupt Installation & Repair Installation Hangs?

Jul 4, 2006

I started up the computer, watched the BIOS detect the RAM, hard drive, etc, and then was greeted by a blank screen instead of the Windows boot screen. It proceeded though, and after a few seconds flashed to another black screen, this time displaying the cursor. I'm guessing this is the logon screen, but nothing displays but the cursor. (Note that the video card and monitor are both fine...I tried swapping them out just in case.)

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Installation CD On Ebay Works For Installation?

Jan 8, 2010

I need to install Windows XP Pro on my laptop. Currently it has Vista. Some people are selling these installation CDs (and keys) on ebay. Can I buy it from there?

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Installation Stops - Restart Installation

Jul 26, 2006

Whenever I try to install something, the window that shows thats its installing closes and installation stops. I restart the install, but it keeps on closing and at different times.

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SP3 Installation Hanging On "Finishing Installation - Performing Cleanup"?

Apr 24, 2010

I am trying to install SP3 on a Windows XP Home (currently SP2). The installation is hung on "Finishing Installation - Performing cleanup". I downloaded the installer from the MS Download center (it didn't appear in Windows Update). Is it safe to turn off the computer (since I can't close the installer), or should I let it sit for a while longer (it's been hanging for a few hours)?

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Pre Installation Of XP

Oct 28, 2006

In performing a clean installation of Windows XP is it best to install the microsoft updates first once you've downloaded them from the Microsoft catalog? For instance Microsoft updates, Chipset drivers, Video drivers etc.

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Pro SP2 Installation

Apr 18, 2008

I tried to install XP Pro SP2 on my laptop and somehow my product key was no good. I first reformated my hard drive and Windows installation begun but I had to get out since the product key was invalid.I finally noticed I had the wrong disk. When I finally found the right disk with the right key, the old installation kept on coming back where I left it. How can I start all over again, with the reformating and reinstallation from scratch? I really don't know how to do this. Is there a special command at reboot? Do I have to put the CD in or not? I'm not sure anymore since it's been years since I've tried this.

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OS Is Reg - Installation Of SP3

Aug 21, 2009

Both my friend and I had modem shutdowns upon installing SP3. My computer kept telling me my modem was defective (bought three more before it occurred to me that my computer was LYING to me).

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Apr 4, 2007

Firstly, I currently have Vista installed, and wanted to install XP again. How can I approach this while achieving dual boot features? Second, if the only way to get dual boot is to reinstall XP and then Vista, how do I do it because my computer only came with Vista restore disks.Third, if I do reinstall Xp then Vista, what is the easiest way I can literally take my computer the way it is, all programs, documents, settings, etc... and then bring it back after I do a clean install. I currently do have a 60gb external hard drive as well.

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Installation On 48 Mb Ram?

Jun 10, 2010

Does anyone know how to install windows xp on a computer with 48 mb ram? The setup won't let me. Says I need 64 mb ram. Then stops install. Does anyone know how to bypass this setting. I know it will run slow. I just want to do it.

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How To Slipstream SP2 Into A New Installation CD

Jul 30, 2005

I read the article on how to slipstream SP2 into a new installation CD but is there any way to integrate up-to-date drivers (chipset, SATA, GPU) into it aswell?

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Error In Installation

Apr 10, 2010

Standard CD install
Setup process does not get past the initial window and I notice the CD drive running constantly ??

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Cd Is Not Ditecting Xp Installation

Sep 22, 2009

I got A blue Screen of Death saying "Unmountable Boot Volume", though for the first few seconds,I see the Windows XP logo. I don't have any caching or shadowing things in my BIOS.(which in my opinion just sounds like garbage that MS threw on there as a default for BSOD's) I've been receiving a malware warning from Avast anti-virus, I had AVG, Avast, and Ad-aware running in the background, and only Avast detected it. I have my Windows XP CD, but it does not detect my XP installation, and only sees one of my other(non-functional) installations.And.I don't know the Admin password to that anyway. so I can't do a CheckDisk or anything like that. I'm writing this from a Knoppix Live-CD, so I can't use any windows Applications that might fix the problem. oh.... And another Detail... Under The Partition thingy for installing windows, it says that the file type is unknown. I'm not sure, but I think it was the NTFS.

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Problem In The Installation

Aug 25, 2007

I bought a Sony VAIO VGN-FZ104E Laptop which came with Vista. I wanted XP, so I booted from my XP CD but got to a screen where it said that no internal harddisk(s) found.Anyway, I paid someone $150 and he somehow installed XP. Have no clue how he did it and he won't tell.

However after having XP, I could find only some of the XP drivers for the laptop after hours and hours of searching the web. At the moment I have the USB's , Ethernet, Modem, and sound working but can't use the Camera, the AV Mode button, the S Button, Card Reader, and the Alps pointing device.

I want to do a fresh re-installation of XP on the Laptop but am not in a mood to throw away $150 again.

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Sp3 Installation For Office10

Oct 11, 2010

i am not able to install the sp3 for office 10

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Pro Installation Problems

Mar 6, 2006

I recently got a new motherboard (64bit) and a fresh new hard drive. When I finished putting everything together I began the process of installing Windows XP. I only have the upgrade version of Windows XP so I had to install 98 first. But When I had begun the installtion for Windows XP (New installation not upgrade) I eventually came to the XP blue screen, thus unnallowing me to install XP.

Technical information:

*** STOP: 0x0000007E (0xc0000005,0xF78360BF,0xF7C82208,0xF781F08)

*** pci.sys - Address F78360BF base at F782F000, DateStamp 3b7d855c

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Win SP1 Installation Fails

Jan 11, 2005

Sequence of events: Win XP Home SP 0 problem began with spyware, which I removed [ using spybot 1.3, ad-aware SE, HiJackThis 1.99, CWShredder, About:buster I tried to update to SP1, from the Windows update site, as well as from a Win XP SP1 update disk, but received an error. In Event Viewer, Windows Update Agent, Event ID 20, so I renamed C:Windowssystem32catroot2 to c:windowssystem32old_catroot2, & retried the SP1 installation. Re-ran SP1 setup / installation, which results in this error: Service Pack 1 Setup Error The file c:program filescommon filessystemole dbmsdasql.dll is open or in use by another program.Start > run > javascript:navigator.appMinorVersion results: Q823353;Q832894;Q867801

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Windows Installation Would You Like To Log On To?

Sep 21, 2009

1:C:\windows which windows Installation would you like to log on to

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Want To Reformat For Installation

Feb 27, 2005

I have an 80 gb drive currently running Win 98 SE but I want to install Win XP Pro. Do I need to reformat or can I simply install Win XP Pro over the existing OS?

If I reformat (which I think you're going to say is the preferred route) do I need a Win XP boot disk?

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How To Make XP Installation CD

Jun 20, 2006

Does anyone know how to make an XP installation CD. I don't have one but I heard there is a way to make one, though i'm not sure.

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Reinstalled Win XP Over Old Installation

Jul 1, 2005

Last night the computer worked fine but this morning the only way to start my wifes computer was to insert the Win XP disk. chkdsk /r did not fix the problem so I reinstalled Win XP over the old installation. The computer now starts. The problem is although the C drive shows all the old programs and folders are still there they do not show up when I click start, programs. When I go into add-remove in the control panel, it is empty. How can I move the programs showing on the C drive into the new program folder?

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Replace Old Installation With A New One

Aug 5, 2005

My XP Home system was installed right after XP came out and has, I'm sure, accumulated a lot of drivers and other files and stuff which are no longer needed. And I'm almost certain the Registry has a lot of
useless stuff in it as well so I want to do a clean install of XP and Programs and start over. Yet, I want to keep my present XP on C: until I get the new, clean install customized and all my programs up and running with the clean install XP and programs are on CPrimary of course) and DLogical) contains my data files. I have created, using Partition Magic, another Primary partition on Disk 0 the same size as C: with no drive letter assigned

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Sp2 Installation Hangs Up

Oct 10, 2006

I've been trying to update from xp sp1 to xp hangs up during instal with an error that tells me thatc:WINDOWSAppPatchdrv.main.sdbis still running.Has anyone seen this before and if so how do I get past this error.Also, I am wondering how much do I really need this update or am I fine without it.I am told by Microsoft that my version of xp is now out of date.Should I be worried? Other than this everything is fine on this machine.

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SP2 CD Installation Failed

Apr 13, 2007

I had to do a Windows Repair on my uncle's computer and now I am trying to install SP2 again on a CD I got awhile ago. Well about halfway through it stopped. Says it failed. Anyone know why that is and how do I fix this so SP2 installs fully? I also tried to do it off of Windows Update. Failed that way also. I also tried doing it in Safe Mode. No luck. Same thing happens. What may be causing this? I got rid of 205 spy and adaware that he never scanned for. I also ran an antivirus scan. No viruses.

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SP2 After Clean Installation

Jun 17, 2005

I have been preparing all week for a clean install of XP this weekend. The only question I still can not find an answer to is whether or not I can get the SP2 from windows update after I have reinstalled XP I purchased prior to SP2, in August 2003. I recall reading somewhere that it was not available after a certain date. I would like to confirm I can get all the neccessary updates from microsoft's website after I have reinstalled.

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Won't Accept My Installation Key

Aug 20, 2008

So here is my problem, I have a Macbook and I used Bootcamp to put on Windows XP x64 Edition. Then my hard drive crashed and I had to reload all my software and everything, but when I started to put Windows back on my Computer, this is the same disk and product key i used on my last hard drive, Windows wouldn't accept the key for XP. I was wondering am I just screwed in that i need to buy another version of Windows, or can i get this key to work

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