Giant Letter On Internet

Jul 22, 2005

All of a sudden I have very large writting on the internet using exporer, I did not change any thing but I would like to get them back to normal size. Bruce Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

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Giant Internet Cookie A Security Issue

Dec 1, 2007

Out of no where,came,Brower Tracking Code, I tried 2 of Pc Pitstops suggestions,they didnt work. This is a security issue.

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When I Click A Letter On The Keyboard Another Letter Comes On

Jan 21, 2010

when I click a letter on the keyboard another letter appears, why?

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Giant Type On Webpages

Sep 19, 2006

I've been trying to make print easier to read since I got WinsXP SP2, but now I've messed around where I shouldn't be and have ended up w/GIGANTIC print on websites such as this one. (Much bigger than the type you're probably seeing here.)I was fooling around in Ctrl Panel and reset some size options. I thought I was in device mgr, but can't retrace my steps...but I was DEFINETLY somewhere in the Ctrl Panel.

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Giant Aggravating Xp Installation

Jun 9, 2008

Well i got this computer from a friend. But i wanted to install it into a different case so we moved everything over to my custom case. Then when trying to boot windows it just crashes/or reboots the computer. I'm trying to boot windows xp sp1 new install... I have an abit an7 motherboard with 2 gigs of ram. a geforce 6200 LE graphics card. and a liteon cdr dvd reader. I'm not sure of the hard drive all i know is when i hook my hard drive up into another computer it boots just fine. Also to mention when i try to reinstall windows it crashes at the exact same spot (many different cds) ive got as far as booting into windows to the setup part and bam BSOD.. i've tried many other forums and no one seems to want to help me some one PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!

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Having Giant File Wont Delete

Jun 18, 2006

Alright there is a .jpg file on my desktop that is seriously bugging me. When i try to delete it, my cursor quickly turns into the standard hour glass thing, and then goes back to normal cursor. It wont delete!

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Assign A Drive Letter - Assign A Folder Letter?

Aug 27, 2005

if we can assign a letter for a drive [for example, C:], then, can I assign a letter to a folder? Because when I save/open a file or anything like that, I can just type the letter of the drive if I want to access a drive

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My Drive Letter Changed To F

Sep 2, 2006

I have a Dell Pentium 4 computer that has it's C: drive changed to the drive letter F: which causes some problems for me. I would like to know how I can change it back to C: without reloading my OS.

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Can Allow To Assign How Many Drive Letter?

Apr 30, 2008

as i know at winxp disk management there can change drive letter, i saw on there only have A: to Z: only, is it only can assign drive letter from A: to Z: only? if i need more drive letter how?

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Main Drive Letter

Aug 18, 2009

I am having an issue with changing the main drive letter on my mother's computer. I made a pretty amateur mistake when I was re-installing Windows XP for her and left my external hard drive connected from taking her files off of her old hard drive so the installing found "H:" being the most appropriate drive letter and now a few badly written programs she has tried to install automatically fail because they are set to look for drive "C:".I know my only option is to re-install yet again to get a fresh start, but I was hoping there was another possibility (albeit might be harder) to set the drive letter right. Typically I went to "manage" and "drives and storage" and attempted to change the letter, but Windows will not allow me to change the drive letter of the main volume. If anyone has any suggestion, please throw them out there-I may have made an newbie mistake, but I know my way around pretty well.

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Drive Letter Access

Nov 4, 2008

When I open an e-mail with an attachment,I get the message-drive letter access component has encountered a problem.I have to download it into my documents,then it will open.What is the problem?

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No Drive Letter - No Virus

Dec 18, 2004

I am trying to revive the local Priest's computer - he has nothing backed up (and I'm not even Catholic ;-))
He has a Dell Dimension 933r running Windows XP Home. When he started the computer yesterday it started to boot into Windows and then just restarts in an endless cycle. It got to a point where it came up with an error "autochk not found - skipping autochk" and then a Windows XP BSOD (the ones with some hex addresses) pops up with an error for about a tenth of a second (I cannot read anything on it - it is too fast).
I pulled the drive and put it in another computer. The computer (Win XP Pro) finds the drive and it shows as "healthy" in Disk Management, but it does not assign it a drive letter. I would just like to be able to get in and copy his data.

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Title Bar Only Shows 1st Letter

Jul 23, 2005

I just did a fresh load of XP Pro but have a few minor but very annoying

1. In a folder window (ie My Computer or Explorer) the title bar only shows
the first letter of the path. If the path is C: emp the "C" is displayed if
D:archive then "D" is displayed. I have tried going to "Tools--->folder
option ---->view and select "show full path in title bar" and checking and
unchecking. I have tried different fonts and different size fonts.But still
the title bar is unchanged.

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Change Driver Letter In Pro SP2

Jun 13, 2005

I have a new XP Pro SP2 system that has two hard drives: the Master C:drive, and a second drive. It came with the second drive showing as the F: drive. D: and E: drives are DVD/CD Roms. My question is: How can I change the Drive letter of the second drive to D: from F:, or is this possible now that the system is set up? And then change the DVD/CD Roms to E: and F: respecfully?

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WIN Reinstall HDD Drive Letter F Changedto C

May 10, 2008

I've had to reinstall Win XP Pro on my computer.Now here's the twist, before the reinstall I had the following drives;

C (Computer Drive)
F (My Sister's Drive)
D (Mp3 & Wav)
E (Digital Pics)

I proceded to reinstall Win XP Pro only to discover that my original C drive was now labeled F, and the original F drive is now labeled C.

I installed it anyway thinking I could just change the drive letters afterwards. So I thought, I cannot change either one as drive F's status (Boot Volume) and drive C's status (System Volume), and Windows will not allow any drive letter changes to System and Boot volume drives.

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How To Change The System Fonts Letter?

Nov 8, 2005

Read about how some viruses can look like a genuine system file yet be off by maybe one letter such as "l" would be a capital "i",

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System Drive Letter Change

Apr 21, 2009

I just upgraded my "guts" (mobo, ram, cpu) and am trying to get all set up. I installed windows XP on a brand new hard drive on a newly created partition. On the setup screen, it says C: Partition1 [NTFS] I left some unpartitioned space on the new drive for a later win xp 64bit version install and I also have another HD that is listed as D: Partition1. After the install, my system disk drive letter was F: and my other HD letter was E: I go to disk management and I can change my second HD letter but it won't let me change my system drive letter back to C:. How do I get my system drive letter back to C:?

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Changing Boot Drive Letter

Dec 3, 2006

I was doing a new installation of XP home on a new hard drive, XP formatted the drive as F: and installed the boot sector there because a thumb drive was in the usb port (which it recognized as C:). I wasn't paying that close of attention and I didn't realize XP would see that thumb drive as C:. My question: is there any way to change the boot letter back to C: without reformatting the hard drive?

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Dvdr Sets Its Own Drive Letter

Aug 14, 2006

I want the drive letter of my Sony DVDR/RW to be X, but every time I reboot it changes itself to drive H. I am using xp home, SP2.

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I Changed Drive Letter Now Computer Is Not Booting

Mar 21, 2010

I installed a new hard drive, the only drive, in my computer and installed XP pro. There was a card reader in the computer which was assigned c drive and the local drive was assigned h on the disk. I disconcected the card reader and changed the local disk to c from h in the registery. Now when I turn on the computer the blue screen introducing XP comes on and goes no farther.

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Renaming Extended Partition Drive Letter E To S

Apr 3, 2005

I want to rename drive E (10gigs) to lets say drive it as simple as right clicking and renaming the drive in most cases right?.

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New HD - Will Also Make New Drive Letter In Windows Explorer

Apr 24, 2010

I have Windows XP Pro, sp3. When I got my first external hard drive (HD), I thought it would be a hassle to get windows to see it but it was very easy. I just plugged it in, via USB, and it put a drive letter in Windows Explorer (WE) and I could access it like any other drive. It was easy. My question is: if I get another external HD, can I use it along with my current external HD? That is, can I use the new external HD without unplugging my present external HD.

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Assign Any Available Drive Letter To A Active Partition

Jun 13, 2006

I just would like to ask one more on this . Can I assign any available drive letter to a active partition that I create or does XP expect me to assign the next available in reverse order? As you can see in Disk Managment that I have Drives F;G;H;I listed and under Network Drives I have Q Thru Z. I thought my picture cards used Drives F;G;H;I ?

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Reformatted Partition - Cannot Change The Drive Letter

Aug 26, 2007

i reformatted my windows partition to try and solve a constant crash hd is divided up into 2 partitions with the second being where i stored all my data and mp3's.I only formatted the windows partition and now my second partition is inaccessable.The drive letter has also changed from k to d..i tried changing the drive letter back to k and the partition was still inacessable.Any help would be awsome on this.I would hate to lose 100+ gigs of data

D: is not acessable
the file or directory is corrupted and unreadable

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Locked Hard Drive - Change The Name Or Letter

May 24, 2010

I have 2 drives, one with Windows and such, and the other with about 1,000 games that my girlfriend plays. She let her grandson on, unsupervised, and the next thing is a trashed system drive. Unfortunately, there was no way to save it, so I did a format and clean reinstall of XP Home. Goback was on the drive, and there was no way to uninstall it before the reinstall. The reinstall went fine, but the GAME drive is virtually inaccessible. It doesn't show in My Computer, but does show in Admin Tools, Disk Management. However, the drive name is shown as F(F. It should either be D: or F: ( there are 2 optical drives). I can't change the name or drive letter. I get the error "the drive is locked".

I tried Partition Magic, and it will change the info, temporarily. Also, PM shows the drive as *.F It doesn't give any error message, and says the change has been applied, but it obviously hasn't. I searched this forum for "hard drive locked" and followed suggestions that I had not tried previously. The smiley replaced a colon; the entry should read F(F. Sometimes I think I might know what I'm doing, and then I realize, maybe not.

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Go Drive Letter Removing Bug - Repeated Procedure

Mar 9, 2008

I have a 1.2TB HD setup...created from 4 drives. 2 500GB WD, 1 80GB WD and 1 160 GB WD (western digital). I use the 1000GB (E for data only, the 80GB (C as my Primary Partition (only trusted apps), and 160GB (Dfor everything else. Lately I noticed that my D: drive was missing, windows shows no sign of it, But all the shortcut icons are in place, clicking one results in "file missing". I got the drive to come back by using safe mode and running msconfig to load only necessary drivers, but the drive disappeared again after some time and I had to repeat the procedure.

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Huge Descriptive Letter - Upgraded From Maxtor

Oct 12, 2006

I just typed a huge descriptive letter,went to send it andGone I'll just list whats going on. I ahve a hp pavilion 521n upgraded from maxtor 80g hd to western digital 150g hd upgraded from 384g to 1g of ram(system limit)everest shows that i have 1 stick of 512 ram and 1 stick of 128pc wizard says the same
i right click on my computer and it says i have the full 1g of ram.i ran the prime95 "torture test" and it immediately showed errors and said they were hardware related.

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Change Drive Letter For Local Disk

Jul 5, 2008

Just installed windows xp and I have an atapi zip drive that was assigned as c: and my hard drive was assigned as e:. Is there a way to change the drive letter of my hard drive to C: without reinstalling XP or damaging anything or is having the hard drive as E: harmless:

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Cd Rom Drive Letter Not Showing In Control Panel

Oct 11, 2005

Cd rom drive letter not showing in control panel. No recordable device found on system. Running xp.

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New HD Install - Drive Letter Smart Failure

Mar 7, 2005

My computer won't boot...the master HD had a SMART failure. I've decided to replace my current master HD with a WD 80gig. I also have an identical WD 80gig slave on my system (which I do not want to reformat). Seems simple...however, My slave is the current c: drive. For some reason when i reformatted last time it automatically named my root drive idea. And to get my computer to recognize my ipod i needed a c: drive so i ended up changing my slave to that via a program in xp. Does anyone know if this will be a real problem when i go to format and partition the new drive? Will it show both HDs without assigned letters? Should I install, format, and setup xp on the new HD without a slave attached and then add the slave later?

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USB Drive Takes Letter Already Assigned To Other Resource

Sep 5, 2006

The letter, F, is already assigned on all workstations to a resource on the server; however, Windows assigns a new USB thumb drive the same letter, which results in an inaccessible USB drive.I changed the USB drive letter in Disk Management to I. This holds until the USB drive is disconnected and the computer is restarted. Then Windows again assigns the letter, F, to both the network resource and the USB drive.

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