Title Bar Only Shows 1st Letter

Jul 23, 2005

I just did a fresh load of XP Pro but have a few minor but very annoying

1. In a folder window (ie My Computer or Explorer) the title bar only shows
the first letter of the path. If the path is C: emp the "C" is displayed if
D:archive then "D" is displayed. I have tried going to "Tools--->folder
option ---->view and select "show full path in title bar" and checking and
unchecking. I have tried different fonts and different size fonts.But still
the title bar is unchanged.

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When I Click A Letter On The Keyboard Another Letter Comes On

Jan 21, 2010

when I click a letter on the keyboard another letter appears, why?

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Assign A Drive Letter - Assign A Folder Letter?

Aug 27, 2005

if we can assign a letter for a drive [for example, C:], then, can I assign a letter to a folder? Because when I save/open a file or anything like that, I can just type the letter of the drive if I want to access a drive

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Home Xp CMD Prompt Title

Jun 22, 2006

When changing the title to the cmd prompt and after closing and then reopening it reverts back to the old title ? My path in the Cmd Prompt window > C:> title

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Change Browser Title (Pro)

Aug 12, 2002

Change the Browser TitleThis tweak Customize the Title of the Internet Explorer.1. Click Start > Run > Type gpedit.msc2. Click User Configuration > Windows Setting > Internet Explorer Maintenance > Browser User Interface3. Double click on Browser Title4. Click on Customize Title Bars5. type in whatever you want6. Click OKNow you changed the title of your browser and you sure see what you wrote when you open a New Widow.

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File Title Too Long To Fit Into Recycle Bin

Feb 11, 2007

When I tried to remove a couple dated data partition Cobian backups from my XHDD, the error message, 'File Title too large to fit into the Recycle Bin' appeared. The deletion of the several Gigs of data that was no longer needed was stopped. How do I manage to remove this material from the XHDD so that the space becomes available?

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Length Of File Title To Delete

Feb 26, 2007

Apparently there is a maximum length of file 'title' that the Recycle Bin will accommodate. If it is exceded, a file can not be deleted (sent to the Recycle Bin). I have run into this problem trying to remove out-of-date backup files from my XHDD. What is this limit?

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Lost The Mp3 Title Artist Information

Dec 29, 2006

This is really driving me up the wall, seem to have lost the mp3 title,artist information in windows explorer now.I don't what has happened but would like to restore this functionality as I have loads of mp3's and it is quite annoying not to be able to see the artist or any other info except for the file name.I am running Win XP with SP2.

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Unable To Customizing Title Bar Colors?

May 4, 2006

This is really pissing me off... I'm trying to customize my color scheme and all that because I'm bored, but for some reason I can't change the color of the active window's title bar. I'm in Display Properties, Appearance, Advanced, but for the life of me I can't find the selection to change what I want.
I've messed around with Active Title Bar, Active Window Border, Application Background, Inactive Title Bar, Window, and others but none of them will change the color of my active window's title bar (for example, the Firefox title bar that says "Tech Support Guy Forums - Post New Thread - Mozilla Firefox" is all blue bcause I'm on the "Default (blue)" Color scheme right now). I don't see a way to deactivate the default color scheme, I can only change it to olive green or silver, or customize through the advanced button, which doesn't seem to work.

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Explorer Not Showing CD Title In Left Pane

Jul 16, 2005

Until recently Windows Explorer has shown the title of a CD inserted into either the CD Rewriter or the DVD reader drive on my PC. Since about two weeks ago, XP does not react at all to the insertion of a disk until I click on the relevant drive letter in the left pane of Explorer. It then shows the content of the disk but still does not show the disk title info. In addition Autorun no longer operates even though it is enabled.

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Explorer Window Title Path Is In Reverse

Feb 10, 2008

The title bar of all my Explorer windows is in reverse! Am I going cuckoo? I'm sure it wasn't like this a few minutes ago.

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Removing Title Text From Toolbar Items

Aug 12, 2002

Removing the title text from toolbar items such as Zaxxon and MSVDM (included in microsoft's powertoys) seems impossible when the taskbar is locked; however, if you right click the toolbar and uncheck "Lock the Taskbar", then right click in the area of the toolbar you'd like to remove the title from, the option "Show Title" is now available. Uncheck it and re-lock the taskbar and the space-hogging and otherwise unpleasant looking titles are gone.

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Message From System To Alert With Title Bar 'messenger Service'?

Jul 9, 2005

One more thing, title bar of the alert is 'messenger service'.

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Outlook Express Title Tweak - Add Modify String

Aug 12, 2002

Change the window title of Outlook Express to anything you want! Open regedit and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USERIdentities{EE383506-901D-43C6-8E40-9A61901DF7CC}SoftwareMicrosoftOutlook Express5.0.  (the  {EE383506-901D-43C6-8E40-9A61901DF7CC} part will be different for you, it is an individual number Add or modify the string key called WindowTitle and make its value the desired window title. Then close the registry editor, and restart Outlook Express (if it's running.) Your new title now shows up in the title bar!

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File Explorer Wont Display Track Title?

Apr 4, 2010

When I open Windows file explorer, for my .mp3 files, I cannot get track title, number, artist, etc. It only displays file name, size, type, date created and date modified. When I right click on the file and select properties, summary, advanced, the information is not there either. This only happened in the last month or so because before I did get this missing track info for the same files on the same disk using the same Windows file explorer.

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Add Custom "Provided By" Tag To Media Player Title Bar

Nov 6, 2004

Always make sure to create a backup of registry keys prior to making changes. TweakXP.com accepts no responsibility for problems caused by using Registry Editor incorrectly. 1. Open Registry Editor and move to the following key, creating keys where necessary:HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsMediaPlayer2. Find or create the String Value: TitleBar 3. Double click this value and enter the text you would like to appear after "Provided by".4. Click OK and close Registry Editor, In step 3 if I entered "TweakXP.com" the title bar of Windows Media Player will read "Windows Media Player provided by TweakXP.com"Note: Values in Registry Editor are case sensitive.

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My Drive Letter Changed To F

Sep 2, 2006

I have a Dell Pentium 4 computer that has it's C: drive changed to the drive letter F: which causes some problems for me. I would like to know how I can change it back to C: without reloading my OS.

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Can Allow To Assign How Many Drive Letter?

Apr 30, 2008

as i know at winxp disk management there can change drive letter, i saw on there only have A: to Z: only, is it only can assign drive letter from A: to Z: only? if i need more drive letter how?

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Main Drive Letter

Aug 18, 2009

I am having an issue with changing the main drive letter on my mother's computer. I made a pretty amateur mistake when I was re-installing Windows XP for her and left my external hard drive connected from taking her files off of her old hard drive so the installing found "H:" being the most appropriate drive letter and now a few badly written programs she has tried to install automatically fail because they are set to look for drive "C:".I know my only option is to re-install yet again to get a fresh start, but I was hoping there was another possibility (albeit might be harder) to set the drive letter right. Typically I went to "manage" and "drives and storage" and attempted to change the letter, but Windows will not allow me to change the drive letter of the main volume. If anyone has any suggestion, please throw them out there-I may have made an newbie mistake, but I know my way around pretty well.

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Drive Letter Access

Nov 4, 2008

When I open an e-mail with an attachment,I get the message-drive letter access component has encountered a problem.I have to download it into my documents,then it will open.What is the problem?

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Giant Letter On Internet

Jul 22, 2005

All of a sudden I have very large writting on the internet using exporer, I did not change any thing but I would like to get them back to normal size. Bruce Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny?

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No Drive Letter - No Virus

Dec 18, 2004

I am trying to revive the local Priest's computer - he has nothing backed up (and I'm not even Catholic ;-))
He has a Dell Dimension 933r running Windows XP Home. When he started the computer yesterday it started to boot into Windows and then just restarts in an endless cycle. It got to a point where it came up with an error "autochk not found - skipping autochk" and then a Windows XP BSOD (the ones with some hex addresses) pops up with an error for about a tenth of a second (I cannot read anything on it - it is too fast).
I pulled the drive and put it in another computer. The computer (Win XP Pro) finds the drive and it shows as "healthy" in Disk Management, but it does not assign it a drive letter. I would just like to be able to get in and copy his data.

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Change Driver Letter In Pro SP2

Jun 13, 2005

I have a new XP Pro SP2 system that has two hard drives: the Master C:drive, and a second drive. It came with the second drive showing as the F: drive. D: and E: drives are DVD/CD Roms. My question is: How can I change the Drive letter of the second drive to D: from F:, or is this possible now that the system is set up? And then change the DVD/CD Roms to E: and F: respecfully?

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WIN Reinstall HDD Drive Letter F Changedto C

May 10, 2008

I've had to reinstall Win XP Pro on my computer.Now here's the twist, before the reinstall I had the following drives;

C (Computer Drive)
F (My Sister's Drive)
D (Mp3 & Wav)
E (Digital Pics)

I proceded to reinstall Win XP Pro only to discover that my original C drive was now labeled F, and the original F drive is now labeled C.

I installed it anyway thinking I could just change the drive letters afterwards. So I thought, I cannot change either one as drive F's status (Boot Volume) and drive C's status (System Volume), and Windows will not allow any drive letter changes to System and Boot volume drives.

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How To Change The System Fonts Letter?

Nov 8, 2005

Read about how some viruses can look like a genuine system file yet be off by maybe one letter such as "l" would be a capital "i",

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System Drive Letter Change

Apr 21, 2009

I just upgraded my "guts" (mobo, ram, cpu) and am trying to get all set up. I installed windows XP on a brand new hard drive on a newly created partition. On the setup screen, it says C: Partition1 [NTFS] I left some unpartitioned space on the new drive for a later win xp 64bit version install and I also have another HD that is listed as D: Partition1. After the install, my system disk drive letter was F: and my other HD letter was E: I go to disk management and I can change my second HD letter but it won't let me change my system drive letter back to C:. How do I get my system drive letter back to C:?

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Changing Boot Drive Letter

Dec 3, 2006

I was doing a new installation of XP home on a new hard drive, XP formatted the drive as F: and installed the boot sector there because a thumb drive was in the usb port (which it recognized as C:). I wasn't paying that close of attention and I didn't realize XP would see that thumb drive as C:. My question: is there any way to change the boot letter back to C: without reformatting the hard drive?

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Dvdr Sets Its Own Drive Letter

Aug 14, 2006

I want the drive letter of my Sony DVDR/RW to be X, but every time I reboot it changes itself to drive H. I am using xp home, SP2.

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I Changed Drive Letter Now Computer Is Not Booting

Mar 21, 2010

I installed a new hard drive, the only drive, in my computer and installed XP pro. There was a card reader in the computer which was assigned c drive and the local drive was assigned h on the disk. I disconcected the card reader and changed the local disk to c from h in the registery. Now when I turn on the computer the blue screen introducing XP comes on and goes no farther.

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Renaming Extended Partition Drive Letter E To S

Apr 3, 2005

I want to rename drive E (10gigs) to lets say drive S...is it as simple as right clicking and renaming the drive in most cases right?.

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New HD - Will Also Make New Drive Letter In Windows Explorer

Apr 24, 2010

I have Windows XP Pro, sp3. When I got my first external hard drive (HD), I thought it would be a hassle to get windows to see it but it was very easy. I just plugged it in, via USB, and it put a drive letter in Windows Explorer (WE) and I could access it like any other drive. It was easy. My question is: if I get another external HD, can I use it along with my current external HD? That is, can I use the new external HD without unplugging my present external HD.

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