Explorer.exe On Startup

Feb 3, 2009

As of yesterday I have been having some problems with my computer. At start up I had no icons no task bar and was not able to right click on my desktop I could Ctrl+Alt+Del and run things from taskmanager. I ran spybot and found many trojans and what not on the computer and have since taken those off. Now I am still having the problem when Windows loads I still do not have icons, or a task bar I Ctrl+Alt+Del and end process explorer.exe then start new task and reload explorer.exe and my icons and start bar return. What do I need to do to make it to where my icons and start bar are there when I boot my computer?

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Explorer Doing At Startup

Aug 10, 2005

When I boot my system, I experience some huge hard disk activity. If I look at processes, I can easily see that the responsible is Windows Explorer. But what Explorer is doing and why? It may lengthen startup by 5 minutes too. Is there a way to know WHO is doing WHAT in my PC?

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Explorer Ends On Startup

Apr 8, 2006

I'm running XP pro with SP2.It's a fairly new computer which hadn't been connected to the internet since yesterday.So once it was on the internet i just let it freely download updates from Windows Update.When I tried to open something on my desktop i got a Blue Screen of Death. After restarting i sent the error report and it actually came up with a solution (shocker) that it was my firewall program, Outpost Firewall. After installing the update that it told me to everything went downhill from there. Everytime I restart the computer and log on i get the error report and when i click anything, explorer ends and doesnt restart (unless i use task manager to restart it). The only way around this is for me to just move the error report box out of the way, but now i cant use windows explorer at all.

Anytime i try to open, say, My Documents from the start menu, the taskbar will freeze for a few minutes. Anytime i try to use the Open function from any other program, that program will just shutdown with no warning whatsoever. I've only been able to open this internet explorer window because i just happen to know what the string is to open it in task manager.Any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated. I can paste the error report if you wish. Just ask for it, but i can tell you that there are 60 Module errors by looking at it.When i click the start menu and right click anything, the Open and Explore options all appear in lower case, which isn't mean to happen if i remember correctly

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Explorer Opens To C On Startup

Feb 13, 2009

At every bootup, Windows Explorer opens to the "C:WINDOWSsystem32" folder. I have looked in the startup locations but did not see anything.

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Explorer.exe Error On Startup

Dec 13, 2008

Windows XP Media Center Edition w/ SP3.Every few times I turn on my computer, there will be an error regarding explorer.exe (something like the something failed to initialize at *some random letters and numbers*). When I then log onto any user accounts, including administrator, the screen will not load. I will sit staring at the wallpaper with no taskbar or desktop shortcuts. The only thing I can do is the *windows + L* to switch user and log out, or CTRL+ALT+DEL to get to the task manager. There will be an abnormally low number of processes running (in the 30's). I will have to restart the computer and hope for the best on my next try for the computer to load.

Also, a similar problem. Occasionally (1 out of every 4 tries or so), when one user is logged in and hits *switch user* (but stays logged in), no other users may load. When the other users try to login, they are instantly logged out to the blue login screen again. You can see the background for possible a half of a second before getting logged out. There is no error message or anything of the sort.These errors all have come up in the past few weeks. I am stumped and have no clue what to do.

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Explorer.exe Not Loading At Startup

Jul 24, 2005

I've been smacking my head against this problem for about a week now. No one I know seems to have the answer either. I was asked to clean up a computer for a friend of my mother's. It had over 3,000 virus, ad, spy, etc. (I have it repeatedly testing clean now). When the system came to me it took well over 10 minutes to boot into Windows (Win XP Home, SP1) but once Ad-aware and Spybot started removing things it no longer boots all the way into windows. After selecting a user (any user) it loads the wallpaper but not the desktop icons or taskbar. CTRL + ALT + DEL shows that nothing is frozen and if I click "New task" then type "explorer" everything loads up just fine. I've tried a system repair, restore, and upgrade. I think it's definitely time for a fresh install but I'd like to know how to fix this without a reinstall if that is possible (especially in case I ever come across this again.)

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Explorer Start At Startup

Jan 27, 2005

Mates amd64 overheated the other day because he was doing some hard core 3d generation overnight with it, non stop. Its just got the new fan to keep it cool, but when it restarts it now gets to the desktop, and then stops, shows no icons or anything. so i diagnosed it was explorer because of this. I do ctrl alt del andtell it to start a new process called 'explorer.exe' and I get this message:This file does not have a program accossiation for performing this action/ Create an accossiation in the folder option pontrol panel.

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Task Manager & Explorer.exe Don't Run On Startup

Aug 8, 2009

So basically my computer is not doing just about everything - I am lucky for it to be working right now. So much errors - explorer.exe does not run at start up - task manager sometimes is disabled by administrator (but works sometimes, like now, so that i can run explorer.exe from it) - windows live communictaions always has problems - MSN, not working, just freezing. There has also been shortcuts to porn sites and gaming sites put everywhere. CMD is not working either, hardly anything is. I have no idea how to fix it, someone said something about a SkyNet virus but I think it's more.

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Explorer.exe Error Message On Startup

Dec 22, 2009

the instruction at "0x7c900f70" referenced memory at "0x7c900f70". The memory could not be "written".

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Two (2) Instances Of Windows Explorer Opening At Every Startup?

Oct 11, 2008

When my computer boots up there are two (2) instances of Windows Explorer opening and I can't figure out where they are started from. They don't show up in any of the Startup folders in the Documents and Settings. Where the heck are they? Can anyone tell me how to find the source so I can turn them off?

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Explorer Window Opens On Startup To The HP Folder

Jun 19, 2006

I installed my DVD drive on my HP machine, and now I keep getting an explorer window that opens on Startup to the HP folder. Its innocuous, but annoying.

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Explorer - Desktop Dont Show Up On Startup

Oct 21, 2006

I got a dell laptop (inspiron 6000) and windows xp media center about a year ago. Since a month or so, most of the time windows is done booting, all i can see is my desktop picture and nothing else. Everything is accessible only via task manager (running firefox.exe, explorer.exe...)Only once out of 7-10 times will it start up normally. I have no idea what this is all about or how to find out.

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Internet Explorer Lightning Fast Startup

Aug 12, 2002

Isn't it annoying when you want to go to a new website, or any other site but your homepage, and you have to wait for your 'home' to load?This tweak tells Internet Explorer to simply 'run', without loading any webpages. (If you use a 'blank' page, that is still a page, and slows access. Notice the 'about:blank' in the address bar. The blank html page must still be loaded..). To load IE with 'nothing' [nothing is different than blank]:1. Right-click on any shortcut you have to IE[You should create a shortcut out of your desktop IE icon, and delete the original icon]2. Click Properties3. Add  -nohome [with a space before the dash] after the endquotes in the Target field.4. Click OKFire up IE from your modified shortcut,

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Windows Explorer Wont Start On Startup / Does Not Run Through Run From Task Mngr

Jul 31, 2007

after searching for around 3-4 hours now, i decided to try this place.okay, the problem for me is this.i dont know if viruses are the deal here. maybe they are, since i have an unknown program running and i dont know how i got it, called fhdaumwA (couldn't find any info on google) and some other junk like Ta_Start and Think-Adz.if they are the real reason for this problem then i am very sorry and i will post this in the virus removal section.but the reason i believe this is not a virus problem is because my cpu is normal (2-5% usage).windows explorer does not open at startup, and only the background image is displayed.aka- no toolbar, no right click dropdown, etc.a few hours ago, if i ran explorer.exe from run using ctrl alt delete it would work for around 2-5 seconds and then shut down again, leaving only the background image.so. during those few seconds i attempted to open my computer the window closed right when explorer.exe shut down again, leaving the background image.i decided that maybe updating windows would help from Microsoft updates.apparently it made the situation worse, since explorer now does not even open up at all, (if 2-5 seconds is anything anyway...)i have searched many places and all places do not have an answer for me or i cannot actually perform the steps to clear it (my system restore does not work.. the system root system32 store.

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Startup Issues/explorer Issues

Dec 16, 2006

I was downloading some stuff...got a virus...had to boot in safe mode and delete it...since then every once in a while when i would startup the screen would just show my wallpaper no taskbar, no icons, no nothing. i would then ctrl alt dlt kill explorer and restart explorer. stuff would show up but not everything is working right. now it happens everytime i start my computer and it is verry annoying! sum1 please help, ive done scans, restore pts, tried everything. PLZ HELP :C

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Msconfig Normal Startup, Stop Running At Startup, And Change Back

May 16, 2007

I want a program to run at startup and I want to be able to change what I have done at any time.

There are a number of unchecked entries in msconfig and I have to use Selective Startup all the time.

If I want to revert to Normal Startup under the General tab instead of Selective Startup, the program's box automatically rechecks itself in Startup.

The Startup tab gives me a handy record of what I did and allows for an easy change of mind so long as I continue to use Selective Startup.

If I edit the Registry to stop programs running at startup, they won't show in msconfig and I lose the handy record of how it was and I may have to reinstall the program to go back to it running at startup.

I would like to accomplish this:

1. Use Normal Startup instead of Selective Startup.

2. Have some programs not run at startup, but be able to easily change back to having them run at startup.

3. Have a readily accessible list of those programs and the details as shown under the Startup tab as a reminder of how it was without having to manually enter it all into a text file or keep a notebook or reinstall.

Is there some way to use Normal Startup, stop programs running at startup, but retain or find a list of those programs (including the details under the headings Startup Item, Command, Location) that is shown when using Selective Startup with unchecked boxes under the Startup tab?

To put it another way, use Normal Startup but somehow retain the convenient flexibility of Selective Startup.

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Startup Problem, Already Disabled All Unnecessary Startup Items...

May 8, 2010

My startup time went up drastically.
I have disabled all but two of the automatic startup items using msconfig. My system used to start in less than two minutes, easily. Now it takes a more than a minute or two longer than that.
I know what the problem is; the only three items that show in the system tray after startup are:
1) The AVG Antivirus icon .
2) The Spybot SD Resident icon.
3) Local Area Connection (This is the icon which shows two computer monitors with screens that light up and go dark periodically)

Now, after the problem started, the last item, the Local Area Connection icon is the one that doesn't load, for VERY long. So it may be something to do with that. Also, just before the icon finally shows up(after which point the computer is fine to use) I've notice that a Windows security notification icon appears...it flashes, for just a second, and then is replaced by the Local Area Connection icon. For the record, these are the two icons I'm talking about:

I have had my automatic updates disabled for a while now, so you might think that that's the reason the notification is showing up but I've already disabled that notification using Windows Security Center.

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Msconfig Keeps Opening After Startup, Having Disabled Startup Items

Jun 10, 2010

Try making my laptop less slow and not freeze all the time when doing the simplest of tasks.

However, my problem happens after trying to disable the Startup Items from the MSconfig dialogue.

-After I have unchecked the boxes I don't want, I click OK or Apply;

-It then tells me I have to restart for the changes to take place, so I do this;

-Then after completing its restart a message says that "The System Configuration Utility is in Diagnostic or Selective Startup mode, causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time Windows starts up."

-it then opens the MSconfig dialogue box again.

If I just close the utility or click ok, sure enough it keeps on opening every time I startup. Or else, what it's trying to convince me to do is to start up in Normal Mode. But I won't do this because then all the Startup Items I'd disabled become enabled again and the whole lengthy task was a waist of time!

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Run Option Missing From Startup Menu: Restoring It To My Startup?

Sep 3, 2005

The run link is missing from my startup menu...can anyone help me find it? I know this sounds dumb, but I really need to restore it to my startup so I
can take care of some other problems I'm having.

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Remove Common Startup Items From Startup List

Dec 25, 2005

How do you remove the "Common Startup" items from the startup list in msconfig for Windows XP? I did locate and remove the "Run" items that are located in HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionRun.

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Disable Startup Programs - Startup Programms Running

Jun 21, 2006

Win XP Home edition. I'm in the Speed Up Windows Startup class. I currently have a very long list of startup programs running. Is it safe for me to disable all except security programs (Symantec Norton,AdAware,Spyguard)?Charles

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Cleaning Up Startup: Msconfig Showing Startup Normal?

Feb 10, 2010

I think I might need to do this.It's now impossible to click or d/click on a programme or even an email and have it open I have to click 6-10 times before the little hourglass appears.I think I need to change my startup : what do you think? Msconfig shows my startup options to be -Normal Diagnostic Selective
Ought to to choose diag?Or Selective?because I can't decide which programmes I ought to remove and which to leave in, but I'm sure I have too many.

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Computer Slow On Startup - Particularly At Startup

Apr 27, 2006

My sister's computer is running very slowly, particularly at startup (which seems to take forever). I've got Panda antivirus software running and do reasonably regular spyware scans with AdAware, but am not sure if the problem is just that the computer is old with too little memory / overheating because it's on almost all the time / something else I haven't thought of. To help me determine what's going on, could someone much smarter than myself take a look at this HJT log and see if you see anything of concern?

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Make Things Not Startup At Startup

Jan 8, 2005

The problem is it takes an incredibly long time to startup because of these, once we close them it gets back to running fast, but until then we have to wait for them to open. I think it's causing the problem because we didn't have this problem until we installed this.How do I make it stop starting up on Windows XP? I sped up my startup on my computer by stopping useless things from running.

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PC Too Slow/internet Explorer Crashes Randomly/ Explorer Service Quits?

Sep 28, 2006

My pc is so slow that it takes ages to play a song in wmp11. Ive used tools like ad-aware and registry mechanic, tune up utilities. But still no improvement. It used to be just fine, until I installed some pay-for-viewing add program. I have uninstalled it since then, but the slowness remains. And the processor is hogged, at the highest level, even though i killed many a startup processes.

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Internet Explorer Not Working / Wouldn't Open / No Windows Based Functions Used Explorer Interface Would Work

Apr 4, 2008

I recently had a problem on my computer where Internet explorer was not working and would'nt open, and no windows based functions that used the explorer interface would work... So i downloaded the IE7 install package on my other computer and burned to disk to install. everything was going along fine, and when prompted to restart to finsih the installation i did so..... that is when "it" hit the fan.

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Explorer W2000 : Wont Open Windows Explorer From Desktop ?

Feb 17, 2006

Hard drive crash, transplanted HD to new computer which now has 2 hard drives, C & D. Problem is I cannot open Windows Explorer from desktop or any other location, from either drive. I get a message that says it "generates errors." And that it is keeping a log, presumably for use on some Day of Judgment. (I get around it for now by right-clicking My Computer and picking Explore from the pop-up menu.)I have gone to the usual download sites in search of WE, no dice.

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Opening Any Program: Windows Explorer & Internet Explorer Crashes?

Jun 22, 2005

every time i try to open anything that uses these programs i get a 'windows/internet explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close' crash i think i have a virus in my processes i have 2 strange ones one is n6tgoxae.exe the other is 86851316.exe norton fixes this is for a short while but then the problem soon returns i have also tried spybot search and destroy as well as running AdAware can anyone help me on how to fix my explorer problems and gettin rid of
these processes?

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Explorer Crashes - Shell Stopped Unexpectedly And Explorer.exe Was Restarted

Sep 11, 2007

Faulting application explorer.exe, version 6.0.2900.2180, faulting module netapi32.dll, version 5.1.2600.2976, fault address 0x0003952c. When a user is editing documents in Word 2003 from a network share, the Windows Explorer then shuts down and refreshes the desktop. The error message above is in the Application Event Log. the Event ID is 1000. Done some searches and tried a few things but still user gets this error. After this error in the Event Log another message is "The shell stopped unexpectedly and Explorer.exe was restarted. The Event ID is 1002 for this one.

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Windows Explorer Crashes When I Right Click On File And Explorer

Dec 11, 2004

When I right click a file, windows explorer crashes and then recovers.

Right clicking on a folder works OK.

My OS is Windows 2000 Professional.

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Wont Open Internet Explorer And Windows Explorer?

Apr 11, 2010

internet explorer wont open and windows explorer giving problems as well done virus scan spyware nothing came back this is the error amgettingadrgipghze54 argdf has encountered a problem and needs to close and allso windows explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close error signature appname.windows .update.exe appver.1515.8784.0.81

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