My windows XP is in Hungarian and I don't understand Hungarian, secondly, after this attack, each time I start my computer it does bring out something like this on the start up windows could not find init32m.exe Is there any way I can change my windows language to English, without deleting or re-running my programs? And how can I fix the init32m.exe problem?
a message keeps popping up saying the following: Cannot load dialog. Error 623: The system could not find the phone book entry for this connection. All I can do is click the close button and it goes away and nothing else seems to happen, but it pops up again in a few minutes.
I'm experiencing some problems with a PC running Windows XP. Recently went through several steps to remove spyware & viruses from the PC. Following error on startup:
Windows cannot find c:windowsinetmwinlogon.exe
The other problem I'm seeing is that I have no desktop icons, and when I try to create a file or shortcut on the desktop, nothing happens. I can right-click/new, but it doesn't appear.
I installed the winxp sp2 and everthing was going fine till it got to the las 37 says it cant find asms.i restarted but it kept going to the same not a comp tech so any help is greatly appreciated...oh yeah, the cd i used was a copy...will i need to buy the cd? thanks for your time.
On start-up, I get a series of paired error message that look like: First error message: Windows cannot find 'box,box,box... (where box is actually a graphic rectangle charater)Second error message: Could not load or run 'box,box,box...' in the registry. Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the registry. This happens every time I start and I can click through to continue - but obviously something's off and I'd like to fix it. Though I'm not crazy about editing the registry, I'd do that to fix the problem, but I don't know what to search for.
I got an error sign whenever I'm logging in to my windows live messenger, Device Manager to search for change and internet explorer browser. I'm currently using the IE 8 and was thinking if it's because of version problem, so I downgraded to IE 7, unfortunately, same problem coming out again. Does anyone has the same problem as mine? Window System: Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3
Error message: Windows cannot find 'C:Documents and SettingsUsernameApplication DataIEPurifierliveupdate.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search.
I have recently installed this OS on the PC I'm using right now, it used to have Win ME, which is probably by far the worst Windows that has ever existed. The PC runs way better than it used to overall, but I do have one big **** of a problem: I recieve an error message that says "can't find the specified file" when I try to install a program. Programs I've tried to install:
Adobe Reader Winzip W2KSP4 (service pak 4) Windows installer 3.1 And a few more.
Basically anything that has to be extracted or self-extracts. Could this be a problem with the temporary folder, or not enough RAM? (128 MB) Also: I have saved all this programs on the hard drive, I'm not running them from a network, the internet, or any other drive. Keep in mind that I can't install winzip or winrar so I can't use them to fix any problems. I've scanned the hard drive for errors (complete surface scan), ran virus and spyware checks... I have Spyware Doctor and AVG Free antivirus installed on my PC, I don't know if either could be interfering with my PC's performance.
as mentioned before, I get the error message cannot find shell.dll and missing or corrupt dll's"when i try to install some things.cannot find shell.dll on reboot.I have used, spybot,ad-aware,registy mechanic,error nuker and microsoft baseline security analyzer and nothing can fix or even find the problem.I have done a search for it.
I got back from class today and my computer was frozen. I forced a reboot. When it tries to load windows XP, I get an error message that says: Operating System Not Found Can/Should I load with the boot disks? I CAN NOT loose the info on my hard drive.
I get a serious error report everytime I load up XP. Caused by an error when I close down. Is there any way I can find out which programme is causing the error so I can delete it / reinstall? I suspect an update to Norton Antivirus or Internet Security was the culprit.
Every time I try to open a web link from my screen I get an error message that says "Windows cannot find, http// ... make sure you typed name correctly ...". Option is to click on OK, but right after message appears it will open the page and I can open all the other net links normally, but not internal pages until message is gone. I've re-installed Firefox. Only thing I haven't done is re-install windows.
Everytime i leave my computer for a few minutes, I get a pop-up error message that reads "Could not find the Macromedia Flash". I've done google searches to find a solution but nothing!! Thanks in advance!!
as my desktop loads up this small window pops up progetto 1 runtime error '13' type mismatch in which my pc-cillin virus notify alert comes up of a trojan horse with the action cleaned done with the option halt internet traffic. i never got this before. and also i was going to check for misconfig by typing it into the run bar and the computer tells me it cannot find that what can i do to get rid of these 2 pop up window alerts i have windowsxp , hp 2003 computer, i have pc-illin 2006,
Can someone tell me why, when I open a notepad file, whether from notepad or from Start Documents or what have you, I always get an error message: "Windows cannot find [file locationfilename.txt]. Make sure you type the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search." However, the file does open in notepad behind this error message and I am able to view it, edit it, etc.
I would like this error message not to appear every time (it is really just an annoyance to cancel it every time but after a couple of years I am tired of it) so I tried to find this answer in the archives but to no avail. However, I saw that it was recommended by more than one tech guy (or gal) to save a "hijack this" file in notepad, so I followed the instructions and did that just after my latest error message... The "hijack this" copy of the notepad file follows, and if you see anything else that I should make note of please let me know....
I continue to get the same error everytime I try to install my HP Officejet 6500: An error occured during the installation of the device. The system cannot find the file specified
Acer Inspire 5000 series notebook Windows XP Service Pack2
Upon boot up the error "NTLDR is Missing" I am able to access the setup menu but not Bios. I have the Acer Recovery disc but recieve an error in the 2nd disk "Cannot find preload.tag for setbootini" Is there a way to fix this if you don't have the windows xp disk? WindowsXP came loaded on the system. I am unable to access anything past the Acer logo screen. I am posting this from another computer.
Everytime I turn on my computer and windows starts up. It tells me it cannot find cfgmgr52.dll module. error loading it states. Our daughter opened a link and just loaded it up with so many stubborn adware. That with norton I was finally able to get rid of them.
Get message "Cann't find import;dll may be missing, corrupt or wrong version file "RTL70.BPL", error 126. Trouble shooting steps taken - 1. Turned off System Restore, 2. Ran Disk Clean Up, 3. Ran CW Shredder, 4. Ran Ad-Ware, 5. Ran Spyware (Spy-bolt, Microsoft Antispyware), 6. Ran AVG Antivirus, 7. Rebooted in the Safe Mode, 8. Reran steps 2-6, 9. Rebooted in the Normal Mode, 10. Turned System Restore back on. Still get warning message.
Recently I've been trying to install XP SP2 on a system that was recovered using an XP upgrade disc that only had SP1. The setup program gets through backing up, creating a restore point and so on, but during the actual file installation process, an error causes setup to abort and undo all changes made (rollback). "Service Pack 2 Setup Error." is the title bar, and "The system cannot find the path specified." is the message, the only option is to click ok, which opens the XP SP2 uninstall wizard. I've tried using Subinacl to reset security settings, tried installing in both safe and normal modes, used chkdsk /r and /p and tried installing again, and each time got the same message.
recently we had power failure and when I turned my computer back on, my bios came up.I tryed to exit out but some how disconnected or turned off my second hard drive and can not get it to go in the active state again, how do I check for the missing letter E that the drive is on orfind access to this drive
I am using your prscribed approach for attacking an error message: "Error Loading DOCEOC16B1". According to your directions I'm to send you the following notepad file from Hijack. I'm new to this so I'll leave this in your hands.
Best regards...rob graber
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 12:44:21 PM, on 6/8/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)
When Windows XP Pro starts, I get the following error message:Windows cannot find 'SMSSuw.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again.To Search for a file, Click the Start button, and then click Search.I've looked in msconfig and can't seem to find what is causing the problem
In a not updated Version of Windows XP you can run (Start-run) "start"command at the Run dialog just typing it, when you update windows andwrite the same "start" into Run dialog Windows shows a error message >Windows cannot find `start`. Make sure you typed the name correctly,and then try again. To search for the file, click the Start button, andthen click Search.If you are in CMD the `start` command works fine but the problem is thein Run dialog windows doesn’t recognize it ?
i am trying to install windows office 2007 but after a minute from start of installation ,it popup dialog box saying setup can not find setup.exe file and say browse valid installation source and click ok. I don't know whats happening.I have just formated my C drive and installed fresh copy of windows xp. here is image of error message. what should i do?
I am running Win XP-SP2. I wiped my hard drive due to irresolvable software conflicts. I reinstalled XP-SP2, Office, Norton, the printer and scanner and my digital camera software package. All were updated and working perfectly until Sunday. I booted up the machine only to get a warning that says One of your disks may have errors let the computer reboot itself (which it will do repeatedly, stuck in a reboot loop) or you can hit any key to ignore this warning. You have only ten seconds to read all this and make a decision.
Once the computer boots up, everything seems to work as normal except for system restore. I tried to restore to the day after I reformatted and installed everything and all I get is an error saying Cannot restore to that point, please choose another point to restore tooor something to that effect.
I removed Norton and downloaded Avira Free and ran a scan. It found two files in Doc.and settings that are now in Quarantine. They are I think FP's. One was IEhome.vbs and the other is IEenablecookie.vbs. I tried Googleing them but didn't find anything. Are they OK?