Dual Booting Xp And Vista With SATA Drives?

Aug 14, 2007

Currenlty got an issue where i have a user who wants to dual boot with Vista and XP using sata disks.The general rule of thumb when doing dualbooting is to install the oldest operating system first, and then gradually work your way up.The way it will be setup is as so Vista - Primary partition of the 1st disk
XP - Primary partition of the 2nd disk.Now, The way i was thinking of doing it was to install XP first, then install Vista, And modify the boot.ini to find the entry for XP.Is there any difference in modification of the boot.ini file when using sata drives, and is there any difference when making mods in Vista (As i have only edited the boot.ini in XP)

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Boot.ini Wont Work - Dual Booting 2 Sata Drives - - Vista?

Feb 24, 2008

So I'm using my a8n-sli premium motherboard and have been just using 1 sata hard drive using Windows XP for about a year. I bought a second sata hard drive last week and installed Vista on it.I just can't figure out the correct boot.ini for this to work,I get an missing NTLD message, when I try to boot from Vista, but the XP one works with that configuration.I can boot off the Vista one fine if I set it in the bios boot order to come up before the XP hard drive, so the drive and the OS are fine

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Dual Booting On Two SATA Hard Drives

Sep 8, 2007

I have a computer at home with two identical 160 GB WD SATAII drives in it and I want a copy of XP on each drive. The first drive (Which I have been using as my gaming computer) has already got XP installed and I want to keep it pretty much free of anything but games so it won't affect performance. On the second drive, I would like to install another copy of XP and use this drive for my common use and with the primary intent of using it for a HDTV capture device. I've researched it for a while and have almost only been able to find information concerning dual booting with IDE drives using a jumper switching device so you don't have to dismantle the computer every time you switch drives.

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Dual Booting, And SATA - Stop Error

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to dual boot Windows XP Pro 32-bit and Windows 7 with Windows 7 installed first; but this isn't the problem.

The problem is trying to boot Windows XP so it can install. I booted XP from an installation CD, then a blue setup screen appears, with some files apparently being loaded at the bottom of the screen (this is around the time pressing F6 to load drivers comes up). Then boom, I get blue screened with this error and cannot proceed:

A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

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Delete Vista As An OS - Dual Booting

Apr 30, 2009

I have a harddrive with Windows XP installed on, and for some odd reason decided to put in another harddrive and install vista on it. After coming to my senses and realising I didn't want vista, I took out the harddrive. But now whenever I boot, it still asks me which operating system to boot into.

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Dual Booting And Vista - Install First?

Aug 8, 2008

My question is which should I install first and why?

Also is it possible to have an option as far as which OS drive I wish to select every time I want to boot into an OS?

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DUal Booting On Startup Getting Both Vista And XP?

Nov 5, 2008

i just had some problems...obviously... anyhoo, i tried to make another partition to install Windows XP on, but after installing, i don't get the option to boot into vista...which is quite worrying...i also have some "ubuntu remains" but cannot boot into the Linux OS because i deleted the files thinking that that would get rid of it. but then i have to repair my vista installation using the cd from a friends computer. (Windows Startup Repair after booting from CD)

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Dual Booting (Xp & Vista) + 2nd HD = Error?

Apr 23, 2007

when I had a second HD for storage and format it in Vista, everything is fine, I can move files in and out of it, no problem.Then I shut down and boot up into XP. When I go to access the drive its says its unreadable.Then I shut down and go back into Vista, it now says its unreadable. So I have to do a full reformat for it to work again

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Dual-booting With Vista - Xp No Longer Loads

Feb 3, 2009

I partitioned the blank hard drive on my desktop computer into C:/ and left about half of it unpartitioned to install XP on later. I installed Vista on C:/, and a while later installed XP. Once XP installed, I couldn't dual-boot back into Vista, so I tried microsoft's commandline hack


and after that Vista ran fine but XP will no longer load (When I select the "Older Version of Windows" from the boot menu it returns an error immediately saying that a vital file can't be found). I think the problem may have something to do with how Vista thinks the drive that XP is on is F:/ and Vista is on C:/, but XP thinks the drive it is on is E:/ and Vista is still on C:/

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Dual Booting Windows & VISTA On A RAID Array?

Mar 20, 2008

I have windows vista installed on a raid array, and when i try to install windows XP it asks for the 3rd party driver which i have on a floppy. I then can get through the next couple of screens, however after it creates the windows directory on the partition I have set it asks me for another set of drivers to be put into the floppy disk, this is where the problem start, any ideas what drivers its asking for? The only drivers I can find are the intel mass storage drivers but these are larger than the floppy disk...

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Dual Booting W/Vista And Removing XP From Boot Options?

Jul 21, 2009

I really didnt want to harm my computer or have all my files deleted so after spending hours googling it, I thought I'd make my own thread and ask here.My cousin basically gave me my laptop, 40gb hard drive and dual booting windows xp and windows vista.I've never ever used xp and always use vista, but recently I noticed that I'm running out of diskspace. After a lot of research I realised it was my windows folder that was taking up 50% of my drive!

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Getting Dual Booting VISTA And XP / Removing And Getting Back To Normal?

Jul 1, 2009

I'm going to start off with my whole process on how I did this. I am performing this in a Compaq SR5310F Desktop computer that originally came with Vista Home Premium:Within Vista, I opened the Disk Management utility. I then shrunk the volume and left myself with exactly 40GB of unallocated space for my XP installation. I then booted from my XP Pro cd, selected that unallocated space, formatted it using NTFS, then installed XP. It copied all the files fine, but when it reboots to launch the GUI of the installation, I get a message saying, "Error loading operating system"

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Dual Boot Vista/XP - Vista/XP With My HP Media Center Purchased In 2007

Sep 17, 2009

I'm trying to make a dual boot system Vista/XP with my HP Media Center purchased in 2007 with Vista pre-installed. Inside Vista I created the partition for XP (disk D and rebooted with the 'XP Pro SP2' inside. After selecting its correct partition for installing it copies all files on hard disk and it reboots in order to start its installation, upon rebooting and starting first time from hard disk, it says that there is an error in the system and stops. If I install only XP on the system it works correctly even though some newest hardware is not recognized. I had already made a dual boot two years ago with a 2007 XP Student Edition and it smoothly. If it is due to the XP version being too old that maybe cannot deal with the boot record created by Vista
Or perhaps such an old XP cannot recognize a boot hard disk that is not C:?
Is there a way to bypass this point (perhaps fixing the boot record) in order to continue correctly the installation?
Thank you,

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Dual Boot XP+Vista - Originally Had Vista Business Edition

Dec 31, 2007

I originally had Vista Business edition on my laptop and decided to dual boot with XP. So far I created a partition on the same drive (C: ) as Vista and installed XP on it. how do I choose between Vista and XP when my computer boots up? When I turn on my computer it boots straight into XP and doesn't show that menu where it gives me a choice of which OS I want to boot

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Dual Boot Vista And XP - Risk Of Vista Interfering With The XP Partition

Jun 8, 2006

Can i put Vista on a computer as a second operating system and dual boot with XP? Is there a risk of Vista interfering with the XP partition

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Dual Boot And Vista - Vista Based System And Then Load XP

Jan 28, 2009

Is it possible to have a Vista based system and then load XP on the same system and switch between the two. I know mac's have something similar to this but i have an HP dv7 pavilion notebook with an AMD Turion x2 Dual-core mobile RM-70 2ghz processor, 4 gb of ram, ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics chip set, and 156GB of free harddrive space

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XP-Vista Dual Boot Set Up - Free VISTA BUSSINES Upgrade

Feb 13, 2007

just ordered a new pc that is on its way pre loaded with WIN XP PRO SP2. It also come with a free VISTA BUSSINES upgrade. I want to set up a dual boot system when i get my VISTA disk. should i use partition magic and set up a new partition for vista or is there a better way of doing this

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Dual Boot: To Vista - Created A Separate Partition For Vista

Dec 13, 2007

I initially started with XP and created a separate partition for Vista, installing Vista on the other partition, Vista sees the (XP) Earlier version of windows. When I choose XP, I get the following error: NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt. If I repair the XP with fixmbr - I end up screwing up Vista. Then when I repair Vista, it end's screwing up XP

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Internet With Vista Cuz Of Bs Security - Dual Boot Xp/vista

Dec 15, 2006

does ne1 know if vista can dual boot with xp no problems yet only wonderin cuz we are very close to vista, and i want it. i cannot use my dorm room internet with vista cuz of bs security shit.

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Trouble Dual Booting - Characters And Letters Go Blank On Dual Boot Screen

Jun 28, 2010

I have been trying to install Windows XP as a second OS as I already have Windows 7 Ultimate installed. Unfortunately, after I select a partition, format it, and reboot the system stalls on the screen after the BIOS that has something to do with a list of devices and such. After 10 or so seconds a few characters and letters go blank randomly on the page. I rebooted and selected my cd drive as the boot device and accidentally didn't press a button in time to boot and a bunch of highlighted numbers were thrown all over the screen and a random smiley face on one of the lines.

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Linux Boot Loader Or Dual Booting - Dual Drive

Jan 12, 2009

I'm trying to dual boot 2 different installs of xp pro from 2 drives using the Windows boot loader. I've edited the boot.ini every possible way I can think of, but nothing works. I've done this plenty of times using a linux boot loader or dual booting from a single drive but I cant figure this out. I haven't been able to find any reference to this subject anywhere, but I think it would work. Anybody have a clue as to how to do this? I know I can use a different boot manager to accomplish this, I just wanted to make the Win boot.ini work. Or, does anybody know of a good boot manager if I cant make this work?

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Dual Boot With Vista - Currently Running Vista

Mar 3, 2008

I'm currently running Vista on a raid 0 array, and want to dual with XP. I have two partitions, one with vista and the other that I tried installing XP on. After it finishes the initial installation and restarts it says to press any key to boot from the CD. I wait without pressing anything and than it says that there was an error reading the disk. If I remember correctly, after it restarts it goes strait into windows setup. This happens every time I try restarting, but I can get back into vista by putting the hard drive to boot first. In vista I can see the other partition where XP was installed, and inside is just a folder titled WINDOWS and it seems like all the windows files are in there

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Removing Dual Boot Setup - Dual Booting

Aug 29, 2009

I have dual booting on my PC with Vista home premium on a 500 Gb SATA disk and XP Pro on a 250Gb SATA, both internal. Vista no longer holds terrors for me and I'd like to get rid of XP and regain better use of the 250Gb HD. Can I just remove XP from the control panel in the XP boot or is it a lot more complicated?I don't really want to re format the XP drive as I'd have to transfer a lot of data and files

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Dual Booting And Linux Dual Boot?

Feb 1, 2008

I am running Windows XP and would really like to share the hard drive with another OS "Linux" and dual boot.

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Dual Boot With Dual Hard Drives

Jul 23, 2005

I have Win XP home installed as OEM software on the C drive of my PC.
I also have this OS as a Norton Ghost file supplied with the PC as a
"Recovery CD".
I have installed a second hard drive designated "D"
This all works fine.
I wish to install Win 2000 (which I have on a Microsoft cd) on the second HD.
I would then hope at boot - up to be given the choice of which OS to load.
Can anyone tell me what is the simplest way to do this?

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Installing Pro With SATA Drives

Sep 4, 2007

I am trying to install windows XP Pro on a Dell Dimension 9200 with SATA drives. I have tried the F6 but I don't have a floppy drive, is there a way to use a USB thumb drive, to provide the SATA driver?

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Install Over Vista With SATA - Drivers On External USB HD?

Mar 9, 2008

I want to replace Vista with XP however my laptop has a SATA HD. I know that I can create a boot disk on either a floppy or a CD however I think it should be possible for me to install the drivers on an external USB HD? Before I format my drive I just wanted to confirm that this is possible?

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Clean Installing Pro SP2 On SATA Drives

Feb 25, 2006

It's looking like I have to re-install C+XP Pro SP2. I have never installed XP Pro SP2 before myself on SATA drives - I know that you used to have to get the hard disc drivers from somewhere first so you could use them in the set up process. I've never done this either! Is this still an issue with XP SP2 (I have a full install Windows XP Pro SP2 CD). If so, could someone outline the details for me or point me in the right direction web wise.

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Install On SATA From Vista - Blue Screen Error

Jul 30, 2007

i read a very similar problem on this forum searching for a clue to get xp running. i recently bought a gateway GM5478, http://www.gateway.com/retail/gm5478.php that came pre-loaded with vista, some programs that i need to run now aren't compatible with it yet so i need to downgrade. i've tried using nLite to create a xp boot disc with the drivers integrated but it failed twice, resulting in the same blue screen error. the drivers im trying to use are:

ive also thought about purchasing a usb external floppy but i read that only three types are accepted during the xp install process and i couldn't find any of them online.

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Can't Install On SATA Hard Drive Drives

Feb 27, 2010

I want to install Windows XP on a new SATA HDD drive. The computer in question came with Windows Vista installed. There is no IDE option in the BIOS. There is no floppy drive on the unit. So it looks like I might have to slipstream all the drivers, etc., on to the unit (which I have no clue how to do). I do not have the motherboard make or model number, nor do I have the motherboard CD. My business partner is trying to take the cover off the laptop as we speak, but we're having trouble getting it off. Thus, as of now, we can't identify the motherboard manufacturer or the serial number.

Can anyone here point us in the right direction? The computer in question is a Compaq Presario c769us (laptop). It was purchased in June 2008. This all started when my business partner decided to use a Vista System Recovery CD to overwrite the existing copy of Vista that he had on the computer. After he ran the disk, the system stopped working. So right now, we have the old hard drive, which contains a non-working copy of Vista on it (which we can 't delete), and we have the new hard drive (a 250 GB Hitachi). So maybe we could just delete the copy of Vista on the old hard drive - the self drive test checked out okay on the old hard drive. So I guess the two options are - figure out a way to put XP on the NEW hard drive, or figure out a way to put XP on the OLD hard drive and delete Vista from it first. If we can put XP on the old hard drive and remove Vista from it, we could take the new hard drive back, and get our money back, too.

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Install On SATA Drives - BSOD - STOP 0x0000007b

Aug 3, 2010

I have a Acer Aspire AM5640-E5520A Intel Pentium 2 QUAD, 2.4GHz with a MCP73PV motherboard and SATA drive. When I try to install XP (which I like better than Vista) the set up acts ok ,loading files, until it gets to "setup is starting windows".. Then I get the BSOD and a message saying STOP:0x0000007b. I have tried to change the bios setting for the HD to IDE but I do not find anything about storage or AHCI. All i see is a place to change raid configuration. Raid is disabled. But i have tried it with raid being enabled.

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