Driver File Not Allowed To Run, It Contains Active Content
Aug 20, 2006
I have an old Intel mp3 player. Intel's website stopped supporting it a long time ago but they do still suppply the XP driver. I couldn;t install the driver from Device Manager and went to the driver file itself. The computer produces a warning that "this file contains Active Content" and the computer won;t let the file open. I'n trying to open it from a folder, not from the website so this isn;t an IE warning, except it kind of is. It looks the same, it brought up the Intel website (I may have had it open) and the yellow security warning appeared. That has options to open it, I think. The software on disc was associated with MusicMatch Jukebox.I had to install MusicMatch software before I could install the Intel player software.
On both my desktop and my laptop running WindowsXP SP2 I use a simple, homemade start page with links to sites I visit almost daily. Frequently, when I open this page, I will get this message on my desktop but not my laptop:"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer."Clicking for options, I get:"Are you sure you want to let this file run active content?"This is ridiculous, as there is no such "active content" on the page. Obviously, it has something to do with IE security settings.
Somehow or other, I've lost the ability to show web content on my xp pro desktop. In particular, I'd like to show some photos, but the desktop->properties->desktop->custom->web list has no effect at all.
I installed active content from the web a few days ago and can't figure out how to delete it. It was a countdown I got off a website and put on my desktop. I've tried everything I can think of to get it off my desktop, but it won't move.
I have a phone directory from our local phone company installed on my LAN at home. When I try to access the directory from the client pc's, I keep the message: "IE has restricted....from showing active content". How can this be changed so each client can access the directory without this warning coming up?
I am trying to open my active desktop, but I get a message that says IE cannot locate my active desktop html file. I need to find out how to fix this problem.
I have setup my three printers for internet shraring, when i goto http://doamin/printers > click on the printer > connect > it asks for username and password, i give, and it gives some error saying i am not allowed to use printer.
i moved some picture files onto sister's desktop from my computer so that i could print them out. normally i would just print them but our network has been having problems and i was cut off from the printer but not her computer. i figured i would delete the folder. most of the files deleted but a handful will not allow me to delet them.
is it a virus, a worm, do i have adware or spyware that is not being detected on this machine? (i have run spybot and adaware twice after making sure i had them updated).
also i cannot access certain site using IE but i can access them using aol browser. for example, i cannot access eBay with IE, but i can with AOL but i cannot sign in. could this be a symptom of the problem. i donot have a firewall on this is a Dell Dimension 8400 with XP home.
I recently updated my laptop to Windows Vista, but it came with Windows XP. I'm not exactly sure of Microsoft's licensing rules, but can I take the XP Key and apply that to my other computer since the XP key is no longer in use, or am I somehow braking the rules?
I want to change my desktop background, but when I go to OPTIONS, the images available are grayed out.? It it totally frozen. I cannot even put a theme in, the icons show up, but nothing else.I used to be able to change my background at will, putting photos I had taken up, but now when I go to those options, the only thing I can do is change the background color as the images (including the BROWSE button) are grayed out. I have tried just about every imaginable combination of modifying themes and choosing backgrounds, but still, the only thing I can do is change the color of the desktop. However, when I go to shut down the computer, the image I previously had selected shows briefly.
XPpro/SP2/IE7 I have a DVD r/w drive and a CD r/w drive At present the Send To function only identifies DVD r/w Drive (E I want to add CD r/w Drive (F
1. Went to the "Send To" folder, opened browser, selected CD r/w Drive (F and it came up with just F:/ 2. Tried to rename it as as CD r/w (F but ":" is not allowed so called it CD Drive (F) 3. Then tried sending a file to to this new shortcut and it came up with "this is a read only CD" (which is not true as I can load normally from the DVD drive) 4. On further investigation it is suggested that the following registry keys (2) be changed from 1 to 2.
HKEY_CURRENT USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrent VersionExplorerCD burningDrivesDrive Type But this did not change anything: I still cannot get the Sent To CD to work properly.
windows cannot access the specified divice, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.I stopped by a friend's house to service his infected Dell Laptop.Now I can't even access the system information - this is all I know.I installed AVG immediately upon installation it showed me three virus. I clicked on heal and quarantine as needed.Now the computer won't allow me to start any programs besides internet explorer and other silly, useless programs.
I booted my computer the other day and got this message: THE SYSTEM HAS REACHED THE MAXIMUM SIZE ALLOWED FOR THE SYSTEM PART OF THE REGISTRY. ADDITIONAL STORAGE REQUESTS WILL BE IGNORED. Then when I tried to do anything on my desktop, nothing responded. So I re-booted and there was no error message this time, and everything worked fine. BUT...every other time I start up my computer, I get the same message -- and when I re-boot, then the message is gone and my computer works fine.
I just boot up my computer and a black screen (which i've seen before and has only led to re-install XP) came up saying the following file is missing or corrupt: /system/ntfs32(I don't recall the exact file name - next time I will write it down). But i'm sure many have experience with this.Now somehow I was still able to enter Windows after reboot and F8 (never happened before - i've always had to re-install). What can I do NOW to prevent this next time from happening and perhaps (almost certain actually) having to re-install Windows XP? Can I get that file from somwhere? Am I missing a service Pack? I have SP2 for Windows XP Professional version 2002. (I double checked My Computer>Properties).
I am having problem downloading MSNews groups. I am running XP sp2,Outlook express 6 with AOL as my ISP.When I try to download from the news reader I get 2 error messages 1. You are not allowed to view or 2. was unexpectedly terminated by the server. Everytthing was working ok untill I downloaded Internet 7 and I have now reverted to Internet Explorer butI cannot get any now.
I have a problem with a Compaq Presario running XP Home. I took the CD player out and cleaned out broken pieces of a CD that was destroyed in it. I got it cleaned out, put back together and now the pc won't boot up. I don't know what went wrong. Cleaning the CD player was quite easy and went back together okay. I hooked all of the wires up the way they were. On the front of this computer, there are two lights. One on the left which is green, and one on the right which is orange. Normally, when the power button is pushed, the green light comes on first, then the orange light comes on during the loading process. You can see the boot process on the monitor.
Now, after hooking it back up today, when the power button is pushed, the green light comes on, then the orange one comes on and goes back off after a moment. The green light stays on. Nothing at all shows up on the monitor, not even a blinking cursor -- it just stays blank. It stays that way indefinitely nothing. The monitor light is on so it is apparently getting power, but shows nothing. I'm sure the monitor is hooked up correctly; it can only be plugged in one way. While I had everything unhooked and was cleaning the CD player, I plugged the CD player back in for a moment and plugged in the power cord to the pc and pushed the power button. The power came on and allowed me to eject the empty tray. I did this to get the tray out of the way so I could clean beneath it. I tried to turn the power back off with the pc power button after ejecting the tray and it wouldn't seem to shut down.
I had a .dll file disappear due to the loading of a new video driver. I have googled it and downloaded it, but I don't know where to place it within my windows directory tree in order to solve the problem. I have tried to place it in the windows root directory, the windows/system directory, and the windows/system32 directory, all to no avail. The .dll file is MSVCP71.DLL.Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I had to wipe clean and install Windows XP on a computer that had a few virus' from work.This is store bought Windows XP, and it can't find the right driver for the network adapter. I have run Belarc Advisor and it doesn't even list a network adapter. Now when this had Windows Server 2002 it could hook up to the internet and browse it just fine. I tried several anti virus programs and none could get rid of the virus this machine had. Hence the wipe clean and install.
I have a problem with Win XP not loading. It stops during the loading process. It does not matter if I try a normal boot, any of the safe mode boots or boot from a startup disk. I know what he problem and what the for the problem is, but I do not know how to accomplish the fix. The problem is caused by a corrupted driver file (agp440.sys). This is for video. If I do a normal boot it stops at tis file. The fix is to disable the file. But to do that I have to have Win loaded. I need a utility that will by pass the Win boot process and give me access to the files on the HDD so I can disable the agp440.sys file. I cannot find such a utility.
Some startup/recovery disks claim to not use Win to boot, but the one's I have tried stop installing at the same place Win XP stops, at the agp440.sys file. MS has a KB for the problem, but it requires being able to access the files on the HDD and disable the agp440.sys file. I could take the HDD out and connect it to another box to do the disabling, but I currently do not have another box. I an in a remote location without easy access to another computer. how I can make the repair without erasing the HDD, reformatting it and reinstalling everything?
I have a usb external enclosure which holds a 120 gig hard drive that I use for storage. I shut it off when I am done to save power, and just the other day I notice a file on it that is quite large isn't allowing me to open it any longer. It keeps saying that the 'file or folder is corrupt and unreadable'...Weird. I was just looking at the folder yesterday. Is there absolutely anything I can do to get that data back?? All the other files on that hard drive are fine. Why did it target out that file?
I recently installed Microsoft Office 2007 and it was working fine for a week, now i get this message when i try to use Microsoft Word saying "This modification is not allowed because the selection is locked" And when I try to uninstall the whole program it says that 'setup can not continue because a file is missing or corrupt'
I deleted my Content.IES folder a long time ago (like a year ago) and I can't get it back. Will somebody please tell me how to get it back cause without it I can't use Java stuff. Please don't tell me I have to reformat cause I can't do that. I have no disks to do so. I tried going to Temporary Internet Files and creating a folder but it wont let me, nor will it let me move a folder in it.
I'm not sure exactly what brought this on since this is a nearly fresh install of windows, but I have had a problem accessing any web content with internet explorer except for the web itself (thanks to firefox). This means, Help files, Windows update, web forms, and many other features are completely unusable. Whenever I acess any kind of content through IE or it's engine embedded in windows, instead of displaying the HTML I am prompted to download it (open/save dialogged) this is a serious problem and I dont want to re-install windows yet again but it looks like I might have to if things keep going this way.. any help? I havnt been able to find a single mention of this problem on google
I have a report regarding a couple of high risk temporary internet files that are supposedly located inside certain content.ie5 folders, but those particular folders aren't showing up in any of the user profiles of this system.How do I locate them? I've done a normal search for folders named content.ie5 with 8 folders showing up, but none show the number-letter folders listed on the report. I've done a search in the XP registry and even the content.ie5 folders don't appear anywhere. Tried doing a search on just the number-letter subfolders mentioned and still nothing.I have all files and folders not hidden, including subfolders, but obviously XP ignores that direction with regard to these 'history' or 'temp int files' folders.The report came from SpyDoctor on a trial run prior to purchasing the program, so it can't remove them without purchase/registration. I've been able to remove all others listed in the report manually but not these entries because I can't locate them anywhere. If they don't show up anywhere, how does spydoctor find them?
I have a problem with a virus/trojan in the folder Temporary Internet Files/Content.IE5 and Norton cannot remove it. When I go to symantec removal instructions it explains that I should to a scan in safe mode, I do it, but Norton does not find anything
I am trying to figure out how to add changing content to my background. I decided to use the Web option in the customize desktop area of the display settings. I made two test attempts trying different things out to see if it would do what I wanted. I had no trouble and so I went ahead and made my image. Now when I went to add the actual image in it let me, but wouldn't save the changes after I logged off. It works fine while I am still logged in, but as soon as I log off my changes are gone. So I thought that maybe there was a limit on how many items I could have in the list at any given time. I had no need for my test objects, so I deleted them from the display control panel. Now for the surprise - Those changes don't save either. After I log off the test objects are restored. I now thought that maybe it was some kind of safety feature so you don't remove it by mistake. I went through and found where the registry keys for it were located and deleted all of them. This only effected my current session - After I logged off, the test ones are put back and my actual one is removed, from both the control panel and the registry.
I was using Excel and tried to access the help screen, a gray window opened with no content. I had the Office XP installation disk "repair" the installation. there was no change. I tried MSWord. Help screen was same as in Excel - blank. I then tried to access Help and Support Center from the Start Menu. It would not open. I solved the probem by running the restore tool from the System Tools folder and setting the machine back to a time 1 week earlier, but I have no idea what would cause this issue. My machine uses ZoneAlarm Pro, Norton Anti-Virus, Sunbelt CounterSpy and is behind a router so I don't think it was the result of a malicious program.
Basically, the links on the left side of Explorer when viewing folders that are content-specific (ie. music folder, pictures folder) don't work at all. For example, in the My Music folder, clicking on "Play All" doesn't work (the cursor goes to an hourglass for a few seconds but WMP doesn't pop up or anything) and it behaves the same for every link on the left side.