Display Propreties Reseting After Restart?

Jan 13, 2007

I have a thorn with my Windows XP. For a long time I've had the resolution set to 1024x768.Recently I've set it to 1280x1024 and repositioned the icons - it looks better, more space When I start my PC the next day, it resets the resolution to 1024x768 and whats even more frustrating is that all the icons are placed in their old position - every time, again and again.I've tried to solve the problem with the "Clean Boot" from MS's help - it didn't work.

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Display Settings Don't Keep After Restart Or Shutdown?

Feb 10, 2006

ive tryed heaps of differnt drivers and the one mentioned above are the ones im running now The Actual Problem is that i set the Resoloution to 1024x786x32 bit in display and everytime i turn of the comp or restart it goes back to 640x480x8bit! the windows in an old install from a collage ! maybe this is the problemThe Settings wont stick!!! even with running comp with no Drivers?(no chipset,display) and it still reverts back to 640-480-8bit

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Finding Way For Reseting Services To Default?

Dec 3, 2006

I was messing with the services and I was wondering if there is a way to reset to default

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Reseting Screen Resolution: Goes Automatically To 800*600?

Oct 19, 2009

Now for the problem: every time I restart my computer or maybe just close and open it again after a hour, the screen resolution is at 800x600I keep resetting the resolution to 1024x768 (that's the highest resolution my laptop can take without me having to scroll down to the start menu), but the computer just resets itself everything I turn it off. It's as if I did nothing. I'm pressing the "Apply" and "OK" buttons in the window, and I can't figure out if there's something else I should be doing.

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Constantly Reseting Internet Time By Itself?

Jun 22, 2005

why doesnt my computer retain the correct time. everyday my xp machine is up to an hour slow and everyday i resync it just to have it happen again.do i have a virus?

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Computer Just Keeps Reseting For 15 Minutes To Half Hour?

Jan 7, 2005

I need this computer working coz its for work and i dont wanna have to pay for maintenance for it if I can fix it myself.my computer just keeps reseting sometimes it takes upto half an hour sometimes it can take 5 minutes. If i leave it on a program or a web page it will do it aswell if when im not using it.
it cant be a hardware problem because theres been nothing put in it for a few months.

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Reseting Dell Computer Completely / Reinstalling New OS?

Jun 30, 2006

Just wondering if anyone could tell me how to completely reset my pc, as in delete everything and re-install windows. I have the backup disk, and just need to know how to use it.

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Mouse Pointer Speed Settings Keep Reseting?

Jan 12, 2005

I'm finding that every time I restart my computer, and changes I had previously made to the mouse pointer speed in the control panel are lost (reset to default values). I've now set them a couple dozen times, but they always return to the default values after the system is restarted.

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Reseting -no BSoD- Repeatng Error Event IDs?

Feb 5, 2007

Hi everyone, I have a problem here. my comp keeps resetting many times without giving me an BSoD (I unchecked "automically resart on failure" ). I checked event viewers and find many things:I found those events repeating many times:Errors: EventID=6 Source=SVART Incompatible version of SYMEVENT.SYS is loaded. Tried reinstalling windows->no luck (xp pro N)Get this message after installing windows: "The files that needed in order for windows to run stably has been replaced by unrecognized versions. Install your CD to fix". I installed the CD, but no, it still says those files are "unrecognized".

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Computer Keeps Reseting : Unable To Load Image Ntoskrnl.exe?

Jul 28, 2007

At first i thought it was just when I played games but it has started doing it when I am watching stuff in media player, also the last couple of days I left it downloading and its reset it’s self. I have got a couple of Minidump that say its ntoskrnl.exe but have no clue what this means. Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.7.0005.1 Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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Reseting The Monitor Settings: Sticks By Ctrl + Alt+ Delete?

Mar 21, 2005

I went to play a game and then when i got in it was all red (not totally just a tint of red was over my screen) so i ctrl + alt + deled out and now its stuck like this......i donno how to get it back to normal

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Pressing Restart Option Twice For Making System Restart?

Sep 24, 2009

All of a sudden, in the last couple of days, I find that I have to go through my Start>Turn off Computer > Restart twice in order for the computer to restart. Unfortunately, I've made a LOT of changes in the past few days (new programs, a system restore, windows registry cleanup, startup configuration changes, etc.) so I have no idea what caused this.

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Shutting Down Leads To Restart Always / Unable To Restart?

May 4, 2007

I am working on a friends computer running XP PRO. When shutting down ie, clicking the Turn Off button, Windows always reboots as if Restart was selected.

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Display Issues- Higher Resolution Results In Signal Isnt Compatible With This Display Setting

Jun 28, 2010

I have problems if I try and run the display settings above 800x600. I was wondering if this would be fixed if I upgrade the firmware settings and if so where would I get these upgrades? Whenever I try and run it at a higher display setting all I get is a thing saying "Signal isnt compatible with this display setting".

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Display Issues- By Hitting Some Unknown Buttons And The Display Shrunk

Dec 31, 2006

While playing a game I hit some buttons on accident and the display shrunk. Now the monsters are small, and so is everything else outside of the game I have no idea what I did, I checked the Screen Resolution and it seems fine, and I also checked my monitor settings, which is fine.

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Display Issues- Graphic Distortion And Cannot Open The Display Settings

May 8, 2008

The monitor started showing graphic distortion. I ordered a new monitor but had the same distortion on it. I updated the ATI drivers but it did not solve the problem. In trying to trouble shoot the problem following directions on the ATI website, I changed all the graphic settings to the lowest and slowest available. This got rid of the distortion but the settings need to go! Now I cannot open the display settings.

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Display Properties Issues-Could Not Change The Default Display Settings

Mar 25, 2008

My XP is currently defaulted on it's display settings 640v by 480 pixels and will not allow me to change it. In fact, there is nothing to change it to. I dont know what file I must of deleted, but is there anyway I can download the driver or something to make it so that it can be set on opitions that are higher?

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Display Issues-all The Text/font Display Settings Seem To Have Changed But Not IE

Apr 3, 2008

All my text/font display settings seem to have changed. I downloaded a freeware program today called avi2dvd, to convert avi video files to iso files for burning to DVD. I tried it out, got frustrated with it, and uninstalled it. After I uninstalled it, I went to check my email. That's when I first noticed that all the text in my yahoo email account had changed - it seemed smaller, like it was at a lower resolution.

I clicked on a few more pages and it was the same for all of them - the text was just not as...smooth. Not as readable. And definitely smaller. It's not just a font size thing, I'm not that much of a newbie, I tried enlarging the font and it's definitely a resolution thing, not just a font or size issue. Then I tried out some other programs, and found out that the problem was system-wide. I use a writing program called Final Draft, and the text in that is also less readable.I found one program that hadn't been affected: IE all my web pages display fine in Explorer.

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Display Settings Changed: Wont Access Features In Display Tab?

Apr 18, 2006

my mom installed a virus the other day on accident. (Some program called Dr. Spy Shreddar, or something like that.) I deleted it, but some stuff was weird with the computer. I tried restarting the system to get the old configuration back, but the virus just installed itself again. I removed it again, using instructions from Systematic Antivirus and now it's really gone. Some of the settings were still weird though. So after hours of searching the help topics on Microsoft I managed to fix 1 & 1/2 of the problems I had/have.

For one of the problems they made me go into the registry and set something to the value of 0 in order to get the desktop tab back in the Display Properties box. (You know when you right click on the desktop and select properties.) That's all fine and dandy, but here's the other 1/2 of my problem: I can't access some of the features in the tab. (I have Windows XP Professional, by the way.) I can't click inside of the background list and it's shaded a sort of brownish beige color. I also can't browse and do anything with the position setting. I can however access the customize desktop and color features

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Display Issues- The Display Area Has Been Reduced By 40 Percent

Aug 5, 2008

I was installing security cables for the computer stations. when I finished and rebooted the computers(had to disconnect power and other cords to run the security cables) one of them had a display problem.

it seems that the display area has been reduced. the functional area of the screen is maybe 60% of what it should be. in this area it is complete with the full desktop able to be accessed and nothing is missing. but the right 20% of the screen is solid black (cursor stops at the boundary) and the bottom 20% of the screen(that's not black) is displaying a second image of the top 20% of my desktop. (cursor also stops at this boundary.)

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Display Issues- Have To Change Display Properties At Every Startup

Dec 7, 2007

I reinstalled XP Pro with SP1 on my computer today. Everything is working well except when my desktop loads the actual display is about an inch to the right on the screen. If I go into properties and change/apply the screen resolution from 800 x 600 then back to 1024 x 768 it realigns and all is well. I would just prefer to not have to do that each time I restart windows.

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Display Settings Mishap: Getting Back Display Properties Box?

Sep 22, 2007

my mom installed a virus the other day on accident. (Some program called Dr. Spy Shreddar, or something like that.) I deleted it, but some stuff was weird with the computer. I tried restarting the system to get the old configuration back, but the virus just installed itself again.For one of the problems they made me go into the registry and set something to the value of 0 in order to get the desktop tab back in the Display Properties box. (You know when you right click on the desktop and select properties.) That's all fine and dandy, but here's the other 1/2 of my problem: I can't access some of the features in the tab.

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Unable To Find Display Adapter/Display Driver?

Jun 1, 2006

I am experiencing pixelization problems. At first it would only occur at boot up or reboot. Now it is happening all the time which can be help somewhat by refresh, changing the desktop picture, and/or logging off then on I have tried, disabling the 128MB DDR ATI Radeon 9800 Pro using device manager. At first it was OK but at low resolution (VGA I think), but when it asked if I wanted to let windows manage the graphics it got garbled again. I have reset resolutions down to 800 x 600 using the graphics card but that doesn't help.

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System Out Of Display And Won't Scroll Into Display?

Jul 15, 2005

I have a strange problem, I must have somehow scrolled a display window in my program out of the screen and left it there. Now the window has cut off 20% of the side of window and there is no way to bring it back into the window.If I mazimize the window size the scroll doesn't show.If I make the window smaller so that the horizontal scroll does show it won't scroll far enough to the left to show the missing section of the window.

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Automatic Restart On Boot Unless Choose "Disable Automatic Restart"?

Aug 13, 2009

I have searched around a bit to see if others have ran into this problem, but I have had no luck so far. When I start my computer, it pops up with the standard menu it uses when an OS error has caused a restart. I can't get it too load windows using safe mode, last known good configuration, or normal mode. I never even see the windows loading screen, it restarts immediately.

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Can't Log Off Or Restart

Nov 9, 2008

have a weird problem, when I am logged in as me on my computer it will not let me restart, or shut down my computer..I then made a Test account with Admin privaledges and that works fine, I cab log off, restart, and or shut down.. No problem at all...But then when I log in as me, again nothing, I can switch users, but it won't let me shut down or restart

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Restart Again And Again?

Nov 8, 2006

For no obvious reason my NIS 2004 became corrupted and on startup I continually got a warning box saying Norton autoprotection was disabled. I could go no further. I was able to start in safe mode and completely disable NIS. I contacted Symantec, (completely useless) and after hrs on the phone had it manually uninstalled. There was one file I couldn't delete so the support person told me to download some removal tool and after that my computer was stuffed. I didn't bother attempting to reinstall NIS. It was very slow. I couldn't use many programs or the disc drive System restore or restoring the registry didn't help.
I contacted dell who's first suggestiong was to reformat the harddrive and reinstall windows. (I have winXP home) I did a windows repair which seemed.At the moment things aren't too bad. Still slow. My Computer and drop down boxes take ages to open. The services folder is slow to open. AVG scans come up with the kernel/shell/ntoskrnl changed log. I can't update windows anymore. I keep getting the "Files required to use Windows Update are no longer registered or installed" message and this just loops. The internet disconnects every 5min.

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After Install Of SP2 Pc Won't RESTART

Feb 26, 2005

After clean install of SP@ my pc won't RESTART It will shut down and stay there with all the fans running and my "Think light"

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Either A Or Hp Pavilion / Could Be Sent Through Restart

Dec 6, 2004

Have a hp Pavilion 4600ze. Nice laptop and running Windows XP. Have always (almost always) had the situation that if choose restart it will log out and go to black screen and not restart (I'm sure it isn't shutting down). Just sits there and only by powering down can one start back up. I recall finding something on the web to make a change so that Windows XP could be sent through restart OK.

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Error That Causes Restart

Sep 19, 2008

I did a google and yahoo search for the error, but it only came up with one result (and it was in spanish). I think it has something to do with my registry, can anyone shed some light on the error?

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Can't Log Off - Restart - Shut Down

Mar 16, 2005

My new computer, running XP SP2, generally works fine. However, 9 times out of 10, when I try to log off or shut down at the end of the day, nothing happens. I've trying all the different ways of shutting down I know of (Task Manager, Start Bar, etc.), but nothing has any effect. I can only turn off the computer by manually hitting the power button.

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