Disappear System32 File In System

Sep 7, 2005

Hi my problem is i can't view system32, cant find it anyware, cant explore to it or anything.

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System32/config/system.sav File Missing Or Corrupt?

Jul 6, 2008

My problem started when I booted my computer. Windows (XP Home Edition) started with the message that windows/system32/config/system.sav was missing or corrupt. It told me to use the recovery console to solve the problem. I saw with the recovery console that the system.sav file wasn't missing so it had to be corrupt (0 bytes in filesize).

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System32 / Config / System File Missing Or Corrupt

Jan 27, 2008

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: /windows/system32/config/system
It states that I can put in the originial setup CD-ROM and select 'r' to start repair but that doesn't help me. My laptop did not come with a windows cd as I bought it preloaded from BestBuy. So about 4 years ago when my computer was overcome with the Sasser worm, I reformatted and loaded a friend of mine's Win XP Pro cd on my laptop. I still have the CD but when I hit 'r' (Boot partition recovery) it does its little DOS thing and then gives me a Disk I/O Error. I am thinking that maybe it is trying to boot from a floppy drive and not my CD drive and thats why I am getting the I/O error?

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Could Not Start - Corrupt / WINDOWS / SYSTEM32/CONFIG / SYSTEM File

Oct 5, 2005

while logged into Windows, the IDE cable that is connected to my HD went bad. I double checked this by replacing the cable and seeing if the BIOS could see it, which it could. When I tried to log back into Windows however I got this message. Code: Windows could not start becuase the following file is missing or corrupt:WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEMYou can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the orginal Setup CD-ROM.Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair.I'm not sure how this works. Do I hit 'r' at the blue screen after it loads all the drivers or do let it setup and I will get a chance to choose a repair option. The error only effects Windows. I know for sure because I have a Linux partition that works fine. I have my orgainl Windows XP CD- ROM. Does anyone know the steps to fix this? Windows XP SP2 (Fully upgraded)(CD-ROM is the orginal XP SP1 disk)

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Corrupt Windows / System32 / Config / System File - Can Boot With The CD

Jul 15, 2005

my file windows/system32/config/system is corrupt. it says i can boot with the CD and use the "R"epair function. I do that and it takes me to DOS where I can roam around my harddrive and the windows CD. now how do I find this file to replace it? because on the windwos CD there is no "system" file in the directory I386/system32/config/. I've tried to copy it from my other computer, but since it's using the file I cant'!

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COMPUTER REBOOT - Missing File WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

Jan 22, 2008

I have a IBM comnputer and I used my sisters reboot disks. She has a set of five disks to use.. they say IBM/Leveno ghost. When I tried to wipe my system clean and reboot, it said "the following file is missing or corrupt" /WINDOWS/system32/config/SYSTEM

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.dll File Disappear Due To The Loading Of A New Video Driver

Aug 3, 2005

I had a .dll file disappear due to the loading of a new video driver. I have googled it and downloaded it, but I don't know where to place it within my windows directory tree in order to solve the problem. I have tried to place it in the windows root directory, the windows/system directory, and the windows/system32 directory, all to no avail.
The .dll file is MSVCP71.DLL.Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Paging File Size - Virtual Memory Low Causing To Disappear

Sep 20, 2006

i have an upgraded comp from windows 98 2nd edition to windows xp. i frequently get messages telling me my virtual memory paging file size is too low causing progs to disappear. i have tried help&support pages at microsoft but i dont know what size my min or max page file size should be.the ram on my comp is 192mb.

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16 Bit Subsystem - File To System32

Apr 16, 2005

I've tried to reload a couple pieces of software that used to run fine. I get this error message In top left hand corner of error window it says 16 bit Windows Subsystem Then lower down it says: C:windowssystem32autoexec.nt. The system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications. Choose "Close" to terminate the application. I have Windows XP and both programs (Microsoft Home Publishing and Canon Zoombrowser) had worked fine for a couple years. For the heck of it I even dragged a copy of the above name file to system32 to see if that would help. It didn't.

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System32 Corrupt Or Missing File

Oct 3, 2005

Last night while watching the news, my computer rebooted all on it's own way over on the other side of the room and now I have the following error message. Windows could not start because the folowing file is missing or corrupt System32/drivers/ntfs.sys. I will boot up if I try several times but even after doing a system restore I get the same message plus sometimes I get Windows could not start because the folowing file is missing or corrupt System32/drivers/pci.sys

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Corrupt Or Missing System32 File

Jul 28, 2005

I have been getting Norton (Corporate, installed by someone else) notificatons for a few weeks about a Trojan (cache.cachekit) and Norton could not get rid of it. Now I cant boot up and it tells me my file(System32/system/config) is missing or corrupt. I was thinking it was my Trojan I couldnt get rid of, what do you think? Also, my OS was installed by someone else so I didnt have my own disk, however I have ordered one and it should come in a week. If it is my elusive Trojan, for one, how do I get rid of it for good, and also, when I get my disk I dont know exactly what to do to fix the computer. I cant bring it up in safemode either. I have never installed a OS, but I have installed other software-on a properly functoning computer that is. Do I absolutely have to wipe my hardrive clean, and if so, how do I do it?

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Can't Start - Corrupt System32 File

Nov 3, 2008

I can't start Windows XP Home Edition on my PC because the hal.dll file in system32 is corrupt. Therefore I am getting the "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root>system32hal.dll. Please re-install a copy of the above file." error message. To complicate things, I absolutely don't have the original Windows XP Home Edition CD I used to install the operating system; therefore I can't just restore missing file.

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Corrupt Dll File In System32 Folder

Jan 31, 2007

It appears that I have a corrupt - dll - file in my system32 folder. Can someone please walk me through copying a backup dll file or a new dll zip file to the system32 folder?

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Re-Install Root/System32 File

Oct 20, 2008

Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root>/system32/ntoskrnl.exe Please re-install a copy of the above file. That is the error it comes up with. It will not even boot up to Windows. There's not really much I can access with Windows not booting.

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Overwrite File In System32 Folder

Jun 29, 2005

I need to overwrilte reg.exe file in the system32 folder, but when I do this XP replace the original automatically.How can I disable this?I need to use "reg update" that there isn't in reg.exe XP version.

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Show System Files That Disappear

Aug 12, 2002

Like to know where all of the system files went?  Such as the pagefile, autoexec.bat, etc. In any folder that contains files.  Click on the tools menu and select folder options. Then click on the view tab. Locate where it lists Hide protected operating system files and uncheck it.Click yes on the box that will pop up.Click OK.

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System32 Folder Disappeared - File Is Missing

Aug 26, 2006

Well, reciently I've discovered that my C:WindowsSystem32 folder is gone. Just gone. And it seems that any time a program tries to open something in that folder, it just pops up and says that the file is missing or whatnot.

1. The files are still there. I can access them through IE by typing in the dir in the address bar.

2. The folder is supposedly "Hidden," but I have it set to view all hidden files and folders.

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Put Password And Freeze - System32 Exe.file Missing

Sep 24, 2009

I turned my laptop on the other day and it took nearly 45 minutes to load and when it got to the windows log on screen it didn't bring up the option to put a password in just froze here not doing anything. Next time I turned it on I got the following message: Windows could not staart because the following file is missing or corrupt: <windows root>system32 toskrul.exe

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Dell Pc Missing System32 File - Won't Boot

Oct 1, 2007

We made the mistake of ordering Dell pcs for work (Never Again & we advise against it!) because they do not include Windows OS disks with the units. They include it on a partition of the HD: (-nice of them). Now one system will not boot up and it is completely out of the question to restore the system to it's original factory setting because of the monetary value of the files that will be lost.

Technically, all it's missing is the WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/... file(s) and on any "normal" pc, popping in the WinXP disc on boot and hitting "r" usually solves that problem. However, F5 and booting the system at its last working condition does not work. Thanks to Microsoft's security features, we cannot use another XP disc to fix this problem. And I will never contact Dell's support line since they've tried to charge us for technical support before they'd give us any help. And this was on a brand new pc that we just purchased. (For some reason did not boot up and they wanted to charge us in order to get it started! - Main reason I will NEVER purchase a computer from Dell ever again.... no CD's is the 2nd reason.) Anyway, the only option we have is to take it in for servicing or place the HD in a second pc.

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System Hangs And Icons Disappear After Start Up

Dec 5, 2008

A Dell Dimension 8200, I can start the computer just fine in safe mode, but when I try to log in normally it lets me type in my password and then either just hangs after that saying loading personal settings or it'll get to my desktop background, but no programs will appear and it will just hang there. I've deleted any old programs I could find in safe mode and the only thing I've recently installed is a Java update. I also used system restore to go back before the Java update and I'm having the same problem.

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File Is Missing Or Corrupt Windows Root System32 Hal.dll

Nov 6, 2009

I am getting the following error and it loops: "file is missing or corrupt windows root system32 hal.dll" When I try and run the windows cd and either wipe or repair the error it tells me that the "the setup did not find hard drive disks" Now I am thinking the hard drive is defective?? Or do I have a virus?

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Missing System32 Config System / System Wont Boot?

Aug 14, 2007

I have a laptop, a Dell latitude d610 that says:Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem I attempted to try the fix listed here:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307545 but when I went to copy using the command: copy c:windowssystem32configsystem c:window mpsystem.bak into the tmp directory I created it said: File could not be copied.

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System32 Config System Missing / Unable To Boot System?

Aug 4, 2010

So i booted my t400 ibm laptop and this error message popped up as stated in the message title.My harddrive is in achi mode and i was wondering if i switch the harddrive mode and do a repair with an xp cd, will i lose any files?

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System32 Config System Missing / System Unable To Start?

Jul 26, 2005

Windows XP could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: WINDOWSSYSTEM32CONFIGSYSTEM This is the error message i have. I have a copy of windows xp pro. i have no backup disk.

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Windows/System32/Config/System On My Desktop

Apr 27, 2005

I am having big big trouble and I need help bad.. This is what Im getting /windows/system32/config/system This is on my desktop Its a Dell 2350
My boss told me to press F8 and take it where it says Use last known good configuration....I did that but Im still getting a message windows could not start ref missing or corrupt file It said for me to start windows set up by using the original CD-Rom.... The only CD roms I can find for my desktop is this one.

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Corrupt: Windows/system32/config/system?

May 8, 2007

My pc won't boot into windows...i get this error. I don't have a copy of XP to try and repair because i bought my PC from futureshop with XP pre-loaded..... anyway of fixing this without having a copy of xp?

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System32 Config System Missing Or Corrupted?

Feb 14, 2009

Trying to repair my son's laptop--Dell Inspiron 6000 running XP professional, cannot start-up due to above error message.tried steps outlined in link below from Microsoft, but get "access is denied" at every prompt

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Corrupted Or Missing: System32 Config System?

Sep 28, 2009

I am new at this so I will try and post as much relevant (or possibly no) information in hopes not to waste anyone's time. I receive the following message each time I boot up my Dell Latitude 400 with Windows XP update with SP1 and 2: Windows could not start because the following file is corrupt or missing: windowssystem32configsystem. You can attempt to repair this file starting Windows Setup using the original Setup cd-rom. select "r" at the first screen to start repair.

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System Keeps Restarting--System32/Config Missing Or Corrupt?

Sep 12, 2007

So I was working with adobe photoshop and it absolutely refused to exit. I tried ctrl+alt+delete and after about twenty minutes it was still frozen on my screen. So I tried shutting the computer down normally, and it froze on the "Windows is shutting down" screen for like, the fiftieth time. So I had to force it off by holding down the power button. When I turned it back on to continue working, I got a message saying windows/system32/config (or something like that) was missing or corrupt. I pressed "r" since I don't know where my startup disk is and it restarted.

I have Norton GoBack, so I hit the space-bar to allow it to restore to about an hour earlier before I opened photoshop. This wasn't the first time this had happened. I've been getting the same message at every other start up for a couple weeks and this method worked fine every time. It seemed to be okay this time too but then it just RESTARTED for no apparent reason. When it got to the Norton GoBack screen I got a message saying the system had become unstable and needed to start over, and it suggested it was possibly because of a bug in an application or a hardware problem which is also possible.

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Getting Error System32 Config System Missing Or Corrupted ?

Nov 27, 2009

I was exiting a game and windows started getting really slow and i could not click on anything so i held my power button on my computer and shut it off. When I started it again it said "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: windowssystem32configsystem" then it says I can put my original CD in and go to the recovery console. When I did this I got to the first step in a tutorial online where I type "copy c:windowsystem.... etc"

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System32 Config System Is Corrupted / Unable To Fix The Error?

Dec 16, 2007

When booting a computer comes up with a message saying that the following file is either missing or corrupt...C:WINDOWSsystem32configSystem It then sits there! Doin' nothing btw, the same happens in both normal and safe modes, last known good conficuration does not help, plus it also freezes when trying to log on to the recovery console.

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