Disabling The Floppy Drive To Work At Every Boot-up?

Aug 19, 2005

I keep noticing that my floppy drive would activate when I'd go to log onto the computer or turn it off. I disabled the A drive and since then things are kind of going the way it was when I first bought this computer. I did manage to check the areas that were mentioned before. I found nothing that came close to what was mentioned to look for.Did I manage to contain this thing in the floppy? I still want it off of my computer.

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Can't Boot Floppy / CD Drive - Ntldr Missing

Apr 25, 2007

my hard drive will simply not boot. i am having a problem with NTLDR is missing. i have tried at least 4 different methods of fixing it. it will not boot from a floppy drive or cd. the hard drive is about a year old. i think the problem started after i used a cleaning program called PC-decrapifier.. thinking it would speed up my computer.. i would like to fix this problem asap and the hard drive isn't bad, because i can connect it to my other computer as a slave and access my files, but i still can not boot it even in another computer.

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Floppy Drive Is NOT Selected As Boot Option In Bios

Aug 23, 2005

Just got a new computer with Gigabyte GA-K8SNC-939 Motherboard. The problem is that on each boot , and shutdown, the floppy drive is accessed (i.e. motor runs ).The floppy drive is NOT selected as a boot option in the bios and the access on boot comes just after the 'Loading Personal Settings" screen. On shutdown it is just before the end , not immediately on shutdown.I seem to remember there was a Floppy Seek setting somewhere in Windows at one time, but I can't seem to find it in XP SP 2. As it happens well into the boot cycle, I don't think it's related to the motherboard.

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Partition C - Formatting With Pro / Floppy Doesn't Work

Jan 12, 2009

My Sata HD has 7 partitions. I am trying to format only C: & do a clean install of XP, without loosing all the staff in the other partitions. I did it a few times before, but this time booting in my win98 floppy does not work. Tried 2-3 floppies. My "Paragon Partition Manager 8.0 Personal" cannot do it as is working within windows. Tried various ways to get to the DOS prompt A: & use "fdisk or format" without success. My Full XP CD can only format the whole HD.

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Computer Wont Boot: Asking For Boot Able Floppy?

Oct 6, 2007

I have a laptop (IBM Thinkvantage Thinkpad) and when i boot it does the following:Shows motherboard graphic Goes to "Starting windows." with a loading bar under it.Stops and says "Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt:WINNTSYSTEM32CONFIG SYSTEMced" Now i know that that means the hive file is too big and i know how to fix it But I don't have a Win2k boot disk and i don't have any floppy drives installed I had an idea to try and do a network boot through the BIOS setup which it does allow but i don't really have any server programs to "host" a network boot with my Windows XP desktop.

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Disabling System Restore On Drive D Safe?

Aug 24, 2007

Is disabling System Restore on Drive D (with Recovery) safe to free up space, if I keep System Restore enabled on Drive C?

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Floppy Drive From 98 To XP

Aug 21, 2008

I had two computers -- one was a Windows 98 and the other an XP. I had four files on my 98 that I wanted to keep before I got rid of it, so I saved the files onto a floppy (the internet wasn't working on the 98). I have an XP that has a floppy drive, so I thought it would be fine.Some of the four files are rtf (WordPad) or doc.When I inserted the floppy, "A:" showed up, and the first two files transferred over to my desktop fine. As for the last two, when I double-click or try to open it in a window comes up, a different message pops up each time. One time it said, "The disk in drive A is not formatted. Would you like to format it now?" When I tried to open one of the rtf files in WordPad, it said that it couldn't open Word 6.0 files.

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Compaq Win ME Old Virus? Won't Boot Up, With Floppy

Mar 16, 2007

I have an older Compaq I have ignored for over a year. When I turn it on it acts like it is always in run mode, no disc in it. I used an old floppy to re-boot to no success, I downloaded an ME Boot file of net and loaded it onto my 512mb stick and slid into the usb port also with no success. My intention is to boot the PC up enough to retrieve some data and then do an FBI wipe on the hard drive and start it like new. can i get this up and running without wiping everything first?

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Boot From A Floppy Or A Cd - Check BIOS

Feb 6, 2005

I am trying to get a machine up and running for a friend. It is one he bought off of someone up north and he doesn't know the admin password to be able to use it.
I originally was going to use some software I found in the forums that requires me to boot from a floppy or a cd. I checked the BIOS and have it booting from the hard disk last and yet I cannot boot from either the cd or the floppy.At this point I am willing to Fdisk the whole thing and start fresh. It shouldn't really matter since he has never been on the machine before and can't have any data that he would care about.

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Way To Make A Boot Able Floppy Disk

Apr 29, 2007

How to make a bootable disk? I am trying to get into DOS when starting Windows 2000, then use Ghost to copy my entire harddrive.

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Can't Boot From Floppy - Disk Fail (40)

Dec 20, 2005

I am trying to install a dual boot system on XP but I am unable to boot from the floppy dirve with a Windows ME bootable disk. The A drive is the first thing in the bios and it is set for 3.5, 1.44mb size disk. At the very bottom of the bootup screen, it shows "Floppy Disk Fail (40). The floppy drive works ok whenever XP is up and running in that I can put a floppy in the drive and open it and view the files, copy the files and most anything I need to do. I have read everything I can find on that error but since the drive seems to work ok other than for boot up, it has me stumped.

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Pc With 2 Dvd Drives And A Floppy Drive

Jul 3, 2006

I have just got a pc with 2 dvd drives and a floppy drive, I'me not very clued up on media I think the top drive which is d:drive is a dvd rom which I think only plays dvd and cd's. The other drive while I know it is a dvd drive and I am thinking that this will be a burner drive. When I go to my computer I can only see the d:drive a:drive and c:drive should'ent there be an e:drive here as well: When I try to burn something using nero or roxio I am asked to put a disk in the d:drive should'ent this be the e:drive as thats what I think is the burning drive

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Keeps Trying To Access Floppy Drive

Sep 23, 2005

Recently the computer has been trying to access my floppy drive both on boot up and when I shut down. There is no disk in the drive. The computer also gives no errors. It never used to do that. My concern is that something is set up incorrectly, in addition to it being annoying.I am contemplating formatting my HD and starting from scratch. But before I do any ideas what could be causing this?

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Floppy Drive Tap Dance

Nov 11, 2008

Do any one of several things. Access my external drive, the floppy does a disc check for several seconds, right click explore a partition or folder and frequently yhe same thing happens. Put in audio cd to auto run, first the floppy has to do its chugga bugga chugga sound then the cd plays. Started over a week ago, or about when I formatted a floppy to make new Partition Magic emerg. discs. I rememeber something like this on a Win98SE machine a very long time ago. Tried some searches with not much luck, tried uninstalling in safe mode and rebooting, no joy.

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Doesn't Read Floppy Drive

Apr 27, 2005

I just did a clean install of Windows XP Pro with SP2. Everything seems to work fine but i wanted to make a bootup disk with a floppy. I inserted a new one into A: drive which is the floppy drive but the 'Insert Disk' window keeps popping up. I tried to format the disks but it's as though it doesn't recognize the disks. I checked the drivers and it says there's no conflicts. I used to have Win 2000 Pro and it recognized my floppy without any problems. Could the problem be my BIOS or WIN XP?

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Floppy Drive Runs Intermittently

Apr 4, 2007

My floppy (A: drive) runs intermittently when my PC is on. Here is what I have come up with so far. This started after I reformatted and reinstalled XP Pro. During the reinstallation I did not use the floppy for anything so it is not hanging and waiting for a file. I have checked my registry for any reference to the floppy. I have uninstalled NAV and MS Office and it still happens. I have not made any changes in my BIOS. It boots into the hard drive first. I have cleaned out the recent documents file area. I have checked my startup folder. Sometime it will access the drive while surfing in IE and clicking to another web page. Just clicking the "My Computer" icon will make it run. I have Googled and tried everything I can find and the problem persist. Any thoughts? Thanks

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Check Disk On Floppy Drive

Jul 6, 2006

Apparently she was trying to save some files to a floppy drive, and after several failed attempts, a "bubble" popped up (the little yellow pop-ups on the bottom right) that told her to run checkdisk on the A-drive. How does one go about accomplishing this? I've been looking around and found how to run it on the C-drive, is it any different for the A-drive?

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Adding Floppy Drive :: Internal Or USB?

Mar 23, 2005

I'd like to add a floppy drive to my newish XP based desktop (which came without), and am debating whether to put in an internal drive or get an external USB drive. Since I don't expect to be using it a lot (mainly to read floppies from previous systems), I'm leaning toward the USB drive for reasons ranging from convenience to leaving a free bay for another hard drive,

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Floppy Drive Not Accessible After Upgrade

Jan 4, 2005

I receive the following message in Device Manager under the floppy drive: Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39). I have attempted to remove the drive and let XP recognize it and I have also tried uninstall and install of the driver both without success. I found similar hits to my problem through a google search and one had a solution for a CD rom drive problem from this forum.

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Floppy Drive Disappeared In System

Jun 26, 2005

Look at Device Manager and noticed the yellow on my floppy drive and tried the standard uninstall > restart fix but it does not work. My Computer shows no floppy drive. The note on startup is: Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing.

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On Reboot Unit / Won't Boot Past Floppy Disk

Oct 15, 2008

after removing and reformating HD,I put HD back in my Compaq Evo D500 and it won't get past the initial recognization of the floppy drive.The floppy indicator light remains ON,and I can't seem to go beyond Strike F1 any ideas on what went wrong?I checked the connections and the memory sticks to see they were all seated right,but it doesn't count up the memory in the upper left corner at this point I'm lost!

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Logging Off Floppy Drive Taking Much Time?

Mar 5, 2005

System Been working okay, but when you log off the floppy drive would run for a second or two but now it runs for around 10 seconds. Is this a concern or not

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Convert NTFS To FAT32: Don't Have A Floppy Drive?

Nov 18, 2005

I wanted to convert NTFS or FAT32 but my laptop don't have a floppy drive so I can not use the win98 or ME start up disk. I can not format my drive but I can use fdisk from the win98 cd.

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Fresh Install On Sata Drive - Does Have Floppy?

Oct 18, 2005

Doing a fresh install of xp on a sata drive. When it asks to press F6 to install the third party drivers will I be able to load off the motherboard driver cd, or does it *have* to be a floppy.? Reason is the folder that contains the driver info on the cd is over 6mb so obviously won't fit on a floppy..and I'm not sure which I need to complete the install. If I habe the driver cd in the second cd drive will I be able to browse to it when asked? Failing that, just what info do I need to put on a floppy?

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Making A Hard Drive Bootable With NO CD - FLOPPY

Jan 8, 2009

I have this sony vaio laptop, and the good people at sony decided not to give this drive the ability to boot from a usb device (external dvd or floppy)Unfortunately the DVD drive that was built in BROKE, and I need to install windows on this laptop using a brand new hard drive.I can't boot from the windows dvd, I can't boot from a floppy, the drive is totally empty so I can't put anything on it.I CAN however, connect it to another computer and format it, I thought I could make it into a MSDOS bootable drive (like when you format a floppy) but windows does not allow it on a drive this size.

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Can I Install Sata Drivers Without A Floppy Drive?

Jul 11, 2005

when i first installed windows and what not i had a floppy drive installed.i need to do a windows repair and to do so i need to install these external sata drivers for my hard drives.i do not have access to a floppy drive and i would like to know if there was anyway to get around using the floppy drive to install these drivers one question i had was would i be able to change the drive letter of one of my dvd drives to A so that windows will install from there instead of an obsolete floppy drive A.

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Network Wizard Create Floppy Drive

Sep 11, 2005

Windows XP network wizard wants me to create a floppy disc to use on other machines on my home network. Problem is I have a media card reader that shows as four separate drives under My computer but no floppy disc drive.The network wizard only gives me the option of creating a disc on one of the four media card drives.I can't even browse for another drive.

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Corrupted Registry, No Floppy Drive For Regestry Check

Mar 23, 2007

I've blown my Win2K registry -- probably with an inopportune power loss. No backups, natch. And a complicated developer setup, probably on the order of days to rebuild ...

I found chkreg.exe on the MS site and was all set to try it when I realized ... my laptop doesn't have a floppy drive. The only format it is available in (that I can find) at MS is floppy.

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Installing On Gateway Laptop SATA HD With No Floppy Drive

Apr 11, 2008

I've looked around and I'm having a hard time finding good info on this. I've looked up stuff like slipstreaming SATA drivers into the windows disc, but I don't think I'm doing it right. I got the correct SATA drivers from gateways website. I'm pretty sure this system just uses the intel SATA Chipset. Any way if anyone could help me install XP on my Gateway C-141XL laptop without having a floppy disc I'd really appreciate it.

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Computer Trying To Access Floppy Drive While Opening Text Files?

Jul 21, 2005

Whenever I try to open a .txt file from my c: drive in notepad, my pc tries to access the floppy drive. Does anyone know why and how to fix it?

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Floppy Drive Wont Respond / Unable To Install Program?

Feb 21, 2006

Just downloaded the "Checkit PE Diagnostic ESD for DriverAgent" onto a floppy diskette as directed by DriverAgent.com. After placing it into the floppy drive and rebooting as directed, the program began to boot but hung up about halfway through the process and the PC would not boot until I removed the flopppy and then all worked well, except.now the floppy drive will not respond to any commands and the PC freezes completely. It will not respond until I manually shut it down from the tower button. Once I fire it up again all is well until the same happens if I try to use the floppy drive.

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