Deleting Orphan Record Files From Computer

Oct 7, 2006

Computer is messed up. She has no idea what happened and called me over to take a look at it. So i went over and I started the computer and it goes to the first start screen where it says this at the bottom "Press [TAB] to show post screen; Press [ALT] + [F2] to enter AWDFlash Utility" Then it pauses there like it is actually going to fully start up but then the computer restarts and it goes through that all over again. I put in their Windows XP CD and ran the recovery program and it came up saying that it started and then it says type EXIT to exit the recovery utility. She says that when it first started doing this something came up saying "Deleting Orphan Record Files" then it listed a whole bunch of files and said "Deleted" beside it.. the list was kinda like what you get when you run a virus scan and it list all the files.. but it listed approx. 5,000,000 files. I find that a little hard to belive but she claims it happened. Is there away to fix this and get her back up and going or will I have to install a NEW/FRESH copy of Xp and like reformat the HD.

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Deleting Files - Wouldn't Harm My Computer

Apr 15, 2008

Out of all these files, I would like to know what wouldn't harm my computer if I deleted, since they're all random stuff anyway

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Unable To Find Deleting Some Files Safe For Computer?

Jul 18, 2008

Located at C:Documents and Settings Owner. ntuser.dat ntuser.dat_BAK_56540 ntuser.dat_BAK_72405 tempdiff.txt

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Enable To Save Data: Computer Automatically Started Deleting My Files

Nov 18, 2006

My computer started deleting files. A DOS window popped up and began systematically deleting programs and files. I was able to stop it by turning off the computer. When I turned on the computer again the random deleting had stopped, but I had lost my music files and my mail files. If this wasn't a virus, what else could cause this to happen?

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Microphone Wont Record External Sounds But Record From PC?

Mar 26, 2008

I have a strange audio problem which i havent encounted before and cant for the life of me figure it out.My microphone isnt recording exteral sound, but i can record sound only from in the computer i.e. "what you hear" records.

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Delete Orphan User Remnants From Documents & Settings

Jul 28, 2010

I had one machine that has gone out on loan during repairs and it now has several orphaned User folders under Documents & Settings, which did not have security set on them, have been emptied, but I would like to cleanup the mess. Logged in as Administrator and in safe mode I cannot delete these. I think this is one of those naming issues where the real name is not what's showing?? something like that. how do I ditch these I figure i might could slave it to a Win7 system, take over the files, then delete. that's a lotta work so if there's a quick way, that's better

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Computer Is Searching For Boot Record

Aug 25, 2005

I have xp pro and woke to a blue screen. When I rebooted it, it runs through post but stops before win xp logo comes on. Now it says the computer is searching for boot record.

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Transfering Vhs Video Not Digital To Computer To Record

Jul 6, 2005

if it possible to transfer video from my JVC video camera, not digital) to my computer, so I can transfer it to a dvd or cd. I have windows xp home, but don't know if you need to know any other info. If so, let me know, and I will add it.

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Record Sound, Using The External RCA Jacks On The Front Of The Computer

Aug 26, 2005

Still trying to record sound, using the external RCA jacks on the front of the computer. To record sound, is it true that you have to be able to hear it on the computer? You can record it if you can hear it, because it is already in the computer?

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Spyware And Adware - On Deleting Files .dll Files Were Missing

Jan 5, 2005

my computer is filled with all sorts of spyware and adware. Ive used all teh chekc programs etc. and deleted whatever i could but yet the pop ups continue to come. In add/remove programs i deleted everything i could but some things couldnt be deleted because the .dll files were missing or something along those lines. please review my hijack this and advise me further. In addition when i go to a website i must enter www or it doesnt connect to the site. on my other computer i can do that. what can i do to fix it??

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Deleting Files - Sent Some Files To My Cd Burner

Dec 3, 2004

sent some files to my cd burner.the burner keeps getting errors and wont write them.i tried to delete them and it says access is denied cannot delete

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Deleting Certain Files From C:

Dec 28, 2004

When I run defrag on my C drive, the program tells me that there are certain files that cannot be defragmented. When I go to delete these files, I am not able to find them on my hard drive. It tells me that the files are in C:\WINDOWSTemp but when I look in that folder no such files exist. When I check the properties of the folder, it tells me there are 4 GB in it but it only shows 4 MB worth of files. How can I delete these files when I can't find them

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Deleting Files - I Have Win Xp

Feb 26, 2006

i have win xp. when i try to delete files they go to the recycle bin but a copy is made of the file everytime i delete. i get copy 2 , then copy 3 right on up to as many times as i delete it. i'm not getting anywhere

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Can Anyone Help Me Deleting My Files?

Feb 19, 2008

while I was working on my computer, my operating system crashed but well, I have backed my system up, and I knew I can restore it in 5 minutes. but the problem was that I had some important files on drive C: (my system drive) which I will have to delete then restore I know I can repair my system but I knew it won't be satisfying for me

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Deleting Files

Nov 23, 2005

I have been trying to delete an old Windows file on one of my hard disks, but i never could because of the "access denied" error message. No matter what i did, they couldn't be deleted. So finally, i stumpled across a site that explained that the files need to have the right "ownership" to delete. So, i follow the instructions and set me as the owner, but it will only do that to one folder. I then have to go one by one and set the properties for each sub-folder seperatley, and there's hundreds of them. Is there any way to delete all of the files without regard to what user owns them? Or how can i make ALL files AND subfolders be set at once

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Getting Error While Deleting More Then 150 Files At Once?

Sep 9, 2007

I am using XP SP2 with all the latest updates.When I select more then 150 files in explorer and I right click to copy or delete,windows explorer simply shuts down and displays the message 'encountered a problem and needs to close'.If I select 125 files, then it's OK. If I need to delete 1200 files I need to do this in 10 attempts.

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Deleting Stubborn System Files

Oct 7, 2009

deleting stubborn system files I want to delete a folder of junk that has manifesed itself on one of myxternal drives. I appeared after a crash (I expect) and is contains *.dll and *.inf files. they may have been enerated resulting from a BestCryp crash I get a warning telling me I don't have permissions to delete. How can I bypass this and take charge of my own computer

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Deleting Old Operating System Files

Jun 19, 2005

i now have windows xp installed - to get more space on my disk can i delete my old o p 98 files

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System 32 5.tmp And Deleting Files Question

Aug 27, 2006

I recently reinstalled XP on my primary hard drive. My computer had exhibited signs of a virus. I have had crashes while running games, freeze ups randomly, and poor performance in general. I have a Dell 4550 with a 2.56 Ghz Intel processor, a 30 Gig hard drive, an 80 gig hard drive, and 512 ram memory. I have Windows XP installed on the 30 gig H D. I use Zone Alarm for protection. I use Ad Aware also. I now get a notepad document named 5-notepad. It seems to be a bunch of random letters and symbols.

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Deleting Me Files Damaging The Installation

Jan 17, 2005

I recently purchased and installed xp home version update package. can I delete the windows me files without damaging the installation

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Deleting Files - Cannot Delete Dmd-awty

Jul 16, 2005

I am trying to delete a file that I downloaded. When I try to delete it, it says "Cannot delete dmd-awty: It is being used by another person or program." I closed everything and even restarted, but the file won't delete

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Deleting Files - Two Pornographic Videos

May 16, 2007

There are two pornographic videos that are downloaded onto my computer in the folder that I use to download music on LimeWire. I've never downloaded a video from LimeWire that I can recall, only music. Anyway, these 2 files will not delete when I right-click and try to select delete. There is no delete on the right-click list, the files CANNOT be dragged into any other folder including the Recycle Bin

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Deleting Files - Remove Everything Personal

May 19, 2007

i am selling my laptop and want to remove everything personal on it so it is back to brand new with no info on it can anyone tell me how to do this

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Deleting Files - Cannot Delete File

Sep 4, 2005

I have copied some files from my Mac to my PC. I get a file that starts with "._". I also get the file I copied. When I try to delete the file that starts with ._, I get a message saying cannot delete file, can't read source disk

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Deleting Files Of Detection Program

Jul 21, 2005

I recently figured out that some kind of virus is attached to my harddrive that is not picked up by any detection program. The files end in .exe and when using task manager, I delete the file and it generates a new file name with the same extention repeatedly. The CPU usage stays at 100% making it impossible for me to navigate the internet and play on line games. I did a file search, deleted the known files and rechecked task manager. They were still there. If I sit and delete them each time I turn on my computer it
takes me considerable amount of time and even then I may not get them all. I don't know what else to try to get my computer running better without a total reboot

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Explorer Crashes After Deleting Big Files

May 10, 2010

Okay so it seems that whenever i try to handle a big file. Or something that seems to "stress" my hard drive. my Explorer goes crazy. First i get an error like this:I would of took a screenshot but when trying to paste the print screen it just says Error copying to clipboard. Asif it should read something there but it doesnt. Even the "OK" Button doesnt say anything but i just press it anyway.All text dissapears from my icons and all buttons and tabs and stuff. I also cannot start any program.. Starting task manager gives taskmgr.exe - Application Error : The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000012d). Click on OK to terminate the application.

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Caution Deleting Temp Files

Feb 28, 2007

I was recently looking at my hard disk and saw I was getting low on space (35% capacity left). I have an 80GB HDD. I ran the Disk Cleanup utility and it said there was 30GB(yes) of Windows Temp files that could be deleted. Can I trust this utility by deleting these files? Doesn't that seem like an extremely large amount of space to gain? If I do delete these temp files, will it harm my system? I kind of need that space now since I am ready to add some new stuff to this HDD.

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Error Deleting Folders And Files.

Dec 23, 2007

Problem in deleting files and folders which are not in use.

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How To Locate Duplicate Files Within CPU And Deleting All?

Aug 28, 2005

I want to know how I can locate all duplicates files in my cp,including pic,music,etc.and deleting all but 1

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Deleting Locked Folders Or Files?

Jun 17, 2005

Using explorer to search through the temp internet folders, I find there are
a few files that are not being deleted. About 30 of them are named
"size=1x1&name=ATAtracker..etc.etc..gif" at 1KB in size. In another folder
also under the Temporary Internet Files | Content.IE5, is a file
"makeplaylist.dll%3F....etc.etc..asx". In another folder 2 files from a
Playstation 2 website both filenames starting with
"Network=ugo&size=....etc.etc..html". There are more folders yet, but this
serves as enough. The right click on the filename does not render the
delete option. Depressing the keyboard delete button does not cause the
file to delete nor even bring up the confirmation window for deleting.
Trying to delete the folder(s) themselves, even in Safe Mode brings up a
message saying "Cannot delete Size_1~1.gif. Cannot find the specified file.
Make sure you specify the correct path and filename." In folder attributes,
there is the read only option to check or uncheck.

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Virus Scan Is Always Deleting Temporary Files

Aug 11, 2007

I click on a site saw dick all there n clicked back.1 min later ive been getting these .exe files in my temp folders n my virus scan is always deleteing them n they keep on reporduceing itself anyways the name is backdoor trojan if anyone can tell me any programs,software to get rid of it , or any advice/support work be great guys

I was surfing threw the wbe to find some keys for my dish network, anyways, i clicked on a site threw Google and so nothing interesting so i clicked back 30 secs later Norton started picking up virus and spy-ware repetitively so i did a full scan and it picked up one file which i deleted next i turned it to safe mode and restarted next thing i know my computer will not load to desktop once it reaches to loading desktop icon it restarts itself over and over again

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