Data Error (cyclic Redundancy Check)

Dec 23, 2006

I just built a new computer, and am having trouble installing XP. It loads fine until igets to the fourth step, installation, and then it gives me a "Data error (cyclic redundancy check)" error. Apparently this can be a multitude of things: scratched disk (I took it out and tried cleaning it, like any cd is appears to have a few scratches I couldn't get out with a lint free cloth, but it's a brand new copy of XP SP2), bad hd, bad memory, etc. I don't have access to a burner at the moment to burn memtest or any hd testing software. Someone mentioned to me that XP can't install into HDs > 137gb in size so I was going to try and reformat my HD (Seagate Raptor 150gb 10k), but when I reboot, either from HD or CD, it boots back into a resume of the install where it promptly gives me the same error. How do you get back to the initial install setup, without it going straight into the resume of the old setup?

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How To Delete Certain Files - Cyclic Redundancy Check?

Mar 24, 2006

when i try to delete certain files it says i cant because of a cyclic rebundancy check how do i delete them?

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Reading Folder Contents / Message Saying Cyclic Redundancy Check

Apr 26, 2006

I'm having some trouble with my hard drive. It all started when a friend wanted me to format his external hard drive, so I copied all of his data on to one of my drives and formatted his disk using a utility that came with it (he wanted it as FAT32). Anyway, I did it kind of in a hurry and it seems that I also copied the "System Volume Information" and "Recycled" folder on his disk into a folder on my disk by accident. So now every time I want to enter the folder where I put this stuff, windows says that "the disk is not formatted" and asks me if I want to format it now. Also, and more importantly, the stuff in some of my other folders has "disappeared" and is not showing up in the windows explorer. The drive is being very slow when I try to access some folders but not with others and when the computer is idle it makes a continuous "" sound, quite slowly. When I try to copy files from certain folders, I also get an error message saying "cyclic redundancy check" (I'm not sure if that is the exact translation - my version of winows is in French). Now I'm not sure exactly what the problem is here because prior to copying this data, my disk was fine.

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Cycle Redundancy Check ?

Jul 20, 2005

In my computer I’ve two partitions, when I try to move one big file of 1GB to other partition it gives me this error “Cycle Redundancy Check�. But I can play this video file very well. But I’m unable to move or copy to another partition or DVD.Is there a way I can still save this file, some how? I know i shuld replace with new harddrive, but right now i want to save this file.

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Error Check - How Can Make Error Check Summary

Feb 28, 2008

WinExplorer -> right click C: -> go to properties -> go to tools click error check. Will get message that error check will start at the next start up. Problem. Error check runs fine, and makes 5 checks. At the 5th check at about 98% you better be there and when it hits 100% be a quick reader so you can see if there are any bad clusters. The screen stays there about 3 seconds and then disappears. If you have bad clusters the HD might be going bad. Question. How can I make the Error Check summary screen stay put while I read it or how can I make it "log" someplace where I can go and read it at my leisure?

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Difference Between An Error Check & Scan Now Check

Aug 12, 2008

Could anyone explain to me the difference between doing an error check at boot up and doing a scannow check.

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DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] Data Recovery?

Sep 26, 2006

i have a hard disk that has been recently affected by Win32/Mywife.E@mm virus and all the .doc and xls files have been reduced to 1kb irispective of their initial sizes and when you open the files you get this error; DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] I would like to recover the affected files to their original state, i have searched the internet over and no one seems to have the solution documented currently i am trying to download QuickView Plus (Version 8), i have tried all aplications i can come across, including recover my files, winhex, get data back for ntfs, and r-studio.

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Check Disk And Blue Screen / At Reboot System Say It Needs To Check Drives

Jan 14, 2009

I am running Windows XP Homedition. I have two drives inside, the regular C: drive and I have a Slave drive F: with all my photos and music and documents. The problem I'm having is that everytime I restart or reboot my system it say it needs to check F: drive for consistency. It haven't been doing that until now. Then once it goes through that the system comes up. I try to click on an icon like my internet or registry program, nothing comes up, its like a read only file or something. Its not executing the program. THEN all of a sudden I get a blue screen. It says this::"Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacture for driver updates. try changing video adapters. "Check with your hardware vendor for aany BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use SAFE mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advance SStartup options, and then select Safe Mode."

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Pro Not Installating - PXE Media Failure:check Cable Error

Oct 1, 2007

Toshiba Satellite M45-S351 System Unit
I am trying to install Win XP Pro on my laptop. After the setup started, I got a screen where it had radio buttons corresponding to the stage of the installation i.e.
first radio button option saying "Collecting information"

second saying "Dynamic Update"

third saying "Preparing installation"

fourth saying "Installing Windows" and

fifth saying "Finalizing installation"

The system never goes beyond third option i.e Preparing installation. I am now getting an alert saying "lsass.exe" - System error

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Can't Run Disk Error Check - Ntfs File System Not Open

Jun 22, 2005

A week after updating to most current Windows SP1critical updates (its only change I can think of) I happen to notice that I cannot run a disk error check, I am told that its a NTFS file system and Win cannot open volume for check. Also when I start computer I have to log on with my password every. I have tried to eliminate the password requirement to no avail. I cannot return to pre-update status with System Restore because its been a week and there is too much new data in the system. This is a free standing desktop PC. Can anyone help with these two things? I hope so as I do my error check regularly and find it frustrating to have to log on every time I restart .

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2000 Check Disk Doesn't Work / The Disk Check Could Not Be Performed

Feb 5, 2003

when i run chdisk for errors in win 2000 by right clicking the hard drive icon and then clicking properties of c: harddrive, then tools tab, then click the check now button, and in the check disk options ticking "automatically fix file system errors" and clicking ok I get this message "The disk check could not be performed because exclusive access to the drive could not be obtained. Do you want to schedule the disk check to occur the next time you restart the computer."If i chose yes to that above it performs the diskcheck at reboot and when windows loads i go back to the checkdisk and i get the same problem again.

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DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] : Win32/Mywife.E@mm Virus?

Sep 26, 2006

i have a hard disk that has been recently affected by Win32/Mywife.E@mm virus and all the .doc and xls files have been reduced to 1kb irispective of their initial sizes and when you open the files you get this error; DATA Error [47 0F 94 93 F4 K5] I would like to recover the affected files to their original state, i have searched the internet over and no one seems to have the solution documented currently i am trying to download QuickView Plus (Version 8), i have tried all aplications i can come across, including recover my files, winhex, get data back for ntfs, and r-studio.

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Reading Data From The Network - JAVA Error 104?

Nov 3, 2006

When I sign into MyCQU & then launch webmail I first get a message come up that says session timed out log in again, which is ridiculous given that I'm only just logging in then. If I click on the red cross to close that message down my webmail will actually show up BUT if I then want to say compose a message I then either get an error page comes up saying - ERROR. The requested URL could not be retrieved

The following error was encountered:

Read Error
The system returned:

(104) Connection reset by peer
An error condition occurred while reading data from the network.........

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Data Execution Prevention Error Message For Startup Comes Up ?

May 31, 2010

Data execution prevention error message appears every time I exit Windows Explorer. In addition, the window is not complete most of the time. The URL box is transparent and not accessible or visible. I have to attempt access several times before the window is complete visible.

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Hanging Startup + Kernel Inpage Data Error

Jan 7, 2007

Bought a Dell laptop with Windows XP for college last semester. She's had it for about six months now and earlier today upon startup it hung for a very long time (about 20 minutes). She rebooted it to the same results. I tried doing the only thing I knew how which was booting it in safe mode, which gave me a brief flash of a blue screen before restarting. I went to safe mode again so I could make out what the error message was before the computer restarted itself and I saw that it said KERNEL_INPAGE_DATA_ERROR. There's an error number at the bottom, but the screen flashes by so fast that I can't make it out. Anyway, it's been a few hours and startup is still hanging. I have tried booting it in the last good settings mode and nothing seems to work. I'm not very PC savvy (yes, I am a mac user :P) and my limited knowledge doesn't really help in this situation. I asked her if she had deleted any files which might cause a startup problem and she said that she hadn't. She uses the computer strictly for her iPod, printing papers, and burning the occasional CD. There are a few harmless games which have been downloaded for a long time now, but I don't think that she recently installed any software that could cause a kernel inpage data error, whatever that is. Her most recent piece of installed software is for her new phone, but even that was a week ago. When this problem started, the laptop wasn't very hot so I don't think that would be a problem either.

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No Sound - Check BIOS - Check Sound Playback Device

Aug 8, 2007

im running a dell dimension 4600 and just today there is no sound from my speakers. I tried re-installing my driver, checked to see if it's muted, checked BIOS. It was working yesterday...Can anyone tell me how to check my Sound Playback device and playback programs? I'm using Media Player and iTunes I tried other speakers and there is still no sound Also, forgot to mention that my speaker makes a static/fuzzy noise when i turn up.

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Boot Sector Read Error - Unable To Recover Data?

Mar 4, 2006

I have a toshiba laptop running windows xp. It crashed yesterday and now whenever it boots it give me the following error A disk read error occurred Press ctl alt del to restart.I managed to get to the selection of boot in safe mode, but it still won't boot and then I get I/O error reading boot sector.At this point I just want to get the data off it. Toshiba's recovery disk only has the option of formatting the disk and restoring the system to it's initial state (the Toshiba tech support explained that was a benefit, getting it back to the original state

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Ben Q 500E Shown Read Image Data Failure Error

Nov 9, 2007

Starting benq 500E scanner I encountered the following message: read image data failure 2882:1118. I know I've got the right driver installed, because it's the newest version and it always worked.

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Recover Data From External Primary Hard Drive - Error C0000218

Jul 23, 2009

My problem is a result of a long series of attempts to fix a corrupt Windows registry file. A few days ago I booted my laptop and received a blue screen error: c0000218, relating to a corrupt Windows registry file. Windows could not load. After a lot of searching online I found a way to manually replace this and four other related files from the c:WindowsRepair folder using the command prompt.

This process seemed to work and Windows began to load. I then received a lsass.exe error saying something about invalid passwords. My laptop began an infinite cycle of restarting itself. I looked up the lsass.exe error and people seemed to think it was unrecoverable. As my hard drive was reasonably small (100g) and had been showing some signs of problems I decided to just buy a new one. I went out and purchased a new 320g 2.5" hard drive along with a 2.5" USB drive enclosure and another 1g stick of RAM......

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Hard Disk Error And Check Disk

Dec 1, 2005

I always have errors reported on my hard drive, even after chkdsk /f and /f/r."Freespace marked as allocated in the volume bitmap". Why does it never go away? Windows XP Pro with all of the updates. Machine runs fine.

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Recover Data From Corrupt HDD: Not Allowed To Copy Data?

Dec 31, 2006

I had a bad HDD failure which corrupted part of my WinXP OS with the result that I am unable to boot into Windows. I have reloaded Windows on another HDD and I will be able to recover most of my data from backups. However, there is still some recent data on the bad disk which I am frantic to recover. I am able to find the "Documents and Settings" folder where I believe the "Outlook Express" data is held

I am unable to get into the folder as my username on the computer was passworded (the password is known). Neither am I allowed to copy the folder to my new drive. I cannot access the folder from my new OS even when I password myself with the same username / password. I have attempted to repair the bad drive's copy of Windows but that wasn't successful. I don't want to replace the bad copy with a fresh as this would reformat the drive taking with it the folder I want (and can't copy). Any work on the folder would need to be on the bad drive, it seems. I have run out of ideas.

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Install On Hard Drive With Data Without Losing Data?

Jul 10, 2005

Can I install XP on a hard drive which has only one partition with data without destroying the data?

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Data Has Been Lost: Save All The Data For The File

Jul 14, 2010

was unable to save all the data for the file The Data has been lost

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Installing Xp Sp2, Error Message "the Data Is Invalid"

Apr 20, 2005

When i try to install xp sp2, I keep getting "the data is invalid. xp sp2 could not be installed" error message.
I have re-installed windows and tried installing sp2 from CD, and tried the downlooad from the microsoft website, both with the same result.

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Retrieve Cut Data - Transfer That Data In Another Pc?

Apr 7, 2010

to transfer that data in another pc. But some reason my usb hard disk not working detecting on both pc in this way lost my all data. I want ask you can i recover CUT data from original hard disk? and How?

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Check USB 2.0 - USB 1.1

Mar 12, 2005

How can I tell whether my motherboard has USB 1 or USB 2.0?If the motherboard can only support USB 1.1, how can I have it to support USB 2.0? Do I need to update or install anything?

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How To Run Disk Check?

Aug 25, 2005

I would like to run disk check but each time I schedule it and reboot, the message that I see upon reboot is that disk check has been cancelled. How can I get it to run?

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Could Someone Also Please Check This Hijack Log

Oct 20, 2005

This is from my own computer ,it seems to have got slower and slower in starting up.

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Do Not Have Enough Memory - Check It?

Jun 17, 2006

I have Windows XP Pro and trying to install Max Payne but it says I do not have enough system do i check system memory?

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Better Easy IP Check

Aug 12, 2002

Use this if you just want to display your IP address and not the extra information (default gateway / subnet mask)Simply copy and paste the following into notepad@echo.@ipconfig | find "IP Address"@echo.@pauseAnd save as IP.BAT (save to your windows dir if you want to be able to access it anywhere)Now when you type IP you will see:---------------------------IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . : x.x.x.xPress any key to continue . . .---------------------------(information about the code: @echo. produces a blank line, @ipconfig | find "IP Address" causes the output of ipconfig to be piped to the find command, which looks for the line containing "IP Address", find then outputs your IP address, @pause causes the terminal to wait for user input before continuing. The @ before each command tells the terminal not to echo the command being typed.)

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Cant Open "temprorary Files" "aplication Data" "program Data"

Mar 27, 2007

on openinig any one of this folders a window appears with this content
cant have acces to C:Documents and Settings Mike Local Configuration{one of these folders} acces denied
this affects my IE i cant download nothing through IE all my files on that locations i cant set dispaly pictures on WINDOWS LIVE messenger and all thinks that has anything to do with those folders

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