Cycle Redundancy Check ?

Jul 20, 2005

In my computer I’ve two partitions, when I try to move one big file of 1GB to other partition it gives me this error “Cycle Redundancy Check�. But I can play this video file very well. But I’m unable to move or copy to another partition or DVD.Is there a way I can still save this file, some how? I know i shuld replace with new harddrive, but right now i want to save this file.

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How To Delete Certain Files - Cyclic Redundancy Check?

Mar 24, 2006

when i try to delete certain files it says i cant because of a cyclic rebundancy check how do i delete them?

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Data Error (cyclic Redundancy Check)

Dec 23, 2006

I just built a new computer, and am having trouble installing XP. It loads fine until igets to the fourth step, installation, and then it gives me a "Data error (cyclic redundancy check)" error. Apparently this can be a multitude of things: scratched disk (I took it out and tried cleaning it, like any cd is appears to have a few scratches I couldn't get out with a lint free cloth, but it's a brand new copy of XP SP2), bad hd, bad memory, etc. I don't have access to a burner at the moment to burn memtest or any hd testing software. Someone mentioned to me that XP can't install into HDs > 137gb in size so I was going to try and reformat my HD (Seagate Raptor 150gb 10k), but when I reboot, either from HD or CD, it boots back into a resume of the install where it promptly gives me the same error. How do you get back to the initial install setup, without it going straight into the resume of the old setup?

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Reading Folder Contents / Message Saying Cyclic Redundancy Check

Apr 26, 2006

I'm having some trouble with my hard drive. It all started when a friend wanted me to format his external hard drive, so I copied all of his data on to one of my drives and formatted his disk using a utility that came with it (he wanted it as FAT32). Anyway, I did it kind of in a hurry and it seems that I also copied the "System Volume Information" and "Recycled" folder on his disk into a folder on my disk by accident. So now every time I want to enter the folder where I put this stuff, windows says that "the disk is not formatted" and asks me if I want to format it now. Also, and more importantly, the stuff in some of my other folders has "disappeared" and is not showing up in the windows explorer. The drive is being very slow when I try to access some folders but not with others and when the computer is idle it makes a continuous "" sound, quite slowly. When I try to copy files from certain folders, I also get an error message saying "cyclic redundancy check" (I'm not sure if that is the exact translation - my version of winows is in French). Now I'm not sure exactly what the problem is here because prior to copying this data, my disk was fine.

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Check Disk And Blue Screen / At Reboot System Say It Needs To Check Drives

Jan 14, 2009

I am running Windows XP Homedition. I have two drives inside, the regular C: drive and I have a Slave drive F: with all my photos and music and documents. The problem I'm having is that everytime I restart or reboot my system it say it needs to check F: drive for consistency. It haven't been doing that until now. Then once it goes through that the system comes up. I try to click on an icon like my internet or registry program, nothing comes up, its like a read only file or something. Its not executing the program. THEN all of a sudden I get a blue screen. It says this::"Check to be sure you have adequate disk space. If a driver is identified in the stop message, disable the driver or check with the manufacture for driver updates. try changing video adapters. "Check with your hardware vendor for aany BIOS updates. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use SAFE mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select Advance SStartup options, and then select Safe Mode."

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Difference Between An Error Check & Scan Now Check

Aug 12, 2008

Could anyone explain to me the difference between doing an error check at boot up and doing a scannow check.

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2000 Check Disk Doesn't Work / The Disk Check Could Not Be Performed

Feb 5, 2003

when i run chdisk for errors in win 2000 by right clicking the hard drive icon and then clicking properties of c: harddrive, then tools tab, then click the check now button, and in the check disk options ticking "automatically fix file system errors" and clicking ok I get this message "The disk check could not be performed because exclusive access to the drive could not be obtained. Do you want to schedule the disk check to occur the next time you restart the computer."If i chose yes to that above it performs the diskcheck at reboot and when windows loads i go back to the checkdisk and i get the same problem again.

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No Sound - Check BIOS - Check Sound Playback Device

Aug 8, 2007

im running a dell dimension 4600 and just today there is no sound from my speakers. I tried re-installing my driver, checked to see if it's muted, checked BIOS. It was working yesterday...Can anyone tell me how to check my Sound Playback device and playback programs? I'm using Media Player and iTunes I tried other speakers and there is still no sound Also, forgot to mention that my speaker makes a static/fuzzy noise when i turn up.

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Logon And Then Immediate Logoff Cycle

Jan 19, 2009

I am trying to boot up a PC that allows me to log on and then I get a brief(1 sec) desktop background and then goes straight to logoff. It's running XP Prof and I went to recovery console and did a chkdsk /r and it said it fixed 1 or more errors. I ran it again and it was clean. It still won't work even in safe mode.

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PC Stuck In Reboot Cycle

Aug 29, 2007

I recently had a new PC built for me by a friend of mine. It had some problems intially so he re-installed Windows XP and changed the RAM voltage to 1.90 in the Setup menu as the PC boots up.Anyways, he kept my PC for about 2 weeks while I was on vacation, running various programs and using it for all kinds of tasks on a regular basis, and everything was fine.I've had it home for a couple of weeks now. Every once in awhile something seemed wrong, but usually a good reboot would solve any no big deal. However, within the past week, it's had terrible troubles rebooting. This is basically what will happen.
A. It will boot up to the Windows loading screen, but right before it gets to the screen where you select a user, it crashes with a quick flash of the blue screen of death (I see it for like 1/5 of a second--so I can't read what it says) and reboots. Sometimes when it reboots I get the option to boot up in Safe mode. When the problems first started, I could boot up in Safe Mode, restart from Safe mode and everything would be fine. Now, however, I'm usually not so lucky.
B.When I finally get it booted up, I'll get some Error about a Registry file that had to be recovered from an alternate copy: Recovery was successful.After that, I usually get error reports for the following programs. These are the most common programs that will randomly cease to function, but there are usually some other error codes thrown in there too.
1. MSN Live Messenger
2. GoogleChat (internal error)
3. AcroTray
4. AVG anti-virus
5. Logitech Messenger
C. Here are some other errors I have recieved at random times. Some I've got only once in many reboots, others have shown up a few times. The most recent ones are at the bottom.
1. Nvidia Driver error
2. SoundMax
3. Smax4PNP
4. Exception has occurred while trying to run C: Windows/system32/NVCPl.dll/NVstartup
5. Some error with SetfilePoanter/Kennel32.dll
6. Runtime error System32/svchost.exe
7. Windows has recovered from a serious error.
C: Docume~1mynameLOCALS~1 mepWER9613.dir00mini082907-08.dmp
and WER9613.dir00sysdata.xml

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Update From Microsoft - Cycle Of Reboot

Aug 15, 2007

My wifes computer is running XP. After an update from Microsoft last night the computer goes in an endless cycle of reboot. It will not let me reboot in Safe Mode. It gives me all of the options to do so but will default back to the general XP reboot

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Login - Logoff Cycle - Virus?

Oct 15, 2009

I am posting here because after doing the usual in this situation, it didn't work.

Here's the deal: I am running Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2.

I recently had a virus that took control of every exe file. I spent yesterday destroying that mess and trying to get my virus scanner and malware detection to work again. I did. Once I was up and running, full scans turned up a variety of corrupted system files. I'm not sure how deep it goes but my first and most obvious problem is I have a login/logoff cycle.

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Recovery Mode ? Reboot Cycle

Mar 30, 2010

Hi, I am running an old Packard Bell Easynote bought in about 2005, with an AMD processor and Windows XP. The power supply recently broke so I've been using a new one. I think its quite cheap as quite often the power suddenly cuts out, and I have to wiggle it about and then it works again.

The other day I turned on the laptop and it comes up with a black screen with message in white typeface saying that i didn't shut down properly last time, and therefore do I want to start in XP or in Recovery Mode. I go to XP and the following appears

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Clock Runs On 12hr Cycle Not 24

Aug 12, 2007

Whether it's 1 in the afternoon or 1 in the morning my PC clock always says 13.00

I've got it set to sync with, and I've manually put it right several times but it keeps going back to this 12hr cycle.

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Chkdsk Stuck In Reboot Cycle

May 10, 2005

I had a thread on here before, but it got deleted so I'm starting a new one with fresh new problem.I set chkdsk /r to run on system startup, and it ran but took forever to scan file data (I left it running for 4 days) so I rebooted but it started chkdsk again! Theres obviously something telling it to run the scan on next startup because it never finished the first time. Now if I run it it just freezes at 0% for checking file data.It I go into startup options and tell it to boot in safe mode, it shows it loading all the drivers and then pauses and says "Press Esc to cancel loading a347bus.sys" and whether I press Esc or not it freezes. If I do last known good configuration, it runs into the chkdsk problem again.

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PC Locked Into Constant Reboot Cycle

Oct 6, 2009

Despite advice to the contrary my youngest son has taken to shutting his PC off by turning off the power on the back of the computer. Now it wont boot. It starts loading windows (shows the splashscreen) but then reboots, goes into the set up option page, ie safe mode/safemode with networking/last known good configuration and so on. Only I cant get it into safe mode or last known good configuation...just reboots and goes through the whole thing again. Tried repairing windows with the install disk but get to Recovery Console and then I don't know what to do-I just get a command prompt for C drive , like its awaiting a command but I dont know what command to give it. I cant see any other option to repair the installation. I dont want to format the drive and reinstall Windows unless i can help it.too much software to reinstall and lost game data!

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Reboot Cycle And Minidump Translation

Oct 14, 2009

My computer is in a reboot cycle, always asking the standard "boot windows normally, safe mode, last good known configuration..." It loads Safe mode fine. When looking at the minidumps it points to 'ntkrpamp.exe.' When I look that up I find a lot of hits about the RAM. I have 2 sticks in and I've tried swapping and using only one etc. with no luck. I was able to get the computer to work once after forcing a scandisk /r, but after rebooting it got stuck in it's cycle again. The minidump also says:ERROR_CODE: (NTSTATUS) 0xc0000218 - {Registry File Failure} The registry cannot load the hive (file): %hs or its log or alternate. It is corrupt, absent, or not writable.

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Error Check - How Can Make Error Check Summary

Feb 28, 2008

WinExplorer -> right click C: -> go to properties -> go to tools click error check. Will get message that error check will start at the next start up. Problem. Error check runs fine, and makes 5 checks. At the 5th check at about 98% you better be there and when it hits 100% be a quick reader so you can see if there are any bad clusters. The screen stays there about 3 seconds and then disappears. If you have bad clusters the HD might be going bad. Question. How can I make the Error Check summary screen stay put while I read it or how can I make it "log" someplace where I can go and read it at my leisure?

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2 Minute Beep Cycle - Mouse Not Works

Jul 16, 2008

My PC seems to be in a 2 minute beep pattern. After the beep I generally lose my mouse for a couple of seconds. I can live with the noise, I can't live with disruption.

I've rebooted and it still beeps. I've turned off the Google desktop, I've uninstalled a stack of applications that should have been gone ages ago. I've even found my 2003 startuplist.exe and run

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Removed Older Applications - Reboot Cycle

Nov 1, 2007

It became very slow towards the evening and today I tried to restart it but it wouldn't reboot. It keeps going in the cycle from Windows starting up screen to Check disk screen and again back to black screen and rebooting.

Earlier today I was checking the C: and removing some of older applications which we are no longer using (via Ad/remove programs) and I have noticed that the C: and My documents looked strange. Lots of 'Found.???' files, lots of NFS(or something similar) files and for some reason number of pdf files (which originally belong to completely different folders).generally looked all re-organized and strange.

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Multiple Trojans On My Computer - Reboot Cycle

Feb 17, 2005

there are multiple trojans on my computer.and i know it because ive run mcaffee virus scan and they find them...can i delete them? no....why? because before its done and i can click the delete, i get a stupid error pop up screen saying mcafee has encountered a problem and needs to shut gives me two options "close" and "debug" idno what debug is so i just close the way this happens with a ton of random programs that i have (be it I.E. or AIM).also my coer does this weird thing where the whole screen goes blue with white

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Keyboard Registers Twice Before Starting The Repeat Cycle

May 13, 2010

I have the keyboard settings set to minimum delay before repeating, and maximum repeat rate. My problem is, no matter these settings, when I press and hold a key, it registers twice before starting the repeat cycle. For example:

I press and hold "A."

Obviously for a game that requires keys to be held down, this is a major problem. I also know for a fact that this happens with every key, and that the problem is with the computer, not the keyboard (I have tried many different ones). I don't know if my driver was installed twice or something, that seems to be common, but I haven't been able to find any solution to this problem.

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System Wont Start Up - Reboot Cycle

Jan 27, 2008

I just got a hand-me down sony vaio desktop.

My mother isn't tech savvy and had a few errors with it not wanting to boot up. As sony didn't include the windows XP disk (or even a simple recovery disk) she decided to buy a new system outright. So I inherited it.

I tried installing my main HD from my other PC into it, but it wouldn't recognize it at all unless it was as a slave. I hooked the vaio's HD to my PC and took the essential files that were to be saved from it (music, pictures, etc...) and then formatted it.

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Getting Blue Screen After Restart On A Constant Cycle?

Apr 14, 2008

Usually I use Linux (because its faster easier more secure and just better) but in the past week I have had to install Windows XP pro sp2 on a seperate hard disk for remote desktop connectivity with the Windows system at work.Installation wouldn't work for whatever reason, so I had to install win2000. I thought I would keep that on, but unfortunatly updates would not work at all. So I then relatively painlessly updated to XP and installed SP2. From there it was working, and everything about it worked (apart from in games I get odd white lines on textures, but thats probably for another thread).

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Cold Boot - First Computer Bar Continues To Cycle

Sep 1, 2005

I've found that if I perform a straight cold boot, first of the day, my computers window bar continues to cycle. See my question of 8/20. However, if I press "Del" in the initial stage of bootup and leave my computer in the BIOS setup mode for 2-3 minutes and then exit I am able to boot normally. I suspect that I may have a problem with the motherboard or one of the PCI cards having a bad component.

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Network Adapter Infinite Reboot Cycle

Oct 16, 2008

I had the problem with the infinite reboot cycle. I fixed that by just clearing out my whole hard drive, in other words full restore. But now the problem is, I can't find my LAN in my network connections. The only thing it shows is MSN and I dont use that. I use a router with all wires and I share the internet with me and my dad. Its modem to router to my computer and my dads computer. So i go to device manager and what do you know? I also cant find my network adapter option in it.

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Recover The Data From A SATA Drive - Reboot Cycle

May 12, 2005

I'm trying to recover the data from a SATA drive in a new Dell computer. I have an old computer that has an IDE drive with XP on it. I tried to install that old drive into the other computer and boot off of it and see if it can see the files on the busted SATA drive. It boots up and the XP loading screen flickers very quickly and then the system reboots. If I start it in safe mode, it also reboots while its loading all the drivers. The last driver it shows is "agp440.sys"

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Dell Dimension 4550 Computer Getting A Boot Cycle

Jun 8, 2010

i bought this dell demension 4550 used i turn it on it says to hit f12 to reboot i do that and it comes back to the same f12 reboot how do i fix this problem

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Computer Restarts - Cycle Continues - Task Manager

Mar 24, 2005

I have been trying to start my computer for some time now but whenever the computer gets to the desktop screen, a ton of programs start popping up and eventually the computer restarts and the cycle continues until I shut the computer off. I am able to do virtually nothing on the computer before it restarts but I am able to see that the computer is running at 100% and has approx 180 applications running when I open the . I want to do a virus scan but cannot and no matter how many of the programs I try to close, it always restarts. Is there any way that I can stop all programs from processing at the start so it may not restart on me?

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Computer Is Stuck In Some Rebooting Cycle - Logs Off Immediately

Oct 9, 2008

My Computer is stuck in some rebooting cycle. I have XP home edition. Every time I log in it shows my desktop with no icons, sits then logs off. I've tried safe mode with the same result. I've tried booting with my XP cd with same result. I read somewhere that it might be a virus

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Boots To Splash Screen - Reboots Never Ending Cycle - Upgrade VISTA CD

Apr 12, 2009

My windows XP Sp3 system is giving me grief! It tries to boot, get to the Windows splash screen and the gas gage starts running across the bottom of the screen and then it hard reboots.I have tried this hard drive on a system that is up and running as the secondary drive, just to get my data off Well the system tells me that the drive is not formatted and wants to format it. I tell it NO and shutdown.
I could use an upgrade VISTA CD and upgrade my broken system disk and preserve the data?I'll go out and purchase what ever software I need to get this up and running, I am getting desperate

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