Computer Locks Up (freezes) When Going Into Stand By Mode?

Jul 24, 2005

I have Dell 8250 that is several years old with XP Professional and all of a sudden my computer will not go into stand by mode without freezing up. I have to reset the computer to get it to boot up again.

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Computer Hangs, Freezes, Locks Up After About 15 Minute?

Jul 1, 2005

I have XP with SP2, my computer freezes up after about 15 minutes being idle and I can only get it going again by resetting it.I have run diagnostic programs but there doesn't appear to be any errors.

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Locks Up - Freezes System Randomly

Mar 24, 2008

Windows will randomly freeze usually after 30 mins - few hours after playing music in iTunes or playing Football Manager 2008 (Other games have caused it as well, just I play the said game more). Sometimes it will freeze for no reason, yesterday it froze twice (Once I was just on MSN and the internet. The other I was splitting a file in winrar)I've thought it was overheating as my fan is quite noisy, but it doesnt restart, just freezes. I've scanned for viruses and found none.

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System Locks Up Freezes Randomly ?

Aug 27, 2009

My PC 'locks up' randomly and nothing will un-freezes it. I have tried everything I know to unfreeze, but nothing. Everything is still on the screen. Looks normal, fans are running in the PC, but is it frozen. I have to shut it off and restart. Then it works fine until it randomly locks up again. I have not noted any particular program or site that is running, it seems just random. Using Foxfire and Thunderbird (latest Vers).

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Computer Freezes - Will Not Start In Safe Mode

Nov 25, 2007

I have a Great Quality ZX-3310 laptop. It recently froze up and would not reboot. I unplugged the machine and plugged it back in to restart and now I get either the windows start up page that freezez before it is loaded or I get this message: "RS482M- Test Bios BR#13207A". Sometimes I get nothing on the screen but I can hear the fan run. It will not let me start in Safe Mode. The DVD drive recognizes a DVD it there but it immediately freezes on start up.

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Start Menu Window Just Freezes And Locks Onto The Background

Mar 31, 2005

The main problem: I try to open "My Computer" "Control Panel" "Search" that type of stuff from the start menu and it seems like my OS just completely freezes up, the start menu window just freezes and locks onto the background, desktop becomes inactive where I can not click any icons or anything, usualy this happens for a period of time then it just self terminates, screen goes blank to background desktop image for a couple secs then comes back (as if I had not tried to open whatever I had tried to)

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Home Cursor Freezes, OS Locks, Has To Hard Reboot?

Mar 26, 2006

Im running XP Home on an AMD Athlon 1700 with a GeForce 2 vid card and (1) GB of PC2100 RAM. In the last 6 months, the cursor started to freeze (not respond to mouse movement) and I had no keyboard or mouse control over XP. I have to hard reboot to regain control of the mouse and keyboard in XP. In addition, any downloads from the web stop as well.In short,the entire XP becomes inaccessible.I use Zone Alarm for my DSL connection and it too STOPS and shows no activity . Ive upgraded and downgraded the video driver several times, Ive reformmated and reinstalled XP several times

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Computer Freezes At Black Screen - Tried In Safe Mode

Sep 28, 2008

I push the power button on the modem and it's fine... right after the screen does the Windows XP with the loading bar at the bottom screen it turns black and I even left it on for like 10 minutes and it still wont work. I also tried to start windows in SAFE MODE and LAST GOOD CONFIGURATION plus many others, but it wont work. I still have valuable information in the computer so,

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Can't Stand By / Hibernate Computer

Dec 21, 2007

I would like to leave on my computer when i am asleep but i don't have the choice of choosing stand by or hibernate, it is grayed out. I have about 45GB of free Hard Drive space and i am stumped on how to fixed this.

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Computer Wake Up From Stand By

Jun 30, 2005

Why does my system keep waking up from standby?

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Computer Will Not Wake Uo After Stand By

Jul 27, 2005

A Toshiba laptop, running XP Home, for about three months has been intermittently failing to wake up after stand by. At the time the failure occurs, I find the following two errors logged to Computer Management | System Tools | Event Viewer | System:

Source IPNATHLP Event 30005 User N/A
Source IPNATHLP Event 30009 User N/A

Does anyone have a clue on where to look for the source of this error?

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Computer VERY Slow After Stand By

Jan 8, 2009

After I go on Stand By, and I go back on my computer straight away, I find there is no problems and it works normally.Although if I leave it for a long time on Stand By then go back to it, it starts up but runs VERY slow, can't do anything at all, therefore I have to restart the computer, at which point it works normally again.How can I fix this problem? Let me know if you need any other info. (I put the information that I thought was relevant)

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Computer Doesn't Stand By Or Hibernate

Apr 27, 2007

i have a laptop (windows xp) and when i close the lid it goes into stand by automatically, and successfully, but then starts back up within 2-10 seconds for no reason.same case with hibernation, as soon as the computer is in hibernation it starts up again. i went to windows website but it suggests this has to do 3d screen savers which i dont use. this seems like a common problem and supposedly has to do with winfixer, sysprotect or winantivirus spyware. my computer had had vundo trojan.

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Click Stand By Button, Computer Goes To Hibernate?

Jul 15, 2006

when I click on the Stand By button my computer well hibernate. I have been using Stand By for 3 years now. The button actually says Stand By, It says it is going into stand by mode. But it goes into Hibernate mode. Before when I put it in Stand By mode, the fans would all turn off. Now the fan doesnt turn off at all. From what I understand is that Hibernate mode saves your current settings. I have click the Stand By button a number of times with my web browser open and after I wake up from stand by (or what it is says is stand by) my web browser is still on the screen.

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Stand By - Unable To Turn Computer Back On

Aug 14, 2009

I have a Gateway computer with Windows XP. I believe my computer keeps going into stand by mode. The power button is orange instead of green. When this happens I am not able to turn my computer back on. I have to unplug everything. When I plug it back in, the light is usually still orange but I just keep hitting the on and off button until it finally turns green and the computer will start up. I will now shut my computer down at night but when I get up in the morning the light on the computer is orange again.

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Computer Locks Up

Sep 22, 2005

I'm having problems with computer freezing when I multi task. Hitting the ctrl alt delete will bring it back. I have a compaq 64 bit with 512 mb. This only seems to happen when I'm using internet explorer.Could it be a bad ethernet causing lockups?

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Computer Locks Up

Sep 3, 2006

I am experiencing my computer locking up quite frequently.

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Printer Locks Up Computer

Feb 10, 2006

My printer locks upp my entire WinXp pro when telling it to print something out.There's nothing wrong with the printer itself or the cables attached to it, a've checked on another comp. Also tried to reinstall the LPT1 port and the drivers several times without no success. Even checked so that there's no other software that interferes with the printer drivers. and did run a virus check, both in Win and in pure DOS-mode, nothing. Starting to suspect that the LPTport on my Mobo- ASUS P4P800E Deluxe is screwed.The setting in BIOS is set to ECP as default and can't be manipulated.

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Computer Locks Up When Installing OS

Jul 30, 2007

I just build a new pc and I'm trying to install windows xp, but it locks up at the first screen and the num locks goes off where it asks you if you want to repair, new copy, or exit setup. I did a thorough get of the hard drive and it finds no bad sectors. Any clue as to what might be causing this? Also I tried installing windows 98. I can install most of windows 98, but the computer locks up when trying to load 98. Not sure where to go from here.

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Launching IE6 Locks Up My Computer

Oct 18, 2005

I don't know if it spyware or a virus but somethings going on. Please review my log:
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1Scan saved at 10:01:04 PM, on 10/18/2005Platform: Windows XP (WinNT 5.01.2600)MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 (6.00.2600.0000)Running processes:C:WINDOWSSystem32smss.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32csrss.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32winlogon.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32services.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32lsass.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32svchost.exeC:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exC:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exeC:WINDOWSSystem32svchost.exeC:WINDOWSsystem32spoolsv.exC:WINDOWSSystem32alg.exeC:Program Filesewidosecurity suiteewidoctrl.exeC:WINDOWSSystem32 vsvc32.

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Service Pack 2 / Computer Comes Out Of Stand By Local Area Connection

Jun 27, 2006

I'm sure this is an old issue for some but it's new to me because I downloaded Service Pact 2 this weekend. I'm now noticing that sometimes when my computer comes out of stand by the local area connection symbol is disabled and I can't get it to enable. I've even gone into My Computer/ Network Connections/ Local Area Connection Properties window and tried to enable it but that won't work. I also tried to troubleshoot it, but that hung up, not even ctrl alt delete would shut it down so I pulled the plug. Can anyone tell me what's going on? I don't think it's a coincidence that it started after I got SP 2. I'm tempted to try and unistall it, but I've already seen some posts on the forum about possible negative consequences.

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Computer Freeze - Locks Up System

Jun 29, 2005

My computer freezes or locks up when I attempt to download a large file or burn a large file to CD..It seems to start out OK then, after a while, it slows down then flat freezes. No error message. It freezes even if I use a download manager or the Windows Download program or I try to burn a music CD with either Windows Media Player or Easy CD Creator. It doesn't seem to be program sensitive.I've ran several anti virus programs and spyware programs, checked my RAM, deleated cookies and temp files, Deleated most of my start up programs, deactivated my firewall and antivirus software. No change

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Computer Randomly Reboots - Locks Up

Dec 1, 2007

I bought new HP pavilion A6040N running Vista Home Premium. It randomly locked up or rebooted and I hated Vista so I installed a new copy of XP Pro. Everything has been running like a champ and all of the sudden it's doing it again. I have swapped ram, checked the CPU temps and had the PS tested and everything seems to be okay but It still happens from time to time and it can happen when you are just surfing the net or it can happen when burning a DVD or something

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Computer Getting Locks Up And Screen Going Black?

Sep 6, 2009

I have a Compaq laptop with windows XP about 5+ years old. Windows locked up a week ago so I had to cold stop the computer. After I restarted it, it did it again. I'm unable to remove any programs because the screen goes black and it freezes. I went to microsoft to check for up dates and it recommended an update. I can't install the update because it freezes and locks up, screen goes black so I the only option I have is to shut it down and try again. I've also noticed that if I leave it setting for a while, it normally goes into sleep mode.

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Computer Locks Up - Short Period Of Time

Aug 19, 2007

I just bought a rebuilt computer and already I have had the computer lock up and prevent my keyboard or mouse from operating at some point in the session. I am just about ready to take this to another computer repair shop and tell them to go through the system with a fine tooth comb and fix all the remnant problems.To make matters worse I cannot get the computer to boot if there is anything connected to the USB ports.Here is a look at my computer's profile from running Belarc Advisor.

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Computer Locks On Shutting Down / Power Button To Turn It Off

Oct 24, 2008

My computer locks on shutting down please wait. It stays on that screen. I have to hold in the power button to turn it off. The only thing I did was update video drivers from nvidia and install farcry2.

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Ibm T21 Thinkpad P3 Win 2k Pro Freezes Normal Mode?

Jul 26, 2007

my ibm thinpad T21 P3 with win 2000 professional freezes up in "starting windows" screen while in normal startup mode. the blue status bar does not move. the safe mode boot up is okay. please help. it started this a few months back.if i keep trying it may boot sometime (1 in 100 tries appx.) but then after a few hours it freezes.

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Can Only Boot In Safe Mode - Pc Freezes

Dec 27, 2008

I had a virus or something redirecting my internet browsers. I was able to install malwarebytes while in safe mode and get my browser back. Now I cannot boot unless I am in safe mode. I attempt to log on as the owner, sometimes I can enter apassword, other times not, then my pc freezes and doesn't go any further. Any ideas??? What other info might any prospective help need?
I have xp home edition

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Startup: Freezes And Wont Go For The Safe Mode?

Oct 12, 2006

I'm having a problem with my Laptop which has just started locking up seconds after switching on after crashing.I was chatting on MSN and sent a message, and at the moment i hit enter the thing froze and i had no choice but to pull the plug since it wasnt responding in any way. Then when i tried to start it up again, it wouldnt. It gets to the screen where it gives you the options (eg. DEL > Setup F8 > Boot Menu etc) and a few lines of text afterwards and then just stops.I've tried going on each of the options (setup. boot menu, boot network) but it just changes to GO > Setup or whatever, then gets the same line of text below and stops. I cant get to the safe mode screen, and i cant seem to Boot from any CD's either

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Can't Access Safe Mode : System Freezes

Nov 24, 2009

Computer running Windows XP SP3 which appears to be horrible bogged down with viruses. So much so that when I simply tried reinstalling avg the next time I rebooted the computer I found myself unable to do anything other than log in. From that point the system freezes

I've been trying to get into safe mode since then, holding down f5 or f8 at startup brings me to the boot selection screen but if I select anything other than Start Windows Normally it will just restart and bring me back to the same screen. I've also been unable to get into msconfig from windows

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Start Up Screen Freezes - Tried Safe Mode

Dec 7, 2004

I am using XP. When I try to start my home computer, the main screen freezes and I can't do anything. On several tries the install screen came up, but not every time. The hour glass comes up and just stays there. Control/Alt/Delete doesn't do anything. I have to manually turn off the computer. I started it in the safe mode and ran Norton and anti spyware programs. They detected nothing. I can't go on AOL or explorer, even in the safe mode. I have a firewall and anti virus is up to date.

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