Change System Volume From One Harddrive To Another

Apr 28, 2010

currently I have 2 hds,running with windows xp, one is the system volume and the other is the boot volume, i want to make the boot volume both, how do i do that?

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Unmountable Boot Volume - Reformat Harddrive

Jan 3, 2006

I have a laptop, Sony Vio, and I am getting this error message "Unmountable Boot Volume". It won't boot in safe mode, or last known good...etc, or anything else. I have the restore cd's, but that prompts me to reformat the hard drive and I don't want to do that and lose everything. Back in '99 when I was in school I had the similar problem with my desktop and everyone said I would have to reformat, but my teacher did a few things and brought back the volume without losing anything but of course that was many moons ago.

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Change Drive Letter Of Boot Volume

Jul 25, 2005

how can i change the drive letter of my boot volume

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Harddrive Is Split In To Many Drives - Formatting Harddrive

Aug 29, 2006

I know what to do but i am bit curious on the formatting bit. I have 2 hard drives, Harddrive "A" has all the window/program files as well as other programs like games and documents. Harddrive B is where i keep all my big files like videos and movies of course i want to format harddrive A but the thing is that harddrive is split in to 3 drives (C:, G:, F. I dont mind formating the c drive since it is all windows/program files but i dont really want to get rid of the G/F drive. I kno you can format the harddrive through the installation process of windows but i was wondering if it is possilbe to just to format the C: during that process or does it only format the whole harddrive

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Reformated Harddrive - HardDrive Possibly Dying

Jul 30, 2007

I reformatted my hard drive due to OS issues, I was running a trial version of Server 2003 along with XP Pro, and I had to get rid of Server 2003 because it was conflicting with XP Pro, and so the only way to do that was by reformatting both hard drives including XP Pro because Server 2003 was acting as the dominant OS, so I backed up all my ****, and reinstalled XP Pro, but now I get this hard drive problem that it says only 51 Gigs are remaining on a 250GB Hard drive, when the only thing installed on that hard drive is XP pro and maybe 15 applications, I tried using every program I can think of to find hidden files that equal a huge size but nothing shows up

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Data Disappeared From HardDrive - Harddrive Partitions

May 26, 2008

My computer operated windows XP sp2, and have 3 hard drives conntected
1. HD 0 is 160 GB divided into 2 partiotions, one 20 GB containing the system the other 140 Gb containes data directories and film directories2. HD 1 is 120 Gb connected through mobile rack and also contains data directories and film directories3. HD 2 is 200 Gb connected through mobile rack and contains only film directories.Untill thursday night everything was perfect, but when i I opened my computer friday morning i found the following1. HD 0 second partition all film directories completly disappeared and the free space is 40 Gb instead of the original 50 Gb

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Lost Half Harddrive - 300GB Harddrive

Oct 1, 2009

I got a trojan that attached to my browser. I managed to get rid of it by system restore.A few days later I noticed I only had 127 GB of my 300GB harddrive showing.I did manage to find the missing space though Disk Management. It was showing 170GB as unallocated space. I named it E: and formatted it.It now shows in My Computer as New Volume E: When I open E:I get 2 folders, Recycler and System volume Information. SVI will not open. It gives me an error, ESystem Volume Information is not accessable, access is denied.I am trying to find a way to either resize E: to 1GB or smaller and move that 169 GB back to C: or get rid of E: altogether and put all the missing space back on C:

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Something Eats System's Harddrive

Jan 4, 2006

i loss close to 100kb evry second, maybe even faster at times, i deleted some files and ended up having 1g of free space, within two days i was back to zero im not even dl things, when i do a scan with spy ware doctor and adaware, i see it looking through my c drive and theres like thousends of pornographic things that when i thy and serch for then in my c drive i cant find, i cant even run adaware or anything because it is never ending, it just shows all this bad stuff forever, i cant wait a week for a scan i just dl hijack this and im not really sure what its gonna help me but i did a scan and im gona send it just because thats why i see on this web site alot......the reason i know im loosing space is my os gives my a pop up message that im running low on disk space

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Unable To Change Audio On Computer: Unable To Raise Volume?

Aug 4, 2009

I cannot change the audio on my computer. It's at mute and I cannot raise the volume.I checked my Device Manager and under Sounds,and video game controllers
Nothing has an exclamation mark.But under 'Other Devices', my PCI Device, SM Bus COntroller and Video Controller all have exclamation marks.What do I do to fix my problem

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System Shutting Down - System Volume Catalog Error?

Aug 4, 2004

I am running windows XP Pro and work with multi media applications, during playback of these files or sometimes in windows media player (and at times for know reason at all) my system will just shut down - no warning at all. The applications are not particulary using up much memory in which case I have more than enough to support. Upon starting up again this is the error message that is showing up in the event viewer (Application)

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System Volume Information Folders After (System Restore)?

Sep 6, 2003

The System Volume Information Folders contain your System Restore points. You can delete the oldest ones manually if you like. These folders are hidden system folders on each drive. In order to gain access, follow the directions below depending on your version of XP and File System:Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Home Edition Using the FAT32 File System Click Start , and then click My Computer On the Tools menu, click Folder Options On the View tab, click Show hidden files and foldersClear the Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) check box Click Yes when you are prompted to confirm the change Click OK 

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System Restore From External Harddrive

Mar 5, 2008

I have followed the wizard for system restore but having set the date and pressed next nothing appears to happen. How long should it take? I have tried this in safe mode as well

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Sp3 Deleted - No Operating System And Harddrive Found

Jun 27, 2008

I loaded windowsxp-kb936929-sp3-x86i on my pc runninig win xp and after laoding it it contiuously started to reboot stating no operating system and harddrive to be found. it happen 2 me on laptop and pc

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New Harddrive -operating System - Graphics Card

Jul 2, 2008

I was wondering this computer stays on all the time. I just put a new hard drive in and put the operating system on with the recovery cds. everything works great except for one problem. now 2 or 3 or 4 times a day when you use the computer, and no matter what you leave on when you walk away, like word or a site on the internet whatevert it may be and when you come back the screen is black and the error box that says no signal is on the screen. I made sure the graphics card has the newest driver, and the monitor is pretty new flat screen and always work well. I changed the monitor cable since it was saying no signal I figured it really had to be one of two things, either the monitor cable or the graphics card. My question is do you agree and will a graphics card do that when it is going out? will it work ok when you start the computer and then after awhile get no signal?

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Operating System Server - Harddrive Partitioning

Mar 3, 2008

I am having xp in my c partition in my hard drive,if i copy windows 2003 from another hard disk to another partition means the two partition will work fine or not? shall i use windows xp & windows 2003 server.may i able to boot from both xp & windows 2003

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Can Not Install Operating System - Internal Harddrive

Aug 31, 2010

internal hard drive delete all partition and create a ntfs partition. (due to some problem)I put the windows xp disc to boot ; Ntldr is missing. (boot prority set to cd)I extract Ntldr and ndtect from the windows xp disc and create boot.ini, then put all three file to the internal hard drive.This time it said hal file is missing.

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Formatting Harddrive - Partitions Harddrive

May 23, 2005

about two yrs ago my dad made a massive mistake of making two partitions on my laptop, and giving the C: only 2gigs of the partition, and the D: 28-29gigs. I wanted to format my computer completely anyways, and would like to know how i can format my computer and merge these two partitions. I have the formatting disks, but it never goes to a screen asking me about my partitions, it just formats everything on my C: (my default drive), but keeps everything on my D: intact (games, files, etc.).

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Replaced 5gig Harddrive With 20 Gig Harddrive

Feb 19, 2005

Recently upgraded my laptop to windows XP from ME. I first replaced my 5 gig hard drive with a 20 gig hard drive. I added another 128 memory module for a total of 256. For an old machine it really hums now. Three minor problems are bugging me though. 1. I lost the sounds from my modem. The modem works fine except for no sound. I assume that the sound is from the unimodem half-duplex audio device that is located on the Lucent winmodem. I have checked everything. The system says that it is working correctly. I cannot even find the driver for this on microsoft . I thought if I could load a new driver it might work. No such thing. 2. System restore didn't work until I erased all the memory points and reloaded the program. Now if I open siystem restore and click on "settings" or "help" System restore shuts down. I assume it is corrupted and would like to reload it.

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Unable To Format Harddrive And Install Operating System?

Sep 22, 2010

I have 65 Computers need to format and install new window for the deployment this weekend. But unfortunately, 3 of these computers cant format and install new windows using installation cd. It can detect and boot from cd but when I hit any key botton to boot from cd after a minute the installation screen turn black then stop installation but the machine is still up.

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System Shutdown To Prevent Damage - Reformatting Harddrive

Aug 23, 2008

My dell 9100 got a virus (Trojan horse XP antivirus) I got it off but avg anti virus would not update could not change the screen saver it posted and began getting the dreaded blue death screen problem has been detected and windows has shut down to prevent damage. the stop message is 0x0000008e (0xc0000005, 0xf84ca245,oxf808d7b4,0x00000000). So i reformatted the hard drive and when I go to reload xp it does not recognize the dell xp/media edition dvd. I have an XP home edition so I tried it and it allows me to get to the point where you partition the drive and then i get the same error message

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Vanished Data From Harddrive - System Restore In Normal - Safe Mode

Dec 25, 2007

After starting my pc i noticed what 99% of data in my hard disk has vanished. it used to be only a 1GB free space there and now it shows 38,8 out of 39 GB. I tried system restore in normal and safe mode. .Thorough description of situation:
PC runs on Windows Xp SP2. It has 2 hard drives where the biggest one is paritioned into three drives: one for Windows installation, second was used for installation files of other programs (I kept Program Files folder there) and the alst one was dedicated for data storage. So the problem occured with the second drive. and as a result i do not have most of my programs running.

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Other Volume Bars Control The Main Volume

Nov 7, 2007

i would be patient and it would go away. at first i noticed that while using msn messenger, its volume control for voice chat controled the main volume for the whole pc. so if it was low things wouldnt sound as high as i wanted. no matter if i adjusted the main volume in the control panel, which was always set to highest, the volume would still be at the mercy of msn m. so if it was lower than usual i would have to sign into msn m and adjust it. not only does this happen with msn m. it also happens with web video applications used by Internet, livevideo, etc etc! those arent usually the culprit of low sound. its usually just msn m.

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System Volume Information NFolder

Jun 1, 2005

When I attempt to open the C:System Volume Information folder so I can view the contents of the _restore folder, I receive the message seen in this screenshot.If I do a "search" for the _restore folder, nothing appears.I don't recall having this problem before the hard drive was replaced and Windows XP SP2 was reinstalled from scratch.I know that System Restore is working because I've created several restore points before installing new or updated hardware drivers.

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System Volume Information Folder

Jul 27, 2007

Cannot see any sign of the System Volume Information folder in Explorer or any other file browser program I try. It is not grayed out, it is not there. When I enter Tools, Folder Options, View, the Show hidden files and folders is selected. As a matter of fact, if I then select Do not show hidden files and folders, the next time I open View, it has gone back to Show hidden files and folders! Even though hidden folders should therefore show, the SVI folder remains hidden. I have examined my system by booting with BartPE XPE and there is the SVI folder with all the restore points, etc. I am using XPPRO, NTFS.

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Volume Icon Missing In System Tray

May 14, 2006

I have a windowsxp operating system.Last week I noticed the volume icon missing in the system Tray as well as all other icons.The only one left is Norton icon.When I open the task bar and go into customize notifications all the icons are either folders or icons.Example volume has the picture of a folder.Norton has a lexmark icon.Lexmark has a folder icon.Real message center has a volume icon.I have been trying all week to remedy this problem.Ran Norton and Adware.Nothing.Has anyone in the forum run into this problem before and if so how did you fix it.

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Access System Volume Information Folders

Oct 18, 2004

The System Volume Information Folders contain your System Restore points. You can delete all or just the oldest ones manually if you like (but they must be sequential). These folders are hidden system folders on each drive. In order to gain access, follow the directions below depending on your version of XP and File System:Windows XP Professional or Windows XP Home Edition Using the FAT32 File System Click Start , and then click My Computer On the Tools menu, click Folder Options On the View tab, click Show hidden files and foldersClear the Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) check box Click Yes when you are prompted to confirm the change Click OK Double-click the System Volume Information folder in the root folder to open it Windows XP Professional Using the NTFS File System on a Domain Click Start , and then click My Computer On the Tools menu, click Folder Options. On the View tab, click Show hidden filesand folders Clear the Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) check boxClick Yes when you are prompted to confirm the change Click OK Right-click the System Volume Information folder in the root folder, and then click Sharing and Security Click the Security tab Click Add , and then type the name of the user to whom you want to give access to the folder. Choose the account location if appropriate (either local or from the domain). Typically, this is the account with which you are logged on. Click OK , and then click OK Double-click the System Volume Information folder in the root folder to open it Windows XP Professional using the NTFS File System on a Workgroup Click Start, and then click My Computer On the Tools menu, click Folder Options On the View tab, click Show hidden files and folders Clear the Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) check box.

Click Yes when you are prompted to confirm the change Clear the Use simple file sharing (Recommended) check box Click OK Right-click the System Volume Information folder in the root folder, and then click Sharing and Security Click the Security tab Click Add , and then type the name of the user to whom you want to give access to the folder. Typically, this is the account with which you are logged on. Click OK , and then click OK Double-click the System Volume Information folder in the root folder to open it Windows XP Home Edition Using the NTFS File System In Windows XP Home Edition with the NTFS file system, you must use the Cacls tool, which is a command-line tool to display or modify file or folder access control lists (ACLs) Click Start , click Run , type cmd , and then click OK Make sure that you are in the root folder of the partition for which you want to gain access to the System Volume Information folder. For example, to gain access the the C:System Volume Information folder, make sure that you are in the root folder of drive C (at a "C:" prompt). To get to the root of any partition, make sure you are in that partition and then type "cd" (without the quotation marks).Type the following line, and then press ENTER: cacls " driveletter :System Volume Information" /E /G username :F Make sure to type the quotation marks as indicated. Also, if your user name contains a space you'll need to put your username in quotes. This command adds the specified user to the folder with Full Control permissionsDouble-click the System Volume Information folder in the root folder to open it If you need to remove the permissions after troubleshooting, type the following line at a command prompt: cacls " driveletter :System Volume Information" /E /R username This command removes all permissions for the specified user.

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How To Remove System Volume Information Virus?

Jan 5, 2009

I think I have System Volume Information virus on my laptop.Im using Norton Internet Security 2008.I using window XP home edition.Im trying to remove the files for both drive c and my partition drive thru system restore disable but when I restart still there.Can someone help me?

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Non Mountable Boot Volume - Reboot System

Mar 29, 2006

I have been working on a computer I have tested ram hd and so on but it still will not install windows after first reboot for windows setup it comes up with a blue screen error "Non Mountable boot volume"

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Trouble Accessing / C System Volume Information Folder

Sep 18, 2006

I'm using Windows XP SP2 Home Edition and am trying to access the C:System Volume Information folder, but I keep getting an "Access is denied" message, even after following the below directions.
1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
2. Make sure that you are in the root folder of the partition for which you want to gain access to the System Volume Information folder. For example, to gain access the C:System Volume Information folder, make sure that you are in the root folder of drive C (at a "C:" prompt).
3. Type the following line, and then press ENTER:cacls "driveletter:System Volume Information" /E /G username:F. Make sure to type the quotation marks as indicated. This command adds the specified user to the folder with Full Control permissions.
4. Double-click the System Volume Information folder in the root folder to open it.
5. If you need to remove the permissions after troubleshooting, type the following line at a command prompt:
cacls "driveletter:System Volume Information" /E /R username..This command removes all permissions for the specified user. My problem may be with step #2, as I'm not sure what to do what it says in the last sentence. How do I get to a C: prompt?

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Too Much Disk Space Consumed For System Volume Information

May 27, 2007

A folder named "System Volume Information" has been created in each drive (C:,D:,E:,F:)and consuming significant disk space day by day. Whether deleting these folders will create any problem. Any other technique to stop increasing the size of these folders ? Please suggest.Presently consuming more than 3 GB in total.
Sometimes I need system restore to speed up the PC (besides other registry tools )therefore this function is enabled in the system.

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Volume Icon Missing: Wont Appear In System Tray?

May 9, 2005

In the last few months my volume icon does not load in the system tray most of the time on boot up.I have it selected to show in the task bar properties and the control panel. For the life of me I can't figure out how to get this icon back. I have to bring up the Master Volume Panel to change volume settings. This is a real pain most of the time, as all I want to do is stop a web site from playing some anoying music or turn the volume back on when I need it.

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