Can USB Key Be Viewed Over Network?

Jun 10, 2010

I teach at a university. It's final test time. I keep some private files (tests, scores, etc.) on a USB key at work, and some old tests on my HDD. My computer is hard-wired into a static IP address. I also have a D-Link DIR-300 router in between (not sure if it even has a firewall). I was using my USB key today, and something odd happened.My most important files (tests) I keep locked-up with encryption software called Truecrypt, which requires me to enter a password to unlock a secret USB key partition. I had that folder open today, after working with it, and was sitting at my desk interviewing a student for about 10 minutes. Then I went to close out the encrypted drive (which appears as a HDD on My Computer after I enter a password to access it). That's when something odd happened. The message that popped-up basically said that some of the files on that drive were "in use" by 2 other processes, and if I closed it, then those other processes would lose out. That bugged me a bit, because I wondered just what processes were running in there? I have updated anti-virus software on that machine, and it wasn't doing a scan at the time. Usually the drive just closes-out with no warnings like this.

Then, later this afternoon, I left my computer on and went to class. It's set to sleep on its own after 30 minutes. It didn't. The screen was frozen at my wallpaper with no icons. I then tried to CTRL-ALT-DELETE, and another message popped-up that said (again, paraphrasing), "Two other users are accessing this machine. If you shut down now, the connection will be broken." So now I'm wondering. who the heck are these other users, and what's going on? I don't seem to be sharing anything on purpose. Is it possible that someone is sneaking around inside of my machine? I'm assuming network administrators at work can do this if they want. Do you think that's what was happening? The thing that bothers me about that is that they sometimes employ PT students to help with IT. Could a student have gotten access to my entire machine somehow? Again, my antivirus software is up-to-date (Microsoft Essentials), and I switched to a trial of Kaspersky 2011 after today just out of curiousity after this happened.

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Page Can't Be Viewed

Sep 26, 2006

I'm not sure if security settings were changed, but, when you get the page that website can't open and it tells you the site might be having problems or, to check your security settings, well, I get this parital page on the top of some sites or side, where there's probably suppose to be advertising. I find it kind of distracting and would like to get rid of it. I can't find where my settings were changed, and what would have caused this.

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Folder Closes When Viewed

Aug 24, 2007

The Windows XP machine that my sister is using is having quite the issue. Whenever she views a folder in her My Pictures folder from Windows Explorer, in Photoshop, or when uploading to something onto the internet, it closes down. To be more specific, in the above three cases it closes Explorer (including the task bar), Photoshop, and the browser, depending on the method of viewing the pictures. It comes up with a submit error dialogue box, which along with the error logs don't seem to help me very much (unless you have a better understanding of them).The only changes I can account for was the instillation of one or two LAN remote viewing programs, although one of them runs as is (so wouldn't count as installing). Before that I uninstalled a lot of programs from that computer because I have this new Vista Ultimate machine and they said they didn't want all that "crap" on that computer anymore. I wouldn't blame them.

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Size Of Wmv Files Viewed Through TV

Aug 4, 2005

I've transferred some wmv files to DVD-RW and am considering putting them also on DVD-R so my DVD player can play them on my TV. Said files are broadband encoded with Windows Encoder 9.0 and run from 350x280 to 472x352 in size.My desktop gives me the option i.e. in Winamp, to double the screen size or go full screeen. Both are satisfying. But, when put into the home theater DVD player, will those 2x/full screen options be there? If not, what kind of picture size (percentage) can I expect to view on my 27" TV?

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Viewed Pictures Erasing Path

Oct 2, 2007

i was on a friend's computer and wound up in a picture folder i didn't mean to. potentially embarrassing and would rather the person did not know. is there a way to erase the date/time etc. when the file/pic was last accessed in the details box for that folder/picture?

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Data Viewed As A Trojan Horse

Jul 21, 2005

My Nortan 2005 is indicating that this file living in system32 is a Trojan Horse. I removed it, but at bootup, it is always trying to be executed. Any idea what the deal is? I tried to remove the call to it via msconfig, but it keeps coming back.

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Some Folders Viewed Protected Hidden Files

Nov 27, 2007

I have 450 gb of music files but my problem is that having been infected by a virus, most of the folder were hidden and i can only accesss after unhiding them from Tools menu, folder options, go under view then i show hidden files and folders first, then i have to go to the second option of unticking the hide protected operating system files(Recommended

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Files With Invisible Filenames When Viewed As Thumbnails

Feb 5, 2007

I have a problemic glitch for a specific folder. This folder is called "Alicia Keys" and has two albums (folders) inside it "Song in A Minor" and "The Dairy of Alicia Keys". The glitch that I am refering to is when I viewed the two albums as thumbnails their filenames become invisible. Sure the usual performances occur, you can rename, delete and add folders, but every file inside "Alicia Keys" will have a invisible name.What is strange is the fact that this only occurs for the folder with this exact same path. C:Documents and Settings<User Name>My DocumentsMy MusicAlicia Keys.

I renamed that "Alicia Keys" to something else for eg. "Alicia Keys2" and the problem wasn't there - both albums revealed their filenames when viewed as thumbnails. I created another "Alicia Keys" and created a new folder inside it and the problem is the same. The new created folder does not reveal its filename (when viewed as a thumbnail as you should know). Completely invisible. This is really strange for me and I assume something in the registry has done this; just something for this exact same folder.Now i want to fix this problem because at the moment I'm organizing My Music with the proper format I want when viewing these folders with details and thumbnail views and whatever. Alicia Keys Certainly has become a real bother.

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Distorted Photos Viewed On Acer 19'' Monitor

Jan 8, 2010

I have a new Acer monitor and because of it's width, all photos seem distorted. How may I correct this problem in order to view photos normally? Any instructions for my Windows XP & my monitor would be appreciated.

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Video Clips That Have Been Viewed Through Media Player Still On Comput

Jan 16, 2007

I was looking at some video clips from Solid Works Website and lost the server So that I couldn't finish what I was doing. I wanted my son to see these clips and I was wondering if I have them and am able to access them on my computer without having to go back to Solid Works Website.

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Network Connetion Folder Unable To Retrieve List Of Network Adapters

Mar 8, 2006

I have Windows XP Sp2 whe i try to chanhe ip in "Local Area Connection" i got following message:" Network Connetion Folder was unable to retrive the list of network Adapters":i checked "Services" .Ok working fine then what 's the problem??

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Try To Run Network Set Up Wizard / Wont Find Network Device

Nov 7, 2006

I try to run network set up wizard but it wont find my network device.It finds my network card but i installed a wireless card. It wont find that. Its a linksys and I am using the linksys software to run it.

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Page Cannot Be Displayed On Boot - Using NETWORK MAGIC For Network

Mar 15, 2008

I have a gateway 6520 gz laptop with IE6 and XPHE, I 'm on a network with two computers and use NETWORK MAGIC for the network, when I turn the laptop on it wants to display {the page cannot be displayed} instead of going online! Then NETWORK MAGIC pops-up and says {YOU ARE NOW CONNECTED} then I have to manually turn on IE6 button to go online, almost like the page {the page cannot be displayed} wants to come up first instead of the connection?

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Mapped Network Drives Without Connecting The Network Cable?

Oct 13, 2009

I need to have network drive on my Windows XP computer. In order for a software to work, there needs to exist a network drive, named N, existing on my PC. Since there's not a second PC to link to, what I did was to created a directory named est on the same PC , share it out, and then, map a network drive, named N, to it. When my PC has an Ethernet cable connected to a switch, Windows XP will see that N drive (existing on the same PC). The moment I disconnect that Ethernet cable from the switch, the N drive is gone. Is there a way to have a mapped network drive on XP (as mentioned above), without the need to have a network cable connecting that PC to a switch?

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Unable To Access Network Connections In Network Folder?

Feb 2, 2006

i have a problem with my network folder.It seems that I can't see my existing network connections in the folder! I first noticed this when i click on my dial-up connection the connection window won't come up.When i open the network connections folder in the control panel, an error message comes up with this message:The Network Connections Folder was unable to retrieve the lsit of Network adapters on your machine. Please make sure that the Network Connections service is enabled and running.

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Bizarre Network Adapter / No Icons In The Network Communications

Sep 16, 2005

My network adapter does not appear in Device Manager, until I "Show hidden devices". And then it appears as a "Realtek RTL8139 Family PCI Fast Ethernet NIC", whereas I actually have a D-Link DFE-538TX 10/100 adapter. Furthermore, I get no icons (at all) in the Network Communications window. So if I want to change any settings of my LAN, for example, I can't, because I can't select the LAN icon or right-click on it. The LAN is working though. The current driver for the Realtek adapter which is listed is a MS driver.

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Vender Wants To Use Our Network Printer / Not On Network

Oct 10, 2007

We have a vender that wants to use our printer at work which is hooked up to our network but he can't join our network because he is not an employee.Just spoke to him and he has a Sony Vaio laptop and DOES NOT WANT ANY DRIVERS on his machine. Im lost. I was just going to install drivers on his machine and hook the printer up USB but he just formatted his machine and now doesn't want any drivers at all.

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Slow Network Browsing: "My Network Places" Takes Long To Click?

Jun 9, 2006

when I browse "My Network Places", the browsing is so incredibly slow. It takes a long while when you click one icon in the “My Network Places” for that to open up and go to the next directory or when just first displaying the computers in “My Network Places”, it goes so slow.
I use Windows Workgroup on the LAN to share out internet. Everything else, other than browsing the network, works great. The internet browses nice and fast.

This morning I opened My Network Places while my pc was still loading all the programs at start-up and "My Network Places" was fast. After a few minutes it was back to normal low pace. Now I guess it is something running on my pc slowing it down. Is it maybe to do with XP Service Pack 2? Before installing SP2 the network browsing on my pc is fast, after installing SP2, it is slow. Other computers on the network without SP2 browse the network quite fast.
All the pc's on the network has XP Pro.

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Network Printers

Jul 18, 2005

How can I reconnect to the two printers that are connected to a w2k pc, in every login on a wXP? When I try to print, the system asks me to log in the w2k machine.

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New Network Detected

Oct 27, 2006

I'm running Windows XP on a stand-alone pc. I have Norton Internet Security/Anti-Virus installed. I have encountered a pop up window (which will not go away) with the message "New Network Detected". It wants me to select home, office, etc.I don't have any windows firewall enabled, but have Norton taking care of it instead.The consensus I'm getting is get rid of Norton, it stinks. But I would think there could be something simpler/makes more sense to do.

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Network Win Home To Win Pro

Dec 4, 2005

I can't get home to see pro alot of people also can't get home to see pro but pro can see home!

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Installing From Network

Mar 29, 2009

I used Windows Setup Manager to setup an unattended installation of WinXP and place distribution folder on drive C.

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SP3 Network Connections Uses 80% Of CPU?

Jul 7, 2008

The service 'Network Connections' uses up 80% of my CPU whenever I leave it enabled. I have singled it out, and yes, this is the cause. Toggling it off in my msconfig leaves me with an idle PC (0% usage). However, I cannot get internet without 'Network Connections.'

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No Network Access

Jun 6, 2005

My Winxp machine cannot access my home network or the internet. If I boot up in Safe mode I have network and internet access, but in regular mode my Nic card shows a limited connection error. The last thing I installed before the nic card stopped working was Symantec Antivirus corporate edtion over the network.

I have tried to remove it, but it needs the network to access the uninstall file. I also tried copying the uninstall file onto the computer and this did not work. And system restore will not work for whatever reason.

Anyone seen this before or have any ideas?

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Network Access

Jul 31, 2005

I have a wireless network with wep encryption yet my b-i-l waltzed in with
his sony and used my network to collect his emails.How is this possible.

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Network Access

Oct 18, 2007


Why would windows xp not find a computer-name, but it does find the ip address ?

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Network Connections X 2 PCs

Aug 14, 2005

My son and I share an "Always On" Cable Internet connection through a 4-port hub and cable Network. I want the two computers to connect "locally" and share Files, printers and a scanner (without scarificing the internet sharing).My efforts on creating this connection were, so far, fruitless.Can someone point me in the right direction? As I am not technically inclined, "how-to" sites would be of great assistance.

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Network Printing With Xp

Dec 7, 2005

I have a program called capital that we use for our point of sale.I had to replace a computer that died and the new one has Xp on it the old one had winodws 98 on it. The printer is on the win98 system and I want to make a network printer to it to print to but the problem its a dos program that will only print to LTP1.

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Network Failure?

Jul 5, 2005

Today I notice that my WinME (ICS host) and WinXP (client) can't communicate(simple peer to peer setup). First clue was when I couldn't send a print job from my ME to the XP where the printer is connected. XP pc reports "network unplugged". A forced "disable" and then an "enable" doesn't help. I also notice that the little lights for the network cards are not lit up. I thought they would normally BE lit up if the computers are on, right? However.. the lights on the network cards/ports on BOTH machines are off. Could both network cards have failed simulateously?

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Home Can't Run On Pro Network?

Aug 10, 2005

Is it really true that Microsoft XP Home cant run on a Microsoft XP Pro network? My boss has just bought an expensive new Sony Vaio PC with XP Home on it and is livid that despite what the salesman told him, it now appears that his shiny new laptop wont run on the network here at work.It would need to log in to a domain not to a work group.So far we can get it to surf the web but it cant see any local files.

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Unable To Use Network

Apr 28, 2006

I've had a two computer network for a while now, I've had another computer given to me which I have been trying to connect to the network. It has a network card and seems to be working ok but when I try to get online I am getting this page cannot be displayed. I have tried restarting in sequence but it has not worked on this pc but I can get on ok on my other two pc's, I have google as my home page on all three pc's. My router box is a mentor 4 port 10/100mbps ethernet broadband router, I have had 3 pc's working on it in the past. I cant think what to do next has anyone got a suggestion. Oh I nearly forgot I have no restore points.

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