Size Of Wmv Files Viewed Through TV

Aug 4, 2005

I've transferred some wmv files to DVD-RW and am considering putting them also on DVD-R so my DVD player can play them on my TV. Said files are broadband encoded with Windows Encoder 9.0 and run from 350x280 to 472x352 in size.My desktop gives me the option i.e. in Winamp, to double the screen size or go full screeen. Both are satisfying. But, when put into the home theater DVD player, will those 2x/full screen options be there? If not, what kind of picture size (percentage) can I expect to view on my 27" TV?

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Some Folders Viewed Protected Hidden Files

Nov 27, 2007

I have 450 gb of music files but my problem is that having been infected by a virus, most of the folder were hidden and i can only accesss after unhiding them from Tools menu, folder options, go under view then i show hidden files and folders first, then i have to go to the second option of unticking the hide protected operating system files(Recommended

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Files With Invisible Filenames When Viewed As Thumbnails

Feb 5, 2007

I have a problemic glitch for a specific folder. This folder is called "Alicia Keys" and has two albums (folders) inside it "Song in A Minor" and "The Dairy of Alicia Keys". The glitch that I am refering to is when I viewed the two albums as thumbnails their filenames become invisible. Sure the usual performances occur, you can rename, delete and add folders, but every file inside "Alicia Keys" will have a invisible name.What is strange is the fact that this only occurs for the folder with this exact same path. C:Documents and Settings<User Name>My DocumentsMy MusicAlicia Keys.

I renamed that "Alicia Keys" to something else for eg. "Alicia Keys2" and the problem wasn't there - both albums revealed their filenames when viewed as thumbnails. I created another "Alicia Keys" and created a new folder inside it and the problem is the same. The new created folder does not reveal its filename (when viewed as a thumbnail as you should know). Completely invisible. This is really strange for me and I assume something in the registry has done this; just something for this exact same folder.Now i want to fix this problem because at the moment I'm organizing My Music with the proper format I want when viewing these folders with details and thumbnail views and whatever. Alicia Keys Certainly has become a real bother.

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Page Can't Be Viewed

Sep 26, 2006

I'm not sure if security settings were changed, but, when you get the page that website can't open and it tells you the site might be having problems or, to check your security settings, well, I get this parital page on the top of some sites or side, where there's probably suppose to be advertising. I find it kind of distracting and would like to get rid of it. I can't find where my settings were changed, and what would have caused this.

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Can USB Key Be Viewed Over Network?

Jun 10, 2010

I teach at a university. It's final test time. I keep some private files (tests, scores, etc.) on a USB key at work, and some old tests on my HDD. My computer is hard-wired into a static IP address. I also have a D-Link DIR-300 router in between (not sure if it even has a firewall). I was using my USB key today, and something odd happened.My most important files (tests) I keep locked-up with encryption software called Truecrypt, which requires me to enter a password to unlock a secret USB key partition. I had that folder open today, after working with it, and was sitting at my desk interviewing a student for about 10 minutes. Then I went to close out the encrypted drive (which appears as a HDD on My Computer after I enter a password to access it). That's when something odd happened. The message that popped-up basically said that some of the files on that drive were "in use" by 2 other processes, and if I closed it, then those other processes would lose out. That bugged me a bit, because I wondered just what processes were running in there? I have updated anti-virus software on that machine, and it wasn't doing a scan at the time. Usually the drive just closes-out with no warnings like this.

Then, later this afternoon, I left my computer on and went to class. It's set to sleep on its own after 30 minutes. It didn't. The screen was frozen at my wallpaper with no icons. I then tried to CTRL-ALT-DELETE, and another message popped-up that said (again, paraphrasing), "Two other users are accessing this machine. If you shut down now, the connection will be broken." So now I'm wondering. who the heck are these other users, and what's going on? I don't seem to be sharing anything on purpose. Is it possible that someone is sneaking around inside of my machine? I'm assuming network administrators at work can do this if they want. Do you think that's what was happening? The thing that bothers me about that is that they sometimes employ PT students to help with IT. Could a student have gotten access to my entire machine somehow? Again, my antivirus software is up-to-date (Microsoft Essentials), and I switched to a trial of Kaspersky 2011 after today just out of curiousity after this happened.

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Folder Closes When Viewed

Aug 24, 2007

The Windows XP machine that my sister is using is having quite the issue. Whenever she views a folder in her My Pictures folder from Windows Explorer, in Photoshop, or when uploading to something onto the internet, it closes down. To be more specific, in the above three cases it closes Explorer (including the task bar), Photoshop, and the browser, depending on the method of viewing the pictures. It comes up with a submit error dialogue box, which along with the error logs don't seem to help me very much (unless you have a better understanding of them).The only changes I can account for was the instillation of one or two LAN remote viewing programs, although one of them runs as is (so wouldn't count as installing). Before that I uninstalled a lot of programs from that computer because I have this new Vista Ultimate machine and they said they didn't want all that "crap" on that computer anymore. I wouldn't blame them.

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Size Of Garbage Cane - Handle Bigger Files

Jan 26, 2008

Is it possible to change the size of the trash can in XP? Occasionally, when I try to delete a really big file (4GBs+), it says it's too big for my trach can.Is there a way to make the garbage can bigger to handle bigger files?

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Pagefiles: How To Reduce The Alloted Size Of Memory To Files?

Jul 23, 2005

I have 500 megs of RAM and each of my 6 logical drives indicate that the
system has allocated 785 megs to the pagefile. That is huge. I can't
imagine why any drive would need that much, and since I am runing out of
space on some drives I would like to drastically reduce the size of the
files - maybe to 300 megs. Would that be OK, or would it be unadvisable.

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Viewed Pictures Erasing Path

Oct 2, 2007

i was on a friend's computer and wound up in a picture folder i didn't mean to. potentially embarrassing and would rather the person did not know. is there a way to erase the date/time etc. when the file/pic was last accessed in the details box for that folder/picture?

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Data Viewed As A Trojan Horse

Jul 21, 2005

My Nortan 2005 is indicating that this file living in system32 is a Trojan Horse. I removed it, but at bootup, it is always trying to be executed. Any idea what the deal is? I tried to remove the call to it via msconfig, but it keeps coming back.

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Distorted Photos Viewed On Acer 19'' Monitor

Jan 8, 2010

I have a new Acer monitor and because of it's width, all photos seem distorted. How may I correct this problem in order to view photos normally? Any instructions for my Windows XP & my monitor would be appreciated.

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Video Clips That Have Been Viewed Through Media Player Still On Comput

Jan 16, 2007

I was looking at some video clips from Solid Works Website and lost the server So that I couldn't finish what I was doing. I wanted my son to see these clips and I was wondering if I have them and am able to access them on my computer without having to go back to Solid Works Website.

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Font Size - Quick Launch Icon Size

Oct 14, 2006

I have finally decided to put my screen settings to 1024-768 or what ever that one is lol .. but my only problem now is the font size.. for example up top of this page where it says file,edit, view really small and same as the name thats down on my bar at the bottom of my screen where my open windows are they are really small and I want to make them bigger how do I do that? also .. my quick launch icons are super small can I make them bigger? I made the ones on my desktop bigger but can't figure out how to make the quick launch ones bigger.

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Tried Changing Resolution Font Size Screen Size

May 6, 2005

i tried chaging the resolution font size scrren size i tried changing everything nothing works all my icons r big my text my task bar exc

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Size Of The Paging File - Change Initial Size

Apr 21, 2008

I heard that the paging file should always be 1.5x the amount of RAM that is available on the machine. My initial size of the paging file is set to around 2GB and I was wondering if I should change the initial size to 3GB or put it to 'System managed size'?

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Desktop Size - Monitor Screen Size.

Dec 23, 2009

I am using an elderly 3M LCD projection panel on an overhead prjector for big screen Tv, driven by XP pro SP3. The panel has no controls for vertical/horizontal size and whatever monitor is used, an OS desktop fills the screen by default. I can resize the window for the TV viewing program in the normal way,just filling my projection screen, but the XP desktop is far too large.Does anyone know of a way to change the physical size of the desktop (including the taskbar) so that it sits in the LCD screen with a blank border all around, or maybe even make it custom resizeable as in a program window ( without changing the resolution)?

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File Size - Size On Disk

May 1, 2006

When I right click a file to view it's properties there are two different values shown: one for file "size" and the other for "size on disk". The second value is always larger. Could someone please explain what the difference is because I'm in the process of allocating space for backed up user data on a network share and I need to multiply the average file size by the number of users to get an estimate of how much space to allocate to that share.

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Chkdsk Log Size

Jul 4, 2005

The problem is that the max size of a single log is 16kB. More than enough
when everything is ok but
too small when your disk has some problems, and the list of involved files
may be very long.
Is there a way to increase the max size of a log? Or, alternatively, in
chksdk options can you specify a text file as log output?

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IE Font Size

Sep 5, 2005

For some unknown reason or cause, my internet explorer's font size became so small that it is barely readable. How can I make the font size bigger? I tried Tools>Internet Options>Fonts but its doesn't allow to change size.

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IE Font Size?

Jun 26, 2005

Hey all. Today I just noticed that while using IE its displaying some website's in extremely small font. I run a Dell Inspiron 5150 with an external monitor hooked up. I have had UltraMon installed for a few days now, but the problem just started this evening. Any ideas?

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Font Size In Help Box

Mar 24, 2006

Running XP SR2 on a new HP
I am very visually impaired � I was able to increase font size in all areas except one � any help with this would be GREATLY appreciated. The area that I need to increase font size is the windows help information box � when I enter a question in Windows or any app the answer box has this TEEENY font and I just can�t see it. Is there any way to increase this font. (Would I have to reduce the resolution on my brand new LCD?)

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How Can Re-size A Partition?

Oct 18, 2009

How can I re-size a partition in Windows 2000? Can you use Disk Management? If not, what options are available?

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Partition Size For PRO

Jul 20, 2005

Is there a maximim partition size for Windows XP PRO. I have a 232 gig hard drive (new) and am installing Windows XP PRO. Do I need to create smaller partitions?

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What's Minimum Size HD For Pro?

Nov 25, 2004

My sister has a 466 with 320meg ram and a 6 gig HD, do you think that's too small for XP Pro and office 2003 (cd1)?

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Resolutions - Size Are Not Right

Feb 3, 2009

I am using XP pro and for some reason the fonts and resolutions are all screwed up. All webpages require me to enlarge them so I can see. As I type this the words are so small I have to strain to see them. This also happens with word and excel. All the buttons, toolbars, etc are very small. I don't know what to do with this...I thought it had something to do with Firefox but the size, etc is so small everywhere. I also tried the screen resolutions from the desktop,

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Folder Size-Too Big?

Oct 17, 2005

I have a 250 slave drive, and I noticed that I have about 30+g of data in a single folder.Could this cause any problems? Could a folder have too much data in it?

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Huge Size Of Folder

Feb 19, 2008

OS: windows XP sp2, physical memory:1.5 GB any one knows why my windows folder size is 5 was 2 GB when my windows was new installed .but after the automatic updates installed , and after i installed Visual studio 2005 ,and other softwares it became 5 GB in size.

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Set Default Window Size ?

Sep 4, 2004

Every time I open an explorer window on a floppy the window is maximized. Everytime I create a new folder, the default size is maximized. Whenever I plug in my flash drive, the window size is max. I already have remember folder size enabled, but it appears that each of the scenerios above are not included in this "memory" So the question is, how do I set the default size for each of the above to something other that max?

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Have An E: And F: That Are Of The Type RAW And Are 0-bytes In Size

Dec 11, 2007

I've been playingwith various flavors of Linux and using the QTPArted cd to resize partitions. Until recently, there have been no problems doing this. but within the last few days, I suddenly have an E: and F: that are of the type RAW and are 0-bytes in size. These two don't show in the Windows Disk Defragmenter or in the QTParted partitioner.

I presently have only Windows and no Linux installations. but they are taking up space as far as the allocation for the drive letters is concerned. Here are the drives that show normally:C: - my Windows partition D: - my CD drive In Windows Explorer, the two above show up..but I also have these E: and F:drives. I've looked through the Registry and don't see anything there

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Zoom To Large Size On Own

Oct 1, 2010

Dell Latitude 810D probably about 4 years old running XP Pro SP3. The following has happened a few times in last 18 months but reboot has always solved problem - today it continues even after reboot. No new software has been added recently; anti-virus program runs in background all the time and full sys scan every night. Dell tech support says it is a software issue. I am not getting any error messages, just screen magnification that has not been asked for by user.

When opening Firefox or MSWord initially the web page (or word document) looks normal at a reasonable text point size, but within a few seconds it progressively zooms larger to over flow the screen. In Firefox it looks like 1,600% in Word it seems to go to 500%. In either application using the menu or keyboard shortcut to restore screen to a more readable text size only retains that for a few seconds before it zooms and over flows the screen. Usually clicking on the scroll bar to move vertically is erratic and even though you click to go down on the page the screen seems to jump downward but then back up on its own.

As I said, rebooting typical would solve things but not today. Using the computer of a friend as my laptop is impossible to work with. Typing text in browser search, or Word, or email program because of the magnification becomes nearly impossible to track. I have not tried other apps, but the magnification is consistent except that with Internet Explorer things automatically zoom out making things at about 12% size.
Not sure this is an operating system issue but was not sure which forum to post this in. I am currently running a full system scan (Kaspersky Internet Security 2010). Desktop looks normal (icons and text labels look the same size that they always do; Windows Explorer also looks normal. Thanks for any assistance.

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Increase Size Of C: Drive

Aug 11, 2009

I have 160GB hard disk in which I have Windows XP installed in C drive(25GB). My E: drive is another primary partition(35GB). Rest of the partitions are made extended, in which F: (40GB), I40GB) are logical drives. The balance 20GB is a free space under the extended partition in which no logical drive is made. My system has become slow, because the system drive C: has very low amount free space available. So I thought of getting above 20GB free space to C: so that it would be 45GB overall. How can I expand C: drive? I have partition magic installed on my PC.

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