I tried to restore my pc but when the first disk was only 25% done it gave me a notice that read OUTPUTA:GHOSTERR.TXT? how can i get my pc to finish reading the disk and the other two disk that came with my emachines computer?
I need to restore my computer to an earlier restore point.when i try to change the date it won't let me.I wanted to go to 10/4/05 but when i click on the number 4 it does not do anything.I am using windows xp home edition.
I've been trying to restore my computer to an earlier restore point but I click on help and support and a window pops up that states "Windows cannot find 'helpctr.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the start button, and then click Search. I've tried this but when I click on my search button the screen doesn't come up. The only thin that comes up is a square with a line in the middle of it.Did I erase something necessary?Also how can I reinstall Windows XP without a cd? I've made set up boot disks off the Microsoft website and I've tried to do this but nothing happens.Also when I click on the start button the first thing that is listed is programs and I know that before all these problems I had my computer and so other items listed then programs. My programs is also empty when I click on it.
I want to restore/reset my computer to the factory settings because my computer is SOOOOO slow. I didn't receive any disks, otherwise I wouldn't be asking lol. I've tried uninstalling and removing everything I've put on in the last 2 years and it hasn't helped. I've tried EVERYTHING I've thought of and nothing is working. I don't have any viruses or spyware. My OS is Windows XP. Anything other info needed just ask. I am somewhat literate of what people say but I don't know a whole lot.
I want to make my computer like the way I bought it. I need to take everything off and start from clean again because I am selling the computer and do not want any of my stuff to be on the machine anymore. How should I go about doing this? I have a Dell Inspiron 5150 and the cd's that came with it do not help. I have a Re-Installation of Windows CD but when I tried to use that it said that there was a newer version installed on my computer. I guess because I installed the service pack
After installing a new driver for my printer that didn't work well, I tried system restore. I cannot get my computer to restore to any points. Can anyone tell me how to fix the problem?
I was wondering how far back I can restore my pc? I tried to go back like a month and can't do it. It seems that I can only restore to a point where I installed a new program.What I want to do is restore it back to where it was when I bought it back in April.
I installed XP Pro and wiped out home... Now I'm having driver issues (they're not working with new OS) and I want to restore my computer to the way it was when I got it. Here's the problem, when I try to use my restore CD's they won't work because I have XP Pro on there .
I used the restore cd my pc came with. Once it was done, Windows started up and it froze where it asks me to name the computer cant do anything from this screen. Ive tried contacting the manufacturer but they cant help because my warranty is up. Any suggestions would be greatful. Thanks
I can not restore my computer back to a later date. I am running windows xp sp2. I went to the restore point and it does not have a check mark in the box.
My computer will not let me restore to a previous date. I downloaded IE-7 and I don't like it, but I read on this site that I can go back to IE-6 by uninstalling IE-7. Why can't I do a restore to say last week? It looks like it is restoring, but then stops.
I get the following message when I try to do a System Restore: System Restore is not able to protect your computer. Please restart your computer, and the run System Restore again. I tried that but restarting did not correct the problem.
My grandfather has given me his computer to fix. The only problem is, he doesn't want to lose everything, though I think he's going to have to (or already has). He was doing a system restore (unnecessarily, may I add) and switched off the computer because it was taking too long (!). Now, Windows XP Home will not boot. The XP loading screen is displayed, then a blue screen for a split second, then it reboots. Safe mode does the same, and last known good configuration does not go past about 1/6 of the white loading bar at the bottom of the screen.So I thought I'd reinstall XP over the top. The problem is that the partition is now 'unknown', according to the Windows XP Setup, so it would appear the partition data is messed up. Thus, I cannot install XP without formatting.
every time i log in in my father computer i have this error message popping up on my screan, they suggest that i use the restore cd, i have an emashine computer, with xp, i do not have anythink else, i would like not to loose my files if possible, if i will restore my computer
last night i ran a system restore (to two day prior), i had left the computer, awhile later came back, logged in and waited for windows to start up, the wallpaper of my desktop came up but nothing else, i waited about 20 minutes before leaving again for awhile, returning to the computer in about a half hour. after waiting an hour+ with the computer doing nothing
I clicked on system restore and got the message " system restore is unable to protect your computer . Please restart and try again" I rebooted several times and got the same message .I then accessed system restore with view of switching it off and on again.i checked the on / off box then clicked on apply changes and got the following message"System restore encountered a problem trying to enable/disable one or more drives. Please restart your machine and try again later"I then thought that if i slide the disc space bar down to zero it may clear out system restore but i got the same message as when i tried turning it off .i went into safe mode and searched for the wininit.ini file with the view of renaming it but this isn't the problem.
every time I start my computer, system restore boots up. That is, the system restore page appears and thus I have to close it before I can do anything on my computer. So, my question is.. how can I get it to stop booting up as soon as I turn on my computer?
Out of no where my computer ceases to be able to multi-task. For example. I am playing a game while listening to music. When I hold down a button in the game to walk the music becomes choppy. I have also noticed that when I am using one program something the CPU usage is usually 88-95% usage on the program which makes it impossible to do anything else while using the program. This all started happening about 2 days after I re-installed my OS.
Also system restore doesn't seem to work. It always says "System restore failed: nothing on your hard drive was changed." but I know that the restore point is different from what I have on my computer right now.
I've had my HP computer for quite some time (5 years at least), still runs great and all. But here recently my harddrive crashed when trying to do something (still using that harddrive), when I tried to use the system restore feature from HP,it wouldn't let me, so I had to get a WindowsXP disc from someone. Using their copy of windows won't let me update windows or anything, so I decided I would just system restore using HP's system restore. (Format and reinstall my windows), but when I hit the F10 at bootup, it does nothing
In the middle of system restore the computer rebooted on its own. It didnt finish. And now my laptop is a paper weight. ymtoms are Comp will boot , show the debug status bar, then flash to the windows xp status bar, a few sec. will pass then it reboots back to SONY, and the cycle goes on and on and on. The CD drive is on the docking station , and it wont work untill windows starts. so now I will have to figure out how to use the Network Boot option.
I'm pretty decent with software but this one has completely bemused me. I did a system restore to my computer and all of my usb ports are not responding to anything, at first I thought it was the stuff I already used i.e. mouse and keyboard, but nothing works within the usbs. Tht meant that i couldn't log back on after my system restore because I couldn't type my password in. Then, for some stupid reason I went to change the voltage setting which is random and stupid, and now the computer won't even turn on. Please help as I don't want to have to fork out for a new computer.
it takes forever to do anything. It's like it can only do one thing at a time its so slow. When I turn it on and log into my profile, it takes about 5 mins for it to load the desktop and about another 5 mins to load the antivirus software (Norton Security Suite 2010). The same goes for everything I do on this computer, it takes a while for the internet browser (IE 8 and FireFox), opening any program on this computer takes a while to load up. I have run Norton and it doesn't come up with anything. I have done a system restore a couple of times but it doesn't seem to help any
For the last 2 weeks my computer started making me log in. It says that i need to enter a password but I actually don't have to, and instead of having my user side and one for my editing where you have a picture up and you can switch between the two it will only let me go to the side that i use for internet and such. If I ask it to switch to other user it takes me to the login and back to the main users side. what is causing this and how do I correct it. I tried doing a restore and it says I can't restore back to that point. I tried 3 other points and it wouldn't reset to any of them
My computer was working like clockwork until I installed and then uninstalled a program( google earth). Now my computer takes at least 10 minutes, maybe longer to boot up to the point where I can actually use it. I have winxp home. I have tried disk cleanup, running norton, running spybot and adaware programs. I even tried to do a system restore but it keeps telling me no matter which date I choose that it cannot restore back to that date.
I have two almost identical (one of them has only 40Gb drive) Dell 8400 computers that worked very well together networked till yesterday. Both of them have same OS version including updates.I had to do a PC restore on computer A and since then Computer B doesn't recognize computer A. I went through Network Wizard, made sure the computer names are unique and the workgroup name is identical on both machines. Computer B doesn't even show local shared directories anymore.Computer A finds computer B without any problems.BTW, Computer B works fine otherwise; I can access Internet, a network drive without any problems. I did hardware ping test and board test and they all pass.
I bought a new cpu awhile ago. When I moved my old cpu to my other desk and restarted it, it would only let me start in safe mode. It was working fine prior to this. I tried system restore to many differnt days, but nothing would work. I think I probably need to reinstall windows, but before I do, I was wondering if there is anything else I can try.
PC Freezing up. Restored to two weeks ago whenh didn't have the prob but still frezing. Usually after 5-30 mins of use.Started after BBand installed. Wonder if its an overheating prob.CPU variesd fromm 65-82C when idle and fan sticks at 2163 revs and doesn't change.