Can't Get Past The User Selection Page - Uninstalled Norton

Sep 15, 2005

I have a Dell Dimension 4300 desktop. Until last night, I was having trouble doing anything on my computer. After start up, my outdated version of Norton would pop up saying a virus was found. I couldn't get anything else to respond and the window would never go away. So I eventually got it to stop, and the I ran various spyware, registry, and anti-virus utilities to the point where my computer was working flawlessly.

Then I decided that I would just uninstall Norton (since I installed a new anti-virus program). I hadn't updated it in over a year and I never really liked it anyway. It took over an hour to remove (I think because the quarantine folder was so large). I chose to remove everything including the quarantine folder. After the uninstall successfully completed, I restarted the computer. I got to the Windows XP user selection screen (I have 5 users set up) and tried to select my user profile, but I couldn't click on it.

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Boot Up Gets User Screen For User Selection Both Keyboard And Mouse Stop Working

Apr 13, 2005

I am trying to fix a friends computer my usual story. Once it gets to the user screen for user selection both keyboard and mouse stop working, its either they stop working or the computer freezes, i am not sure. Life still goes to the mouse as it still lights. The keyboad works fine in the bios but not at freezing point.

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Norton Anti Virus Cannot Be Uninstalled

Nov 13, 2006

I cant seem to uninstall my Girl's Norton anti virus 03/04.. i don understand why

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Vostro 220 Freezes Randomly - Uninstalled Norton

Mar 25, 2010

Running Windows XP on a one year old Vostro 220. Problem seems to have started after I replaced McAffee with Norton 360 per Comcast's changeover. I have since uninstalled Norton but the problem persists. Ran PSA which showed no hardware or memory problems. I believe Norton must have changed some of the registry values. I am running Norton on my laptop with Windows 7 but that is not a problem.

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Upgraded SP3 / Uninstalled Norton - Laptop Dark Screen

Jul 7, 2008

i don't know if this problem is hard ware or software, but here friend brought me a laptop that had a dark screen. this thing had lots more problems. it was running XP SP1. with an out dated 2005 norton AV. the first thing i did was put an external monitor on it. i was then able to see what was going on. i upgraded to SP3 and uninstalled Norton. i then installed AVG. ran a full scan. i installed spybot and adaware. ran both the only thing left is 3 instances of "wieldtangent" that i am not able to remove. i thought that the screen problem would go away, with the virus scan but it did not. when you boot the laptop you can see the splash screen, then it goes dark. (you have an image but it is not lite up) then about 1/2 way through the boot screen comes back on and then it goes out. then you are able to see the desktop and about 5 sec. later it goes dark again.

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Cant Get Rid Of User Selection Welcome Screen

Dec 20, 2005

I recently fixed my parents� computer and while I was at it I upgraded their OS from Windows Me to Windows XP Home Edition (no service pack). After I did I got the User Selection Welcome Screen at start-up asking me to select the account I want to use (even though there�s only one to choose!). This happened to me on my own computer when I upgraded XP Pro so I thought I knew what to do to get rid of it. I went to Kelly�s Korner ( and used the �Add ControlUserPasswords2 To Control Panel� registry addon to get the User Accounts 2 icon.

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Deactivated User Selection - Activate It?

Jan 16, 2007

When trying to activate my long time ago set-up guest account, I keep getting a pop-up saying that the user selection has been deactivated by "Client Services for NetWare" and that this should be de-installed before reactivating user selection. I do not remember installing it and can not find any files/programs leading to it

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User Account Selection At Startup

Jul 20, 2010

When I used to boot up it went straight through to the desktop, ready to use with no intervention from me. I just had my hard drive reformatted and am pleased with the results but now I have to select a user account before it continues to boot. There is only one user account, which makes this futile. Can I bypass this? There must be a setting somewhere.

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Remove User Selection Window?

Nov 10, 2006

Just updated windows and after restarting I was suprised to see the user selection window at the booting of windows as i am the only user on this computer.I want windows to start automatically without letting me choose the user, don't have any use for that window.

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System Stops Before User Selection Screen

Oct 28, 2008

ok so here is the story i have raid 0 array 2 x 160 WD and my windows is installed on it i recently bought 2 x 640 Samsung F1 i built a new raid 0 array and i'm trying to move my windows instalation from one array to another I used Norton's Ghost Disk Copy method . And now when i boot from the new array windows stop right before the user selection screen .the thing is the computer doesn't stop responing .. i can still move my mouse but the user selection screen never show's up i tried reading the windows system log from the new partition with and little utility and it doesn't seem to be any thing wrong.I also tried booting from the windows cd but when it get to the part where is supose to detect hard drives i get the infamous x0000007B stop error

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Can't Get System Past Desktop Page

Feb 21, 2005

I am running my computer with windows XP. I cannot get it to get past the main page (desktop) when I go down to the task bar where it says START i get an hour glass. I cannot click on any of my desk top Icons and have them do anything and I cannot go into the start menu. I have tried control, shift, escape to see if I can run off a cd this could be of help if a cd is needed to fix the problem. I did try to boot the computer off of a disk thinking perhaps I had a virus (I still think that might be the problem) but I was unable to do this. I reset the boot to start from disk and when it started in dos and gave me my 4 choices I chose boot from disk then it said press f1 or f2 to continue. I pressed F1. when I had the Norton anti-virus disk in there it gave me the choice for normal startup or start up from disk. I tried to choose start up from disk but it wouldn't let me. I tried this several times with 2 different versions all with the same result. My 30 seconds ran out and it started up normally and then got stuck on the desk top page. I tried the same boot with the windows XP disk hoping that it might have a diagnostic bit to it, but no luck I chose boot form disk and it still went to the desk top page and got stuck.

Anyone with any information or suggestions on what I might do would be greatly appreciated. I would hate to think that I will have to take it in somewhere only to have them wipe my drive. I have e-mails on there that are very precious to me and if for nothing else I would like to keep those besides have a computer I can use!! I do have some sense as to how things work even though I don't always understand how it happens or what I actually did. So, if you could explain in not too techie language I should be able to get it!

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Cannot Get Past User Name Screen In XP

Apr 21, 2007

I am experiencing an error with Windows XP in that when I click on any user name it will not let me go any further. The user name is highlighted and the hourglass appears but then nothing. Any ideas? Also is there some way I can by-pass this screen, for example by using DOS or holding down a button?

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Access The Internet With Internet Explorer - Uninstalled Norton

Oct 9, 2005

i recently uninstalled norton (had enough of it) and installed etrust armor now i can onlay access the internet using internet explorer ?

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User Screen Not Loading - Can't Get In To Past

Jul 1, 2005

when i start-up in either normal or safe modes, I get past the XP logo screen with waving flag, then I go to the screen with each user listed out, except the users aren't listed and there's only an off-center XP logo and I can't get in to anything - and i can't do system restore because I can't get a Start menu or anything.

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Arrow Keys Could Move User Selection Up & Down / No Alphanumeric Keys

Oct 9, 2008

My Norton AntiVirus just upgraded from v2008 to v2009.Several weirdnesses ensued:
1. At the Windows Welcome screen, arrow keys could move the user selection up & down, but no alphanumeric keys made any visible entry (dot) in password field. Clicking Shut Down and restarting corrected this (for now, anyway).
2. The [Start] > [Log Off] > [Switch Users] button is missing. This would be a straightforward fix, except that
3. In Control Panel, User Accounts lacks "Change the way users log on or off"! [Is XP SP3's REAL purpose to hose up a nicely-running XP SP2 box, so the owner will FINALLY spring for a Vista system?]
4. Clicking any of the "Learn About." links opens the help page in IE7, but with its contents crowded to the left and the yellow bar at the top. Clicking to allow blocked content (Are you sure? YES!) results in yet another dialog about an ActiveX control that "might be unsafe" but the only new ActiveX control on this PC is one from Symantec, installed during the NAV 2009 upgrade. NAV 2009 was the FIRST product I've run into that did NOT permit its EULA to be selected, printed or saved. I like to keep a record of things I've agreed to, but that text was out of reach! Sixteen screenshots later.

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Won't Load Past Login Screen - User Profile - Blank Desktop

Mar 19, 2008

I have XP Entertainment Home Edition. My system boots up to the user profile screen where I can choose between the two profiles If I select either profile a blank desktop appears (no icons/no windows task bar) and freezes Trying to boot into Safe Mode also hangs after choosing a profile. It's a Dell so I don't have the XP cds to try a repair. I do have other computers with different versions of XP installed that are working fine

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OS Selection Screen Mishaps / How To Remove Vista Selection Screen?

Apr 19, 2009

My computer used to have a dual boot of XP & Vista on a single hard drive with 2 partitions. I deleted Vista Partition and from a "Ghost image backup" i installed ONLY windows XP on a single partition. My problem now is; when the computer boots, It now stops on the "OS selection screen" for 20 seconds asking; Microsoft Windows Vista Earlier version of Microsoft windows( xp )Since Vista is not even on the hard drive how can i make this selection screen go away and default to Windows XP all the time?

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Home Login - Reopen Page Asks For User Name And Password

Aug 10, 2009

When I try to login in to IE and tell windows Xp to safe my user name & password. It will let me open IE but if I close it and reopen it. It asks for my user name & password again.

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Norton Ghost Or Norton Save And Restore?

Feb 5, 2007

Which is better?, Norton ghost, or Norton save and restore? also which if either, is compatible with Norton go-back?

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Norton Firewall - Norton Popup Keeps

May 4, 2006

A Norton popup keeps asking if I want to close Windows firewall. Is there a problem using both firewalls at the same time

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Set As Background Image Selection Gone

Jun 18, 2005

When I would use the Windows Picture and Fax Viewer to look at pictures,I was able to right click on them and select them to be Set as DesktopBackground. Now the selection is gone!

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All Programs Selection Has Disappeared

Nov 14, 2007

The "All Programs" selection has disappeared in the menu. This is on my friends computer, which has XP Pro. I use HE, so I'm not that familiar with the nuances of Pro, so it may just be a setting that's unique to Pro. He has the other selections on the menu, and the desktop icons, and also can get the programs to list if he switches to the "Classic Start Menu" on the taskbar properties menu. But on the regular XP menu, there's a space where the "All Programs" selection would be, but it's blank. And hovering the pointer over that space still does not bring it up.

Since the listing of the programs DOES show up with the Classic menu, that's why I'm thinking it's just a setting. I've poked around in the Customize>General tab and the Advanced tab, but none of that stuff seems to work (it doesn't seem pertinent to the situation either). Now two other posts that I've made here may be pertinent to this issue.

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NTFS Or FAT32: Difference And Better Selection?

Aug 30, 2005

I'm just curious if what is ideal for file system when formatting a hard drive is it NTFS or FAT32 the OS is WinXP Pro. Please explain it to me in a way that I can easily understand the difference and importance of the two. Many thanks for any replies.

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Starting Laptop Comes Up With 2 Options For Selection?

Feb 23, 2010

hey, when i start up my laptop, I get the choice of selecting Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition or Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Why is this? Is there a way of deleting one of them? My laptop is an E-System 3087. when the system is running and I go into my computer there is 3 hard disk drives Local Disk (C:)(Free space 29.9gb, total space 32.9gb), Local Disk (D:)(free space 4.27gb, total space 4.29gb) and Local Disk (E:)(free space 5.33mb, total space 7.31mb). Is there any way of getting rid of this choice on starting up?

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How To Disable Multiple Windows Selection?

May 5, 2007

I've installed the same version of windows on both HD drives. Then I did format for one of the drives since there was a problem, but when I start my computer he asks me to choose which windows I wish to enter while one doesn't even exist, so any idea how I disable it?

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Send Multi Page Fax From Word / Power Point - First Page Slide Appears FAX

Dec 19, 2008

When I try to send a multi-page fax from WORD or Power-Point, only the first page or slide appears in the FAX. This is a recently developed problem. I've successfully sent multi-page FAXes in the past.

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Error This Page Cannot Be Displayed - Send Greeting Card Or Access Web Page

Sep 5, 2006

I continuously get 'ERROR this page cannot be displayed' when I try to send a greeting card or access another web page. What is going on? I tried to fix and enabled all that I thought was necessary on settings.

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Set As Background Image Selection Gone - Downloaded Pics

Jun 23, 2005

No I had never changed it. I had downloaded a pic and wanted it as my desktop and noticed it was gone. I am unsure how long the option was missing.

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What The Purpose Of Run - Drop Down Selection In Properties Of Shortcut?

Mar 12, 2006

drop down selection in the properties of a shortcut? It has 3 selections: Normal, Minimized and Maximized. I guess I don't understand its purpose because I can select a particular option of the three but nothing changes. So I figure it isn't what I'm thinking it's for.

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Have Windows XP. Dell Desktop - Page Fault In Non Page Area

Jul 6, 2009

I keep getting blue screen with page fault in non page area at start up. How do I fix this? I have Windows XP. Dell desktop.

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Simple But Annoying. Web Page Shortcuts Just Open A Blank IE Page

Apr 1, 2005

I often right click in IE and select Create Shortcut.It puts a shortcut and my desktop to that page. This mysteriously stopped working. The icon appears on my desktop with the page title and all, but when I double click it, it just opens up my browser and loads about:blank.In the shortcut file's properties, and then gives me the file's size, location,etc.but it doesn't list the URL anywhere. It's just getting on my nerves having to copy a page's URL to a text file on my desktop if I want to remind myself of something.

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