xp professional comes up before windows I'll try to make this short:On 2/15, I got a win32/heur virus. It took me 8 hours to resolve.Today I ran Malwarebytes during this, my Free AVG popped up and said that there are 13 infected file in my restore. I put them in the vault.I corrected my problem yesterday by finally restoring to a way earlier time because AVG told me there was a virus, but could not fix it. It said that I needed the SP3 disk. I didn't have that, I downloaded this from MS, so I didn't have a disk.Anyway,Now when I boot up, on the black screen it shows "xp professional" for a few seconds, then it goes into my windows xp splash screen.How can I by-pass this black screen to go right into the windows splash screen. Also,What is the best malware/trojan program I can use to make sure everything is out. It's been working fine now for 2 days, I hope it's not there. (AVG doesn't appear to be working good for me.
i have a computer which i used webroots windows washer to erase the hard drive completely and it removed everything even the operating system. now wen i start the computer it goes to the black screen and says no operating system. I tried to use a Windows Xp installation disc but for some reason i cant boot it unless i get into the computer and into the desktop and start it from there in my computer
when i start up my windows computer, it loads then goes to my user selection screen. no less than 3 seconds, and it just reboots. it keeps rebooting. no blue screen. no random black screen. it just reboots! whats wrong with it?
friend whose computer has crashed the screen had frozen. He could do nothing except reboot it using the power button but on rebooting, there was a 'no signal' message on a black screen. We have checked the monitor connections (the monitor works when connected to his second computer) and even replaced the video card but of course this made no difference (no signal) We've taken out the HD and installed it on his second system. Does this mean that the most likely cause now is the motherboard/bios or is there something wrong in our approach/deductions
Encountered a Blue Screen of Death error. The error stated that I should run Chkdsk and then proceeds to restart and bring me to the Windows boot selection screen (safe mode, last known good configuration, normally). No matter which choice I pick, it always leads to the BSOD then restarts. Since this is getting me nowhere fast, I want to just format and reinstall windows. I do not have my recovery CDs, and when I enter the BIOS to change the boot sequence I cannot change it so the CD drive is above the hard drive in priority. The reason it gives me in the bios is that "All items on this menu cannot be modified in user mode. If any items require changes, please consult your system supervisor. Any ideas on how I can boot off the cd and reinstall windows from scratch?
When I reboot I get a black screen and it asks to to select which operating system etc, when I select windows xp and hit enter it loads ok, how can i get it to boot normally.
When I turn on PC (windows XP) it starts to load fine then the computer beeps twice and a black screen comes up with loads of white writing. None of the F1, F2, delete etc. functions work either! Plz help, msn addy welsh_saxo@hotmail.co.uk i can send u a pic of the screen.
Yesterday while surfing on my mother's laptop all of a sudden it just froze. I just turned it off because after hitting control/alt/delete nothing happened. I was stuck. Then I restarted the laptop - the windows logo came on along with sound and then it went to a black screen with just a blinking cursor at the upper top left. It will not take me to her desktop.
Last time it was a BSOD this time its something similar but different. The message displayed upon startup is on a black screen: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt WINDOWSsystem32 You can attempt to repair this file by starting Windows Setup using the original Stup CD-ROM. Select 'r' at the first screen to start repair
I tried install Windows XP on to this machine for a dual boot, but unfortunately that doesn't appear like it's working... I used nLite to put the RAID drivers onto the installation CD, and here is the problem I am having:The system says "Press any key to boot from CD doThe system then says "Please wait while checking system configuration" or something to that effect.The screen then turns black, my CD drive no longer shows the read LED, and nothing happens indefinitely.I have been able to install Ubuntu on to this computer, and all works well, but whenever I try to use XP, either the original disk or the one with the drivers put on it, it will not boot. I have looked at my BIOS and no settings are off, they all appear normal to me.
I just replaced my power supply because after coming back from vacation my PC wouldn't boot. The new supply power works but I get to the XP load scree with the little progress bar and it just hangs there. I restored to last know good point and that did nothing and I did a system restore and neither seemed to help. I am able to start in safe mode but I'm not sure where to turn and I'm not sure what happened while I was gone
Between the time the Windows XP logo screen disappears and the Welcome screen appears, the display remains blacked out for about 15 seconds. Is there a way to shorten or eliminate this blackout period? The only programs that are loading during startup in the MSCONFIG "Startup" tab are the antivirus and firewall programs.
anybody know how to erase two of the three choices i get when i reboot?i get the choices xp pro (2)xp pro (3) xp pro setup.. no doubt they are previous installations and attempts! but when i reboot if i dont manually select the second "xp pro" choice it starts automatically on setup option! as you can see i am running xp pro!
I got this problem that my computer just stops when loading WindowsXP I got the Computer today and i installed WindowsXP but when i try to start up the computer just it freezes while loading. I tried to re-instal it but still it again freezes.
When i installed winXP on my new rig, something happened in the middle and the install failed. When i rebooted with windows CD, i re-installed winXP.What happened is that i had the regular win install on drive C:, and another win XP install on drive D:formatted the D: drive, to delete the bad installation.
My problem is that, whenever i start up my computer, just after booting, it brings me to the Operating System Choosing screen, where you need to choose which OS you wanna boot. The first one is the normal windows which i use, the second option im guessing was made with the corrupted installation, and appears even after i formatted drive D
I am trying to become computer smart......still working on it. My problem....Blue screen will not load nt4 os......BS states memory dump. Tried to restart......not working. I can enter, and did, f2 startup. I read where I needed to delete an old partition, did, now nt4 startup disk with not load, as i am prompted that the drive is too big (3.99). I cant seem to partition the drive? I would like to just start from scratch, wipe drive, start over..I just want to get this going so I could update nt4 (currently has sp1). I think I have my work cutout for me.
Recently reinstalled Windows XP SP2 Home, due to a messed up Registry and upon reinstalling my screen resolution became 640 x 480 px, and whenever I try to change it, my computer won't let me. According to Microsoft.com, I have to install the driver for my monitor. I can easilly re-download the driver from the Dell website, but for some reason my computer won't let me go to Monitor settings. In order to install the monitor's driver I need to access this. Below is an image of the Advanced Display settings window when I open it. Note how the Monitor Properties is unclickable.
i just had to reinstall windows xp pro service 2 and i now have to go through the logon screen when before i never did. it just went straight to my windows screen. how do i enable auto logon?
Tried to reinstall xp but screen froze at 'select operating system to start'. Now I just have a blank screen with a cursor flashing in the top left side. I tried to boot by pressing F11 but cannot do so either by the cd or the hdd.
I was trying to do a OS recovery (Repair) using a Dell XP pro SP3 disk on a Dell Dimension 8400. When I try to boot XP it goes to the XP boot screen Then I get a blue screen. I was hopeing just to do a repair but I keep getting no HDD found! The HDD is a seagate 160 gig SATA it is present in setup as 0 drive. I have ran a seagate test it sees the HDD. So does Ubuntu in fact thas how I got to this point.
I am trying to install Windows XP Pro on a second hard drive in my computer, but when i insert the disc it says something about setup scanning the system or something of that nature.Then the screen goes blank and doesn't do anything else. The reason why I dont want to just upgrade is because some things I use dont play nice with XP pro and I want a clean install of it. How can I get my computer to install this second OS properly?
My friend gave me a Dell Latitude Laptop, Windows XP O/S to look at. It is a couple years old and was given to him by his old company which went out of business. He has not used it until recently and was unable to get into it due to a network password screen. I accessed it with ''admin'' as a username and no password. I cannot change the "users" information or disable the password because I have no "administrator" rights and don't kow the password for the administrator. I tried the default blank password trick. Once in, I noticed network software installed and I cannot access the internet with my ethernet cable. Basically, I am just trying to get it where he can use it around the house. Is there a way to disable the company installed networks, or make them go away completely? I have no XP O/S on disk, so I am trying to avoid a complete format. If I can just get the machine back to the basic XP O/S it would be good to go.
I am rebuilding a Dell 4600i with 2.8g CPU, 2g ram. 80g hd,dvd drive. After having a time getting the system to boot with windows XP home edition, I now have 2 other issues. one it shows only 16 bit operation, why not 32 or 64bit? Second a short time after booting up the the monitor goes blank, cannot do anything after that. I had to format the HD and reload windows XP to get the computer to do anything, then it did it again.
its my previously-formatted HP Pavilion dv5201tx! The problem is as the title above. I can go into safe mode. I've used system restore twice. And in Documents and Settings folder I noticed it has:
Administrator Administrator.computer description name Administrator.computer description name.000 username1 username2
Is it creating more user folders? At some point Administrator.computer description name.000 wasn't there. Corrupted registry hive? I'm not sure! Restarted many times, used Last known good configuration, and it's still black after the boot screen. Please help!
My laptop has started to freeze at times,then the screen would blackout then appear with a black screen with a blue box inthe middle giving BOOT DEVICE OPTIONS Hard Disk Drive, CD-ROM/DVD, Floppy Disk Drive, LAN Boot it froze blacked out and now keeps going to this option page ,where as before if you turn off then on it rectified itself.
when I turned on my computer and got the blue screen of death, so I restarted my PC. Then a black screen came up saying "Windows could not start beacuse the following file is missing or corrupt : windowssystem32configsystem."
You can attempt to repair this file by putting the winxp cd in etc...
Now when i turn on my computer there is just a black screen showing, with nothing at all on it.
i get this error when i tried to open up my computer, first the windows xp loading screen works fine, then after that the screen just goes black and stays like that forever. this happened when i tried to uninstall a USB Bluetooth driver and it was requested to restart my pc so i did, and after that restart i cant get in no more, the screen just goes black after the windows xp load screen. im wondering how can i fix this problem? please help me guys... thank you.. and o yeah one more thing.. when i tried it on safe mode it went to the welcome screen but after that when i try to move my cursor i didnt move at all then i restart my pc again and the whole thing happens once more
My computer screen freezes up after a while, then turns into a blank light blue screen and then into a black screen. I have used regcure, PCMedkit, and PC Doc Pro I have also tried some of the online help for a fee but nothing seem to work. Lately when trying to reboot I got a blank red screen. I'm using xp pro and a Nvida GeForce 9400GT GRAPHICS CARD.
I have this strange problem:I can't see my Bios loading .The screen is totaly black untill the windows' welcome screen , and then everything is back to normal. It happened when I updated my motherboard Bios (Gigabyte GA-8N-SLI ,Rev. 1.0) through the original vendor's Website
The start of my problem is that I was receiving an error 'cannot initialize lsass.exe service'.After repairing XP SP2, the following is displayed every time that I boot:SAFE Mode - black screen with 'safe mode' in bottom corners of screen Windows Mode - blue screen.The mouse is responding.There are no icons.There is no text (except for 'safe mode' as above)CTRL/ALT/DEL does not display task manager.CTRL/ESCAPE does not display anything.Clicking on various parts of thescreen has no effect.I have replaced Explorer.exe from c:i386