Best Programs For Dvd Players

Mar 5, 2005

I am using winxp. looking for a good program for playing dvds on pc. I would like options on some of the best either freeware or to buy.

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Free DVD RW Players - WMP

Jun 10, 2008

Being new to this computer DVD player business, I was wondering if anyone knows a site where I can get a FREE DVD player that is good? I will look in COSTCO and WAL-MART to see what I can find, but I would like the opinions on this forum.

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Recognizes My DVD Players Properly.

Oct 29, 2007

I re-installed XP after having a mal-ware/spy-ware issue. The problem is my machine no longer recognizes my DVD players properly.

Both work working fine prior to the re-install. Now neither will recognize a CD-ROM (I have enabled CD-recording) and neither will burn a DVD. Further, one of them is listed under Explorer as a CD-ROM rather than a DVD-ROM.

I have tried delete both from device manager and having XP reinstall them on start up but no luck.

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Disc Wiped Out Dvd Players

Feb 5, 2009

I wanted to download additional content from the XP installation disc. I selected add digital media from choices and clicked the button. It started analyzing the system then suddenly started deleting a whole slug of files. It finished and rebooted, after which neither of my dvd drives would recognize discs. Windows media player was gone too. Both player models show up on the add hardware list in control panel. I wrote down the models and downloaded drivers for one of them and it wouldn't install them because it said the drive wasn't present. The "add new hardware" said the same thing, though it was on the list.

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DVD Drives Installed As CD Players

Dec 14, 2005

I did a fresh install of Windows XP SP3 and seem to be having issues with my DVD drive (LG GDR8162B ROM and LG GSA-4160B RW). They both think they are CD Roms and will not play any DVDs. Iv attempted to reinstall them but XP keeps installing them as CD players and I am at a loss to what to do next.

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Sound But No Video In All Media Players

Jan 7, 2005

It seems like right about the same time I installed SP2 I cant get any video on my media players. I have tried ACE MEGA CODECS and SLD CODEC PAK neither to any avial. I surffed the web looking for a answer seems like I am not the only one with the problem but no one has a answer for me. I tried installing FFDShow as someone recomended but still no luck.

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Real Players Download Video Button

Nov 16, 2009

i use firefox and i hover over a video in Internet, and a button used to appear saying "download this video" with the real logo. now the button doesn't show up. i'm only interested in downloading legal, non-copyrighted stuff, of course.

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Media Players Crash When Attempting To Play Any Video Files

Jun 8, 2006

Whenever i try to play some of my video files (.avi, .mpg. wmv. etc) my shell and media player will both crash. For shells i have tried both bblean and standard explorer, media players i have tried are windows media player, winamp, and bsplayer. It dosent actually crash the program, it just brings up the little "this program needs to close" thing. if i drag it to the side the video will continue to play (somtimes). somtimes the videos wont load at all.

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Transferring Video Clips From Digital Camera To Computer / Media Players Show Images Upside Down

Jun 29, 2005

While transferring video clips from my digital camera to my computer, the media players show images upside down. There is no problem when transferring to other computers.

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Insert Disk - No Disk For Cd Players

Dec 7, 2006

I get a 'no disk' message from my cd players. Windows recognizes they are there, and I have changed cables, drivers and rebooted from install and uninstall but nothing seems to be getting windows to recognize that there is a disk in the cd player.

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Start Programs Dont Open - Freezes Up - Programs Unstable

Jun 5, 2005

I was checking my daughters pc for some usual maintenance. The start programs on list suddenly dont open, computer freezes up, did the error-checking but I cannot seem to get some vital prgrams to open up. I am running a couple of recent worm tools from Symantec and so far, nothing. Could this be a hardware problem or can someone tell me something I am missing?

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Programs Not Listed In Start Menu Or Add/Remove Programs

Oct 6, 2008

I reinstalled Windows XP. For some reason, all of my old programs show up in Windows Explorer, but not in the Start Menu or in Control Panel/Add Remove Programs. Is there a way to fix this?

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Get Rid Of The Orange In Start-all Programs- When You Installed New Programs

Feb 5, 2005

I have Xp and i just installed a bunch of new programs and when i go into the start all programs menu there all highlighted in that orange tint and even after clicking the shortcuts they still stay like that is there a way how to get rid of it

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Can't Open Add Or Remove Programs - Get Rid Of Unwanted Programs

Sep 19, 2005

i need help to open it and get rid of an unwanted program

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Installed Programs Are Missing In Add Remove Programs

Sep 8, 2006

Just did an upgrade install of Win2k on a Win98SE system. I've had this computer for ages and did not want to do a clean install.The upgrade went fine except for one problem.In my add/remove program section all of my previously installed programs are missing.They were not deleted, just missing from add/remove.How do I restore these programs back into the add/remove program section?

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Uninstall Programs Not In Add/remove Programs

Feb 18, 2007

we had to remove Visual Studio 2005...when uninstalling VS it tells you to unistall portions in order...we did that and now nothing is listed in Add/Remove Programs relating to VS at all...however, in the start menu there is MS SQL Server 2005 configuration tools...when you reboot windows xp you get an error saying SQL Server could not start...well, we don't want SQL Server 2005 on there and are trying to remove it but it is not listed in Add/Remove at all...can't find anything relating to this at do we remove SQL Server 2005 configuration tools?

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Programs In Add/remove Programs Won't Appear / Just A Blank Box

May 17, 2008

It just a blank box.. I recently got the xp sp2, and avast anti-virus. I want to get avast off..

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Can't Uninstall Programs Through Add / Remove Programs

May 23, 2010

I am experiencing a strange problem when attempting to uninstall programs from Control Panel --> Add / Remove programs. When I attempt to uninstall a program, the corresponding programs "uninstaller", asks for a network resource. Here is an example screen shot of what I am seeing when I attempt to uninstall Ad Aware: It doesn't seem to matter what I am attempting to uninstall. In all of the uninstall scenarios that I have seen Add / Remove programs asks for an MSI file with a similar name to the program that I am attempting to uninstall.

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Programs Disappear In Add/remove Programs

Jan 13, 2008

Programs on my work computer are not listed in the add or remove programs in control panel. This has caused me a few problems in the pasts when I need to delete programs and had to find the software supplier on a website to give me an uninstall program. There are many programs not listed.

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Programs Missing From "all Programs" List After Repair-reinstall

Aug 3, 2008

I've reinstalled XP and some icons are missing from the "Start"/"all programs" menu. Both Outlook Express and Internet Explorer are missing. I was able to locate them using "search" then open and pin to start menu. (The search function displays i.e. shortcuts for "administrator", "guest" and the other user, but not for me. The icons do display on the "all programs" list for the other user). Any suggestions as to how to get them back on the "all programs" menu?

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Uninstalling "Ghost Programs" Or Programs That Do Not Really Exist.

Sep 27, 2007

How can a program that is not even present on my C-drive (but once was) appear in the control panel when I open "Add or Remove Programs"? My registry is somehow holding onto this old program even though it does not really exist on my C-drive. I am trying to reinstall the program properly but when I finish the installation, Windows XP will not let me open it! It says my file path is invalid, apparently a reference to the "ghost version" of the program that I cannot get rid of! So my question is: how can I get my registry to realize that the program is GONE so that I can reinstall it successfully

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No Programs In Add/remove Programs

Feb 18, 2010

I just stumbled on this website while looking for a solution to my problem with Norton Ghost. Another problem that I am having is: When I go to add/remove programs, there are NO programs. The message says to wait while the list is being populated but nothing ever shows up. From what I have read, it sounds like a registry problem but I don't have a clue how to fix it. Microsoft's answer is way over my head. I tried registry mechanic but that didn't help.

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All Programs Not Appearing In "Add/Remove Programs"

Feb 24, 2005

I'm trying to remove a couple of old programs, and only about the first 4 or 5 programs that start with "A" are appearing on the list. Any idea how to get them all to show up? I'm running Windows XP.

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Programs Won't Run

Jan 22, 2006

Saw previous posts and fixes using "Hijack this." I'm getting same error. Also some of my programs won't run, like Palm Desktop. Also locks up sometimes when switching betewwen users. Not sure if this is related, but all seemed to happen about the same time.

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Cannot Run Programs

Jan 19, 2009

My home desktop computer (runnin on Windows XP) hasn't worked properly in awhile. It seems the only program that will run is Internet Explorer (version 6.0).I don't really use this computer; it's mostly my younger sister and my mom...and of course neither one bothers to tell me when it started to act up. I can access the control panel, but really, there isn't a whole lot I can do once I get there. I can't access add/remove programs, user accounts, date and time, etc.I'm sure it's virus filled...but I can't even run my Norton software. I would like to not have to spend like $300 for someone to come in and fix my computer.

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Cannot Run Any Programs

Apr 22, 2008

Got a machine that crashes a lot. Was running the 30-day trial of NOD32 and it discovered at least one virus before it crashed again.On reboot I could not run any program - nothing whatsoever. Can't get into the registry, msconfig or command prompt.If you try and run something you get the message:This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the Folder Options control panel.This link looked promising, but I couldn't do any of the things it suggested, renaming regedit.exe to and you still couldn't run from the run prompt.

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End All Programs?

Oct 5, 2005

When installing programs, I am instructed to close all programs. Visible and those running in the background. I am new to Windows XP Home edition. I am used to Win 98 SE. In Win 98 I used "control alt delete", and a program called "end it all". I have installed "End it all" on my new machine, but entries are much different on XP compared to 98 SE So How do I end all running programs, and which programs or items are safe to end? Is necessary to end all programs?

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All Programs List

May 31, 2006

When I click on the "All Programs" in the start menu, it comes up in one long single listing.
It used to be 2 listings, when the 1st had enough, the second listing would be next to it. However it's all in a single listing now. How can I get it back to 2 lists??
This is a clear explanation.

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Where All Programs List Go

Aug 6, 2005

I am running xp sp2, and when you click on start-all programs, a list should show..i lost assesories, and all the other standard ones, the only thigs that are there are programs i loaded, but the puzzleing thing is its on my lap top and only under on user name, not the 4 others..make sence?

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Hidden Programs / Cannot See Those

Jul 12, 2005

I hid some files in the start menu so that my dads boss couldnt see them and get upset. I right-clicked, selected properties, and then checked the "hidden" button. Now I cannot see those programs in the start>programs menu, even if I go to tools>folder options>show hidden files and folders. Does anyone know how to make these start menu programs visible again?

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Programs Won't Uninstall

Jan 8, 2006

I'm posting this for someone just starting out with their 1st computer.There were 2 virus scanners installed Norton and Mc Afee I tried un-installing Mc Afee but the full thing won't uninstall and the Norton is corrupt the only thing you can do is run the liveupdate when you click on 'scan for viruses' you just see the outer edges but not the whole dialog box (tried uninstalling but can't remove all the components as well.

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