AWDFlash.exe Missing / Keyboard Related?

Dec 25, 2007

I recently just turned on my pc to have it error during boot up.Before this I have never had a problem with this pc. I built it in june 2006 and has run perfefct until now.I have an ASUS A8N-SLI premium mobo and a Saitek Eclipse Keyboard

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Getting Error Related To Missing Config System ?

Jul 13, 2005

When I switch on my laptop I get a black screen with white type telling me that the file above is missing and advising me to insert recovery disk and go to repair screen - happens every time. What should I do?

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Getting Error Related To Config System Is Missing Or Corrupt?

Apr 17, 2009

I was on my computer today, programs started freezing up, eventually windows crashed. When rebooting I got the message I put in the subject title line "windows could not start because the following file windowssystem32configsystem is missing or corrupt".

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Getting Error Related To Config System Corrupt Or Missing?

Jul 28, 2009

Windows crashed on my PC, on reboot I get an error message,"WindowsSystem32ConfigSystem corrupt or missing"So I search around on my laptop and find handy registry repair walkthrough on the windows site. I pop in my windows xp cd and enter the repair console.Now, the instructions say I should be prompted to enter an admin password, but I am not promted, instead I just get to the command prompt."C:>"So I type in the first command on the list "md tmp" to make a temp file for the repair and then..."Access is Denied"

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Won't Boot - Memory Related Or Bios Related

Apr 18, 2008

My pc won't boot windows. When I turn it on it gives the following message:"X300 SE 128MB BIOS P/N 113-A33406-100"Not exactly sure what is going on. I think it is either memory related or bios related, but I could be wrong.

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Missing Task Bar Button - Keyboard Does Not Appear

Oct 14, 2006

I started up my computer and the taskbar at the bottom is missing (start button, taskbar, and icons). The start menu comes up when I hit the Windows Button on my keyboard but the taskbar does not appear. The start menu also pops up when I hit Ctrl+esc but without the taskbar. When I open up a program a little icon is created at the bottom and I can click through those, but no taskbar. I tried to see if I could resize it from the bottom but the resize arrows don't come up.

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Pro Has Missing Or Corrupt Mouse And Keyboard Drivers

Dec 17, 2004

I had a bug that deleted the mouse and keyboard drivers when it executed. I restarted the computer but cannot use the mouse of keyboard at all. therefore cannot use the computer. i have tried using the 6 disk setup for xp sp1 but when i select 1 for the drive it stops. i also cannot boot from the xp cd. i can however access the cd-rom using a boot floppy. but i do not know the actual names of the drives i am trying to reinstall.

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Mouse Scroll Not Working - Keyboard Missing Letters

Oct 31, 2009

My mouse and keyboard has both started to behave strange.
1.The mouse scroll wheel works sometimes when surfing on internet , but most of the time it does not. It works fine when typing in Word.
2.The mouse pointer jumps around randomly.
3.The left mouse button sometimes behaves as if it is the right button.
4.Sometimes the computer seems to freeze and will not respond to mouse commands. This can be “reset” by ctrl+alt+delete, and choosing “switch to” the program I was working in. This can happen even when only one program is running.
5.Sometimes the mouse seems to left-click and drag by itself.
6.The keyboard sometimes misses letters that I press

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Ntoskrnl.exe Missing Or Corrupt / Changed Keyboard Wont Work?

Dec 1, 2007

I learned here that it might be a keyboard issue, replaced it with one known to be good and it didn't work. After some more fumbling around looking for a solution, I unplugged the HDD and plugged in the other HDD I have on the system with a separate installation of Win XP Pro and got the exact same error, even though I know for a fact it was working the last time I had it plugged in and it has not been plugged in since then.

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Missing Internet Tools Options Only Keyboard Delete Button Works?

Jan 9, 2005

In 'tools/internet options' I am missing the section for deleting cookies and files.I only have the security options of'security/privacy/content/ connections /advanced'I dont know how or why this happened as I used to delete my temp files daily. I now have to get to them through 'my computer' and delete them all manually. My keyboard delete button is getting a work-out.

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No Keyboard Or Mouse:keyboard Works On Bootup?

Jan 30, 2005

I have a friends PC, a gateway P4 2.6, winxp home. The mouse and keyboard up and died. He had a kvm switch, the electronic kind when it stopped functioning. I have tried usb, ps2 everything. The keyboard works on bootup, so I can get into bios etc... but when it gets to the windows screen, nothing. No mouse or keyboard. Safe mode is the same thing. Dont want to format and reinstall windows. On that note, I did try a repair, when it asks for admin password it wont accept it. Says invalid admin password.. The password IS windows admin password though. With no mouse even in safemode, and windows not accepting my admin password during repair,

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USB Keyboard Won't For Setup - Keyboard Works In BIOS

May 10, 2008

I just finished assembling my new build. It boots and I can get to the BIOS. I even have it booting from the DVD drive so I can load Win XP.However, when I get to the Windows Setup and it asks me if I want to setup windows(press enter), Repair(some other key), quit(F3) my keyboard won't work. I hit "Enter" because I want to install XP and nothing happens. It is not responding to my keyboard strokes.
This is strange because the keyboard works in the BIOS.

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Keyboard Not Working / No Lights Come Up On The Keyboard

Mar 3, 2005

My friends keyboard is not working. When she turns the computer on no lights come up on the keyboard. Have tried another keyboard and still the same. Unable to get into the computer to check bios etc as there is a password on the account.

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Virus - Related To Service.exe

May 15, 2006

Having problems at the moment. Thought I had got rid of my virus problem related to a file in the system32 folder called win16.exe, which was related to Downloader.Tibs. But then keep getting this crash dialogue box related to service.exe. Have followed some threads but a little confused.

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Cannot Right Click Related To Explorer.exe

Aug 4, 2006

I have a Dell 8200 desktop running XP service Pack 2. The problem I have is right clicking anything that is related to explorer.exe. I can right click icons on my desk top that are webpages, but not links to files on my computer. If I open a window, I cannot right click. I highlight an item and the busy hourglass spins around, then the window disappears. Can not delete items with out doing some work arounds. To delete, move or copy a file, I have to go into any program and say open file, then I can do what ever I want with it.

I have defragged, scanned for virus as well as adware and I am clean. Have even replaced the explorer.exe file. Had another tech try his darndest as well as other on-line Tech's. I have run a program called ShellExView and it comes up with an error in the following Extension Names. Channel, Channel Menu Handler Object, and Channel Shortcut. All are Channel Definition Viewer files.( cdfview.dll) All appear to be system types. Other Channel Definition Viewer fields seem to work just fine. (they include things such as icon handler, thumbnail, info tip handler etc. Not sure what to do with the information. I plan on getting a new computer soon, so do not want to have to reinstall Windows XP before then.

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Add Printer - Virus Related

Jan 12, 2007

Having a issue on a computer and i think its virus related but haven't found any info on it. when I go to printers you know usually you have the windows imaging printer but all I have is add printer. If I try to add printer it doesn't do anything

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Service Pack 3 Related Errors

Jul 31, 2008

I had some viruses and in my process of cleaning, I believe the auto dowload feature kicked in for Windows service pack 3. Once it loaded, I ran RegiCure and a host of other virus or regi conflict software. The following message appears when I try to boot Excel or Word. "The application or DLL C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficeMSO9.DLL is not a valid Windows Image.Please check this against your installation diskette."So at the moment, I can't boot Excel and Word. IS there a known Excel & Word conflict with service pack "3"?

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No Sound - Possibly Driver-related

Mar 7, 2006

I've been having probems with my sound recently. I think that the problems are driver related, but Ive tried reinstalling them, and getting new ones (the new ones had major problems). Its SoundMAX digital audio

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Computer Lagging Really Bad Not Game Related

Feb 1, 2005

I thought it was this new game i installed, it would lag about every minute and a half, for about 10 seconds at a time. So i uninstalled the game. The only problem is now the computer seems to get bogged down much easier (running AIM and windows media player at the same time makes WMP songs slow), and enters 10 second "slow periods". This never used to happen.

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Hardware Related - System Hanging

Jan 7, 2008

I had this posted in a previous thread about my RAM problems (which I fixed by getting better quality RAM ), but very frequently my system will hang for about 2 seconds. This all occurred after my laptop slid off my bed and dropped about 2 feet onto it's back-bone. I am still able to move the mouse while the system hangs. Now, I know this is not a memory related problem as I just installed 2 GB of Crucial DDR2 PC-5300 RAM (which are AMAZING!). A lot of you will try to suggest a virus or spy-ware scan, but seeing as how it happened right after I dropped the damn thing, I don't think the problem is software related. I also know that it's hard to diagnose hardware problems over the internet, but can any of you give me some tips? I'm honestly thinking of just bringing the thing into BestBuy to get warranty service on it. Hopefully it's something too damaged for them to deem it worth it to fix and they will have to give me a new laptop.

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Access Denied Dialog (not Permissions Related)

Mar 12, 2009

I cannot open folders on my computer. I can only Explore them. If I try to open them, I get an "Access is denied" alert. However, if I right-click and select Explore, all is good. I then usually drill down to get to the folder I want. But again, I cannot double-click on a folder that appears on the right pane in Explorer.

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BSOD In Recovery Console Related To OS Or Hardware?

Nov 14, 2006

I was trying to copy the hive files from a restore point when the computer suddenly crashed with a BSOD (Stop x0D1 DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL). I was simply typing at the prompt when it occurred. Memtest found no problems. Any idea why this happened? (This is a fancy notebook that "suddenly stopped working yesterday" according to the owner. He tried an OS repair with his original XP Home CD but the computer kept crashing part way through.

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Linux System Removed Related Setup

Dec 8, 2008

I have XP home 32bit and Linux on an 8 gb memory PC. Linux system will be removed as it was a business related setup and I'm no longer going to use. How might I upgrade so I can use all 8 gb with the windows environment? What is upgrade path to XP or Vista 64 without reinstalling? ANyway to use the 4 gb as ramdisk?

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Unable To Remove Software From Pc Related To Printer?

Mar 10, 2010

I can't remove software from my computer relating to my printer "epson"!

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BSOD Issues Related To This File / Service

Nov 4, 2008

The HID Input Service service terminated with the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. For more information, see Help and Support Center at Also I have checked in the System32, I have hidserv.dll is in there, but mouhid.sys and mouclass.sys are not.

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Running Really Slow / It's Virus Or Spy Ware Related

Oct 3, 2005

My PC has started running really slow. I know this could be virus or spy ware related but I have Norton and have never had problems before. Just before it started I changed the desktop appearence on my display settings. It started running slow from this point.I then tried to start i-tunes and it crashed.The ususal whirring noise (hard disk?) now sounds like a ticking. Every so often it jumps into life and runs a t normal speed.My operating system is XP. 250GB HDD. Intel pentium four processor 540 (3.2ghz)

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Getting Error Related To Sysdata.xml / Getting Blue Screen?

Oct 15, 2006

AFter duking with sysdata.xml BSOD for almost 2 months now with no success, i regretfully state that i have given up this fight. Tommorow or nex week, i will be dropping off my CPU to some computer technician who will charge me $65+ an hr, to hopefully fix my problem. But before i do so i would like to try one last time Problem: sysdata.xml & minidump crashes and restarts. Just restarting anytime i perform some action with the computer. More so playing games like WC3 tft and CS: S. Internet connection just disconnects randomly.

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Scandisk Doesnot Completes - Errors Were Related To Firefox.

Feb 23, 2005

When my computer is checking the drives after i restart my comouter by hitting the "reset" button on the CPU, it runs halfway and gives some errors. But the scanning does not complete.
The last line in the display says :

documents and settingsxxxMy Documentsxxx=; is cross linked on allocation unit 917504

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Stopping Pop Up Message Related To System Configuration Utility?

Jun 10, 2009

I undo one Program from start up and after that a pop up message appears as follows : " You have used the System Configuration Utility to make changes to the Windows.The System Configuration Utility is currently running in Diagnostic or Selective Start Up Mode causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time Windows starts. Choose the Normal Start up mode in the General Tab to start Windows normally and undo the changes you made using the System Configuration Utility."

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Blue Screen Error Related To Search Service

Jun 1, 2009

I'm having a somewhat-recurring issue wherein I'll play a PopCap or SOE Game and be interrupted by the dreaded BSOD. When I go into my event viewer and look at the only red-exclamation-point item I can, I see the following (two items, both appear in the log at exactly the same time. In this case, the game was Free Realms. As you'll note from the error, it appears to be related to the Windows Search Service. I've attached the minidump to this link, for those of you uber-XP-experts that can understand it. Also, I keep this PC maintained pretty well. I run anti-malware software on a regular basis, use ClamWin for my antivirus, and avoid iffy-websites.

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Getting Errors Related To Registry / Applications Wont Start?

May 17, 2006

A few days ago I started getting registry problems, applications not wanting to startup right and ect. Then it was followed by shortcuts crapping out on me. When I clicked on the shortcut to see what was wrong it said there was a .LNKtx problem with the .exe or somethign to that notion. I can bypass that problem fairly easily without a fix, however when I do that and load somethign such as a game it will cause the CPU to either a) shutdown program or b) make cpu crash and restart.

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