Linux System Removed Related Setup

Dec 8, 2008

I have XP home 32bit and Linux on an 8 gb memory PC. Linux system will be removed as it was a business related setup and I'm no longer going to use. How might I upgrade so I can use all 8 gb with the windows environment? What is upgrade path to XP or Vista 64 without reinstalling? ANyway to use the 4 gb as ramdisk?

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Won't Boot - Memory Related Or Bios Related

Apr 18, 2008

My pc won't boot windows. When I turn it on it gives the following message:"X300 SE 128MB BIOS P/N 113-A33406-100"Not exactly sure what is going on. I think it is either memory related or bios related, but I could be wrong.

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Hardware Related - System Hanging

Jan 7, 2008

I had this posted in a previous thread about my RAM problems (which I fixed by getting better quality RAM ), but very frequently my system will hang for about 2 seconds. This all occurred after my laptop slid off my bed and dropped about 2 feet onto it's back-bone. I am still able to move the mouse while the system hangs. Now, I know this is not a memory related problem as I just installed 2 GB of Crucial DDR2 PC-5300 RAM (which are AMAZING!). A lot of you will try to suggest a virus or spy-ware scan, but seeing as how it happened right after I dropped the damn thing, I don't think the problem is software related. I also know that it's hard to diagnose hardware problems over the internet, but can any of you give me some tips? I'm honestly thinking of just bringing the thing into BestBuy to get warranty service on it. Hopefully it's something too damaged for them to deem it worth it to fix and they will have to give me a new laptop.

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Getting Error Related To Missing Config System ?

Jul 13, 2005

When I switch on my laptop I get a black screen with white type telling me that the file above is missing and advising me to insert recovery disk and go to repair screen - happens every time. What should I do?

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Stopping Pop Up Message Related To System Configuration Utility?

Jun 10, 2009

I undo one Program from start up and after that a pop up message appears as follows : " You have used the System Configuration Utility to make changes to the Windows.The System Configuration Utility is currently running in Diagnostic or Selective Start Up Mode causing this message to be displayed and the utility to run every time Windows starts. Choose the Normal Start up mode in the General Tab to start Windows normally and undo the changes you made using the System Configuration Utility."

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Getting Error Related To Config System Is Missing Or Corrupt?

Apr 17, 2009

I was on my computer today, programs started freezing up, eventually windows crashed. When rebooting I got the message I put in the subject title line "windows could not start because the following file windowssystem32configsystem is missing or corrupt".

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Getting Error Related To Config System Corrupt Or Missing?

Jul 28, 2009

Windows crashed on my PC, on reboot I get an error message,"WindowsSystem32ConfigSystem corrupt or missing"So I search around on my laptop and find handy registry repair walkthrough on the windows site. I pop in my windows xp cd and enter the repair console.Now, the instructions say I should be prompted to enter an admin password, but I am not promted, instead I just get to the command prompt."C:>"So I type in the first command on the list "md tmp" to make a temp file for the repair and then..."Access is Denied"

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How To Replace Master Boot Record On Dual Boot System & Delete Linux Drive

Mar 8, 2006

I have a dual boot system (2 hard drives) booting Suse and XP and boot up through Suse's built in boot manager which gives me the option of booting to Windows or Linux. But since I barely ever use Linux I want to delete it off the 2nd drive so I can use it for a storage drive, so I'm wondering how to replace the Windows Master Boot Record so I can just boot into my XP drive. I'm scared that once I delete/reformat the contents of the 2nd hard drive (I'll probably use Partition Magic to do this through my XP drive) that I won't be able to boot XP up anymore. So before I do anything I want to just be able to boot into XP and bypass the linux drive before I delete it to make sure everything is ok.

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HP Software Removed Operating System

Feb 24, 2006

I recently was provided with a new version of HP Printer software, that has taken my 2 computer hostage. Although the software has been removed the operating system of both, one XP PRO and one XP HOME, has been altered. The hidden phantom 'aministrator' i XP has become dominant, refusing to allow my long time administrator to take the lead. Each time we bot up, it goes to the generic admistrator screen, and we most log off, and manually open our personal administrator.

I have spoke to the very nice HP executive case managers in Canada and they are at a loss. HP refused to discuss this problem with Microsoft. The only reason the problem isn't more widespread the the disc was sent to me and the request of a 'helpful HP technician in India, and is not yet in printers that have shipped

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XP Possible Trojan / Commendeared My System / Seems To Be Bypassed But Not Removed

Dec 2, 2004

this is the message i get when running a "heavy duty" trojan remover: called trojanhunter 4.the entry in your system registry that specifies how to open an executeable file is not set to %*%1, as it should be, but instead the value is ". some trojans alter this key to make themselves autostart(which ive been experincing everytime i open program) Do you want to restore the default value for this key(recommended).when i open any program a screen comes up sayng: to protect your system from bad things: have this box clicked: when doing that a trojan runs on my system: i've lkearned not to trust that box: and run as if i didnt want protection::

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Got Virus Attack / Performed System Restore And Removed Data?

Apr 16, 2009

i got a series of really bad viral infection on my computer. My virus programs took care of the viruses but also deleted some of the start up software that is used to boot up my computer correctly. as a last ditch effort I used the system restore function on my computer to reboot it back to a previous configeration. The computer booted back to its original out of the box configuration and I lost all my computer files (but on the flip side my computer was working perfectly now that this was done)

I take the computer to the repair shop so that they can do a deep memory scan to recover my files. They find some of the files and put them in a file folder located on my desktop. i am told by the techie working on my computer that there is a series of .dll errors at the start of windows and that they are the result of a viral infection (Obviously the system restore i did did not do its job of ridding me of the viruses. I did not notice the .dll errors when i initially did the system restore, but that doesn't mean that they weren't there)

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Can Boot Linux CDs, But Not Cds

May 24, 2007

The Windows XP Pro SP2 CD (it's legit, I bought it from Microsoft) will not boot from when I start it up. I've already went into my BIOS settings and changed the Boot Order so it will try to boot from the CD-ROM first. What happens is that I get the "Press any key to boot from CD....." message. After I press a key, I get the "Setup will now inspect your computer hardware and configuration..." message and then the screen goes blank and stays blank. The blue Windows Setup screen never comes up. I've tried the same CD on another PC (it had XP Pro SP2 on it, not Linux) and it boots up fine so it must be my computer. Also, I tried booting a Windows 95 CD and I got a "BOOT DISK FAILURE" message. I do know that my computer can boot from a CD because my Linux CDs (Ubuntu, Fedora, and Mint) boot with no problems at all.

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Can't Reinstall - After Using Linux

Nov 7, 2008

A few days ago I installed ubuntu on my hard drive, now I'm trying to reinstall xp, and I'm having some troubles. My hard drive is partioned, into two sections. One, a small one for the xp installation, and a bigger one for all my data. The smaller one I've installed xp on numerous times, never had an issue till now. With this same xp disk. But now, whenever I try, after the initial screen, (The one that lets you format, then it copies the files over to the drive, and then restarts your pc.) it either JUST Lets tells me to press any key to boot from the cd, as it did before, or, with no cd in, leaves me on a blank screen, with one underline in the upper left hand corner. I can wait for as long as I want in either case, but the xp installation never starts up. Is there ANYTHING I can do to get it to work? It never happened till I tried linux. People are telling me to just reformat the whole drive, but that has so much stuff to back up on it, and I don't have another hard drive to do it on..And like I said, it never did this till now. One other thing.

Before linux, the partion that always had windows on it was "c" and the data part was "d". now the windows setup lists the data part as c, and I never switched it, nor do I even know how..I also don't know if that matters, But I figured I should say it, just in case. If anyone can give me any help, that'd be awesome.

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Are Upgrade From LINUX Available?

Aug 27, 2005

I have seen stores displaying XP software upgrades for previous versions of Windows. What options would I have if I wanted to place XP on my home built LINUX system?

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Xp And Linux Dual Booting

Apr 7, 2007

I am thinking of running windows xp and linux on the same hard drive. I know I load windows first, but is there a boot loader that will allow me to choose which os I want to load up at start up?

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Installing Linux And Removing Win Xp?

Jan 9, 2008

i am thinking of getting rid of windows xp and using linux instead (DSL version 4.2).will i be able to install windows programs? will it have the featurss like a word processor and paint?will i have to install my own scanner and camera wizard or will it cum with linux? whats the difference between linux and windows xp? i know that the DSL version 4.2 of linux is only 50MB. and hardly takes any space of your hard drive, especially ram. will i be able to change the theme of linux into an xp classic theme or any other theme?

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Win Pro 32 Bit And Linux Ubuntu 8.10 At The Same Time

Dec 25, 2008

can i run these two os at the same time on mz pc , i wanna switch between like i switching between my ie and firefox.

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Linux Live CD And Installation

Sep 29, 2006

I've tried knoppix, ubuntu and some other ones, but is there any linux live CD's that allow you to save and edit files already on my HD? I'm talking files just like .doc's or .jpeg's

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Fix Boot Sequence Using Linux Live CD

Sep 24, 2009

Windows XP will not boot. After the first "Dell" screen, a blinking underscore appears on a blank page. The hard drive and all hardware are fine, as confirmed by friend computer wizards. This is without doubt a software problem.

I burned SLAX (a linux derivative) to a live CD and set my BIOS to boot from CD. SLAX is fantastic, but I wonder if I can restore windows to a previous point or investigate my boot sequence using SLAX's file manager There is a high likelihood that I have a trojan.

Side question: Would you recommend trend micro antivirus over norton? is there another antivirus option you'd recommend more highly than both of these?

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Linux On 2nd Drive - Full Administrative

Oct 20, 2007

I am removing Linux on 2nd drive Need to use FixMBRWhen entering password for login in XP recovery console, I get kicked out I cannot remember what I set up 2 years ago
I have the login for my profile which has full administrative access s there a workaround to change the password on the actual administrator profile from with my profile?

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System Reboots At MCE Setup

Sep 25, 2005

I am trying to reinstall windows using Windows Media Center Edition 2005. I ran the compatability wizard and everything seems to check out. Whenever I boot from cd, I get a black screen that says Setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration. It stays there for about 5 seconds then reboots. If I attempt the same thing with WinXP Pro SP2 it loads fine.

I tried removing some ram, my extra dvd and hard drives, the external devices, and the pci cards. Still the same problem.

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Can't Get Into System Setup (BIOS)

Apr 4, 2007

Running a Dell XPS710. Was on the phone with tech support and had to go into setup to check on something. after I got off the phone, I rebooted and tried to access setup and can not. I don't know if I accidentally checked off something that won't allow me to use the keyboard until the machine boots into windows because pressing F2 (Setup) or F12 (Boot Options) when the Dell splash screen appears won't work. It just goes into Windows.

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Need To Backup Registry, Can't Boot Into Windows - Possible From Linux?

Oct 17, 2005

My main computer's installation of windows (XP Home Edition OEM SP2) is completely dead. Due to a driver problem (to do with having alcohol 120% and daemon tools installed) it resolutely refuses to boot up, even in safe mode. I've tried everything to fix it, including several repair installatios of windows and much rummaging around with the recovery console, but it's gone, I need to reinstall.

Windows is installed on it's own partition, so I don't mind terribly having to reinstall, but one thing I'm annoyed about is having to reinstall all my programs (that are on their own partition too) when I lose the registry.

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Get Rid Of Linux Without Reformatting The Entire Hard Drive

Jun 14, 2005

I had a duel boot system running Windows 2000 and linux, I decided to get rid of linux for a while but stupid me just went in to fdisk and deleted the linux partition. Now my 80 gig hard drive only shows as 40 and I can't think of anyway to get it back without reformatting the entire hard drive

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Kubuntu Linux Installed The Grub Bootloader - Get Rid

Sep 21, 2007

Despite specifically telling it not to, Kubuntu Linux installed the Grub bootloader.

How can I get rid of this and gett back to the original Windows MBR? I want to use the program bootpart to write the boot.ini, which is done through Windows.

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OS In Safemode - System Setup Won't Start

Mar 25, 2005

I reformatted my drive. I performed a clean install of windows xp. My drive has already undergone a FIXMBR All hardware not essential for a working computer are not connected. Only my harddisk, Geforce4, processor, and RAM are connected.When I let windows xp professional boot normally or in safe mode, i randomly get one of the following.pci.sys missing or corrupted, use recovery console to.asapnp.sys missing or corrupted, use recover console to.or boot into black screen, computer dies.

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Setup Does Not Support Operating System

Jul 3, 2010

I loaded windows xp 64 bit but when i tried to install the drivers it tell me setup does not support my operating system.It tell me it only support windows xp an a few others.

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How Is A Dual Boot System Setup?

Nov 23, 2008

How do I establish a dual boot system? I am running WinXP on both drives.

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System Freeze At First Stage Of Setup

Jan 8, 2005

I'm installing XP onto a blank system. Everytime I get to the first stage of setup that requires user input (the screen where you enter in Name/Organization) The system freezes after a few seconds. After resetting the setup restarts and exactly the same thing happens again. Can someone suggest what the problem is and how I can overcome it (and get a computer that works!).

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Startup: Start Directly From Linux/ Asked For Win2000?

Nov 27, 2004

I have a partition with Linux and winXP so when I switch the pc on, I get the initial page of suse where I am asked if I want to start with linux or windows, if I don't change to windows in a few second, it will start directly from linux. I would like to erase this partition, is there an automatic way to do it?
Or at least, if it's too difficult to erase it, I'd like to start directly with windows.once loggen in windows, I am asked whether I want to start with winXP or win2000, but I don't have win2000 installed , so I'd like to erase this option page and log directly with win XP

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Toshiba Laptop With Linux - Machine By Removing UBUNTU

Aug 8, 2007

I would like to get help with the following problem.I have a Toshiba laptop with Linux(UBUNTU) in it. I do not have any of those CD's and now I want to install Windows xp in this machine by removing UBUNTU.Is this something possible with out UBUNTU CD's??I have a Win Xp cd.Please help me out and let me know if I need to download anything to make this happen.If its not possible to remove UBUNTU please advise me if I can have Winxp along with that and have Dual OS.

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