Clean Compact - Optimize Registry

Dec 15, 2005

The Microsoft Windows registry is a hierarchical database of system configuration data. Many of the programs written for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit platforms require data from the registry. This means it is used often, and some programs really like to hammer the registry. Running a program such as SysInternal's RegMon, which logs access to the registry, can show you just how much some programs make use of the registry. Even Explorer, the file browser built into Windows, makes heavy use and this can have wide impact on performance

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PC Needs To Clean It Up To Optimize Performance

Jun 1, 2010

I just got hired by a church to replace their old assistant, and the computer I am using is 7 years old.
It is a Intel computer running on a Pentium 4 2.66 GHZ processor with 512 MB of ram. The operating system is Windows Xp 2002 Professional with a service pack 3 add on.Everything is extremely slow operating, and explorer has every toolbar imaginable installed

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Clean And Optimize Your New Computer

Nov 21, 2009

When you buy a new computer it is often loaded with extra software that you just don’t need.  OEMs are paid by software companies to bundle trial versions in hopes that you will buy the full product. The preloaded junk is a waste of disk space, memory and can even hurt the performance of your new computer so it is a good idea to remove it all.

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Use A Backup Of My Registry To Clean Up My Registry?

Jul 29, 2005

When I did a clean install of XP, I saved the backed up the registry.

Can I import this backup to clean out all registry entries since the

Or can I do a comparison between the backup and the current registry to look
at differences and delete them manually?

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Registry Clean Utility / Thing As Official Windows Registry Utility?

Dec 2, 2004

On my box at home, I have Norton System Works, which contains a registry diagnostic/sweeper.At work, where I run Windows 2000 Pro, I was wondering...I know there are various registry diagnostic & cleaner utilities out there on the web, but I thought I had heard that Windows itself either includes one on the OS disc or makes one available for download.Is there such a thing as an official Windows Registry utility?

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Best Registry Clean

Nov 20, 2007

I use Windows XP SP2,IE7,Norton Internet Security 2007,Intel (R) Pentium (R) M Processor 2.00 GHz 0,99 GB RAM. Could u please teel me which Registry Clean is more suitable for me?

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Clean Up - Get The Registry Cleaned Out?

Mar 20, 2006

I am selling with the OS installed (Win XP-Pro), what can I do to ensure that there will be no information at all left on the machine. I used it for MSN, Internet banking, browsing all that stuff, and I'm a little nervous that there will be information accesable by the buyer. I would just do a wipe and reinstall, however, I do not have the OS disc anymore, So I want to clean it up as much as possible. People tell me that I have to get the registry cleaned out. What I am asking is for any tips to ensure a clean machine and registry.

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How To Often Should Defrag And Clean Registry

Nov 19, 2008

The Display adapter is a 64MB DDR NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 with TV Out, and I am using Internet Explorer 7. Am I doing anything that is incorrect and should not do, or do differently in the following?I am using Diskeeper 2008 Home, and Defragment my Hard Drive every two hours. I clean my Registry with Advanced Registry Optimizer 2008 about every five days. I perform a Full Registry Backup right before I execute a Diskeeper Boot-time Defragmentation [which I perform about every three days. I delete all my Partial and Full Registry Backups when I have three or more Full Registry Backups. I then Perform a Full Registry Backup [so I never have more than three Full Registry Backups at any time, to save Disk Space.] I know that the Registry is Vital for the entire computer,

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Registry Clean Up Programs

Jun 22, 2006

I have downloaded 4 different registry programs and they all give me a different number of problems with my computer. One (Windows Registry Repair Pro) gave me 264 problems, with 255 invalid paths being part of the problem. This one sells for $9.99, is it a good one? I guess there aren't any free registry cleaners available? Which registry program does CNET suggest to be a good one? I have Win XP SP2 Home edition My computer has slowed down and it is probably from the registry right?

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All In One Solution - Clean Registry

Aug 27, 2006

I need to purchase a software that I can use on 500 PC, load and exactly use without spending a whole lot of money. I have been searching but not have not come up with anything that stands out and really can do all the things I want. Like, Remove Spyware, adware, stop pop-ups, Kill Trojans, worms, Viruses, CLEAN REGISTRY and programs errors, Remove Harmful registry keys and files, Speed-up computers, Destroy harmful Hijackers, Help prevent Identity theft, clean & Optimize your PC. This software is for IBM and Macs and about 500 computers,

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Registry Clean Up To Boost The Windows Speed

Sep 6, 2005

is it a good idea to clean the registery say after 3 months of usage or after 4- 5 uninstallation of the softwares. Generally there are lots of registery cleaners avaliable claiming to boost the windows speed,but is it recomended by windows ? even if proper mode of un installations is carried out. If yes then please suggest some safe software for the same.

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Clean Registry Of ALL The Uninstalled Removed Programs

Feb 18, 2006

Running XP Pro,And wondering how do I clean my registry of ALL the old uninstalled removed programs folders that were long, long ago removed but still remaining in software areas of the various HKeys?

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Power PC Tool - Over Powered - Duplicate Files Clean Registry

Apr 4, 2006

i downloaded "Demo Version" Jv16 Power tools 2005 from a link to find duplicate files and clean my registry, I thought that programs I had uninstalled and reinstalled for varius reasons were all duplicated with missing files. The download didn't have the handbook which i found out later i needed so now after running dup. file finder, reg cleaner. I have a very unstable system nothing stays stable and there is a mass of backups I don,t know where to start. The forum there won,t help. supposedly I got a old Beta version. My backups don,t look anything like there's. I would like to go back to before i installed with system restore point but i dont know if it can retrieve files from Jv16 backup or what.

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Compact Wireless-G Won't Install / Uninstall

Aug 26, 2010

That's because this problem is. I've searched all over the net and while I've found many people who've had problems with their compact wireless-g devices (turns out I got lucky with my last system), nobody's problem quite fits what is happening here.Ok, so I made the carnal error of plugging the damn thing in before I installed the software off of the CD. That's the only possible reason I can think of for why it's giving me this grief, unless it's an XP 64 issue. When I was installing the driver, the install program hanged at 30% - I left it for at least 10 minutes with no activity at all. I closed it and control-alt-delete-killed the installshield, opened up the install utility. and it said "The Driver has already been installed. If you want to replace this driver, you must uninstall the old driver." I first tried add/remove programs. It opened up, did the whole thing, gave me the satisfactory "installshield has finished uninstalling the program, yada yada...except the program never disappears from the add/remove programs list! I tried running it again...same problem. I tried running the uninstall program off of the cd...same problem. I tried deleting the entire compact wireless G folder and even hunted through the registry...nothing. I checked for system restore but it doesn't look like it's going to get me back to before I installed this thing for the first time. What do I do?

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Capture Video From My JVC Compact VHS Camcorder

Jul 31, 2005

I am new to movie maker. I am trying to capture video from my JVC compact VHS camcorder. I have it connectd via the S-VHS cable. When I go to Capture from video device it says that the device is currenlt in use.

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Compact Disc Labeled Intel Corp Installation

May 9, 2006

Needed to repair XP from my XP Home CD which went well - however I now get
"Please insert Compact Disc labeled 'Intel Corp Installation Disc #1 into your CD ROM drive (D), and then click Okay" as the system came preloaded with only the XP Home disc and searching the Web has not identified a site explaining what the file is or where I can download it, if at all possible.

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Free Up Disk Space Outlook Express Can Compact Messages

Dec 22, 2006

i close down outlook express 6 and this stupid dialog box pops up saying "to free up disk space outlook express can compact messages, this may take a few minutes" i click cancel, but everytime i open it,it happenes again.if anyone knows how i can get rid of this message, please reply to my post

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Optimize System With 256 MB RAM

Mar 29, 2006

what is the best recommendation for optimization of a system with Win XP Pro SP2 and 256 RAM? Should I use Diskkeeper, AceUtilities or something similar?

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Optimize DSL - Upgraded To Dsl

Aug 24, 2008

I recently took the plunge and upgraded to DSL. Everything seems to be working o.k. but I was wondering if there is anything I can do to optimize my system.I am running Windows XP.

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Optimize Resume From Hibernation

Aug 24, 2004

I'm running one of my computers as a MEdia computer. I need it Winamp(video, music), and IE (Browsing) and that is pretty much it.How can I optimize XP PRO so that It can resume from Hibernation as quickly as possible.

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Optimize - Free From Fragmentation

Sep 29, 2007

I've been trying to optimize my XP system to run as good as it possibly can, free from fragmentation, junk files, spyware etc. I've come up with a few programs that I want to ask people about. Spybot S&D 1.5 (the new one), Advanced Windows Care, CCleaner, and Glary Utilities. I have on my computer, only AWC because it can do almost all of what CCleaner does and it also has something similar to the "Immunize" function in Spybot and I heard it's bad to have more than one of those kinds of things happening at once. Could someone let me know how many of these programs I can or should be running? Are they all able to run fully (meaning that I'm able to immunize in Spybot and immunize in AWC and Glary for example) together, or are there some that I can't run if I am running others.

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Cannot Optimize The System Properly

Oct 20, 2005

I found this link on this website ... Optimize XP:

I did everything, but the one part where it says to turn up the inital and maximum page file size to 1.5x and 3x respectively of the amount of ram in your computer, i had a problem with. I have 1536MB Ram in my computer, and it will only go up to 4096 in the maximum thing. Does that mean i'm losting like 200-300 mbs of ram? What else is there to do?

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Setting For Automatic Optimize?

Jul 14, 2005

I just bought a new Dell XPS Generation 5 CPU with Windows XP Home Edition. I was playing around the other day and found a new setting that allowed the computer to automaticly optimize my HD after i have been idle for a set amount of time. I have not been able to find this setting since then. If anyone knos how to get to this setting so it can be modified please email me or post a rely to this thread.

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Tools That Would Optimize Steam

Sep 6, 2006

Does anybody have any tips or tools that would optimize Steam(Counter-Strike, ect) Its a HUGE cpu/RAM hog and its inconvienant and ridiculous

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Will Not Start After Bootvis Optimize

Nov 2, 2006

I have used Bootvis in the past with no problems. Today I tried bootvis optimize and it told me to restart like normal, only this time right before windows would have the Login Screen pop up, the computer restarts. Safe mode works great, so I am thinking that Bootvis has some sort of sequence it wants to execute during bootup which is causing a problem. How can I stop bootvis from trying to work on my boot files during boot up

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Optimize.EXE And Safe Mode

Oct 30, 2005

I am using Windows XP and have Adware by the name of Optimize.exe on my computer. I am usually good at cleaning my computer but must have clicked the wrong thing for this to load.This issue is in Safe Mode. When I enter Safe Mode, I can not click anything. All icon pop up on the desktop but they are unclickable. From the task manager it shows no applications running but a few processes (all System processes). I am sure that the spyware is preventing Safe Mode from working somehow. I use Safe Mode with Ad-Aware and Autoruns all the time to clean my

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Optimize Repair And Speed Up

Jul 28, 2008

my computer is running very slow freezes up and will not always let me get online it usually takes 3-4 trys to get online. any advise on the best software

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Slow PC - Optimize The Performance

Jan 22, 2009

I am trying to optimize the performance of my pc. I would be grateful for any suggestions as to what clutter I can remove.

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Program Association With Compact Flash Card - Media Card Reader

Feb 16, 2006

I have a PC with a built-in media card reader, and when I use the compact flash portion of that reader a certain program is always launched. I would imagine that initially I indicated which program to open. Is there any change to change that program?

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Insert The Compact Disk Labeled 'VIA AGP Filter Driver Disk

Jul 15, 2009

Im trying to repair install windows XP on my computer.I get up to the actual instalation part and it gives me this message:'Please insert the Compact Disk labeled ' VIA AGP Filter Driver Disk' into your CDROM drive (and then click OK. You can also click OK if you want files to be copied from an alternate location, such as a floppy disk'If i click cancel my mouse locks up and my screen flashes on and off and when i reboot it starts up the installation normally again but gives me this message halfway through the instalation.

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Optimize My Disk - Have The Disk Space (750GB) Subdivided

Mar 27, 2008

I'm facing the following problem: I would like to have my Disk space (750GB) subdivided to accomplish the following
1 - Boot Windows XP Prof SP2 x86

2 - Boot Windows XP Prof SP2 x64

3 - Store my Data Folders and Files separately (to do Backups from one place).

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