I am new to movie maker. I am trying to capture video from my JVC compact VHS camcorder. I have it connectd via the S-VHS cable. When I go to Capture from video device it says that the device is currenlt in use.
easiest way i can capture video's off my DV Camcorder into windows movie marker and if i can, have it automatically split the clips up into 4.2 gig sized movies..(the reason being i have a movie thats 8 or 10 gigs long, and i want to cut it into slices that will fit just right onto a dvdr) there is a check box when your recording the movie that says "make clips when finished" or something like that and it just seems to split my movie in half i think? i'm not really sure...Also does WMM copy the information DIRECTLY from the tape digitally to the computer so what i have is an EXACT copy of what was on the camcorder? (i.e. the FPS and screen size and image quality are the EXACT SAME? no gen loss?)..
Just bought a Canon ZR200 camcorder. When I connect it to my PC using either the fire wire or USB connections, and commence video capture using either WinDVD Creator (Version 2.0B014.183C2W) or Nero Vision Express 2, I get lots of audio breakup as the video is being captured and during playback in the editing function. When I use Movie Maker, I do not get the audio breakup (unfortunately MM doesn't allow me to create DVDs).I defragged my HD with no effect. Later this week, my brother will be bringing his Sony camcorder so I can see if I get the same results using the same tapes. In the meantime, does anyone have any idea why this is happening? What's frustrating is that I did not have this problem when using the same PC, software and a DAC-100 capture device connected to a VCR.
that would show me what services on my PC I would be safe in temporarily stopping? I'm having some jitter in the capture of video through VIVO that I'm attributing to too many services running at once and using up so much resource. I can see it well enough in the final DVD production being played on a home DVD player that it is annoying. I can easily suspend the usual programs like anti-virus and such but there are a boatload of other services that run. If anyone knows of a program or a list that would indicate to me what services are mandatory.
I aquired this PC second hand from a friend a few years ago. I know there were "questionable" things loaded on this pc before they gave it to me. (you know, single adult male had this pc and attempted to clean it up before letting me have it...THOSE kind of questionable files).Anyway, it's never been super speedy but since I loaded some video capture software (Capwiz, Ulead Video studios) a couple years ago it's been slow. I haven't really cared enough to try to fix it but now it's getting pretty rediculous. I found some stuff in msconfig that I disabled (one was WKUfind, or something like that. I feel like I remember seeing that on some spyware stuff before)
I recently read the article on Tom's Hardware about using a camcorder as a webcam. They used crappy, free USB drivers and the results were HORRIBLE. WebCamDV has very good quality, pretty much perfect, but it is only for FireWire connected camcorders. My camcorder doesn't have a firewire connection, it only has USB (supposed to be for quick captures). Is there software that gets similair results to WebCamDV, only from a USB connection?
I am trying to connect my Panasonic DV203 camcorder to my PC in order to create DVDs of the content I have video taped. My system refuses to recognize the camcorder. I get no ping acknowleging a new hardware device as been attached.I am trying to connect via a Ultra IEEE 1394 Firewire adapter (ULT-31342).Device manager shows no conflicts.I've tried the MS MovieMaker, an evaluation copy of ULead's Video Studio 9.0, and an evaluation copy of Video Edit Magic 4.0. None of them see the camcorder. I get various error messages from each stating "A video capture device was not detected" or "No capture device found" or "Either no video capture driver is installed in this system or no device is connected".
I've "always" had problems with using devices on my computer (XP). When I tried to hook up my camcorder I got a blue screen of death, and in the end no matter what I tried, as soon as I tried to stream my video it froze so badly the machine had to be turned off at the wall, and left to recover. I don't remember what the blue screen code was at that time, as I assumed it was a one-off. However, I now like to keep in touch with friends and family in New Zealand using a webcam. Now, I had freezing and crashing using Messenger, so I now use Camfrog, which has been fine up until yesterday, well, actually, not fine, sometimes it would crash when I put in the camera password (to activate the webcam), but mostly it would work.
So .......... yesterday, it started playing up real badly. I had to reboot (after turning the pc off at the wall) five times! Now it doesn't even give me the chance to put in the password just gives me this: (put a ? in by the UGCODE, cause I couldn't quite read what that symbol was [screen cuts off], but from googling I think its a "b"...
That's because this problem is. I've searched all over the net and while I've found many people who've had problems with their compact wireless-g devices (turns out I got lucky with my last system), nobody's problem quite fits what is happening here.Ok, so I made the carnal error of plugging the damn thing in before I installed the software off of the CD. That's the only possible reason I can think of for why it's giving me this grief, unless it's an XP 64 issue. When I was installing the driver, the install program hanged at 30% - I left it for at least 10 minutes with no activity at all. I closed it and control-alt-delete-killed the installshield, opened up the install utility. and it said "The Driver has already been installed. If you want to replace this driver, you must uninstall the old driver." I first tried add/remove programs. It opened up, did the whole thing, gave me the satisfactory "installshield has finished uninstalling the program, yada yada...except the program never disappears from the add/remove programs list! I tried running it again...same problem. I tried running the uninstall program off of the cd...same problem. I tried deleting the entire compact wireless G folder and even hunted through the registry...nothing. I checked for system restore but it doesn't look like it's going to get me back to before I installed this thing for the first time. What do I do?
The Microsoft Windows registry is a hierarchical database of system configuration data. Many of the programs written for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit platforms require data from the registry. This means it is used often, and some programs really like to hammer the registry. Running a program such as SysInternal's RegMon, which logs access to the registry, can show you just how much some programs make use of the registry. Even Explorer, the file browser built into Windows, makes heavy use and this can have wide impact on performance
Needed to repair XP from my XP Home CD which went well - however I now get "Please insert Compact Disc labeled 'Intel Corp Installation Disc #1 into your CD ROM drive (D), and then click Okay" as the system came preloaded with only the XP Home disc and searching the Web has not identified a site explaining what the file is or where I can download it, if at all possible.
i close down outlook express 6 and this stupid dialog box pops up saying "to free up disk space outlook express can compact messages, this may take a few minutes" i click cancel, but everytime i open it,it happenes again.if anyone knows how i can get rid of this message, please reply to my post
There is a symptom that I would like to post for help with, but don't know how to do this.I am having trouble with proper font display, and the only way to show what the problem exactly is will require posting it.
until recently i was able to pause the video, press print screen key, then open photoshop and open the image there. now when i try to do it i get the media player, but the screen part of it is black.
Id like to be able to capture my screen as well as my freinds webcam. Im making a small video of differant clips of my freinds and i doin supid/funny stuff on cam to put on one of my buddies webites. Any reccomendations on good webcam capture program??
When I use Windows Movie Maker to capture from my DV camcorder, the CPU is at 100 % and the fan is always working. Then, after approximately 5 minutes of capture, my PC freeze and I have to reboot it. Then I see that a 39 MB video file (.wmv) and a 468 MB .tmp file have been created.I have a notebook 2.4 GHz with 512 MB of RAM. I have ordered a notebook cooler but it will come in about 2 weeks.I tried to capture my video with the Samsung software coming with my camcorder, it worked, the CPU was low during the capture but the video captured was of poor quality
i just got this audio capture device for xmas and i plugged it into the wall then i plugged the usb into my computer. my computer instantly froze then shut off. so i unplugged the device and turned my computer back on. it started booting up fine but then froze and shut itself off. now when i turn it on it sounds like it boots up normal but nothing comes up on the screen. also, when the computer is off, but plugged in, there is a red light on the cd drive and a red light on the keyboard. i think something shorted out but there is no sign of damage on the mobo or ram. im hoping its just the psu, but i really have no idea. here are the complete specs:
I have a PC with a built-in media card reader, and when I use the compact flash portion of that reader a certain program is always launched. I would imagine that initially I indicated which program to open. Is there any change to change that program?
Im trying to repair install windows XP on my computer.I get up to the actual instalation part and it gives me this message:'Please insert the Compact Disk labeled ' VIA AGP Filter Driver Disk' into your CDROM drive (and then click OK. You can also click OK if you want files to be copied from an alternate location, such as a floppy disk'If i click cancel my mouse locks up and my screen flashes on and off and when i reboot it starts up the installation normally again but gives me this message halfway through the instalation.
Recently I was playing a game, when my screen froze. I then shut my computer down to restart it, used it a few times (in 4-bit safe mode), then after I shutdown again, I cant log back in... it just freezes and the screen flashes, I cannot boot into my computer setup (default f2) or into safe mode (default f8), however I can run the XP cd and get into the recovery console, is there any way that I can change the boot sequence from the recovery console? The screen is dotted with a bunch of dots up and down the screen in columns, and is in 4-bit video mode.
I have a Dell xps gen 5 with xp home.
the error I get is:
"Error: Cant enter setup. Video Mode 103 not supported by this video card."
I have managed to put video footage onto my PC from a video cassette (by plugging my VCR into the TV aerial socket). The video footage is saved on my PC as .mpg files & when I open them, they play fine on Windows Media Player.When I import them on to Windows Movie Maker, they are recognised as video footage and I am able to put them into the collections as video. However, for some reason, when I drag them onto the timeline, they go onto the audio line & I can't get them to go on the video line, so when I play it, the sound plays but there is no picture. I have tried saving them as .AVI files but that makes no difference
I have window XP SP2 installed on my laptop. I also use InterVideo WinDVD Creator for video editing. Recently when I try to import video file into my application, my laptop, processing percentage goes up to 98%, and the application just freezes up. I also tried the Microsoft movie maker software and I get the same result. I was wondering if I need to reinstall the application or there is something that my laptop is missing. The application was functioning fine until 2 days ago, and since then I haven't installed any other application.
My Windows Media player 10 is trying to play some video clips as songs rather than video clips. This has only recently happened. Do I need to purchase some decoder to fix it or is there a down oad for it?
Some of my video files are not working for want of Indeo Video Codec. I have been working on a video convert tool as my last application. I do not know what happened and this got corrupted. It gives pop up message for MS Encarta Video files saying "The program you are trying to run requires a current Indeo codec To obtain a current driver that is compatible with this version of Windows, please contact the manufacturer at http://indeo.ligos.com.". When I check with them, they ask me to contact OS supplier
The problem is the computer keeps losing its video display. Just went black. I reinstall the drivers and restart and the computer runs fine. Use fine, then after its been on for awhile it goes black again. Weird. I have the newest drivers and all the windows updates loaded. It just keeps going out. I have tried several screens as well to rule out the monitor freaking out.
I imported a video of 90 min length onto my computer. When I imported it into Movie Maker the final quarter skips and the video and audio are disjointed. What caused this?
just got a new computer recently and updated the media player to windows media player 11 but when i try to play a video file it just plays the audio with no video.. anyone know why this is or have any tips?
I hooked up my Xbox to my PC to play online using my monitor, only to find out that my NVidia Geforce4 Ti 4200 can only display a max resolution of 720x480 through my capture software, and this ain't good enough for me. Does somebody know of any specific card/adapter TV Tuner that has an S Video input and could give me resolution over 1024 pixels under $100.
First of all I'll start by informing you THIS IS NOT A HARDWARE ISSUE! (all caps for emphasis not for anger.) I need to know how to fix this fast clink the link for the video there's two parts it's not long each part is only a minute long.