I have increased my DPI to 250% to be able to read stuff in Windows without getting headache. Is there a way of increasing font size of start menu items as well?
And what about text size of items when alt tabbing, text size of charms bar (win+C) and text size of settings (win+i).
It seems to me that instead of improving the good old features of the older versions, Microsoft suddenly decided to replace them with lots of crap instead, not taking into account that there are people out there who don't have the eagle eye vision.
I can't seem to find where you can increase the size of the fonts used within the tiles on the start menu in 8.1. Is it possible to do, and if so, where would I do it at?
i got a surface pro and i hooked it up to my dell u2311hm monitor. Now when its not hooked up, i like to have the display setting size to Medium - 125% or Large - 150% (default) but once i hook my mini display in, the dell u2311 looks like ass at Large. so i gotta bring it down to Small - 100%. Is it possible to have different settings for different display.
When I logged in my windows 8 I was surprised when I found that most of the tiles that were in my start menu disappeared even the desktop tile and the store tile.
I found an article that suggests creating the apps shortcuts and pasting them in this folder
%ProgramData%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms
But when I opened this folder I was surprised again to find all my tiles shortcuts there. Nothing is missing at all even the desktop shortcut and store shortcut are there.
Why don't these apps show up in the start menu? I don't remember doing any thing the last time I used my laptop except uninstalling and reinstalling Visual Basic 6
Note: after some research I found a reference to this path
When I'm pasting my shortcuts there they are appearing in Start Screen and I also noticed that when I install any new application it is not added to the start screen automatically as usual ...
How do I perform the above subject while in Windows File Explorer in Windows 8. In Vista and other OS'ss I could easily find where to add a shortcut to the list of ALL PROGRAMS.
I love using Adobe photo shop (CS6 extended) but a major irritant is that the Adobe menu text always seems too small. (The Photoshop menus - not Windows). how to make the text size bigger.
the second image shows the text in the drop down fine -- deliberately made bigger to explain what I mean - but the Photoshop titles are tiny and hard to read -- and the 3rd image is what you see when using Bridge -- The image browser built into photo shop --
One of the biggest complaints about the Windows 8 start menu/screen, is the fact that it takes up the whole screen, unnecessarily blocking everything a desktop user is currently working on.
I've been playing around with Windows 8.1 Preview, and am getting used to snapping the start screen to the left side, like you can with metro apps, using Win+Arrow.
Because Windows 8 treats the Desktop like an app, it can be displayed on the right half of the screen, while the start menu is snapped to the left half of the screen.
So I'm just wondering whether there's a way to force the start screen to always open at half the fullscreen size? In other words, always snapped to the size.
This would be a great way to meet the fullscreen-start-menu-haters half-way.
monitor is small, but it supports 2560 * 1256 resolution resolution is too high on my small monitor, so every text and pictures are too small on my windows
i already using my windows with scaling up icons, texts, by changing registry values.
but still, texts and tiles on metro UI is not changed, it still is in small size.
To make these tile's font size bigger, what can i do?
(1) How to increase the font size of Windows Explorer? (2) Is it possible to put in folder, file name in the TaskBar? I can pin applications like Ms Word, Power point but not any specific file or folder which I am using. (3) The time in the task bar is showing as 23:34.How can I make it to 11:34? (4) Like Windows XP is it possible to bring in a kind of a "Show Desktop" in the task bar so that I can quickly move into the Desktop from a current window.
monitor is small, but it supports 2560 * 1256 resolution resolution is too high on my small monitor, so every text and pictures are too small on my windows
i already using my windows with scaling up icons, texts, by changing registry values.
but still, texts and tiles on metro UI is not changed, it still is in small size.
To make these tile's font size bigger, what can i do?
My system font size in Windows 8.1 decreased after the update. I had to go into Display settings and manually increase the size of the font in each category from 9 to 10.
Unfortunately, I don't know what the default size was before. I just know that after the update my system fonts appeared visibly smaller.
Is there a way to change the font size in incoming messages? I don't mean by using a screen magnifier or anything like that, but by setting an option that presents all incoming mail in the selected font.
I have looked through the forum for tips on my minor problem and I hope I can explain what is happening. Whenever or whatever web page I am viewing and I slide the 'touchpad' mouse pointer/cursor across the page the font sometimes increases or decreases in size, i,e, from 100% to 105% or 150% or 50%. I think I am putting too much force onto the touchpad.
My question is:- is there an easy way to stop the font from changing? apart from being more gentle on the touchpad.
I installed my collection of fonts last night and since then the images (or maybe they're a kind of font?) in the menu bar in the start menu have gone missing and have been replaced by rectangles (which leads me to believe its a font problem). These weird rectangles have also replaced the arrows on scrollbars, the search button in the start menu... pretty much any kind of button in the Metro interface. I did not remove, rename, overwrite, or delete any existing fonts to my knowledge. take a look at my attached pic.
Is there any way to fix this or am I going to have to do *another* refresh?
I am familiar on editing context menus in Windows Explorer but how do I edit the context menu of items (folders, programs, shortcuts, etc) on the desktop.
I was wondering how I could go about removing items from the Open With menu without having to download any programs for it. Here's a screenshot of what I'm talking about. I would like to remove Photos/Paint as I never use those 2 items.
System Info Utility version OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro, 64 bit Processor: AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, AMD64 Family 20 Model 2 Stepping 0 Processor Count: 2 RAM: 2666 Mb Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics, 384 Mb Hard Drives: C: Total - 281129 MB, Free - 241970 MB; D: Total - 19850 MB, Free - 2098 MB; E: Total - 4055 MB, Free - 935 MB; Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 3577 Antivirus: Windows Defender, Disabled
I didnt have this problem in windows 7 and it makes me want to go back to it sometimes because if this glitch.
windows 8 boots and after logging in,sometimes doesnt start programs that are set to load.
EFI installed with GPT
intel 2600 16gb memory nvidia 580gtx
2tb drive
I have fastboot disabled
programs that sometimes dont load
msi afterburner
logitech mouse software (without the software my g5 mouse is slow)
hp software
rebooting the computer fixes the problem and all programs load.
This problem also happens on a fresh install after a couple of week and the event log is field with errors stating the service could of start, failed start, couldnt find service.
I ran chkdsk,sfc and all passed. And like I said rebooting the computer loads fine and event log for the reboot shows no errors.
I've recently purchased a new laptop with Windows 8.1 pre-installed. First question is how do i enable a confirm window to pop up when deleting something? I don't like how i can just hit delete and it moves it (Only to the recycle bin, but i'd rather it didn't).
Secondly how do i stop the start menu from switching to that Windows 8 menu view? I did originally change it so that when you click the start menu (Bottom left in) it would actually bring up the start menu, but it seems to have reverted. On top of this how do i change it so that pressing the Windows button brings up the start menu rather than the Windows 8 menu view thing?
Thirdly how do i enable file details when in Windows Explorer. So in Windows 7 when you select a file it would give the size, name, author, date last edited etc in the details pane. How do i get that now?
Finally, how do i change my task bars transparency?
When you launch skype from the startmenu it is a huge square, when i launch task manager from the startmenu it is launched to the desktop.
Could there be a way to make the task menu launch from the startmenu to be a big square like skype is "phone eddition"
This would be useful because when im in games and the game freezes, i can bring up the start menu like SUPER FAST and it is visible but when i launch the task manager it is behind the game no matter what, so im always pressing the key stroke of the first letter of the game and pressing delete to see if i closed the game or not.
I actually have no problem with the Win 8.1 Start menu, but the colors of the regular desktop environment are killing me. Namely, the weird, off-off white of the menus. The High-Contrast White option under Personalization gives me the right color for the menu backgrounds but everything else about the theme screams windows 3.1, so I'd rather not resort to using that.
Is there maybe a registry tweak that I can use to change this one little color? I've tried a few things but nothing so far has worked.
I've set several folders and drives to be shared on the network with read/write permission. The problem is that each time I start Windows, I can only Access the shared items across the network with Read permission, instead of the read/write I originally set, so I have again to right-click > share with > read/write.
How To create a start button shortcut to get to start menu in the taskbar. So that we don't need to click the invisible place in the taskbar And there would be a button on which we will click to go to the metro ui start menu.
If we will click on the start button Then We can get The Start Screen. Is there any way to create it??
I see there is a Classic Start 8 Menu that once installed will give you back the Windows 7 style menu. If you install it, can you still go back to the default Windows 8 Start page if you like?
A few weeks ago my start screen was suddenly different. Instead of the apps being visible across the whole screen it has been shrunk to fit only half the screen. I've had a kitten stepping all over my keyboard and this may or may not have to do with it. I've looked for a menu option to change it but can't find anything. I've tried just zooming out but it doesn't affect it. How can I make the start screen how it originally was?
3 days before my Windows 8.1 pc wasn't working during log in it showed up with "The System Event Notification Service service failed the sign in."
I posted this thread but no one replied then back yesterday I ran it into Safe Mode and used the CMD and put these "sfc/scannow" then the PC booted into Safe Mode.
But in my Start Menu many apps won't open accept Facebook, Twitter, Photos and the Store opens, and when I goto install apps it shows "This app wasn't installed"
And my Start menu is like this:
And the "sfc/scannow" command shows that there are Corrupted or Missing Files Then I also did these:
DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /ScanhealthDISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth But then also no luck .what to do I updated my PC from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 4 days before And this happened 3 days before And the PC started to boot from yesterday.