I didnt have this problem in windows 7 and it makes me want to go back to it sometimes because if this glitch.
windows 8 boots and after logging in,sometimes doesnt start programs that are set to load.
EFI installed with GPT
intel 2600
16gb memory
nvidia 580gtx
2tb drive
I have fastboot disabled
programs that sometimes dont load
msi afterburner
logitech mouse software (without the software my g5 mouse is slow)
hp software
rebooting the computer fixes the problem and all programs load.
This problem also happens on a fresh install after a couple of week and the event log is field with errors stating the service could of start, failed start, couldnt find service.
I ran chkdsk,sfc and all passed. And like I said rebooting the computer loads fine and event log for the reboot shows no errors.
I am aware that the start up menu has been moved from msconfig to the task manager in Windows 8. However, I am running into issues because I have other third party software starting up with my computer such as Norton internet security, Dropbox, etc. But those processes do not appear within this tab and never have. I would like to find out, is there an alternate way of accessing these entries in order to either enable or disable them?
I have had my Windows 8.1 Pro x64 install since February. Now I think it is time to deal with this once and for all.
I have an extremely powerful computer, 3930k, 64gb ram, RIVE, 840 Pro SSD so hardware is not the problem.
I recently got another Windows 8 (enterprise) laptop (not 8.1) to compare with, and it boots at exactly the same time as my desktop, but the laptop loads all startup items within 1-3 sec, but my desktop takes as said 1 minute and 20 seconds each time.
I have used this guide and many similar: Startup Delay Time - Reduce in Windows 8
I once changed the value to 10 minutes in milliseconds, and it took 10 minutes, but when I change to 0 milliseconds, or lets say 1000 ms for 1 second, it still takes 1 min and 20 seconds.
On my laptop I can change the value StartupDelayInMSec however I want and it will work, but I cannot have it low on my desktop and make it launch all startup items below 1 min and 20 sec.
My PC boots up in 10-15 seconds, but then it sits at my desktop with everything functional for about 10-15 minutes before my startup items (Battle.net, Spotify, DNSCrypt, etc.) actually start loading up. Even after the items have loaded up, Windows Update continues to tell me that the service is not loaded and that I should reboot. I have downloaded the .zip from the forums including all the default services reg files, ran them all to return to default, even ran Tweaking.com Windows Repair, still the same issue.
I can use windows task manager to enable or disable the startup items. But when I uninstall and reinstall the program, the related startup item re-appears with the same status of enable or disable as that before uninstalling. So, I wonder where does the system store the status information. I try to search the regedit but no results.
I mean the status (show in the pic) of the startup items rather than the items themselves. Please do not tell me about the "startup" folders or "HKLM****RUN" key.
My Intel HD 4600 graphics puts 3 little apps to be started automatically. I know they are related to: intercepting hotkeys - hkcmd.exedisplaying tray icon - igfxtray.exedisplaying settings GUI - igfxpers.exe The thing is that I don't use hotkeys and have disabled them in Intel Graphics options, I've also removed Intel Graphics icon from the tray.
Thus, I'd expect the first two Intel apps to be removed from items set to auto-start at system bootup. However, they are still there. Is it correct? Shouldn't they be disabled when related functions are turned off?
Is it safe to simply delete the related registry entries and leave only the last app?
System Info Utility version OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro, 64 bit Processor: AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, AMD64 Family 20 Model 2 Stepping 0 Processor Count: 2 RAM: 2666 Mb Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics, 384 Mb Hard Drives: C: Total - 281129 MB, Free - 241970 MB; D: Total - 19850 MB, Free - 2098 MB; E: Total - 4055 MB, Free - 935 MB; Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 3577 Antivirus: Windows Defender, Disabled
When I logged in my windows 8 I was surprised when I found that most of the tiles that were in my start menu disappeared even the desktop tile and the store tile.
I found an article that suggests creating the apps shortcuts and pasting them in this folder
%ProgramData%MicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms
But when I opened this folder I was surprised again to find all my tiles shortcuts there. Nothing is missing at all even the desktop shortcut and store shortcut are there.
Why don't these apps show up in the start menu? I don't remember doing any thing the last time I used my laptop except uninstalling and reinstalling Visual Basic 6
Note: after some research I found a reference to this path
When I'm pasting my shortcuts there they are appearing in Start Screen and I also noticed that when I install any new application it is not added to the start screen automatically as usual ...
How do I perform the above subject while in Windows File Explorer in Windows 8. In Vista and other OS'ss I could easily find where to add a shortcut to the list of ALL PROGRAMS.
I have increased my DPI to 250% to be able to read stuff in Windows without getting headache. Is there a way of increasing font size of start menu items as well?
And what about text size of items when alt tabbing, text size of charms bar (win+C) and text size of settings (win+i).
It seems to me that instead of improving the good old features of the older versions, Microsoft suddenly decided to replace them with lots of crap instead, not taking into account that there are people out there who don't have the eagle eye vision.
I've set several folders and drives to be shared on the network with read/write permission. The problem is that each time I start Windows, I can only Access the shared items across the network with Read permission, instead of the read/write I originally set, so I have again to right-click > share with > read/write.
I'm trying to make a certain program (a game, actually) to run as soon as I boot the computer. So, I don't want to click on anything to make it run, just press the power button on the pc, boot and the program should then automatically start.
I thought this was easily done by placing the shortcut in the startup folder, yet it doesn't appear to do anything. When I go to task manager and check the startup programs the program I added is there, yet it doesn't start.
There's nothing wrong with the program itself cause it works just fine when I click the shortcut... But I still have to click it.
My problem is simply this, when i boot my pc into windows the boot takes maybe 3 seconds to desktop, but the icons on the desktop do not appear for another 10 seconds. The same can be said for the icons in the start menu. The biggest problem is that even if i run the icon such as firefox, before the icon has fully loaded, the program will not run. No programs will run until 13 seconds after boot once the icons have loaded.
My system os is windows 8.1. I connect to this system remotely regularly. When it is off, I turn it on remotely with WOL and it autologins into windows.
This computer is connected to a LG LED TV through HDMI port.
My issue is, whenever the TV is off, and I turn on the computer (remotely or locally), system boots up fine but the start up apps (those that I have put in Windows startup folder) won't start. As soon as I turn on the TV, windows will start running those start up apps. Needless to say that if the TV is on and I boot into wondows, start up apps start normally with no problem.
Whatever I tried has failed on me. I even tried to turn off windows 8 Fast Startup in power options but it didn't work. I originally had this issue in windows 8. So I installed windows 8.1 hoping that this issue would be gone but it has not. I tried windows server 2012. In server 2012, this issue does not exist and I have no problem with startup apps.
For example it starts SpeedFan without any problem, and with same settings, or even in the same Task, if I add for example other .exe software like FTP server software Gene6 FTP Server it simply doesn't start for any reason and nothing happens and it has to be started manually by mouse-clicking on .exe each time computer is booted up.
On Last Run Result column it says 0x800702E4. And it gives various 0x results for various programs that don't run.
Also simply dragging shortcuts to Startup folder don't work either. But like I said, not all .exe programs, some work and some don't, just like 50/50 I simply don't get it.
I use Comodo Antivirus and ZoneAlarm firewall, but all those programs I need has 100% permissions granted.
Recently I Recieved A Laptop in gift which I owned in the past which is A Dell XPS 15-L521X. It was running all good but suddenly Today morning when I pressed the power button and it boot through the Dell splash screen and after that It booted normal through the Windows 8 boot screen but after that It stucked at a Black Screen.
I passed on 20-min but it stucked there. No Cursor, nothing except The Black Screen. I ran Dell Pre-Boot System Assesment to check any Hardware failware but no everything is just fine. I remember That My Dell Driver Update Utility Notified me that it installed latest Intel Rapid Start Technology Driver on my last boot but I dont know whether its causing the error but The Intel Rapid Start Technology is very essential for SSD users so why will it cause errors?
Just received this for Christmas and turned it on. It will show the Alienware logo and F8/F12 prompts. After that the screen goes blank. Start it up again, goes thru logo screen and then a blue screen pops up saying that your pc couldn't start. It comes up with different options like safe modes and disabling options. Choosing any of these options just shuts down the pc. Its an X51 running or attempting to run windows 8.
I just bought this Dell XPS 8500 with Win 8 on it and although I'm not that happy with this OS I guess there is a learning curve so I'll try for awhile.
For some reason, after I had uninstalled Mcafee from the start up screen and also added a few items to the startup screen, when I reboot or do a cold boot, instead of getting the startup screen, I am getting the desktop along with about 5 disk partitions and a couple programs that I installed. While this is not bad since I can just "x" out of them, it's irritating and wonder how I can fix this. I would like to ultimately just boot up to the desktop if possible without anything else opening up.
I have recently set up a Win 8.1 notebook and from a cold boot Win comes up with a confusion by showing part of my email address as user (a hangover from a MS account) but, after saying that the username is incorrect, then allows me to enter my local account / network creds.
I decided that, since the machine could go on the road from time to time, I would reintroduce the need for username and password. I would like to tidy up this mixed-up situation by having to enter my local account details and not have this 'error' message from dear old MS pop up. Having part of my email address appear on bootup is hardly useful in terms of security.
I just updated to 8.1 two days ago. I agreed to the update when my computer boot up, without issue, and was forced to reboot immediately (which, by the way, is idiotic. I wanted to do the install at night when I went to bed not lose my only computer for 1.5 hours that were suppose to be spent on volunteer activities because it won't let me delay the install!)
When my computer next booted up it was SLOW. I opened up task manager and it showed me at 100% disk IO, even though non of the programs running used enough disk IO individually to be anywhere close to the 100% mark. Even after all of my programs *finally* finished booting up the disk IO still showed at 100%, but every program on my task manage showed less then 0.3 MB/s and most were at 0.1. Eventually the diso IO goes back to a reasonable level, but I had enough time to search all over google and fail to find any answers before my IO went to 0 so it was hardly immediately. This is substantially slowing my bootup process.
I have checked all the bootup programs and they all look right. a *quick* scan of msconfig bootup (I already use a selective bootup from msconfig) looked right as well. I ran a malware scan and nothing came up. However, I didn't expect any of those to be the problem anyways. My computer was fin when it booted up without 8.1 I used it for 20 minutes visiting the same website I always do, then I was forced to do an install and everything was broken. This clearly sounds like it was caused by the 8.1 upgrade.
I will update with screen captures of task manager when I next reboot; My disk IO stayed at 100% so long I figured I could take the captures when I needed them, then it finally went to 0% the one time I actually wanted it to stay at 100% ...
I have Windows 8 installed on 2 Samsung SSDs - one is 840 Pro and the other is 840 Evo. This is because I work on both video and music production and would like to keep things separate.
At first I tried cloning an "old" SSD on to both Pro and Evo to make life easy, but it was a total mess:
I would boot Windows 8 on either Evo or Pro, and before the password prompt, Windows would fire up a Checkdisk on one (or more) of the 5 HD I have (please find the logs and disklayout in the attachments).
This would usually happen if for eg, I'm working on Evo and then I restart to work on Pro - or vice-versa.
But sometimes I would be working on either one of them, and this flag notification would popup asking me to restart because Windows needs to perform a diskcheck.
What is strange to me is that if I do a manual diskcheck (right-click -> Properties -> Tools), it would complete it, the notification disappears but would return a second or two later.
There was a minor issue where for eg, some options in the Control Panel were still pointing to drive H: which before the cloning, was my original C: drive.
Otherwise all software was working perfectly fine.
So I decided to do a clean re-install on both Pro and Evo hoping to solve this diskcheck issue once and for all.
This was 10 days ago, and for the past 10 days I had used almost exclusively the Evo drive. Today I need to work on Pro but Windows wouldn't get past the diskcheck and on to the password prompt.
It's saying "Preparing for Repair", then changes to "Diagnosing your PC" but then this blue screen pops up asking me to choose between Shut Down or Advanced Options.
This happened on rare occasions, but before the fresh install, I would do this perhaps a couple of times in a row (i.e. go to the blue screen Advanced Options and click Exit and Continue to Windows 8) restart, and it would eventually go past the diskcheck and allow me to log in and work. But today it just won't do it.
EDIT: I don't know if it matters but as it is now, it automatically boots up on Pro unless I hit F12 and choose to boot on Evo. But as I said earlier I had only been using Evo for the past 10 days since the re-install.
Attached please find the Srt logfiles which I found by following a path shown to me on that blue screen.
The strange thing is that the path started with drive H: and why drive H: and not C: (i.e. the Pro drive, being the current Windows boot drive). But when I booted on Evo, and went on drive J: (the drive letter that Pro is assigned when I'm on Evo), I found the logfiles there.
Ever since I've built this computer and installing the latest drivers, I've run into a problem where the computer BSODs with a "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE" error, and it happens whenever it's been off or in sleep mode for a long time. I've tried looking up solutions and most say that a bad driver is the issue, but the device manager doesn't show me any problems.
Okay now I have an issue with windows, namely secureboot and UEFI. HP Pavilion laptop that came preinstalled with windows 8.1 but didnt like it and wanted a dual boot.
So I gave him Ubuntu 13.10 as it has UEFI support and everything was fine until we updated to Ubuntu 14.04. Sadly it did not load windows via grub and windows would fail to boot.
However after repairing the windows boot manager I knew I had to reinstall linux which would normally be fine but now windows and windows alone now boots, no grub, no nothing.
I heard recently of this story: [URL] ....
However I checked everything and windows seems to be the cause of my woes. As does UEFI. Now we would like to keep windows on this machine however I am thinking of removing the /efi partition
I have setup Win8.1 to blow thru the password input necessity. But I am wanting to speed my bootup even more! (Greedy aint I?) I want to blow threw the entire password screen and go automatically to the desktop. (I have set up the blow thru of the Start Screen/Lock Screen etc etc etc) I have looked everywhere for direction on this tweek, all without luck!....
I have been trying to add a .exe file to my Startup files. But for some reason the file does not run at the start up.Take a look at the screenshot to see the setup. cW8oETE.png
The paths which I did use are:
C:UsersDyonAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsSt art MenuProgramsStartup C:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuProgramsStartup
Is there another way to add files to the Windows 8.1 Startup files? I have done some research on Google but did not find anything.I have also tried adding a key to the register which did not work either.For the registery I have used both using the direct .exe and the .lnk file. wYMGhdU.png
Had to defeat the password. Then files and pictures would not show up in my DropBox this never happened in Win 8.0, it needed upgrade to DropBox strange Microsoft did not work with DropBox or include the upgrade path in 8.1. Next my WiFi would not connect to computer running Win 8.1 never had this problem in Win 8.0 had to search for upgraded wireless drivers to solve this item, i would have thought Microsoft would have noticed this in their testing. Then there are these little pop up notices of memory problems, when no problems are being had. I am still getting used to dealing with Windows 8 and the fun of having some of my year old programs not being able to install. I am just glad i have a few other computers running Win7 and working very well. The jury is still out with my Windows 8 so i hope things will get improved, or just better usable will make me happy.
On both my desktop and laptop which have Win 8.1 and are quite similar, I cannot move the items within Favorites. I can click on one and it opens but if I try to hold it down and move it up or down, I no longer can since Win 8.1 was installed. I tried reinstalling the favorites with import /export to no avail.